DECEMBER 31, 2024
NXTCommentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T
Ring Announcer: Mike Rome
Backstage Correspondent(s): Sarah Schreiber, Byron Saxton
(I’ll be doing a solo show tonight, as Nate Lindberg and most of the rest of the world have plans, though if there’s as little new content on this show as I think there will be, it could be fairly brief. There would seem to be no live element to tonight’s show, so at this point I think some of it might be a 2024 retrospective or perhaps some year-end awards)
Jordan continues testing the waters to see if there are heel chops with this one, or maybe she’s just gaining an edge. Vice dominated Jordan early on the mat. It slowed down early as Vice worked a chinlock on the mat, and Jordan made a series of reversals but Vice grounded her again with a wristlock. Jordan escaped and went up and missed a high cross-body and Vice laid her out after a series of kicks. Vice did her taunt and hit a stiff hip attack. The match went to commercial. [c]
Vice continued to dominate one of the most one-sided matches NXT has presented in a while until Jordan ducked a fist and hit a superkick. Jordan nailed a couple of shots but then leapt right into a Vice sleeper. Jordan got to her feet and tried to break using a corner, but Vice held on. Jordan slammed to her back to break and she sold the pain. On the apron, Cora Jade showed up and distracted Jordan, but after a convoluted mess of activity, Jordan rolled up Vice for the win. Jade used a kendo stick on both, and Stephanie Vaquer showed u for the save. Vice tried to nail Jade with the kendo stick and she ducked, and Vaquer ate the shot.
WINNER: Kelani Jordan at 9:10.
(Wells’s Analysis: Pure domination by Vice, for whatever reason, until Jordan got the win. Jordan was reinforced as a babyface here as she was also attacked by Jade, but we’ll see where they head. Nice enough action leading to more for Jade and some murky waters for Vaquer)
-Match of the year nominees: Briggs vs. Femi vs. Dijak, Frazer & Axiom vs. Chase & Hudson, Perez vs. Hail, Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge, Jordan vs. Ruca. The winner was JOSH BRIGGS vs. OBA FEMI vs. DIJAK. Briggs gave a semi-kayfabe (at best) interview about it and said it was an honor. He thanked everyone who “feast(ed) their eyes” on the match. He said they were told the make the match the match of the weekend, and he said they certainly tried. It’s the right call not to have Femi in this spot, likely because he’ll win breakout star of the year or something like that, and of course Dijak isn’t in the company anymore. [c]
-New Year’s Evil promo.
-New Year’s Evil Spotlight: Giulia. She gave promo in Japanese about Roxanne Perez’s time at the top being nearly over. She said it was time for the beautiful madness. She wanted to put her name in the conversation with Rhea, Charlotte, Shayna and Asuka. She told Perez to bring everything she had and she said next year we’ll start the year with a new NXT Women’s Champion. Vic promoted the match and asked Booker T what he thinks. He of course was on the side of his protege Roxanne Perez.
-Moment of the Year nominees: Carmelo turns on Trick, Tyrese Haliburton heels on Orlando, Wes Lee turns on his old partners, Parker smashes a brick on Vice, Ethan Page falls into the NXT Championship, Joe Hendry appears, Chase U calendar, Trick wins his first championship, Giulia debuts, Ten-woman match main events the ECW show, CW launch in Chicago. The winner was JOE HENDRY IN NXT. He gave an acceptance speech and made sure to call himself “TNA superstar Joe Hendry.” He reminded everyone that “say his name and he appears” means any place, any time, any show. There was immediately a very short promo for Raw on Netflix. Oh my!
-Cedric Alexander cut a promo on Ethan Page, via mic time with Sarah Schreiber. Page showed up and said he was going to leave him in a hospital bed next to Je’Von. Alexander struck and the two brawled through some rooms in the building, and then to the ramp. Vic said the match would be up next. [c]
The match was joined in progress. The two were working it like a fight early on, brawling around the ring. Alexander hit a basement dropkick and a regular one after. He covered for two. He threw down a few kicks but Page came back with a knee lift. Page hit a chop and missed on a rope run and spilled to the floor, where he was hit by an Alexander tope suicida. Page hit the ring and Alexander walked into a jawbreaker for two. Page leaned on Alexander on a rope until a ref broke it. Page hit a dropkick for two.
Page slowed it down with some rest holds. Alexander broke and hit a couple of ax-handles. Michinoku Driver by Alexander got two. Page hit a big boot and a cutter for three.
WINNER: Ethan Page at 4:21.
Page kept up the beatdown and tossed Alexander into the steps on the outside to boos. Page used a tool box and slammed it against Alexander’s wrist and Alexander sold an injury.
(Wells’s Analysis: Nice to see Alexander, always a bit unsung but weak enough in the charisma department that I get it. Nice action leading to an obvious outcome and aftermath, setting up Je’Von Evans to return with a vengeance to get back at Page)
-Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont talked with Hank & Tank. They had some disagreements about last week’s match. Shawn Spears tried to step in and provide direction, but Wes Lee stepped in and said Igwe & Dupont didn’t need direction. Spears took his leave and Lee told Hank & Tank that they’re down a man. Hank said they’d find someone. It’s on for tonight.
-Gigi Dolin and Shotzi (with Tatum Paxley) were introduced for the triple threat. [c]
-Royal Rumble spot.
(3) GIGI DOLIN & SHOTZI vs. KAYDEN CARTER & KATANA CHANCE vs. META-FOUR (Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson)
When Carter & Chance entered, Vic said “the transfer window is open,” so this may be a sign of a longer stay to rehabilitate them, or at least get them TV time. There were a few quick tags before Legend and Carter took over. Legend showed off her power but Carter evaded the impact spots. Chance tagged in and used her speed to team with Carter to take Legend down. Soon after, Jackson and Shotzi tagged in. Jackson hit a double-underhook suplex for two. The two jockeyed until Shotzi had a figure four nearly nailed until Carter tagged in and booted her to the outside. It went bonzo gonzo and everyone was booted to the outside on the ramp to make way for Carter & Chance to hit planchas on the mass outside, heading to commercial. [c]
Carter and Legend battled and hit some near-falls before things broke down and all six were laid out in the ring. When the smoke cleared, Jackson and Chance were legal. Chance and Carter tried a double-team but Jackson got her knees up. Dolin and Shotzi hit a double-team and Vic said things were “starting to break down” as if there’s been any control or restraint in this match so far. The Meta-Girls teamed up to launch Jackson onto a pile outside, though inside, Legend was hit by a Dolin crucifix bomb for two. Fatal Influence showed up to cost Gigi and Shotzi the match as the Meta-Girls used their tag finisher on Dolin.
WINNERS: Meta-Four at 11:20.
Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn showed up on the tron to cut a promo on Meta-Four. New Year? Same Unholy Union.
(Wells’s Analysis: A total mess of spots with no flow and no continuity. Shotzi and Dolin being cost the match fell flat because they were never really in control of the match in the first place. Tag triple threats in NXT tend to do this constantly for whatever reason.)
-Lola Vice and Stephanie Vaquer were angry at one another over the earlier issue. Kelani Jordan stepped in and said they deserved it because they were trying to calm her in a similar situation last week. Cora Jade was watching, and Ava approached her and asked if she wanted a shot at Fallon Henley’s North American Championship. She did, of course. Ava said that Jade, Jordan, Vaquer and Vice would be in a four-way match next week to determine the top contender. After Ava left, Jade tried to convince herself it was fine. [c]
-Lexis King and Ava talked about the “gray area” about the match ending in disqualification. Ava said because of this, they would have a rematch that was sudden death. So…a match, then? Ava gave the Heritage Cup back to Charlie Dempsey while William Regal, also looking on, said he would have nothing to do with next week’s match. King said “but I did everything right!”
-Tag team of the year nominees: Chase U, Legend & Jackson, Frazer & Axiom, Hank & Tank. WINNERS: Frazer & Axiom, of course. The two talked with Schreiber about the difficulties they’ve had and how they’ve overcome through the ups and downs. OTM showed up and said they should hold the titles while they can, because they’re coming for 2025.
-Sol Ruca and Zaria were watching on a monitor and Sol said they apparently didn’t have to worry about winning that award. Zaria said they were fine. Ruca said she had a match and she left for her entrance for the next match. [c]
-A bunch of signees to WWE ID, the independent development program, were shown in the crowd.
(4) SOL RUCA (w/Zaria) vs. IZZI DAME
Izzi has been shiftless for a long time now; this is her first televised match on NXT in a while. Ruca took her down with an early headlock. Ruca ducked a shot and hit a clothesline. Both women missed spots and Ruca surfed on Dame, this time as Dame was draped on the second turnbuckle. Dame knocked Ruca out of the air on a springboard spot and covered for two. Dame choked Ruca on the second rope until she had to stop. Shawn Spears was shown watching the match from the perch.
Dame controlled until Ruca fought her off in a corner and hit some combo kicks and strikes. Ruca hit a cross-body and a kick from the corner. Springboard splash attempt, but Dame got her knees up. X-Factor by Ruca, and Dame bailed. Ruca went up for a moonsault and Dame threw Zaria into it. Ruca checked on her, and Dame booted her and threw her into the ring for her High Drive, her powerslam finisher.
WINNER: Izzi Dame at 5:02.
(Wells’s Analysis: This is a very heel-friendly show to end the year. Dame’s fundamentals remain okay, but I still don’t have a lot of reason to care about her ever since her storyline with Kiana James – which feels like a long time ago – ended)
-Vic said the women’s wrestler of the year award was up next.
-Hank & Tank fired each other up, and Andre Chase showed up silently and the show went to commercial. [c]
-Women’s wrestler of the year nominees: Kelani Jordan, Lola Vice, Jaida Parker, Roxanne Perez. Winner: ROXANNE PEREZ. She said it was only fitting that she was the winner, and she knew nobody was on her level. She said her favorite moment was dropping a pipe bomb on CM Punk. She ran through some of the women she ran through and said Giulia wouldn’t change that. She told Giulia she’d see her at New Year’s Evil.
It was Andre Chase who answered the call for the third man. He looked bummed as he continued to sell the failure of Chase University. The heels jumped the faces during their entrance. Hank & Tank dominated the early going on Igwe & Dupont. Igwe turned it around on Tank and beat him down in a corner. Lee tagged in but Tank hit him with an immediate spinebuster. It broke down and all six got involved. Lee got pancaked by Hank & Tank while Chase took out the tag heels with a spot outside leading into commercial. [c]
Hank was playing face in peril upon return, taking his lumps from all three heels. Lee leaned on him until he managed a suplex and a bridge for two. Lee took control again as his partners launched him onto Hank. Hank hit a suplex and both guys sold on the mat. Tank made the hot tag and hit Igwe with a series of shots, as well as Dupont on the outside. Springboard splash by Tank onto Igwe. Chase tagged in and ran the ropes into a boot. Booker said his head wasn’t in the game because he’s depressed. Chase hit a Russian leg sweep, and was ready for his CHASE U stomps. He got into his feelings and walked out, depressed, as Hank watched. Hank missed from the top and fought off the heels as long as he could, but Igwe hit a stunner to finish Hank.
WINNERS: Lee & Dupont & Igwe at 11:58.
(Wells’s Analysis: Chase’s hard luck story will seemingly never end, whether he’s wearing the Chase U colors or not. Another overly busy match on a night that loves them.)
-Ashante “Thee” Adonis was trying to leave a message on Karmen Petrovic’s phone. He said if he couldn’t spend NewYear’s Eve with Petrovic, he would spend it alone. He ended the message. Nikkita Lyons stumbled into the scene and tried to get him to go out with her, but he wasn’t about it.
The scene shifted to Izzi Dame, who was walking through. Shawn Spears tried to run her down and Dame told him to leave her alone. The Family showed up and they told him to leave the lady alone. Very progressive of the mafia to defend her. They jawed for a bit and after Spears left, Tony D’Angelo told Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo to handle it.
-The men’s superstar of the year award is up next. [c]
-Andre Chase was walking alone and Kale Dixon showed up and asked him when the next semester was starting. Chase said it was dead. “Hey! Mr. Chase!” Dixon called after him.
-Vic promoted next week’s matches for New Year’s Evil, leading up to Eddy Thorpe vs. Trick Williams vs. Oba Femi. There’s still time to actually promote that match.
-Male Superstar of the Year award. Mike Rome was presenting it in the ring. Oba Femi showed up before Rome could name the winner (Page, Williams, Femi and someone I can’t remember were the nominees). Femi cornered Rome in the ring and took the award from him, even as Rome seemed to shake his head no. Femi said it didn’t matter if someone won an award. It didn’t matter if everyone thinks they can control the narrative. He said the only one who controls anything is him. He said “I’m the captain now!” He said if you didn’t believe him, you could witness him becoming NXT Champion next week.
“Whoop that Trick” played Trick Williams to the ring. Williams asked Femi why he was lying to everyone. He said there’s nothing wrong with love from the fans. He said he knows next week will be big and he’ll have to dig deep. He put over Femi but then said he had another nickname: “Ol’ Beatable Oba.” He said if he wasn’t, we wouldn’t have a triple threat, and Femi would still have his championship. He said Femi took time off after he lost at Halloween Havoc, and asked how long he’d be taking off after Williams beat him at New Year’s Evil.
Eddy Thorpe showed up and nailed both guys with the superstar of the year award, which broke. He posed with the championship as the match went off the air. We were never explicitly told that Trick Williams won the award, but I think we can assume he did.
FINAL THOUGHTS: That was an extremely skippable episode, as I thought it would be, though there was a lot more in-ring time than I expected. They kind of acknowledged it was an off week as they showcased a lot of lower-level talent and nobody went out of their way to have a banger of a match heading into New Year’s Evil. Even our main event talk segment left a lot to be desired, as Eddy Thorpe didn’t talk at all, and Trick just kind of played his greatest hits as Oba, at least, said a few interesting things as he leaned heavy into the heel side of things, as if the crowd will play along. There were few major surprises in the awards, though the triple threat of Briggs-Femi-Dijak was a long shot to even be nominated, let alone the victor, for reasons up to and including the fact that Dijak isn’t even on the roster anymore. I’ll give this show a fairly brief treatment soon on PWT Talks NXT.
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