JANUARY 25, 2025
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, Nigel McGuinness
-They opened with a promo from Christian and Nick Wayne discussing Nick’s match against Joe later. They were with Kip Sabian and Mother Wayne.
-Toni Storm then said she and Mariah May finally meet face to face. She said she’s a veteran and a champion, so she’s going to give her her utmost respect. “Also, it’s Toni Time!” she said, smiling.
-Mariah was shown holding her title and laughing and patronizingly saying, “Okay.”
-Samoa Joe welcomed the world to join him in dishing out proper justice “because tonight, the son will suffer the sins of the father.” He said Nick Wayne will suffer them in total. He then snorted.
-The Collision opening played with Elton John’s “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting.”
-Tony Schiavone introduced the show as the camera panned the audience. He said they were honored to be joined by Jim Ross.
(1) SAMOA JOE vs. NICK WAYNE (w/Christian Cage, Kip Sabian, Mother Wayne)
Ross said Joe was well-rested, focused, and in a nasty mood. “Take it from me, I talked to him earlier today,” he said. Christian’s music played for his entrance with Wayne. They went to the commentators at ringside briefly. Ross said Wayne will be lucky to walk out of the ring, much less win. As the ref was about to call for the bell, Hook and Katsuyori Shibata walked out. Ross said it would level the playing field. The bel rang 5 minutes into the hour.
The announcers lamented the 45 degree weather. Joe brushed off a shoulder check by Nick mid-ring. Nick laughed and tried again, but Joe didn’t budge that time either. Joe then tripped him and landed a senton. Nigel talked about still having scars from his matches in the ring, including beating him for the ROH Pure Title. Joe set up a Muscle Buster early, but Wayne raked his eyes to break free. Wayne landed a high kick and then Dragon screw leg whipped Joe to the mat. He stomped away at Joe’s left knee. Wayne wrapped Joe’s leg around the ringpost, then gloated. Christian then yanked Joe’s leg into the ringpost.
Nick leaped off the top rope and flipped onto Joe. Nick then hugged Christian. Joe caught a charging Nick and slammed him to the mat with a one-arm slam. Nick came back with a sunset bomb for a near fall at 5:00. Nick celebrated, but Joe exploded at him with a clothesline. He set up a Muscle Buster. Christian and Sabian leaped onto the ring apron, but Hook and Shibata yanked them down. Joe landed the Muscle Buster for the win.
WINNER: Joe in 6:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Fun match with Nick playing early-’90s heel Lighting Kid from the Global Wrestling Federation’s ESPN days, the cocky brash young skinny guy who fans want to see slammed to the mat and pinned. Joe accommodated and had his usual swagger. Joe didn’t move around a lot in this match, so it’s not clear what kind of agility or cardio he has at this point.)
-A video package aired on the Kenny Omega-Will Ospreay angle on Dynamite days earlier on Dynamite.
-Schiavone plugged that they are three weeks away from AEW Grand Slam: Australia live on TNT and Max from Brisbane, Australia on Saturday, Feb. 15. He also hyped Ospreay vs. Brian Cage on Dynamite this Wednesday.
(2) “RAINMAKER” KAZUCHIKA OKADA vs. KOMANDER (w/Alex Abrahantes) – Continental Classic Championship Match
Okada made his entrance first. McGuinness said he’s proven to be the best tournament winner in the world. Kommander word his ROH World TV Title to the ring. The bell rang 16 minutes into the hour. Okada raked Komander’s eyes. Komander took over and landed a dive through the ropes, knocking Okada into the ringside barricade. Okada kicked Komander in the face seconds later back in the ring. Okada caught a diving Komander at ringside and DDT’d him. They cut to a double-box break at 3:00. [c/db]
Okada dominated during the break and grounded Komander. Ross said at times, Okada seems overconfident. Nigel said nothing fazes him. Schiavone noted that year one of AEW’s Dynamite episodes and special events are available to stream on Max. Okada landed a top rope elbow drop and then gave the fans the middle finger mid-ring. Nigel told Schiavone he was looking at him.
Komanader made a comeback with Poison Rana. Okada rolled out of the ring, so Komander dove onto him. Okada came back with a Rainmaker clothesline for the win. Ross said when he is motivated against a specific opponent, he is lethal.
After the match, he applauded and offered Komander a helping hand to stand. Komander accepted, but then Okada jumped him as soon as Komander turned around.
WINNER: Okada in 9:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: The usual solid even when just going-through-the-motions Okada match on AEW TV.)
-A video package reviewed the history between the teams in the next match.
-They cut to the parking lot where Powerhouse Hobbs was waiting for Big Bill when eh arrived wearing a backpack. Hobbs attacked him and hit him with a cookie sheet, a trash can lid, and other apparatus. He yanked a gate off its hinges and threw it at Bill. Security intervened. Bill said he’d see later that he got him. Schiavone said they’d restore order and come back with more Collision. [c]
-Lexi Nair interviewed Big Boom A.J. and Big Justice backstage. As A.J. said it’s great to be in Jacksonville for Homecoming, Roderick Strong, Adam Cole, and Kyle O’Reilly entered. They at first appeared to be threatening in their demeanor, but then they did a “Boom” together.
(Keller’s Analysis: Well, if Adam Cole and his crew had a cool problem, that didn’t solve it.)
The bell rang 36 minutes into the hour. The announcers talked about Cool Hand And returning from maternity leave and noted Ruby Soho was the mother. Schiavone noted that Menard had been mostly on commentary during Ang’s hiatus. Shane Taylor Enterprises were ringside and Garcia got into a verbal spat with them as they cut to a double-box break. [c/db]
Garcia ounded away at O’Reilly’s head in the corner after the break. Menard and Ang worked over O’Reilly next. Cole and Garcia tagged back in and exchanged rapid-fire moves. A minute later, Cole, O’Reilly, and Strong took out And with a high-low and O’reilly scored the pin.
WINNERS: Cole & O’Reilly & Strong in 10:00.
-Shane Taylor Promotions yelled at everyone in the ring from ringside. The two teams in the ring shook hands before Cole’s music restarted. Garcia, Ang, and Menard yelled at Shane Taylor Promotions again.
-Max Caster said last week his tag team partner turned his back on him, as did his mentor, in front of the whole world. He said something like that could ruin any person’s life, but the response has been overwhelming and it made him realize he’s not just any person or the best wrestler alive, he’s a survivor too. He said he was happy to announce an Open Challenge Series. He said he wants to see where the survivors are. He said AEW is where the best wrestle, but you can’t be better than the best wrestler alive.
(Keller’s Analysis: I don’t know what Caster was going for there: delusion or sincerity. It was played totally deadpan, but it’s just absurd to refer to himself as the best wrestler alive with a straight face.) [c]
-Lexi interviewed Top Flight about Action Andretti & Lio Rush ambushing them last week. Dante Martin said now that there on their feet, they can’t find them. Darius said he didn’t want Lio Rush in their group from the start. He got in Dante’s face and said Rush started the mess and now he has to clean it up. He said they’ll see how big and bad he is when it’s just the two of them in the ring. He said he’ll see him in the ring and send him packing again.
(Keller’s Analysis: That was pretty straight forward and intense, with Darius seeming like a serious, ticked off athlete.)
-Schiavone introduced the Face-to-Face segment with Mariah May coming to the ring first. Mariah entered the ring and yanked the mic from Schiavone said, “Alright, Tony, let’s get this shit over with.” Schiavone introduced Toni Storm, her opponent at Grand Slam: Australia.
Storm made her entrance to her usual vintage theme. She took a deep breath and entered the ring and looked like she was meeting her hero. She wound up and offered an enthusiastic hand shake. Mariah rebuffed it and said when she looks at Storm, she sees nothing. She said in the hearts of everyone of the fans, she is nothing. Toni looked emotionally hurt.
Mariah said she’s a joke and a meme. “They laugh at you and then forget about you, just like I always knew they would,” Mariah added. She said she doesn’t care about there and never did. “You were just the dumbest, easiest pawn I used to dominate this entire game.” She said if she has to remind her again in Australia, so be it “because as good as I feel right now, I will get off humiliating you in your hometown.”
Storm stammered and said earnestly: “Mariah May, I am your biggest fan.” Her voice quivered. She said everything she has done, she’s seen it from the U.K. to Japan to AEW. She said she is an inspiration for her. She said one day she wants to be just like her. She hugged Mariah. Mariah stiffened, but then softened and caressed her head. She then slapped Storm. She turned and yelled at Schiavone to get out of the ring. She then hit Storm with her title belt. She whipped her across her back over and over as two referees told her to stop. Two security team members joined the referees to try to get Mariah to leave. Mariah finally did abide.
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Storm sat up and said: “What makes you think I have forgotten. What makes you think our dance is done. Each scar, every drop of blood, I will feel forever. But now, it’s my moment in the sun. She took off her t-shirt and said, “They say the hardest role you will ever play is yourself.” She took off her pants. She said: “What you just watched is the performance of a lifetime. Mariah May, you may be the women from hell, but you came from my womb and I will shove you back up there and shove you back up there and pit you out!” She said she is Timeless Toni Storm and she will rip her tits off. Schiavone said the crowd was going crazy. Fans chanted, “Toni! Toni!” Mariah looked on in shock from the stage. Nigel proclaimed, “She lives!”
-A segment aired with Renee Paquette standing by with Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli. Mox said he wants to leave a thousand versions of him after him. He said the place was supposed to be about doing things the way they were supposed to be done and giving the job the respect it deserves. “It’s not a party!” he said.
(Keller’s Analysis: Mox, as usual, is speaking what feels like a reasonable position to take belies his tone and sinister actions, which renders this whole faction a contradiction that limits its effectiveness. Note: Cut and paste next week and the week after.)
-Schiavone and Nigel reacted to the Storm segment. Nigel said Storm had everyone fooled except him. He said he knew it was her all along.
(4) THE HOUNDS OF HELL (Brody King & Buddy Matthews w/Julia Hart) vs. GATES OF AGONY (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)
Nigel said no masters, just violence is their new mantra. Their new logo is a three-headed dog. The cell rang 5 minute into the hour. Matthews flip dove onto Kaun and Liona at ringside at 3:00 and then they cut to a double-box break. [c/db]
Liona and Kaun took over during the break, but Brody made a comeback and dropped Kaun onto Liona and then scored a two count after a Death Valley Driver. Kaun interrupted the count in the most lazy way possible, just patting Brody on the back but doing nothing to actually break up the cover. Brody escaped a Kaun attempt at a powerbomb or Styles Clash, then piledriver Kaun. Kaun no-sold it. Matthews leaped off the top rope with a Meteora. He barked and Brody and the fans joined in. Brody and Matthews landed a cannonball and slidekick combo. Brody scored a three count.
WINNERS: Hounds of Hell in 10:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: So let’s go! Push Hounds of Hell as the centerpiece dominant tag team of this era or something. Don’t just have them keep hovering in and out of mid-card storylines.)
-Lexi interviewed Big Boom A.J. and Big Justice. Harley Cameron was with them and said she knows they have a new song out. A.J. said he knows she sings too. She was about to play her guitar and sing when in walked Deonna Purrazzo and Taya Valkyrie. They said Cameron can’t even win a match on TV.
(Keller’s Analysis: Whatever social media attention Big Boom A.J. and Big Justice bring, they are so in contrast with the tone of what AEW should be aiming for, they are a massive detriment to the brand. Doing comedy with Harley shows is amusing, but it doesn’t offset the damage of those two being regularly featured.) [c]
-Lexi interviewed Thunder Rosa and Penelope Ford. Lexi thanked them for agreeing to no physicality. Rosa said Daily’s Place is the heart of AEW. She said she was just reminiscing about her 2020 and the beautiful memories. Ford said she doesn’t care about the past, she cares about the present. She said if she has to tear apart a former champion to show who she is, she will. Storm asked if she wants to catch her hands. Ford said that’s why they’re there. She challenged her to a match. Rosa said she’ll make their match very memorable.
(5) DEONNA PURRAZZO (w/Taya Valkyrie) vs. “THE PROFESSOR” SERENA DEEB vs. YUKA SAKAZAKI vs. QUEEN AMINATA – Winner Receives a Title Match Against Mercedes Moné.
Nigel called Sakazaki spritely and charismatic. He talked about her losing a tooth and breaking her leg over the last couple years in matches. The bell rang 24 minutes into the hour. Sakazaki dove onto a gathering of her three opponents dutifully lined up at ringside waiting for her to crash onto them. They cut to a double-box break at 3:00. [c/db]
Aninata and Deeb brawled up the ramp and onto the stage. In the ring, Valkyrie interfered against Sakazaki with a duple-suplex attempt. Cameron ran out and evened the odds. Purrazzo powerbombed Sakazaki, but Sakazaki countered into a roll-up for the win. Cameron smiled from the stage.
WINNER: Sakazaki in 10:00 to earn a title match on Dynamite.
-Lexi interviewed Brody and Buddy. She asked what their message is for the locker room. Buddy said they bark, they bark together. Okada was laughing at them off to the side. He walked up to Buddy. Buddy said, “What’s so funny?” Okada said, “You bark like a bitch.” Buddy said he should give him a title match. Okada said, “Nope.” Buddy said, “I guess you’re the bitch then.” Brody pulled Buddy away. Okada said, “I’m not bitch.” Fans laughed.
(Keller’s Analysis: Okada’s smirky ironic amusing heel persona is a net-negative for AEW. Many if not most fans are going to cheer for him against Buddy. But even worse, he seems like he’s hanging around AEW to amuse himself and be a “sports entertainer” rather than a generational great pro wrestler with a mission to prove something in AEW. There isn’t a bigger waste of money, dollar for dollar, than Okada in pro wrestling right now, regardless of what he delivers in the ring on the occasion he steps up and produces a really good match.) [c]
-Big Bill stood in the ring and he took issue with Hobbs assaulting him in the parking lot earlier. His voice cracked as he said he’d be sure he got locked up for what he did. He told Hobbs to take is bum knee and hobble to the ring so he can finish him. Hobbs walked out and he tossed aside three security guys. Several more came out and he tossed them aside. (This is such a tired trope.) Hobbs went after Bill in the ring. Bill went after Hobbs’s knee. Hobbs limped to the stage. Bill hit Hobbs with his backpack. He poured out a knee brace, two bricks, and a chain and handcuffs. Bill then choked Hobbs with the chain. Hobbs sat up and was bleeding from his face.
They fought to the announce desk on the stage. Bill bashed Hobbs across his back with a chair several times. Bill mocked Hobbs’s limp and then punched away at him on the stage. He then picked up a brick and waited for Hobbs to stand. He swung, but Hobbs blocked it and kicked Bill. He threw some forearms and then leaped off the stage and slammed Bill through two tables below. Fans chanted, “Holy shit!” They were both down. They replayed the crash from a couple angles, then cut away.
(Keller’s Analysis: I want this to ultimately elevate either Hobbs or Bill to something bigger right after this feud ends, and they should have that mapped out in detail going into the summer at this point. If this is just “hey, these two can have hoss fights and fill TV time with hard-hitting brawls, it’s not ultimately going to benefit anyone beyond filling some TV time.)
-Don Callis held a family meeting at a mansion in an unnamed location. They showed the exterior. He was shown standing in front of a stained glass window. He entered a fancy dining room where Konosuke Takeshita, Iyle Fletcher, Brian Cage, and Lance Archer were sitting. He said he was moving a little slowly after what Kenny Omega did to him. He said the new Kenny Omega isn’t the same one who faded away into the night over a year ago. He said this is a Kenny Omega who lacks empathy. He said he won’t stop until he spills his blood, which means he’s going to spill their blood first. He said the Omega-Ospreay alliance cannot be allowed to come to fruition. Cage said there are five of them and just two of them. Callis warned him not to short-sell Omega.
Callis said “a barely focused, barely mentally there” Omega won three world titles with him in three months. Callis then added, “Who said there are only five of us?”
(Keller’s Analysis: That’s the type of elbow-grease segment that shows extra effort to produce, a memorable setting, and a pertinent message that underlined and emphasized key points of what’s happened so far and laid groundwork for what’s to come, and ended with a mysterious of an addition to the Callis Family. Really good.)
Callis joined in on commentary. He said he was the victim at Dynamite. Ross asked if he thinks people are stupid. Callis said he does think most people are stupid compared to him. The bell rang 49 minutes into the hour. Ross called this a dream match. Callis said to Ross, “I know you like large men.” He said you can’t teach size and Takeshita has that advantage. Ross agreed with him.
They fought to ringside. Shibata knocked Takeshita into a chair and then charged and kicked him in the chest, knocking him over. They cut to a double-box break. [c/db]
Takeshita dominated during the break. Shibata attempted a comeback with some roundkicks to the chest. They exchanged suplexes and big strikes. Shibata took Takeshita hard to the mat with a leg sweep into a one-armed slam. Both were down and slow to get up. They cut to a nervous looking Callis wiping his brow. Shibata applied a sleeper on the mat. Takeshita stood and backed Shibata into the corner. He then shifted him into a Styles Clash and a running knee. Shibata countered with a desperation kick to the chest. Both were down and slow to get up again. They cut to a nice wide shot of the arena. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!”
When Shibata stood and applied an abdominal stretch, Callis got up and headed toward the ring. Schiavone said that means trouble. Takeshita escaped and landed a German suplex. Shibata applied a sleeper immediately again, though. Callis pounded the mat, then tripped Takeshita running the ropes. Takeshita then tried to kick a distracted Shibata, but Shibata ducked and rolled up Takeshita. Callis stood on the ring apron. Takeshita then hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a one count and a running knee and Falcom Arrow for the three count.
WINNER: Takeshita in 14:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Good match. I’m not sure if there’s a real connection with the majority of AEW’s fanbase and Shibata, as the foundation of his character and backstory is recondite and requires a lot of reminders to the audience when he appears, but if the viewers gave the match the chance, it was a hard-hitting and intense battle throughout. Callis was on his game on commentary and avoided being overbearing.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: The brightly lit, modern Daily’s Place environment worked really well here, especially in contrast to some other Collision settings lately. Being live helped a bit, too. I think everyone just adds a little extra to their game when they know there’s no net and they’re live. As for the show, it was a good episode. There was some star power with Okada, Callis, Takeshita, Christian, Samoa Joe, Brody, Buddy, Julia, and of course, Mariah and Storm. But other than that, it felt like a B-show crew. And even the bigger names aren’t the top tier like Ospreay and Omega. The fresh vignette with Mox was good to add, although it does feel like he’s just a madman repeating a mantra in different ways each week without clarify of why anyone would resent his mission, which is sound and noble the way he expresses it. The Toni payoff was good, but I hope on Dynamite they really delve into what Toni’s reveal means. I fear that fans got a bit lost along the way and could use some hand-holding when this payoff gets more attention in front of a bigger audience. Okada is entertaining, but his heel act is really a babyface act since he goes for laugh lines and the crowd’s with him, so it’s not great if they’re trying to portray Buddy and Brody as a new babyface faction to have Okada getting the fan support.
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