10 YRS AGO – NXT TV Report (10-23-2014): Neville (Pac) vs. Titus in NXT Title match, Sasha vs. Bayley, plus Jason Jordan, Ascension, CJ Parker (Juice Robinson), Carmello, Corbin

By Justin James, PWTorch contributor

Titus O'Neal (photo credit Wade Keller © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

WWE NXT Results
October 23, 2014
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor

[Q1] The Ascension kick off the show by heading to the ring. They are facing Tye Dillinger and Jason Jordan.

The announcers are Rich Brennan, Jason Albert, and Alex Riley. The ring announcer is Byron Saxton.


Jordan goes right to a waistlock, then a pair of gorgeous amateur belly-to-back suplexes. Viktor elbows out and uppercuts Jordan in the corner. Jordan gets double-teamed, then Konnor works him over. Desperation tag brings in Dillinger but he eats a flapjack. Fall of Man and the match is over.

WINNERS: The Ascension in 2:34. The only other NXT champions who didn’t go to the main roster after dropping their titles were the team of Corey Graves and Adrian Neville. That The Ascension are still doing squashes says it all.

Hideo Itami charges the ring and puts up a bit of a brawl, but the numbers catch up and The Ascension punish him.

C.J. Parker is out for a match. He’s facing Tyler Breeze. I suppose this means that they really are going ahead with a Breeze face turn. The announcers play up his shifting role, with Riley and Albert agreeing that they like Breeze’s new “aggressive” attitude and that he should be the #1 contender and get a one-on-one match for the NXT Championship.


Parker puts sympathy on Breeze with a boot to the middle on the lock-up. Springboard kick to the head drops Parker off the apron. Breeze argues with the ref which lets Parker flatten him. Double axe handle from the top connects, and Mojo Rawley saunters out from backstage.

[Q2] He looks mean and focused on Breeze. Parker to the top for another ace handle but Breeze punches him in the middle. Huracanrana into a mount and Breeze pounds on Parker. Breeze ducks a kick and hits the Beauty Shot.

WINNER: Tyler Breeze in 3:03. Interesting to see where Rawley plays into this, and the shifts in Breeze’s presentation.

Post-match, Breeze mocks Rawley’s injured shoulder while looking smug.

Titus O’Neil has a sarcastic interview with Devin Taylor. He gets serious and vows to win the NXT Championship.

Vignette on Baron Corbin. Repeat from a few weeks ago. He’s different from us, and rides a motorcycle.

The Vaudevillains are out.


English controls Murphy for a moment, then Murphy controls the wrist. Murphy gets double teamed and Gotch is in. Blake and Murphy isolate Gotch. Murphy tries to fight out of the corner. Murphy finally gets Blake in. Blake cleans house. Springboard forearm then Blake kips up. Blind tag, Gotch cold-cocks Blake, and The Gentleman’s Congress (uppercut from Gotch to the back of the head, followed by a running neckbreaker from English) puts Blake away.

WINNERS: The Vaudevillains in 4:02. Blake and Murphy have a lot of potential here, once their presentation gets defined and refined. The Vaudevillains, like many NXT acts, continue to build credibility and get away from the comedy stuff.

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[Q3] Banks taunts Bayley, then runs to the ropes to hide. And again. And again. On the fourth try, Bayley catches Banks and takes her down. Bayley and Banks trade control. Banks with extended heel offense. Bayley fires up and shoulders keep Banks in the corner. Second rope flying elbow gets a two count for Bayley. Bayley slips out of a slam attempt, smoothly transitions to a backstabber, and locks in the Bank Statement submission hold. Bayley taps.

WINNER: Sasha Banks in 5:13. Banks is starting to get built up to repair a year of being at the bottom. These two have faced each other a number of times and the matches get better each time.

Post-match, Banks assaults Bayley, but Becky Lynch makes the save. Banks slithers away. Lynch assaults Bayley from behind to start her heel turn. Lynch raises Banks’s hand on the ramp.

[ J.J.’s Reax: the women’s division needed more heels, but I am not sure if Lynch has the history to make a heel turn feel impactful. They would have done better to introduce a new female heel I think. ]

Backstage, Carmella is on the phone telling someone about her win last week. Enzo Amore comes out to flirt. Cassady gives her a polite compliment. Amore says he talked to William Regal and got her something: a match with emma. Carmella says she is going straight to the top and brushes off Amore and gives Cassady a peck on the cheek.

Ad for “John Cena’s Greatest Rivalries” DVD. Of note, C.M. Punk is given the same exposure as Triple H or Edge.

Titus O’Neil comes out for his championship match against Adrian Neville. Great presentation from the announcers to not make Neville seem like an underdog because of his size, just a different type of wrestler.

5 – NXT champion ADRIAN NEVILLE vs. TITUS O’NEIL – NXT Championship match

Neville works an early headlock. Fast pace from Neville . Schoolboy can’t get the quick win. Power from O’Neil wears Neville down. Neville with a cravat but O’Neil picks him up, seats him on the top rope, then shoves him off. The ref checks on Neville then starts a count.

[ Break ]

O’Neil landing big backbreaker, then casually throws Neville who does a 360 before hitting the mat.

[Q4] Bearhug from O’Neil. Neville elbows out but O’Neil reapplies the hold and thrashes around. O’Neil eventually tosses Neville to the side. Neville pops off the mat with an elbow, then repeats. Neville fires up with kicks from all directions. Neville kicks O’Neil to the mat, then wants a springboard move but O’Neil ducks. Neville hits the ropes and runs into a big boot.

O’Neil wears Neville down in the corner. Neville slaps O’Neil, then gets boots up to drop O’Neil. Neville to the top, Red Arrow, and Neville retains.

WINNER: Adrian Neville in 8:50. O’Neil looked great here. I never thought I’d like seeing a two-minute bearhug, but O’Neil made it work. Neville looks great for beating O’Neil and extending his nearly year-long undefeated streak.

Post-match, as Neville celebrates on the stage, Sami Zayn comes out and congratulates him, but reminds him that he is on the hunt for the title. Neville agrees to a championship match whenever and wherever he wants it. Zayn tells him that he’d better be ready in a rather arrogant way. Neville reminds us that Zayn can’t win the big one.

[ J.J.’s Reax: Neville and Zayn have both play babyfaces for so long, but this feud presents them both as a bit unlikeable. Not a fan of the presentation here. ]

Final Reax: Nice bell-to-bell action, no shenanigans, virtually no non-wrestling content. The main event was really solid. Good show.

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