The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
JANUARY 27, 2005
-JBL and his Cabinet met with Kurt Angle and his team backstage. They laughed and revelled in their accomplishment last week, then named Eddie Guerrero their new target.
-Michael Cole and Tazz introduced the show.
Jindrak got beat up for a minute, then Jordan tagged in and he got beat up for a while. At about the three minute mark, you can’t help but just start waiting for someone to fall to ringside so they can cut to the commercial. Sure enough, at 3:45 all three faces had been knocked down at ringside. That formula is getting too predictable.
[Commercial Break]
At 7:30 Booker hot-tagged Rey who quickly scored a near fall on Jordan. The heels soon took over on Mysterio. He reached for a hot-tag at 9:30, but Reigns blocked him and rammed him back-first into the heel corner. Cole referred to JBL and Angle as “The Coalition” and wondered if they’d work together effectively in the Royal Rumble match. Jindrak tagged in and applied (drum roll please)… a side headlock. Guerrero got bored, so he ran in and poked Jindrak in the eyes. Jindrak tagged out to Jordan, then tagged back in a minute later. He applied a chinlock on Mysterio, but drove his knee into Rey’s back for added leverage. Mysterio reached the bottom rope.
Jindrak tagged in Reigns who continued to work over Rey’s back. Fans chanted “619.” Jordan and Reigns bumped into each other and argued, the first hint of tension in The Coalition. Rey then did some midget wrestling spots, crawling underneath the legs of the heels en route to hot-tagging the well-rested Guerrero. Six-way action broke out ending with Guerrero connecting with the Frog Splash on Jindrak for the three count. For once, Booker and Guerrero had nothing to argue about. Instead, Jindrak shoved Jordan to the mat. The Bashams entered the ring to argue with Jindrak. It began to look like a 2003 OVW TV show, but instead of Jim Cornette, Kurt Angle entered the ring next. JBL then walked out toward the ring as they cut to a break.
WINNERS: Guerrero & Mysterio & Booker at 14:50.
STAR RATING: *1/2 — Pretty formula, but decent match.
[Commercial Break]
-JBL and Angle argued in mid-ring. JBL told Long to get his Neanderthal and metrosexual in order. When Angle referred to Jordan as a “little deputy,” JBL said he was his Chief of Staff. JBL bragged that he was the champion. Angle said he was champion back when JBL was getting drunk at frat parties. JBL talked about all of the lies Pres. Clinton said. He intensely told Angle he was going to send him to hell with his clothesline at the Royal Rumble. Teddy Long came out and ordered a Last Man Standing non-title match.
-Clips aired of the Steve Austin/Vince McMahon press conference.
[Commercial Break]
-Cole hyped that the Last Man Standing main event match is “arguably the biggest match ever on Smackdown.” Then they threw to a video package preview of the Undertaker vs. Heidenreich match.
-John Cena came out for his match.
[Commercial Break]
2 — JOHN CENA vs. KENZO SUZUKI — U.S. Title match
WINNER: Cena at 5:09.
STAR RATING: * — What took him so long? He beat him a lot quicker a couple weeks back.
-Cole interviewed Cena after the match. Cena talked about how everyone, including Michael Cole and Tony Chimmel and the fan in section 107, row 10, seat 7, has his back. It turned out he wasn’t picking a random seat number as he then asked who was sitting in that chair, and it was a kid wearing a retro WWF “Word Life” t-shirt that is being marketed by WWE. Either that or it was one hell of a coincidence. Another in the series of wholesome Cena promos, with his edgy street image and his potty-mouth, gay-references long gone. It might work. Wrestling may be ready for a goody-two-shoes babyface character, and Cena may be able to pull it off without seeming too corny, but it’s a fine line for him to walk.
-Backstage Guerrero gave a pep talk to Mysterio and Booker about working together in the Rumble. He then fantasized about winning and main eventing WrestleMania. Booker and Mysterio pretended to be offended at his fantasy, then broke out laughing. Booker said the Rumble is “every man for himself.” Booker asked if he were them if he would trust him because, as Rey pointed out, he’s always lying, cheating, and stealing.
[Commercial Break]
-Cole told everyone how “cool” Veronica Mars is (a show on UPN). I was going to refrain from any negative comments on Cole this week, but I can’t resist this one because when Cole talks about “how cool” something is, it sounds so patronizing and put-on. Ugh.
-Heidenreich walked to the ring to read another poem. He stopped in his tracks when he saw a fan holding up a mini casket with a cutout of Heidenreich inside. He went to ringside and destroyed the prop. Then he returned to the ring, read another poem about Undertaker and caskets, foamed at the mouth, and collapsed to the mat.
-Backstage Kurt Angle knocked on Long’s office door. He demanded that he change the Last Man Standing match because he has to wrestle for the WWE Title in three days. Long said it seems fair to him because they beat up Big Show last week, and now he has a chance to do damage to another opponent of his on Sunday, JBL. Angle continued to protest, but Long held his ground.
[Commercial Break]
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3 — KENZO SUZUKI vs. PAUL LONDON vs. SHANNON MOORE vs. SPIKE DUDLEY – Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
London and Spike battled on the top rope. London knocked Spike onto Moore at ringside, then hit his 630 splash on Spike for the win.
WINNER: London at 4:38.
STAR RATING: ** — Really good action. No surprise. Why not give them a little more time and Kenzo vs. Cena a little less.
-JBL knocked on Long’s door and tried to get out of the match. Long refused. Carlito Cool approached JBL and got him to sign his petition. The use of Carlito is a good way to have him remain a presence on TV in a useful, character-developing way without getting in anyone’s way while he recovers from his shoulder injury.
[Commercial Break]
-The new WWE Divas and Dawn Marie gossiped backstage about Joy. Joy walked in from behind and got into it with Amy. She tossed her pink yogurt drink on her chest. Cole laughed and said you get what you deserve.
-Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler plugged Raw matches at the PPV. Then Cole and Tazz plugged the Smackdown matches.
-Ring introductions took place for the Last Man Standing main event. Cole and Tazz discussed the ramifications of Long putting these two in this match. I don’t see why JBL and Angle don’t just flip a coin and the loser lays on his back. There’s no title on the line, and then they’d both be fresh for the PPV match.
[Commercial Break]
4 — JBL vs. KURT ANGLE – Last Man Standing Non-Title Match
They joined the match in progress. JBL hit a superplex at 3:15 leading to a near ten count on Angle. Angle came back with an Anklelock at 4:30. JBL tapped, but that didn’t count in this match. The Bashams yanked Angle from behind to break the hold. As everyone at ringside got into a scuffle, the ref ordered them all to the back at 5:30. At 17:15 JBL hit the Clothesline from Hell. Cole declared that it was over. JBL was slow to get up himself, but he finally did at eight. Angle then rolled up just before the ref yelled out ten.
[Commercial Break]
At 10:30 JBL threw Angle into the ringpost at ringside. JBL celebrated victory inside the ring as the ref got to nine, but then stood up before ten. JBL wasn’t pleased. He jumped back to ringside and threw Angle back into the ring. Angle hit eight (cringe-inducing) unreleased German suplexes on JBL. That can’t be good for his neck. Angle struggled for a few seconds, but stood up before JBL. The ref began his count on JBL. Angle applied a choke/sleeper type hold and wrapped his legs around JBL’s body on the mat. When Angle released it, the ref began counting. JBL got up before eight. JBL came back with a powerbomb at 15:30. They continued to go back and forth scoring near countdowns. Angle grabbed a chair, but JBL kicked it into Angle’s face. Before Angle collapsed, he managed to nail JBL instinctively with a stiff shot to the head. Both men then collapsed onto the mat.
WINNER: Double Countdown at 19:25.
-Long smiled as he watched the finish of the match on a monitor backstage. He thanked someone for the idea for the match. The camera panned back and it was Big Show smiling behind Long. On the big screen, Big Show told Angle and JBL that he, too, loves when a plan comes together. He said he will be at the Rumble and he will become the next WWE Champion. The show ended with Big Show’s music playing. Cole said, “Turnabout is fairplay.” They’ve done a nice job with the three-way feud with Angle, JBL, and Show in recent weeks.
The only questionable element is whether Show needed to get this much revenge before the PPV. The argument for it is that it gives fans a “good feeling” about Big Show’s chances headed into the event to end the “go home” show with JBL and Angle on the mat. On the downside, Show has managed to get a measure of revenge for the beating he took even before he got his hands on them at the PPV. In any case, though, they did a nice job filling the last few weeks of TV with some nice twists and turns among these three.
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