NXT TV RESULTS (11/6): Wells’s live report on NXT 2300 featuring Bubba Ray Dudley & Trick Williams vs. Ethan Page & Ridge Holland, ten-woman tag match, Lola Vice vs. Jaida Parker in a Hardcore match, more

by Kelly Wells, PWTorch Contributor


NOVEMBER 6, 2024

NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Backstage Correspondent(s): Sarah Schreiber


-VHS-quality video of new stars played, interspersed with old clips of ECW action, all involving characters known to WWE audiences and those in attendance tonight. We got a lot of outdoor shots before the interior, which definitely had a different feel from the norm. Bubba Ray and Trick were shown eating outside at Geno’s earlier tonight. We also got shots of the ten women in the tag match later, hanging out as quintets around the city.

(1) LOLA VICE vs. JAIDA PARKER – Hardcore match with Dawn Marie as special referee

Dawn Marie was introduced first to a good reaction. Vice looked nervous and jittery during her entrance, strangely. Parker attacked Vice quickly after her entrance, and Dawn got control before calling for the bell, which felt a little odd since it was a hardcore match. Action spilled outside early. A chair got involved and the two hit suplexes on the floor. Vice went for a table but Parker nailed her with a chair and pushed the table back under the ring, drawing boos. Parker loaded up the ring with chairs and set one up, but Vice tripped her into it. Vice trapped a chair between ropes, suckered Parker into nailing it with her own chair, and then tossed Parker into another trapped chair. Vice suplexed Parker on a laying chair, and then another. Vice shook her booty, hit a DDT on a chair and covered for two.

Vice charget Parker and the two spilled to the announce table side. They hit clotheslines on one another and sold on the floor as the match went to commercial. [c]

Back to action, the mat was littered with chairs, trash cans, kendo sticks and two ladders. Parker set up one short ladder – no taller than herself – and draped Vice on another across the second ropes. She climbed the short ladder and hit the teardrop, breaking the ladder underneath Vice. Time to mute the first “holy shit” chant, but amusingly, they showed the crowd chanting it and Vic said “probably not the last time we’ll hear that chant tonight.”

The two spilled outside once again, and Vice mounted Parker, but Parker backed Vice into the steps. Parker rolled Vice back inside and hit a hip attack that sent Vice outside. Parker missed and crashed into the steps as Vice moved. Vice rolled Parker inside and covered for two. Back inside, Vice covered Parker with a trash can and lit her up with kicks. Vice went at Parker with kendo sticks, then covered her with the can again, did her “I’m a Latina” pose and hit a hip attack through the can. She covered for two, and Parker rolled to the outside.

Parker grabbed a fresh trash can and tossed it hard at Vice, then went at her with kendo sticks. The two went back inside and Vice threw kendo shots. Parker hit a chair shot. Parker dropped Vice on a chair that bent underneath her. Both women sold as the crowd lapped it up. Parker hit a hip attack against a draped ladder and she covered for two. The two reversed a couple of holds and Vice worked a body scissors. Parker grabbed a “brick” that didn’t look at all real in close-up, but it got a huge reaction as she crashed it against Vice’s face. It got two. Parker hit the Drive-By to finish. Dawn Marie never figured into the match; she just did a good job of refereeing and that was that.

WINNER: Jaida Parker at 14:44.

(Wells’s Analysis: They’re not going to go to ridiculous ECW levels, of course, but these two put themselves at least through heck if not hell. Parker remains a high priority for the brand and while she’s good enough to be in either title picture, those spots are all pretty crowded right now so it may be prudent to move her up sooner than later. Of course, that leaves the question of what to do with OTM.)

-Ridge Holland and Ethan Page cut a promo into the camera on their opponents tonight. Page said there would be no monuments, no statues, and no accolades for their opponents. They were cutting the promo in front of the Rocky statue.

-Kelani Jordan was preparing for her match, stretching and doing the splits. Rob Van Dam complimented her form. She said she wanted to make an impression tonight and RVD told her to score the fall on Fallon Henley tonight. Jordan said it was good advice and she did the “RVD” self-thumbs with him and she took off. RVD was then suddenly attacked, and we saw that it was Wes Lee that was responsible. He said “I just made your decision for you, Rob” to boos. In the ring, Je’Von Evans was entering for his match with Lee, unaware of what was happening. [c]

-Deadl1ne will be in Minneapolis on December 7th. Well, I guess I know where I’m going that night.

-Nunzio talked with The Family. His goon said next week, Adrianna Rizzo has a match with Nikkita Lyons. Nunzio said here in Philadelphia, Tony D’Angelo has to defend the NXT North American title…against him.


Vic said he just got word that tonight, the referees will “be lenient.” There was an “asshole” chant that CW muted. Oh, come on. The match opened with the early extremely-choreographed reversals you’d expect with these two. Evans struck Lee in the face and Lee went bailing out. Evans followed and Lee charged him into the apron. Lee did a sort of 619 using the post rather than ropes. Wes separated the steel steps and after some jockeying, he hit a brainbuster on Evans on the stairs. Nasty landing. They muted another chant but this time, they were going to commercial anyway. [c]

Evans hit a Frankensteiner from the top. The two struggled to their feet and threw rights and lefts as the crowd chanted “boo/yay” across face-heel lines. Evans hit a springboard disaster kick, then a Bossman slam, and covered for two. Lee got back into it with chops and back kicks. He went for a springboard move but got caught. He landed on his feet, then hit a superkick and a poison rana, then the Cardiac Kick for a long two. They said it was a first that someone kicked out of it, but I’m betting against that (while admitting I don’t know for sure).

Lee went for a chair and referee D.A. Brewer pulled it from him. Evans hit a cutter and then another from the top rope, but Lee skittered to the outside as Evans furiously tried to cover him. Evans went for a tope suicida but Lee moved and Evans ate the table. Time for CW to mute another chant! Action went back inside and Lee kissed a steel chair he was going to use. RVD entered (to his music, during a match…sigh) and Lee missed a chair shot. Evans hit a plancha on the distracted Lee, then flew in for another cutter from the top. Evans went up again and hit a frog splash from a mile away to finish. I can’t go without mentioning that RVD’s dye job looks really, really unnatural.

WINNER: Je’Von Evans at 12:18.

(Wells’s Analysis: It’s amazing these two basically never botch anything considering what they do in there. Spirited action leading to a finish I figure anyone could see coming once the earlier scene with Lee and RVD happened)

-Stevie Turner and Rob Stone did their usual butt-kissing of Ava. Eddy Thorpe tried to get a word with Ava and she said she’d be available later. He tried again and she told him not right now. I guess the answer to never really trying to push him is to turn him heel? [c]

-Announcement from Ava. She put over the night’s action so far. She said it was an honor to hold a show in this venue and she said the passion was undeniable. She kissed some Philadelphia butt. When she announced that Deadline is in Minneapolis, the crowd booed the city. I can’t even think of a sports reason for that boo. Stone took the mic and said they shouldn’t lie, and that New York and Boston fans are much bigger. She said just like the Eagles and the Phillies, their time has passed. The lights went out, and when they came up, Rhyno was in a corner to a huge reaction. Stone turned around and got gored into oblivion. The “big announcement” was that Deadline is in Minneapolis, I guess, but at least locally, there was a commercial confirming this fact. Whoops.

-The five babyfaces chatted ahead of their match. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson entered the scene and bragged about “their performance” at Crown Jewel, where they of course lost. They said they were still the dream team around here, no matter what happens in the five on five.

-Ethan Page and Ridge Holland made their entrance. I guess the ten-woman is tabbed as the main event, which it definitely should be, but I didn’t think they’d pull that trigger. [c]


Trick was introduced alone alone, followed by Bubba Ray Dudley to a strong “home” reaction. Bubba was in the grayscale camouflage and, of course, the nerd glasses. He had another pair that he put on Booker T.


“EC-Dub” chant as the sides sized one another up. Trick and Ridge opened the match. Holland circled around and took a cheap shot at Dudley. CW mounted a “You f(*&ed up” chant. Dudley stared dead-eyed and Williams tagged him in. The two got going slowly and Holland blocked Dudley to the mat about 95 seconds in for the first actual contact of the match. Holland slammed Dudley, who regrouped. Rope run and a block by Dudley, followed by a knife-edge. Williams tagged in and hit an ax-handle on Holland’s arm. Williams went at Holland with chops and Williams ran the ropes and Page kicked him in the back. Vic invoked the Dudley Boyz as “the best tag team ever,” citing their championship wins, including those in New Japan.

Page got involved but Bubba controlled both guys. Everyone was involved and the babyfaces took control heading into commercial. [c]

Holland dominated Dudley upon return. Page tagged in and they kept up the heat sequence on Dudley until Dudley got into it with a back body drop and both guys tagged. Williams hit a couple of axe kicks and a flapjack. High-angle Book End got two, broken up by Holland. Page went for Ego’s Edge and all four guys got involved. The babyfaces controlled and Trick went for a pump kick but Holland simply rolled him up for the victory.

WINNERS: Ridge Holland & Ethan Page at 10:17.

The heels put the boots to Williams afterward. I imagine Holland just earned his one-on-one at Deadline, while Page stays free to be in the Iron Survivor Challenge. Bubba and Trick did the “Wazzup” spot for some fanservice. Bubba called for Trick to get the tables, and Trick looked but there weren’t any there. They didn’t know what to do. The Dudley music played again and D-Von entered down the ramp with his own table. Predictable, but excellent fanservice. Bubba and Trick hit a double-chokeslam on Page through the table, likely not doing the 3-D since D-Von wasn’t involved. D-Von put some nerd glasses on Trick to a big reaction.

(Wells’s Analysis: They had their cake and ate it too here. Holland got his title shot, which wasn’t mentioned at all but will be soon, but the crowd still got everything they wanted and more from the Trick-Dudz dynamic. Given all the fanservice it felt more like a house show match, but that’s what you’re going to get on these nostalgia-themed shows)

-Dion Lennox and Ashante “Thee” Adonis talked about women. Karmen Petrovic showed up and wanted to know what was up with him, and who that girl was. He said “that’s just my girl.” Lennox cringed in the background. Adonis acknowledged Petrovic’s birthday, which just passed. She seemed pleased that he knew it had been her birthday.

-The Family headed to the ring before the next match. [c]

-The five heel women cut a promo into the camera. They said it was about keeping the newbies out and protecting the division. Roxanne Perez got the last words, of course.

(4) NUNZIO (w/Tony Mamaluke) vs. TONY D’ANGELO (w/the Family) (c) – NXT North American Championship

It’s probably obvious, but earlier I didn’t call out Mamaluke by name because I’m getting old and I didn’t remember it. Nunzio got in Tony’s face early, really bringing attention to the size mismatch. Nunzio looks young in some ways but his muscle definition is totally gone, making a humorous visual even more so. Tony D manhandled Nunzio and Mamaluke outside the ring, then took him back inside. Belly-to-belly by Tony D. Outside, the two sides jawed, giving Nunzio a small opening. He hit a missile dropkick and the Sicilian Slice for two. “You still got it” chant. That’s not always true, but Nunzio does look okay in there in this limited time. Nunzio grabbed a crowbar, but he got caught and Tony D put him up for the spinebuster. Tony D made the sign of the cross and Tony D hit the spinebuster to win.

WINNER: Tony D’Angelo at 2:19.

There were hugs all around after the match, and the Family and FBI held up their arms together.

(Wells’s Analysis: That’s the correct usage of all the parties here)

-Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen talked backstage. Spears asked if Jensen was hungry. He said yes. Spears said that’s good, because next week he’s in the mood for Italian. Jensen understood it (slowly).

-William Regal congratulated Lexis King on last week, and not being his father’s son. King left and Regal ran afoul of No Quarter Catch Crew. He asked Charlie Dempsey if he’s his father’s son. They had a very pointed conversation about how that remains to be seen. After Regal left, Wren Sinclair ditzily said “He’s very father-like!”

-Vic hyped the women, up next. It’s either going to be a long affair or we’re getting a show-ending angle. [c]

-Vic promoted Game Night, which is in this slot most weeks, by saying “It’s Wednesday Night, and you know what that means.”

-Nikkita Lyons had a pre-taped promo where she said Adrianna Rizzo is just the beginning. She said it’s a stacked division, but stack them in front of her until there’s just one left.

-Ava and Stevie Turner walked backstage. Turner was carrying Rob Stone on her back, and she stepped out of frame when she saw an EMT. Axiom and Nathan Frazer were told they don’t have a match and Frazer just said “Sounds like an off night to me” and he stepped away. Axiom was annoyed. Just have them kill each other already.

-Next week, Kelani Jordan gets a rematch for the Women’s North American Championship against Fallon Henley while Nikkita Lyons faces Adrianna Rizzo.


The commercials, backstage scenes and entrances took long enough that it no longer seemed like it was too early to start the main event. Babyface order of entry was Vaquer-Grace-Jordan-Zaria-Giulia, so read into that if you feel so inclined. The ten of them stared each other down with a ref between them and the show went to commercial. It’s a nice touch that they didn’t cut out any of their entrances. [c]

They called for the bell upon return; I wonder how they killed the four minutes they had after the entrances ended. Henley and Jordan had a quick sequence before Vaquer came in to get her shine. Henley got in a right and tagged Nyx, and the two did some tandem kicks before Nyx covered for two, then tripped Vaquer. Vaquer hit a knee to the midsection and did her headscissor stomps. Giulia tagged in and she and Vaquer set Nyx up for a 619/leg drop combo. Giulia shoved Nyx to the heel corner to force a tag from Perez. Giulia got the early advantage and hit a suplex for two. She tried again but Perez skinned out and laid out Giulia with a punch. Jade tagged in and she and Jade teamed up for a clothesline spot. Jade covered for two. Jade missed a back elbow and Giulia rolled her up for two. Zaria tagged in and stepped on Jade, who was reaching for a tag. Jade had a great shocked face as she knew what was happening. Jayne tagged in and Zaria made mincemeat of her, hitting strikes and thwarting big moves. Fatal Influence made a save and we went bonzo gonzo with all ten getting involved. The babyfaces stood tall and Jordan hit a moonsault from the top to all five heels outside heading into commercial. There was a slo-mo replay of the moonsault as the show faded. [c]

Jordan rolled up Jayne for two. Again, many women got involved. The heels caused a distraction and Jayne took out Jordan and posed obnoxiously. Jayne missed a cannonball in the corner and she and Jordan threw rights. Spinning heel kick by Jordan, who tried to make the hot tag to Zaria but Henley yanked her from the apron. Jordan thwarted two women and Jordynne Grace tagged in for the first time and destroyed everyone as the heels all fed her. Scoop slam and a backsplash on Jade got two. Zaria tagged in again and she and Grace hit a double slam, but Perez hopped off the top onto the pile and broke up the cover. Women took turns hitting impact moves as it broke down again. In the end, Grace and Jade were the only two in the ring and everyone fell out of the ring.

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson hit the ramp, and Giulia dropkicked them from the corner. In the ring, Perez made a blind tag and Jade took out the babyfaces from the top rope to the outside. Back inside, Zaria and Perez were legal. Perez slipped away from a spear by Zaria, who instead hit Grace. Zaria finished off Perez as now she and Vaquer have both pinned the champion. There was no time at all for any angle with Zaria and Grace, and they cut off Vic mid-sentence as the babyfaces held up their arms in the ring.

WINNERS: Zaria & Giulia & Vaquer & Jordan & Grace at 14:57.

(Wells’s Analysis: Tons of fun, of course, and we have some issues to sort out in the women’s division as both Zaria and Vaquer have some level of claim to a championship match. I don’t know whether to assume we’ll see a triple threat at Deadline or if it’ll be a situation where they have to prove themselves again in the Iron Survivor Challenge.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: It was…kind of an NXT show, but didn’t feel overly developmental and had more in common with a PLE than a weekly episode. That’s not a complaint on its own, but they do a large amount of episodes like that, and sometimes the script feels a little lost as a result. With the mild negatives out of the way, it’s really hard to talk about a single episode of this show without talking about how unbelievably strong this women’s division is, and they’re finding ways to give a large number of them from the Giulias and the Roxannes on down to people like Brinley Reece a reason to be featured and something to fight for. As mentioned at the top, there will be no live show this week, as the Torch will have a live AEW show. Kevin Cattani and I will be recording a show, however, that will go up later. Cheers.


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