5 YRS AGO – NXT TV Report (10-23-2019): Ripley vs. Belair, Strong vs. Dijakovic vs. Keith Lee, plus Riddle, Grimes, Breezango, Garza, Gallagher, Balor

Former champions pitched for NXT call up to WWE
Cameron Grimes (photo credit Wade Keller © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 5 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

OCTOBER 23, 2019

Announcers: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuiness, Beth Phoenix

-A video package aired of highlights of big moves, angles, and promos from recent weeks.

-They cut live to the crowd chanting “NXT!” as Mauro introduced the show from the balcony roof of entrance tunnel. He excitedly previewed the show including the North American Title three-way. He wondered what Finn Balor means when he says his future is his past. He said they hope to find out what that means later on the show.


As Ripley came out, the announcers talked about the social media trash talking between Ripley and Belair. As Belair strutted into the ring, Mauro said Belair thinks she’s as strong as Jennifer Aniston’s Instagram game. They locked up mid-ring to start. Mauro loaded his commentary with more puns and cliches and plays-on-words than usual in the opening few minutes of this. Belair dominated the first few minutes. They cut to a break at 5:00. [c]

Ripley made a comeback with a big boot after a duck under when running the ropes. Ripley followed up with a basement dropkick for a two count. Ripley cannonballed onto Belair at ringside and then threw her into the ring. Io Shirai ran out and gave Ripley a 619 at ringside. Belair then speared Ripley for a quick, believable two count. Shirai stood on the ring apron. Candice LeRae ran out and yanked her off the ring apron. Ripley ducked a Belair kick and landed a Riptide for the win.

WINNER: Ripley in 11:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good match. The first five minutes was largely Belair methodically dominating and then Ripley made a comeback before the finishing sequence, so not a ton of variation to it structurally, but it told a logical story and got four women in the title picture frames in a particular way based on the finishing sequence.

-The announcers threw to a clip of Undisputed Era standing over Velveteen Dream’s beaten body last week. Then they talked about how G.M. William Regal responded by creating a triple threat match for Roderick Strong North American Title in the main event tonight.

-Kathy Kelley interviewed Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne. She asked Dunne about his loss to Damien Priest. “No excuses, but I promise you there’s a receipt coming.” She then asked about Killian Dane. He said he doesn’t care about Dane. Bate laughed.

-Mauro threw to a video package on Tomasso Ciampa. He talked about how the thing that means the most to him was taken away from him before he was ready. He said there have been a lot of unanswered questions, and depression kicks in, and he went down a rabbit hole wondering if he just missed the biggest opportunity of his career. Then it hit him that it’s up to him to decide that, and maybe he’s just getting started. A clip aired of his return. “Adversity introduces a man to himself,” he said. Then it showed him returning and saying “Daddy’s home!”

-Nigel said he’s back for the title he never lost.

-They went to Tyler Bate at ringside, waving and smiling.


Riddle avoided Grimes double high knees and then went for a Final Flash. So both avoided each other’s lightning fast finishers. Riddle out-grappled Grimes and then went for a Bro-mission and shifted into a cross armbreaker. Grimes quickly shifted into a matchbook cover. Riddle bombarded Grimes with roundkicks to the chest and then two flying forearms followed by an exploder suplex. Nigel talked about the pros and cons of not wearing boots in a wrestling ring. Riddle hit a Jackhammer for a near fall. Mauro said that will draw the ire of a certain Hall of Famers and Nigel said that’s no coincidence. Mauro said Riddle trolls many legends on social media. Mauro noted that Grimes has twice the in-ring experience as Riddle, but Riddle spent years in MMA including UFC. Riddle threw some kicks at Grimes on the mat until Grimes ducked and stood and landed a backflip into an unreleased German suplex for a near fall. Nice sequence. They cut to a break at 5:00. [c]

Riddle came back after the break including a kip up, a ripcord knee, a Go To Sleep, and a German suplex into a bridge for a near fall. Grimes upkicked. Riddle fired back with a penalty kick. Grimes came right back with a reversal of a slam with a spinning urinage for a very near fall. Grimes climbed to the top rope, but Riddle met him up there and superplexed him for a two count. Riddle then went for a Floating Bro off the top rope, but Grimes lifted his knees. Grimes hit a Superman Forearm. Riddle hit a Final Flash in return. Grimes landed a superkick and a flying mid-air snap powerslam for a near fall. Great action here. The crowd stood and applauded and then chanted “NXT!” Riddle countered the Cave Man flying double knee into a powerbomb and then Final Flash and the Bro Derek for the win.

WINNER: Riddle in 11:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was great start to finish. Really cool mix of styles and personalities from two wrestlers showing off their ready-for-prime-time skills and reason to expect big things from them in coming years. With Riddle, at age 33, his time is now. With Grimes, at 26, it’s a little less urgent.)

-After the match, Riddle went after to Grimes at ringside near Bate and offered a fist bump. Grimes turned it down. Bate gave it to him and smiled. Bate told Grimes he should’ve done it. Grimes shoved him and put on his hat. Bate then popped him in the face and knocked him down. Nigel said it was an unprovoked attack. Mauro pushed back on that. Nigel said Grimes barely touched Bate first.

-They threw to a video package from two weeks ago of Forgotten Sons attacking Breezango before their tag match. That set up the next six-man match, with a mystery partner replacing the injured Kushida.

-They showed Donovan Dijakovic warming up backstage with a split-screen of Dijakovic saying he promised his family a championship. He said tonight he’ll defeat his greatest rival and keep his promise.

(Keller’s Analysis: I loved this split screen of Dijakovic warming up live when a pre-tape soundbite aired of him setting up the match and showing the audience what his mindset is going into the match. This is one of the areas where the NXT production is a level better than AEW despite the handicap of being in the smaller venue.) [c]

-They showed the exterior aerial drone view of the Full Sail complex. It lights up well at night and looks cool. Mauro then plugged the triple threat main event.

-They played William Regal’s announcement from earlier in the day of Tegan Nox & Dakota Kai vs. Marina Shaffir & Jessamyn Duke, with the winners facing the Kabuki Warriors in a Women’s Tag Team Championship match. Beth said that’s great that the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles would be defended on NXT.

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(3) BREEZANGO & SHANE “SWERVE” SCOTT vs. THE FORGOTTEN SONS (Jaxson Ryker & Steve Cutler & Wesley Blake)

Breezango made their ring entrance first, dressed as pilots with two women on stage using the glow sticks to present them. It felt more Village People than Top Gun, especially by the time Fandango gyrated his pelvis and Breeze shook his ass over Fandango’s head while standing on the ring apron. They cut to an early break after Fandango clotheslined Blake over the top rope and Forgotten Sons regrouped. [c]

Back from the break, they showed Ryker giving Breeze a Urinage on the ring apron during the break to take control. Fandango eventually hot-tagged in. He tagged in Scott a minute later who went to battle against Cutler. The Sons isolated him in their corner and then landed a double team top rope flying headbutts from opposite corners for a near fall, broken up by his partners. Scott made a comeback and knocked all the Sons to the floor with a cool sequence in the ring. Scott tried to suplex Ryker off the top rope, but Ryker fought it off. Scott then pushed off his chest as he backflipped onto Blake and Cutler at ringside. Instead of chanting “Scott” or “Swerve,” fans chanted “NXT!”

Back in the ring, Scott avoided a Ryker slingshot suplex and kicked him, then tagged in Breeze, who also tagged in Fandango to reset the clock and they stereo superkicked Ryker for a near fall. After a series of moves that sent a few wrestlers to ringside, Scott caught Cutler with a kick and scored the pin. After the match, Scott and Breezango danced together.

WINNERS: Breezango & Scott in 10:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Tremendous action. Well-Executed and exciting with some especially elaborate sequences that managed to not feel choreographed. Scott’s chest push off to a moonsault at ringside was the highlight from a grace and innovation standpoint.

-They showed Strong warming up with a stretch band at ringside. Then they went to a split screen of Strong saying he’s knows Regal is trying to screw him out of his legacy, but tonight he’ll prove he can overcome those unfair odds.

-Lio Rush walked out to the ring with his NXT Cruiserweight Title belt around his waist. Mauro said he’d join them at the broadcast table next. [c]

-They showed Killian Dane standing in front of a bonfire talking about how Dunne tried to break is fingers, so he’s going to break him. He wrapped his fingers in tape as he said that.

-They went to the announcers who had been joined by Rush. Mauro congratulated him. He said tonight he’s super-excited to be there watching the competition.


As Garza came out, Rush talked about his strategy if he were to face Garza for the title some day. Garzo landed an inverted slingshot suplex followed up a superkick for a believable near fall at 2:00. Gallagher made a comeback with some mat holds. Garza grabbed the bottom rope, then catapulted Garza over the top rope. Back in the ring Gallagher landed a headbutt. “Well, that looked like it hurt,” said Rush. Garza avoided a charging Gallagher and spiked him to the mat, then landed his springboard moonsault for the win. Afterward Garza signaled to Rush, and Rush stood and said, “Oh, you want this.”

WINNER: Garza in 4:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Simple and effective way to set up a future Cruiserweight Title match by having Rush on commentary as Garza got a convincing but competitive win over Gallagher.)

-Phoenix plugged the tag team match up next. [c]


Duke kicked Kai in the head right at the bell for a quick two count. She’s apparently been watching Grimes matches. Kai eventually kiceked Shaffir with a scorpion kick and tagged in Nox. Duke also tagged in and fed Nox. Not hit the Shiniest Wizard to win a minute later.

WINNERS: Kai & Nox in 3:00.

-They showed the Kabuki Warriors, apparently hanging out in front of a live camera to react, taunting Kai and Nox, saying they had no chance and just laughing at the prospects of facing them.

-They showed Keith Lee warming up, and then on split-screen showed his soundbite talking about finally arriving at the opportunity he chased since arriving in NXT. [c]

-Kelley plugged the Women’s Tag Team Title match, plus announced that Grimes vs. Bate and LeRae vs. Shirai had been signed for next week’s show.

-Lee’s ring entrance took place first. Then Dijakovic. Mauro said if you were to create a champion in a laboratory, it’d look like Dijakovic.

(Keller’s Analysis: A lot of wrestlers fitting that description have flamed out over the years, though. Not predicted that for Dijakovic. By the way, that was a perfect chance for Mauro say “sports entertainer” and he said “champion,” which underlines the welcome subtraction of the term “sports entertainment” from Mauro’s lexicon lately.)

(6) RODERICK STRONG vs. DOMINIC DIJKOVIC vs. KEITH LEE – NXT North American Title match

Strong attacked Dijakovic at the start. Lee checked a flying Strong out of mid-air. Fans sang “Bask in his Glory!” That opened up Lee and Dijakovic to battle one-on-one for a while. Lee one-arm slammed Dijakovic. They cut to a break at 2:00. [c]

Lee and Dijakovic continued to battle after the break. Lee set up a superplex. Strong shoved Lee to the floor, though, and then superplexed Dijakovic instead for a one count. Mauro noted it’s a no-DQ, no-countout match, and the champion doesn’t have to be pinned or submitted to lose his title. (It’s a Triple Threat of stupid rules.) Dijakovic re-entered and went to work on Strong and Lee. Dijakovic supplied Lee onto Strong mid-ring, then covered Strong for a near fall. Fans loudly chanted “Di-ja-ko-vic.” No, just kidding; they didn’t. They chanted “NXT! NXT!” Dijakovic leaped off the top rope, but Lee caught him mid-air and held up for a powerbomb, but Strong then hit them with a wrecking ball dropkick. Dijakovic then hit Strong with a discus right cross. Fans chanted “NXT!” again. Back in the ring, Dijakovic set a superplex on Strong. Lee broke it up and tried to turn it into a powerbomb. Dijakovic managed to still superplex Strong while Lee managed to stay upright just long enough. That was incredible. All three were down They cut to another break. [c]

Mauro said highlights of the year abound, the match continued. They replayed the big move from during the break. Mauro said that’s a highlight that will live forever. Strong rallied and hit Lee with a running elbows and then landed an Olympic slam on Lee for a near fall. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Lee power chopped Strong’s chest with a slap. Strong went for a wrecking ball dropkick on Dijakovic and Lee, but they caught him. Lee threw Strong onto Dijakovic’s shoulders leading to a Feast Your Eyes. They worked together and then stared at each other and nodded, agreeing to enter the ring go to battle. The crowd stood and roared.

Lee headbutted Dijakovic, then sat on the second rope and pulled Dijakovic up with him. They seemed to rest for a few seconds before Dijakovic superkicked Lee and then delivered a discus boot. Dijakovic met Lee on the second rope and choke-bombed him to the ground for a near fall. Dijakovic then hit Strong with a Fosberry Drop running dive at ringside. Mauro told everyone to call their mama and tell them to turn on NXT. Lee then hit Dijakovic with a running flip dive onto the floor. mauro went bonkers. Dijakovic met Lee on the top rope, but Lee stood and sitout powerbombed Dijakovic. Strong then re-entered and landed a running boot to Dijakovic and stole the cover on Lee for the three count. Mauro touted it was an epic battle for the ages.

WINNER: Strong to retain the North American Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: Amazing match.)

-After the match, the rest of Undisputed Era entered the ring. They briefly celebrated, then all four attacked Lee. Fans chanted “We Want Balor!” (He was advertised for the show and hadn’t appeared yet, so this was telegraphed in that sense.) Instead, Tomasso Ciampa walked out to his entrance theme. He had a crutch with him. He walked onto the ring apron and stared down Undisputed Era. Fans chanted “Daddy’s Home!” Then Johnny Gargano’s music played. Fans loudly chanted “DIY! DIY!” Ciampa and Gargano stared at each other and agreed to work together. It was still four-on-two, though, so Undisputed Era held their ground. Then suddenly Balor’s music played. Mauro: “The gift that keeps on giving – NXT on USA!”

Balor walked out and entered the ring. Mauro touted the star power in the ring as “second to none.” (Take that, Moxley and Pac.) Balor, though, suddenly Pelé kicked an unsuspecting Gargano. Undisputed Era then jumped Ciampa and attacked him four-on-one as Balor watched from the cover, keeping a particular eye on Gargano on the floor. Balor, who was wearing all black, took off his leather jacket and gave Gargano a running dropkick into the ringside barricade. He stalked Gargano and then gave him a brainbuster suplex onto the ramp. He sat up and looked sinister.

(Keller’s Analysis: Tremendous angle, and a great way to give fans a reason to see Balor in new light after not being a top-top guy on the main roster prior. It also is a chance for WWE fans to see Balor as a heel and what that entails. He’s in the right mix talent-wise, since his height isn’t an issue at all, which makes being a heel easier when he’s not the smallest or the most dazzling by-far athlete in the group of babyfaces he’s battling. This is a good time and place for him, and a well executed angle from the start.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: Maybe NXT’s best show since the move to USA. Lots of little touches in terms of production and promos along with layered booking with payoffs to angles developed in prior weeks while simultaneously setting the stage and planting seeds for the future. Oh yeah, and also just a stellar two hours of in-ring action.

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