20 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (1/17/2005): Gene Snitsky vs. Kane headlines in a No Holds Barred Match, plus Jericho’s “Highlight Reel,” plus Michaels, Christian, Batista, Maven, Viscera, Trish, Triple H, more

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Kane (artist Grant Gould © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com.

JANUARY 17, 2005


-After highlights aired of last week’s program, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler introduced the show as the camera panned the crowd full of signs being waved around as usual. They plugged Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit. Ross said it had a chance to be a “catch as catch can classic.” Every other WWE announcer wondered what in the hell he was talking about. They also plugged Kane vs. Gene Snitsky in a “no holds barred match.”

-Chris Jericho introduced the “Highlight Reel.” He was interrupted after a few seconds by Khosrow Daivari and Muhammad Hassan. Jericho said it is customary for the guests to wait until they are introduced. Hassan said it’s customary for hosts to introduce their guests and not ramble on about themselves. Jericho introduced them as “Hassan and his wacky, goofy, creepy little sidekick Daivari.” Jericho asked them why they’re so bitter, doing so in a funny voice to mock them. Hassan said Canadians like Arab-Americans are considered second class citizens in the United States, but Canadians deserve it.

He said they are looked at as terrorists because Canadians didn’t provide proper border security and let the terrorists in. He accused Canadians of being as racist as most Americans, but they hide their feelings because they know if confronted, they can’t back it up. The fans chanted “Ca-na-da, Ca-na-da.” After a Daivari foreign tongue rant, Jericho said he’s been studying their language and he knows what he just said. He said Daivari wanted a free copy of his new Fozzy CD coming out tomorrow. Hassan said while he and Daivari were real Americans, he was a Canadian who moved to America, so he was the worst combination possible. Jericho slapped Hassan. Hassan and Daivari ended up double-teaming Jericho. Hassan put him in a camel clutch (of course) as Daivari screamed in his face. Benoit ran out for the save.

-Triple H mockingly talked to a French-Canadian security guard. Ric Flair said he played telephone tag with Batista during the week and he can tell by the tone of his voice he wasn’t upset, but he would be a little late. Hunter wasn’t pleased that Flair didn’t actually talk to him. Flair told Hunter to trust him.

[Commercial Break]

-A commercial aired for the debut of the Ultimate Fighter reality series, which is like Tough Enough but for mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters. I’m looking forward to the show.

-Ross announced that La Resistance regained the World Tag Team Titles at a house show in Winnipeg yesterday. Still shots aired of the pinfall. Ross said Regal had to fight alone because of Eugene’s knee surgery.


WINNERS: La Resistance & Maven after pinning Rosey at 3:35.


-Stacy flirted with Randy Orton backstage and gave him a shy kiss on the cheek.

-This Wednesday, there will be a Stone Cold press conference in Hollywood. It sure was good to hear that breaking glass again.

[Commercial Break]

-Randy Orton walked out for a feature in-ring interview. He talked about wanting the World Hvt. Title back because winning it last year was the best night of his life. He said he would get that opportunity at the Royal Rumble.

Triple H walked out and said his name will end up being nothing more than a tag line about how he was one of the many wrestlers who tried but failed to take his title from him. Orton called Hunter to the ring. He yanked off his jacket. Ross questioned Hunter’s manhood if he didn’t answer the challenge. Hunter took off his jacket, but then said Orton would have to come to him. When Orton chased after him, Hunter blindsided him as soon as he turned the corner past the entrance stage. Hunter dragged Orton to ringside and rammed him into the ring stairs. A fan held up a sign in the front row that said, “HHH Fear Divorce.” Good sign. Orton made a comeback and beat on Hunter. Flair ran to the ring and attacked Orton, but Orton fended him off, then wielded a chair Hunter brought into the ring. Hunter and Flair backed down.

[Commercial Break]

-Hunter ranted and raved backstage and said he couldn’t wait until Batista arrived because “I am tired of pussy-footing around.” Batista then stepped out of Evolution’s locker room. Hunter’s tone changed to a passive and submissive stammering mode. Batista said he thought about last week and was okay with things. Batista said he was going to talk to Eric Bischoff. Hunter said he’d go with him. Batista said that wasn’t necessary. Hunter asked him what the meeting was about. Batista said it had to do with the Royal Rumble and Hunter’s title. Hunter overdid the cowardly act this time.

-Coach interviewed Shawn Michaels, who of course was booed by the Canadian crowd. Coach acknowledged the boos. “Apparently they haven’t forgotten,” he said. He said for seven years he’s been begging for forgiveness, but “apparently it ain’t happening.” He said he has to move on. Michaels said he wanted to qualify for the Rumble tonight. Bischoff said, “Fact is, you’re Shawn Michaels, you’ve won the Royal Rumble twice.” He said he took the WWE Title away from Bret Hart at WrestleMania after winning the Rumble. Bischoff told him there was no need for him to qualify; he was in. Bischoff said since he was ready to compete, he booked him against Captain Charisma.

[Commercial Break]

-Christian and Tyson Tomko came to the ring. Then they showed clips of last week’s Michaels-Edge confrontation and brawl. Then Shawn Michaels came out. He got a mix of cheers and boos as best could be determined with his music blaring. Edge then walked out onto the stage. Ross said, “Business has just picked up.”

[Commercial Break]

2 — SHAWN MICHAELS vs. CHRISTIAN (w/Tyson Tomko)

The match was joined in progress. Lawler called the crowd reaction “unusual.” Christian went into a long chinlock early in the match and a long headlock late in the match. Michaels hit his top rope elbow, then Edge entered the ring and went for a spear. Michaels sidestepped him and threw him over the top rope. Tomko interfered as he prepared for a Sweet Chin Music. Then Christian attempted a backslide on the distracted Michaels, but Michaels flipped out of it and hit a quick superkick for the pin. Edge attacked Michaels after the match, put him a Sharpshooter, and then trash-talked him.

WINNER: Michaels.


[Commercial Break]

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They showed Hunter and Flair watching backstage. Flair was smiling and cheering on Batista’s offense while Hunter stood sternly watching with his arms crossed. Ross pointed out that Hunter didn’t seem to be cheering Batista like Flair was. Batista won with a spinebuster

WINNER: Batista at 2:30.

STAR RATING: 1/2* — They’re doing a nice job putting Batista over as super powerful and in the position of being a babyface even before his official turn.

[Commercial Break]

-Backstage Hunter told a winded Batista that he shouldn’t be in the Royal Rumble. He said their focus should be on helping him retain the World Title against Orton. “I don’t want you to take this wrong, but just you thinking of going into the Rumble seems a little bit selfish. Know what I mean? Next thing we know, you want to win the Rumble, and then win the title. It’s all about you. You end up sound kinda like Randy Orton.” Batista said he got his point. “Nobody likes a selfish, self-centered egomaniac,” he said. Then he glared at Hunter. Another nice exchange where Batista gave Hunter a read-between-the-lines reaction without fully splitting from him. Both did a good job in the confrontation.


Ross said he’s been waiting seven days for this. Ross and Lawler then plugged that Kane vs. Snitsky would be coming up next. For 2:30 they went through the proverbial “feeling out” process with various short leverage exchanges. Then they cut to a break. This match is clearly being set up the “long wrestling match” to offset the lack of actual full-fledged match they deliver with what is portrayed as the “real main event” (because they’re taller).

[Commercial Break]

They returned to a Benoit headlock on Jericho. They showed a clip from the break where Benoit checked Jericho off the ring apron, sending him flying into the security barrier on the floor. At 7:00 Jericho gave Benoit a superplex off the top rope. At 11:30 Lawler commented, “It’s, it’s, it’s so even, it’s scary.” Benoit went for a Crippler Crossface, but Jericho escaped and went for the Walls of Jericho. Benoit escaped and went for another Crossface. Jericho reversed into another Walls attempt. Jericho then scored a three count on Benoit with an inside cradle. Benoit got up right away and butted chests with Jericho in frustration with the loss, but then they shook hands.

WINNER: Jericho at 12:30.

STAR RATING: **1/2 — That’s two big losses for Benoit on Raw recently.

-A video recap aired of the Kane-Snitsky feud making Kane out to be a devastated expecting father and Snitsky to be a mean guy who rapes women, breaks up engagements, burns announcers nearly to death, sterilizes nice young men, and terrorizes women. Oh wait, no, they portrayed Snitsky was someone who shoved someone in the ring once and it led to her losing her baby, then claiming it wasn’t his fault.

[Commercial Break]

-The Chris Masters vignette aired. Lawler called him a work of art.

-Ross and Lawler plugged the Royal Rumble, stating it would feature 15 Raw superstars and 15 Smackdown superstars. Plus, they plugged Shawn Michaels vs. Edge, Triple H vs. Randy Orton, and Undertaker vs. Heidenreich. I dig the rotating cube graphic they used to promote the event.

-Trish Stratus walked out to cheers from her hometown fans. She ripped on American fans and said the things they call her are disgusting. “They are a bunch of U-S-A-holes.” She said she hated to say, “I told you so,” but she did warn Lita that if she faced her, it would be over. She gloated that Lita’s “oh-so-inspiring comeback” is over. She said she destroyed her knee and as a result she’ll be out for a long, long time. Trish said a lot of wrestlers backstage would love to impregnate her. “Just because you’re knee is all messed up doesn’t mean your uterus isn’t open for business,” she said. Hilarious. Kane then came out and, stealing a line from USA Network’s “Scare Tactics,” grabbed Trish by her throat and said, “Are you scared? You should be!” He then chokeslammed her. The crowd chanted “Holy sh–!”

[Commercial Break]

5 — KANE vs. GENE SNITSKY – No Hold Barred

They brawled at ringside at the start. Kane leaped off the security wall with a clothesline on Snitsky. Back in the ring and nailed Snitsky with another chokeslam. He signalled for an early chokeslam. Snitsky bailed out to ringside and then hit Kane with the ring bell. Back in the ring Snitsky whipped Kane with a weight lifting belt. Ross said his facial expression “looks like he’s almost pleasuring himself.” I’ve never heard a wrestling announcer compare a facial expression to masturbation before. Kane came back at 3:00 and brought a chair into the ring. When Snitsky was going to leap off the second rope, Kane sat up and knocked him to the floor with a chairshot. A fan held up a sign that read “Security Took My Sign.” They fought up the rampway onto the stage. When Kane set up a chokeslam, Snitsky used a low blow to stop him. Kane then came back, grabbed Snitsky’s throat, trash-talked him, and set up a chokeslam off the stage. Ross begged Kane not to do it. “You’ll break his back!” Ross screamed. Kane power chokeslammed Snitsky off the stage onto a stack of tables and cables below. They zoomed in on Snitsky’s face, which was grimacing in pain. Ross said neither man was moving and they need help down there. He concluded: “This is the worst sign. Oh my god. What a night. They’re hurt bad.”

WINNER: No contest in 6:00.

STAR RATING: *3/4 — Good finishing move. The rest of it fit their personalities and gimmicks well, with a tone of intensity that fit the backstory of their feud.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: 20 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (1/10/2005): Batista vs. Orton, plus Ric Flair, Triple H, Bischoff, Benjamin, Jericho, Maven, Hurricane, Edge

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Baron Corbin on his new ring name “The Nomad” Bishop Dyer, being released by WWE and whether he’s open to returning, his desire to work for NJPW

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