AEW FEUD TRACKER: Assessing and grading top feuds in AEW including Jon Moxley vs. The Locker Room, Jay White vs. Hangman, Hayter vs. Ford, MJF vs. Adam Cole, more

By Zach Barber, PWTorch contributor



· In addition to the Ricochet vs. Zack Sabre Jr match and presumably Kenny Omega vs. Gabe Kidd, Jack Perry vs. Yota Tsuji, and Tomohiro Ishii vs. the winner of Shingo Takagi and Konosuke Takeshita from the night before have been added to the Wrestle Dynasty card

· Renee Paquette did an episode of Close Up on AEW’s YouTube channel with the Hurt Syndicate. It’s great. Check it out if you haven’t seen it.

· In that same vein, Renee and R.J. City dropped the latest installment of “Meal & a Match” on TBS’s YouTube, this one featuring Darby Allin. It was hilarious

· Tony Khan announced that he has licensed the Guns & Roses classic “November Rain” as the official song for Full Gear, once again demonstrating that his music licensing game is unmatched.

· The Outrunners advanced to the AEW Tag Team Title four-way match at Full Gear, defeating Top Flight on Collision. Tonight FTR take on the House of Black, specifically Brody King & Malakai Black, for the second spot. LFI and The Acclaimed will do battle on Collision for the final slot.


AEW is now ten days out from Full Gear with the card mostly set up save for a match or two. Some stuff is really working, other stuff not so much. Tonight, should be a good show. The card looks strong on paper and the unpredictability of the overarching Moxley story is a nice hook even if what was specifically advertised leaves you scratching your head for a minute. In the immortal words of Darkwing Duck, “let’s get dangerous.”

Jon Moxley vs. AEW Locker Room

Latest Developments

The Death Riders fought to a no-contest with Orange Cassidy and Darby Allin; the Death Riders retained the trios titles over the Conglomeration.


It was something of a mixed bag for this storyline this week, plenty of good but lots of room for improvement.

Darby Allin and Orange Cassidy took on Claudio and PAC. The match was physical, Claudio and PAC dominated with the faces fighting from underneath. The match was thrown out after Marina Shafir, Steve McMichael memorial Halliburton briefcase handcuffed to her wrist, kicked referee Bryce Remsburg in the face.

I get wanting to protect the Death Riders (not a bad name but Mox and the Mechanics, the name my Discord group uses is better) and not wanting to beat your babyface title challenger but Darby could’ve absorbed the loss. As it stands, the non-finish was very NWO-like. That and the ensuing post-match brawl designed to get more heat on Mox and the Mechanics, would’ve made the late Kevin Sullivan proud.

Speaking of that post-match brawl, it was just like it sounded. Mox and the Mechanics beat up Darby and OC. At one point Claudio gorilla pressed Darby over his head and launched him face first into the ring post in a wicked bump. Eventually OC’s friends in the Conglomeration made the save, setting up the trios match on Collision. In the next segment Mox cut a promo with Yuta at his side, talking up Yuta as a strong soldier for the cause.

This was all fine. The post-match was designed to make Mox and the Mechanics look dominant and dangerous and it did. At some point though, it can’t just be heat on top of heat. The faces have to get the upper hand even if it’s brief. As for Mox, he continues to sound like a cult leader. Cult leaders like Jim Jones preached their message, often a twisted religious one, and used their charisma to convince people of their righteousness and pull them in. That’s what Mox is doing. He’s preaching a message that sounds good but using unjustifiable brutality to enforce it. He’s a heel, just not a one-note cartoon one.

The trios match on Collision went as expected. It was super physical and the champions retained with help from Marina and her Haliburton. Things then broke down with OC initiating contact with Mox and Marina acting as essentially Mox’s crew body woman helping him escape the fray as everyone else brawled.

This was basic but effective. Mox being pulled away by Marina further defines his role as cult leader. OC going at Mox with no fear made him look strong too.

Also on Collision it was advertised that on Wednesday, Mox would “seize” TBS. I don’t know how exactly he’s going to seize a network but if I could figure that out I’d probably be more annoyed that they overtly promoted it.

I think this storyline is working overall but there are a couple of tweaks I would make to get it working even better. I believe it’s imperative that other top babyfaces in other feuds at least reference the feud. It’s the biggest thing happening in the company, it needs to be treated as such. The other thing is the other upper tier heel factions like the Don Callis Family and the Hurt Syndicate need to acknowledge Mox and the Mechanics and maybe even broker a peace agreement of sorts.

Lastly, I think it would be smart to have the Mechanics get into a feud for the trios title separate from whoever Mox is feuding with. Having separate feuds will expand the overarching story and prevent it to from getting siloed.

Grade: B

Jay White vs. “Hangman” Page

Latest Developments

Hangman interrupted a backstage promo from Jay White leading to a brawl between the two.


Switchblade was in the back with Renee about to respond to Hangman’s promo from the week before when Hangman jumped him from behind. The two fought from the back to the area down next to the stage. Hangman got the upper hand and wedged White’s foot between two guardrails with the intent of obliterating his ankle before Juice Robinson made the save. Hangman got away from the two on one which allowed White to get back on the might and tell Hangman that he would simply beat him again at Full Gear.

Intense yet simple stuff here. These two guys hate each other and they’re going to fight it out at the PPV. Sure Hangman has his own issues but this isn’t about addressing them. This is about two guys trying to prove who’s the best. Tonight on Dynamite they’re on opposite sides of a tag match the outcome of which is wide open.

Grade: B+

Anna Jay vs. Mariah May

Latest Developments

Anna Jay challenged Mariah May to a No DQ to settle their feud once and for all.


Mariah cut a deliciously evil promo about killing women’s wrestling and nobody being on her level. That was followed by Anna Jay being interviewed. Anna said she wanted one more shot at Mariah, this time No DQ, and if she loses she won’t challenge Mariah again.

Mariah’s promo was great. She was remorselessly evil in the way she talked about killing women’s wrestling. It was as detached as a serial killer talking about killing their latest victim. Mariah has really mastered this aspect of her persona. Anna has come along nicely both in-ring and now on mic. Her promo was fiery and to the point. Given the roll-up finish from last week it make sense to have one more match and Anna’s specialty is a hardcore match. While I know AEW has a lot of weapons matches, ones involving women are still a relative novelty and the women always show out. I expect these two to go balls to the wall and Mariah to win. The one thing I am surprised about is that this match is happening on Collision instead of the PPV. Mina Shirakawa is due back this week finally so maybe we can finally get that feud on the road. I feel like Mariah has been hindered by Mina’s lack of availability.

Grade: B

Mercedes Moné vs. Kris Statlander

Latest Developments

Mercedes tried to have Kamille run Statlander down with car but Kamille missed; Mercedes sneak attacked Stat on Collision


Statlander cut a basic promo saying she was going to beat Mercedes at Full Gear. As soon as she finished her promo and started to walk away with her suitcase in hand, a was heard screeching offscreen. The camera cut back, Stat was on the ground and Mercedes complained that Kamille had missed. Stat got up and womanhandled both ladies, crushing Kamille’s arm Barry Windham-style in the car door and slamming Mercedes on the hood. On Collision, Stat smoked an enhancement talent and then got sneak attacked by Mercedes and locked in the Statement Maker.

On the positive side, continuing to paint Kamille as inept and hopefully leading to Mercedes firing Kamille, is a smart move. Kamille has limited upside. Separate them now and send her to ROH where she maybe could get better. Beyond that this feud hasn’t been lighting the world on fire. It’s going to take Statlander some time to regain her footing as a babyface after the whiplash turns. Mercedes has been struggling at least since All In. Something is just not clicking. I’ve been saying that Mercedes should drop the title to Stat at Full Gear but with the news of Julia Hart’s pending return, it might make more sense to wait and give her the rub of beating Mercedes. At that point, Mercedes should drop the CEO schtick and join the Hurt Syndicate. MVP offered her card already. Having him talk for her would eliminate her biggest liability and being part of the Hurt Syndicate would immediately give her more of an air of seriousness, which she desperately needs.

Grade: C

Jamie Hayter vs. Penelope Ford

Latest Developments

Jamie Hayter decisively beat Penelope Ford in a short match.


This match was exactly what it needed to be. Ford looked good early, including hit a sweet Matrix stunner but Hayter got the commanding victory with a devastating Hayterade lariat.

I get the criticism that this match only went for minutes but I think it was the perfect length. Ford got a little shine but Hayter went over dominantly rather than dawdling with someone she should beat easily and it really put over her Hayterade as one hitter quitter that can come almost out of nowhere. My bigger concern is what happens next for Hayter. There was no post-match attack. It seems like she’s moving on from Penelope. I understand not inserting into the women’s world title picture while it’s a foregone conclusion she wouldn’t dethrone Mariah May but she still needs something to sink her teeth into. Britt Baker is returning tonight. There were reports of a falling out between the two and they haven’t interacted since Jamie returned. If they are willing to sit their personal issues aside and do business this could be a good feud for Jamie especially if Britt turns heel. Perhaps Britt can join The Vendetta with Deonna and Taya, put some juice behind that group. That could set up a Willow Nightingale return to aid Jamie, once she’s recovered from her concussion.

Grade: B

Adam Cole vs. MJF

Latest Developments

Adam Cole defeated Malakai Black and was then put in the crosshairs of the Don Callis Family by an MJF bribe.


This feud went from questionable to yikes over the course of one match. The actual action between Malakai and Cole, who was sporting another bad spray tan, was fine. Things started to break down about 10 minutes in when Cole went for The Boom. He bounced off the ropes and walked straight into The End from Malaki Black. That kick looked and sounded absolutely devastating. I don’t think this much less say it very often but Cole kicking out just wasn’t believable. He frankly should’ve needed smelling salts to be revived. It didn’t get any better from there. They went back and forth a couple more minutes and then Malakai just sat down in his trademark cross-legged position and encouraged Cole to hit the Boom on him. Malakai basically Obi-wan Kenobi’d himself. The difference is when Obi-wan sacrificed himself at the end of Star Wars and allowed Darth Vader to kill him it was so that Luke and Leia could escape. There was no such reasoning here. Instead, it was guy known for not wanting to do jobs essentially allowing Cole to beat him. It completely undercut Cole who was already struggling to get an audience more inclined to cheer Malakai, behind him. To further complicate matters Cole and Malakai hugged after the match and then Cole shouted out Malakai who gave a long look back at the ring from the stage all of which gave such strong vibes of Malakai leaving that he had to jump on Instagram the next day to clarify.

Things somehow got worse for Cole once he moved on to the meat of his promo which served rewrite the rules of the story thus far. Instead of first to three wins between he and Roderick now it could be a triple threat if both Cole and Strong win three matches each.

Because that was still not enough we were treated to another weird MJF video where Max was supposedly watching the match live from a different location. This time he downed his wine and made a phone call. Later in the night a large Black man in a suit approached Don Callis with a phone, an envelope full of cash, and a ring box. On the phone MJF left a voicemail bribing Callis to assist with his Adam Cole problem and offering the use of the Dynamite diamond ring.

This feud is now fully off the rails. The rules have been changed to undo the race to three, a triple threat match seems like a distinct possibility, and the Don Callis Family has been dragged into it. I certainly don’t think Cole beats Takeshita tonight. I don’t think the adversity is going to help Cole get over any better. He’s already struggled to get the audience behind him the last two weeks. Nobody’s had the run of bad luck Cole has and it seems to be continuing. It’s too late to simply abort story now but they need to conclude it as quickly as possible.

Grade: C-

Will Ospreay vs. Kyle Fletcher

Latest Developments

(This will also include Ricochet and Takeshita’s feud)

In a twist, Ricochet’s mystery partner was not Will Ospreay. It was the returning Powerhouse Hobbs. Osperay did return in the post-match brawl however.


Given that I was so certain Ricochet’s mystery partner would be Will Ospreay that I put it in writing in this column last week. Imagine my surprise then when Ricochet introduced his partner as the returning Powerhouse Hobbs. The explanation given, that Hobbs was angry that Don Callis basically cast him aside when he got hurt and allowed his contract with the DCF to expire. Logical and understandable.

The match itself was very good. All four guys brought it. Ricochet picked up the win pinning Takeshita with his sliding elbow strike. While pinning a champion is oftentimes a questionable choice, I think in this instance I’m glad someone went over clean without a cop out finish. The win further establishes Ricochet’s claim to a title match. Afterwards Kyle laid out Hobbs and then Ricochet with a steel chair. He set up for a Tiger Driver ’91 on Ricochet but Mark Davis made the save. The former Aussie Open partners got into a shoving match which led to Lance Archer and Brian Cage hitting the ring and double-teaming Davis. Adam Cole attempted to make the save only to be cut off by Takeshita. That left Davis in the ring with the DCF. Before Kyle could use the screwdriver on Davis, Ospreay made a beeline for the ring. Fists taped, ready for a fight Ospreay went straight for Kyle. Kyle was pulled to safety before Ospreay cut hit the Hidden Blade on him.

This post match was sensational. Davis played his role well. The DCF looked like bullies. Ospreay got the big return and the big return pop. I loved that he came out with his fists taped, not messing around. Ricochet, Hobbs, Davis, and Ospreay cut a really good promo posted to social media about fighting the Don Callis family. Ricochet and Hobbs were each motivated for different reasons. Davis wanted to have a conversation with Kyle and try to get through to him. Ospreay just wants to fight him. I really hope this promo airs tonight, at least in part. Ospreay is also scheduled to speak so this should be really good.

Grade: B+

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Christian Cage vs. Hook

Latest Developments

Christian revealed that he took out Taz so that he could guide Hook’s career.


First, Christian officially welcomed Kip Sabian into the Patriarchy in way that caused Nick Wayne to raise an eyebrow. After that he called Hook out and explained that he took out Taz because Hook needs better guidance. He then proceeded to bury Taz, particularly his career outside ECW. He then told Hook that he could be his new father and capped it off by saying he wished Taz was dead. Hook responded as anyone in his position would. He rushed the ring, tossed Wayne and Sabian around and tried to choke out Christian.

This was another example of Christian’s mastery of the mic. He was despicable but you could still see his twisted logic. The one misstep was when he tried to explain why Taz didn’t tell Hook immediately that Christian was responsible for the attack. It was messy and a bit nonsensical. That said Hook didn’t buy a word Christian was saying. He just wants to tear the guy apart and that’s smart booking.

Grade: B+

Swerve Strickland vs. The Hurt Syndicate

Latest Developments

MVP formally introduced the Hurt Syndicate; Swerve challenged Bobby Lashley to a match at Full Gear.


The Hurt Syndicate opened last week’s Dynamite. MVP introduced the group officially, running down the resumes and credentials of Shelton and Lashley. Swerve interrupted, chain in hand. Security held him back so Swerve grabbed a mic and said all of four words: “Bobby Lashley, Full Gear”.

I thought MVP’s promo was great. It was basic but it was so smart to reintroduce Benjamin and Lashley to the audience and run down their bona fides for anyone unaware. Just a strong way to put over the group. Swerve’s part was a little messier even though he said fewer words. First of all his demeanor and facial expressions were great but Prince Nana failed to bring the same energy which compromised Swerve some. The other problem was Swerve’s delivery, specifically what felt like a weird, unnatural way of speaking. It was a off-putting but ultimately I don’t think it did too much damage. The match at Full Gear should rule. Meanwhile MVP continues try and find some young blood for the Hurt Syndicate. Despite finding himself in a backstage segment that intimidated me, Ricochet seems unlikely. MVP interrupted an Acclaimed promo on Collision and while Bowens remained steadfastly opposed to his services, MVP sensed the curiosity in Caster. A heel Max Caster could be interesting. I’m enjoying trying to figure out who the new member will be.

Grade: B+


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