TNA IMPACT TV RESULTS (10/24): Lilly’s report on The Hardys & ABC vs. The System, Gresham vs. Alexander

By Darrin Lilly, PWTorch Contributor


OCTOBER 24, 2024

-Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

-Recap of last week’s show.


The winner of this scramble match will go into the Call Your Shot Gauntlet match at Bound for Glory at #20 and the loser will go in at #1. Sami got an entrance, but everyone else was already in the ring. There was chaos early. Jake did a big dive to the outside on three opponents. Laredo Kid did a dive as well. AJ and Jake squared off for a bit. Sami, Hotch, and Jake teamed up to powerbomb AJ. Frankie gave Hotch a slingshot cutter for a near fall. Everyone took turns hitting big moves. Sami gave Frankie a piledriver. AJ knocked Sami out of the way of the pin attempt and pinned Frankie himself.

WINNER: AJ Francis in 7:00.

(D.L.’s Take: This was a sprint all the way through, with everyone having a chance to shine. At least AJ getting the #20 spot will minimize his time in the ring.)

-Gia Miller interviewed Jonathan Gresham. He talked about his match tonight against Josh Alexander. He said for the last two years, his bad days have outnumbered his good days, until he remembered who he was. He said two of the best wrestlers in the world would face each other tonight and stated that this was a comeback and personal.  [c]

-Mike Santana promo video. He was shown walking around the lower East Side of New York. He talked about his upbringing and facing Moose at BFG.

-A table with candles and champagne was set up at ringside. Fans chanted “TNA!” Ash By Elegance and The Concierge walked to ringside. The Concierge said tonight was the night to unveil their masterpiece. He talked about giving Heather Reckless a makeover. He introduced Heather as “beauty personified” and called her Heather By Elegance. Heather walked down the ramp and looked similar to Ash. Rehwoldt raved that she looked great on commentary. Fans chanted “Basic white girl” (perhaps a first).

The Concierge held up a mirror and Heather was pleased. He suggested that they celebrate with champagne. As they drank, Xia Brookside interrupted. She got on the mic and insulted them. She reminded them that they humiliated Brinley Reece last week and said karma would catch up with them. Brinley dropkicked Ash and Heather from behind and they almost went into the table. Xia and Brinley dunked Ash and Heather’s heads into the punchbowls. Heather and Ash were mortified, as fans chanted “You deserve it!” Xia and Brinley celebrated on the ramp. [c]

(2) JONATHAN GRESHAM vs. JOSH ALEXANDER (w/The Northern Armory)

They did some mat wrestling early. Crowd support was split and as they exchanged holds. The action went to the floor and Alexander slammed Gresham into the post. [c]

Gresham made a comeback and went after his knee. Gresham did four dives on Alexander on the ramp. Gresham hit Alexander with moonsault from the top rope to the floor, then took out Saint & Sinner. Back in the ring, Gresham put Alexander in an octopus submission. Saint and Sinner caused a distraction. Gresham caught Alexander with a moonsault and took out one of the partners. They exchanged pinfall attempts. Gresham escaped a C-4 Spike attempt. Alexander put Gresham in an ankle lock, but Gresham escaped. Alexander used a distraction to hit Gresham with an object, followed by a C-4 Spike for the pin.

WINNER: Josh Alexander in 13:00.

Alexander and his partners attacked Gresham, but Steve Maclin ran in for the save. He was eventually overwhelmed. Alexander hit Maclin with a chair. They zip tied Maclin to the ropes. Security tried to make the save. Maclin smiled as Alexander approached him with a chair. Sami Callihan, Deaner, and Ace Steel ran in for the save. Alexander and his crew left. [c]

(D.L.’s Take: A really good match that picked up at the end. I didn’t care for the finish, but I suppose it was necessary to continue Alexander’s heel story arc. They are doing a good job of building interest in this feud and the eventual return of Eric Young.)

-Another segment of Mike Santana in the Bronx. He talked about the neighborhood and the people. He said with the things he’s been through, he shouldn’t be here. He talked about Moose living a lavish life, while Santana stayed true to the people. He said Moose would be going face to face with his fears at BFG.

(3) JODY THREAT vs. WENDY CHOO (w/Rosemary)

After some initial action, Jody hit Choo with a series of clotheslines. They fought on the floor. Jody punched Rosemary, but Choo pushed Jody into the ring post to turn the tide of the match. Choo threw Jody off the top rope and got a two count.  Choo got another two count after a dropkick. Choo and Jody collided with crossbody blocks. They traded punches. Jody made a comeback. Rosemary threw a pillow into the ring, causing a distraction that allowed Choo to get the pin.

WINNER: Wendy Choo in 7:00.

(D.L.’s Take: A solid match, but the ending was predictable.)

-The System promo. They predicated a win tonight and at their matches at Bound for Glory. Each person talked and they closed with their catchphrase. [c]

-Hannifan and Rehwoldt ran down the matches for Bound for Glory.

(4) MATT & JEFF HARDY & ABC (Chris Bey & Ace Austin) vs. THE SYSTEM (Moose & Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards & JDC w/Alisha Edwards)

The Hardys got the expected huge reaction. Bey and Moose started the match. ABC double teamed Moose. ABC and the Hardys took out Eddie and Myers. Matt clotheslined Moose and JDC on the floor and Ace did a dive on them. Bey did a dive on Eddie and Myers. [c]

The System had Jeff trapped in the corner and tagged in and out to keep the advantage. Matt finally tagged in and rammed Myers and Eddie’s heads into the turnbuckles. Bey tagged in but was thrown out of the ring and attacked on the outside by The System. [c]

The System tagged in and out to keep the advantage on Bey. Bey gave Myers a cutter. Ace made the hot tag and ran wild on JDC. Ace fought The System by himself. Moose threw Ace out of the ring. Everyone took turns exchanging moves. Ace eventually got the pin on JDC.

WINNERS: The Hardys & ABC in 17:00.

The System attacked the Hardys and ABC from behind. Mike Santana came in through the crowd with a chain and faced off with Moose. Alisha attacked Santana with a kendo stick to give Moose the advantage. The System attacked Santana as Moose wrapped a chain around Santana’s mouth. The System continued to beat down everyone. [c]

(D.L.’s Take: An action-packed match and a good “go-home show beating” leading into BFG.)

-Santino Marella was in the ring for the contract signings. A table was set up with the TNA World belt and the Knockouts title on it. Masha Slamovich came out first, followed by Joe Hendry, Jordynne Grace, and finally Nic Nemeth. After everyone was seated, Santino called them the best athletes in the world today. He offered them a chance to speak.

Masha spoke first. She said this was a full circle moment because she signed her first TNA contract in Nashville and now she was signing the title match contract, which would make her Knockouts champion. Masha signed. Grace said she was happy for Masha and proud of her, but they both know how this plays out. Grace said nothing has changed and she was sorry she had to beat Masha again. Grace signed the contact.

Hendry spoke and said he was on an 11-year journey. He said that two years into his career, he saw Nemeth backstage and Hendry played a lawyer on TV that night. He said no one knew his name back then but now they believe in him. Fans chanted “We believe!” He said there would be a new champion at BFG. Hendry signed the contract.

Nemeth spoke next and said it was a sweet story. He said he respected Hendry. He told Hendry to only focus on him because Hendry would be in the ring with the best and he doesn’t plan on losing. Nemeth signed.

Santino said he was surprised everything went so well. At that point, Frankie Kazarian came out. He told everyone to shut up because the real star of the show was here. He called them all overrated. He said he was named as special referee by completing a full course at the Earl Hebner Referee Acadamy then getting his referee’s license. He said he went to the Anthem officials because he has tenure, and they agreed he was the only who could be the referee.

He told Grace and Masha to be thankful he wasn’t involved in their match because he would steal their thunder too. He called Santino a stooge and said his badge doesn’t mean anything because Frankie is now the law. He said he would call everything down the middle at BFG. He vowed at the end of the night that the right man would walk out as TNA champion. Nemeth and Hendry attacked Frankie. Grace held him. Frankie spat in Santino’s face. Santino brought out The Cobra and struck Frankie, to big cheers. All four wrestlers put Frankie through the table. The champions faced off with the challengers to end the show as fans chanted “TNA!”


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