AEW COLLISION REPORT (10/26) Jay White calls out Hangman, Penelope Ford returns after 700 days, Nigel has a tense interview with Wheeler Yuta. FTR vs. LFI main event, more

By Brian Zilem, PWTorch contributor


OCTOBER 26, 2024 (Taped 10/23)


Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

Ring Announcers: Bobby Cruise


-The show opened with a recap from the main event angle of AEW Dynamite. Exclusive footage was shown featuring Orange Cassidy, in which Cassidy said he would take care of everything this Wednesday on Fright Night Dynamite.

(1) JAY WHITE (w/Juice Robinson) vs. SHANE TAYLOR (w/Lee Moriarty)

Before the match started, a recap was shown from this past Wednesday, where White and “Hangman” Page brawled. Taylor used his power and size advantage early to overwhelm White. What’s the best strategy to take down a bigger opponent? Take out his legs. White chopped the Taylor down to size, literally and figuratively. Moriarty jumped on the apron to distract the official so Taylor could get in a cheap shot. Taylor stomped a mud-hole into White and followed up with a huge leg drop onto White while he was on the apron. [C]

After the break, White went for a sunset flip. Taylor went to squash White like a bug but crashed and burned. White hit a nasty-looking dragon screw leg whip and followed up with a knee bar stunner. White hit a running DDT and covered Taylor for a near fall. White dunked a scoop slam and hit a flat liner. After throwing Taylor in the ropes, White hit a European uppercut and got Taylor up for a big uranage for a near fall. Moriarty tried to interfere again, but Robinson disposed of him quickly. Taylor hit a hard-looking knee to White’s face, but Taylor couldn’t get the cover because White had been working over his injured leg throughout the match. In the match’s closing moments, Taylor went for a package powerdriver, but White slipped out and hit the Blade Runner to secure the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Jay White in 9:36

(Brian’s Thoughts: A welcome change of pace from the typical Collision party match opener. Shane Taylor doesn’t get enough credit for his skill set. He’s a working man’s big man who knows how to get a smaller opponent over. White working as an intelligent babyface is a good character shift for him and the current AEW ecosystem.)

-Post-match, White grabbed a mic and challenged Hangman to a match at Full Gear.

-The show went backstage, with Lexy Nair interviewing Ricochet. Nair asked Ricochet about the card MVP gave him recently, and he said he came to AEW to do his one thing. Lio Rush then interpreted the interview and said don’t act like he’s the only one to prove and you aren’t special.

-AEW featured upcoming matches and shows for the next month.

-The show went backstage with Kyle Fletcher and Lexy Nair. Fletcher said if Will Ospreay doesn’t show up this Wednesday to face him, he’s a coward.


The commentary team mentioned that this was Ford’s first match back in the ring in 700 days. Ford is working stiff strikes in the corner onto Renegade. Ford hit a standing moonsault for a near fall. Renegade used her length to slam Ford to the mat for a near fall. Renegade went for a clothesline. Ford ducked and hit a stunner, an excellent sequence from both women. Ford went for a cover and got a near fall. Renegade went for a quick cover, but Ford recovered and hit a running lariat. Ford charged Renegade but ate a big boot, and Renegade hit a drabbing knee onto Ford for a near fall. In the match’s closing moments, Ford hit a gut buster and locked in the Muta Lock to win the match viva submission.

WINNER: Penelope Ford in 5:05

(Brian’s Thoughts: Wow, Ford didn’t miss a beat for someone who’s been out of action for 700 days. Ford’s move set and approach to wrestling are a welcomed addition to the women’s division. Ford has shown flashes in the past, but I think this match was more than just a statement. It was an excellent way to build up to Ford’s big match against Jamie Hayter.

-Jamie Hayter came on screen to tell Ford that the ball was in her court if she wanted to show up for their match on November 6th.

-Lexy Nair was backstage with the FTR-Outrunners. Dax fired up the Outrunners for the tag team match.

(3) THE OUTRUNNERS (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) vs. MXM COLLECTION (Mansoor & Mason Madden)

The match started with Magnum and Mansoor exchanging shoulder blocks and poses. Johnny TV was seen backstage watching the match. Floyd was tagged in and couldn’t get Madden off his feet. The Outrunners were finally able to take Madden off his feet with a low bridge using the bottom rope. [C]

After the break, MXM got the heat on Magnum. Madden hit Magnum with an axe kick for a near fall. Magnum finally got the hot tag into Floyd, and he ran wild. Floyd and Magnum finally picked up Madden with a double-teamed body slam. MXM hit a double-team neckbreaker for a close near fall. The fans chanted, “Turbo!” In the closing moments of the match MXM went for a Doomsday Device but was foiled by the Outrunners and finished the match by hitting Total Recall to secure the pinfall victory.

WINNERS: The Outrunners in 11:11

(Brian’s Thoughts: It was a fun match that the fans were really into. The Outrunners are over right now. The day FTR turns on, the Outrunners will get a ton of heat.)

-Nigel had a sit-down interview with Wheeler Yuta

Nigel McGuinness (paraphrased): All right, Wheeler. My feelings for Brian Danielson aside, I’ve been tasked with the job of finding an answer to the question about why you did what you did to Brian Danielson at Russell Dream. To be precise, why did you suffocate him to near unconsciousness? Because let’s be clear, What you did risked permanent, irreparable brain damage. Not to mention mental trauma that will probably stay with him for the rest of his life. And maybe you were swept up in the moment. Woxleygave it a bag, and you felt like you had to use it. I don’t know. I don’t want to speculate. I want to hear the words out of your mouth because, ultimately, you are going to have to deal with the repercussions of your actions for the rest of your life.

Wheeler Yuta: I thought you, of all people, would understand, right? What’s the matter, Joker? Are you mad that we killed the Batman before you could? Because you’ve made it very clear that for 10 years, you have dreamt of ending Brian Danielson’s career, right?

Nigel McGuinness: I dreamt of proving that I was a better wrestler.

Wheeler Yuta: Yeah, and how did that work out for you?

Nigel McGuinness: Not great, you smug bastard. You did way more than try to end his career. You left a wife and two kids with only part of the husband and father that left him earlier that week.

Wheeler Yuta: I gave him a warrior’s death. We gave him a warrior’s death. We took him out because he doesn’t have the stomach for this. The American Dragon you knew was long dead by the time I got in that ring at Russell Dream. We had to get him out of the way. We had to do it for the greater good.

Nigel McGuinness: Be that as it may, you have now stepped across the line. You crossed the Rubicon. So where does it stop? Chuck Taylor, a man who helped train you? What is collateral damage?

Wheeler Yuta: Nigel, do you think I enjoy this? Do you think I enjoy doing any of the things I’m doing? No. But I do them because I have to. We do them because we have to. If it wasn’t for the guys, if it wasn’t for John Moxley, if it wasn’t for Pac, if it wasn’t for Claudio, it wasn’t for Marina, where would I be? Sitting behind a corpse, sitting beside a corpse, just hoping that one day he would rise up again and help me? No. I had no choice, okay? I have no choice. We have no choice. We do what we have to do. If we’re willing to do that to the people we love, what do you think we’re going to do to everyone else for the greater good?

(Brian’s Thoughts: This entire segment was excellent from start to finish. From the way it was shot to the facial expressions of each man and, of all things, McGuinness defending the honor of Bryan Danielson.)

-A hype video was shown for AEW Fright Night Dynamite.

-Jack Roberts was backstage hyping up the main event

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Rush started the match with an elbow to Ricochet. Both men ducked and dodged each other until Ricochet landed a big boot on Rush. Ricochet hit a big knee lift that dazed Rush, but Rush was playing possum. Rush pulled Ricochet outside and launched like a bat to hit a dive. [C]

After the break, both men brawled on the top rope. Rush went for a stomp, but Ricochet lured him in. Ricochet hit a Stormbreaker and a standing moonsault for a near fall. Rush went for a stunner, but Ricochet turned it into a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Rush hit position rana and a kick for a near fall. Frustrated about the near fall, Rush, who wrestled more heel in the match, went outside to grab a chair. Ricochet hit a dropkick, which sent the chair to the face of Rush and followed up with the dive outside. In the match’s closing moments, Ricochet lined up Rush for a near finisher, his version of the Hidden Blade, to secure the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Ricochet in 11:22

(Brian’s Thoughts: Good dovetailing story throughout the match. We still don’t know which man could join MVP’s new group, but the way Rush and Ricochet moved and wrestled gives the seed of doubt about which man could turn heel.)

-Harley Cameron cut a funny promo backstage with her face painted. Thunder Rosa interrupted the interview and challenged Cameron to a match next Saturday.

-The Undisputed Kingdom was backstage with the Beast Mortos. They wanted to know if Mortos would go trick or treating with them later tonight.


Van threw down Jay early and landed the full mount. Jay recovered to hit a leg lariat and swinging neck breaker for a near fall. The fans chanted Let’s go, Anna.” With a misdirection, Van hit Jay with a leg lariat. [C]

After the break, both women exchanged hard shots in the middle of the ring. After winning the exchange, Jay hit a shotgun dropkick and followed up with iconoclasm for a near fall. Van hit an up kick and a spinning back kick for a near fall. After brawling on the top rope, Van hit a springboard cross body for a near fall. In the match’s closing moments, Jay hit the Widow’s Peak to secure the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Anna Jay in 9:49

(Brian’s Thoughts: I’m glad to see the fans get behind her leading up to her big title match next Saturday.)

-The show cut to Mariah May’s flimmed promo following the match. She said: “Anna, if you left this business tomorrow, do you think Anyone would give a, or would we just find some other fat ass blonde, teach her how to do an arm drag, and watch her waste five years of her life? Why did it take me nine months to do what you couldn’t do in your career? Do you think you’re an inspiration to little girls, telling them to follow their dreams? Let’s be honest: Anyone who never gives up is never good enough to get it done in the first place. Do you think you can be a champion because you aren’t one pin in Japan? Do you want to know what I learned in Japan? The same thing I learned in AEW is that there is not a single woman alive who can touch me. You didn’t beat the champ. But now, you will face the champ and find out that behind all this glamor and gold is the woman from hell who will step on every dream you have ever had. You said it’s sink or swim? That’snice. Because now you’re going to drown.”

(Brian’s Thoughts: This was May’s best promo to date by miles. This is the kind of stuff myself and cohost Amin Ajani on the PWTorch “Collision Cafe” podcast (VIP-exclusive) have asked for character traits for May and how she separates herself from Toni Storm. This promo was the right step toward getting May’s on-screen character back on track.)

-The commentary team ran down the upcoming card for AEW.

-A hype video aired to promote Buddy Matthews vs Adam Cole.

-Lexy Nair was backstage interviewing Kyle O’Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii. O’Reilly said he hadn’t been living in the past when he saw Adam Cole and the Undisputed Kingdom reunite.

(6) FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. LA FACCION INGOBERNABLE (Dralistico & Rush w/Jake Roberts & The Beast Mortos)

They brawled to ringside a few minutes in and then cut to a double-box break. Dax took a beating and eventually tagged in Cash. Chaos eventually broke out. For the finish, Mortos hit Dax which led to Rush rolling him up for a near fall. Cash then threw Dralistico into Mortos on the ring apron, and then FTR gave MOrtos the Shatter Machine for the win.

WINNERS: FTR in 16:32

FINAL THOUGHTS: Since reviewing and podcasting about AEW, I think I’ve remained consistent with overall feedback, good and bad. This show is exactly what I’m looking for every week from AEW Collision. To use a baseball analogy, you can’t hit a home run each week. Sometimes, hitting a single or double is okay to move the runner into scoring position. When you promote and execute things correctly, you reap the awards later when you hit a walk-off grand slam in the 9th inning.

Stay right here and keep the flow going. We think you’ll like to read this next…

RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW DYNAMITE HITS & MISSES (10/24): Moxley’s opening video, Fletcher’s in-ring promo, Adam Cole, Video Packages, Kamille, Jericho, MVP, more

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s AEW Dynamite Hit List: Mark Briscoe vs. Chris Jericho in a Ladder War for the ROH Title, Jack Perry and Young Bucks vs. Daniel Garcia and Private Party

(You can always reach PWTorch editor Wade Keller at You can also send live event results and news tips to that email. Also, we’re always looking for volunteer contributors to help us round out of coverage of the pro wrestling scene.)

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