The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
WWE NXT Results
November 20, 2014
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor
[Q1] Pre-credits video summarizing Sami Zayn’s failed quest for the NXT Championship.
The announcers are Rich Brennan, Renee Young, and Alex Riley. Jojo is the ring announcer.
Bayley kicks the show off. She’s facing Becky Lynch. This match needed to have some advertisement or build or something considering the history here.
1 – BAYLEY vs. BECKY LYNCH (w/Sasha Banks)
Bayley comes out strong with her traditional offense. Lynch knocks Bayley down on the apron, drags her into the ring and hits a suplex. Surprise schoolgirl shifts the momentum to Bayley. Suplex gets two. Bayley off the second rope, but Lynch gets out of the way. Rollup from Lynch after a distraction from Lynch and a handful of tights gets a win.
WINNER: Becky Lynch in 4:25.
Post-match, Charlotte enters the ring and orders Banks and Lynch to the back. They comply.
Backstage, Bayley thanks Charlotte for making the save. Charlotte tells her that she will be away next week, she knows Banks, Banks is a bully. Charlotte tells Bayley to stay far away from Banks next week, not to ask for a match. Bayley wants a hug, and Charlotte just kind of goes along with it with clear distaste.
[ J.J.’s Reax: At this point, Charlotte *is* the women’s division. By herself she ordered Banks and Lynch to the back like naughty children. She is ordering Bayley around and it is clear that she could probably beat all three at once in a handicap match. ]
The Vaudevillains come out and remind us that they are the #1 contenders to the NXT Tag Team Titles, and demand their match right now. The Lucha Dragon’s music hits, and two little people come out in lucha masks and Lucha Dragons shirts doing the Lucha Dragons’s routine. This is just disgusting – did Vince McMahon write this? They get a ref who calls for the bell.
All three announcers (rightfully) call this shameful and dump on the Vaudevillains for this stunt. English picks up the “win.”
WINNERS: The Vaudevillains in 1:30.
[Q2] Vignette for someone new, advertised for the December 11 special. It sure sounded and looked like Kevin Steen to me. Where’s Sami Callahan, by the way?
Baron Corbin is out for a match. He’s facing “already in the ring” Elias Samson.
The crowd counts the length of the match. Big boot, The End of Days, and Corbin wins in 22 seconds.
WINNER: Baron Corbin in 0:22. The excellent presentation of Corbin continues.
As Corbin heads to the back, Bull Dempsey comes out for a squash of his own. They’re playing the “whatever you do, I can do it better” booking.
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The crowd counts for Dempsey’s match too. The crowd gets mad when Dempsey chooses to work Cutler over instead of winning in under 22 seconds. Top-rope headbutt wraps it up. “Baron’s better” chant.
WINNER: Bull Dempsey in 1:00. Another fine performance from Dempsey. I look forward to what looks like Bull Dempsey against Baron Corbin to see how well they can work a longer match.
Tyson Kidd to face C.J. Parker in a “who’s the face?” match. Kidd in the face corner and the crowd backs Kidd.
Kidd hides in the ropes to anger Parker. More mind games from Kidd. “Total Divas” chant as Parker delivers offense. Dragon screw through the ropes from Kidd, neck breaker in the ring, and the Sharpshooter ends it.
WINNER: Tyson Kidd in 3:14. Parker got more offense in that match than he has in the last year put together.
Post-match, Kidd talks up his history in the Hart family, then demands a match with Finn Balor.
Backstage, Amore and Cassady warm up, and Carmella comes in. Cassady congratulates her on her progress, then Amore talks himself up.
[Q3] The New York trio come out for a match. Amore has a “G” shaved into his head. The crowd goes along with the spiel. They ain’t the Parker Brothers… no games. Amore makes a list of game related puns. Their opponents are S-A-W-F-T. Cassady’s come a long way on the mic.
Amore and Dawson to start. Dawson with his signature crisp, hard offense. Double-team work on Amore. Knee lift lets Amore bring in Cassady. Wilder tries to come in but Cassady sends him out. Atomic Drop from Amore into a Big Boot from Cassady ends it.
WINNERS: Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady in 1:30. I hate to see Scott Dawson used like this, but it’s clear that Amore and Cassady are being built up as a credible team.
Post-match, The Ascension take out Amore and Cassady, then The Mechanics. Wilder takes The Fall of Man. The crowd demands “seven more times.” Viktor then gets a mic and vows revenge on Finn Balor and Hideo Itami.
Backstage, William Regal is in his office. Sami Zayn comes in to thank Regal for giving him the time to say his mind to the crowd later on.
Big welcome for Sami Zayn’s address to the NXT Universe.
He says he has known his whole life he has what it takes to be a champion, but re-watching the video from last week, he’s been proven wrong. Roll footage. He says it is not easy to watch that. He says he didn’t understand then, but he understands now, and respectfully asks Adrian Neville to come out. Neville comes out, limping and wincing.
[Q4] Neville wants to talk, but Zayn asks for the floor. He says he doesn’t know why he’s at NXT if he can’t win the title. Neville doesn’t owe him anything, but if their friendship still means anything, Neville will grant him another shot, and he will quit if he loses. Neville says that Zayn can have a re-match anytime he wants, but it is in Regal’s hands. Neville says that he admires and respects Zayn and has proven that he is one of the best in the world. Zayn gets angry and says that he is living his life and he needs to beat Neville.
Regal’s music hits and out he comes for a rare appearance. Regal says that Zayn is far from a failure, and has proven himself over and over again. Regal books the re-match for Thursday, December 11 at the next NXT Takeover. Neville rejects Zayn putting his career on the line because he doesn’t want to be the one to end Zayn’s career. Zayn says it doesn’t matter if it is a match stipulation or not, he will retire if he can’t win.
[ J.J.’s Reax: Really good work there selling the re-match. ]
Final Reax: Really solid episode setting up NXT for a few weeks to roll into the next Takeover event.
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s NXT Hit List: Fallon Henley vs. Kelani Jordan for the NXT Women’s NA Title, Cora Jade vs. Sol Ruca, Wes Lee vs. Cedric Alexander, and Je’Von Evans vs. Lexis King in Iron Survivor Challenge qualifying matches
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