NXT TV RESULTS (10/22): Wells’s live report on Trick Williams & Ethan Page face-to-face, Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane vs. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson, Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer vs. Fallon Henley & Jacy Jayne, more

by Kelly Wells, PWTorch Contributor


OCTOBER 15, 2024

NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Backstage Correspondent(s): Sarah Schreiber


-Some of tonight’s combatants were shown arriving earlier today.

(1) DAMAGE CTRL (Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane) vs. META-FOUR (Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson)

NXT is still going with “representing Meta-Four” while the main roster calls them “The Meta Girls,” which eliminates the whole point of the wordplay.

Sky grappled Jackson to the mat early. Sky did a few backflips to evade a move and dropkicked Jackson. Sky jawed at Legend, then tagged Sane. Damage Control was getting a lot of love from the audience. Sane hit a dropkick and laid in some chops. Sane missed in a corner and Jackson finally took over on offense, although she tagged right away. Legend casually absorbed some rights, then lifted Sane for a slam attempt, but Sane slid down for an attempt at a rollup. Sane went up for a crucifix, but couldn’t take her down. Sky charged and Legend caught her also, so she did her spot where she went up and down between the ropes, hitting each opponent’s head against the ropes. Vic called this one “Double Dribble.”

After some reversals, Sane hit a rana on Legend out of the ring. Jackson charged and got dumped. Sane hit a cross-body on Legend, and Sky hit a moonsault that took out both of Meta-Four as the match went to commercial. [c]

Sky had Jackson dominated upon return. She hit a double stomp and both sold on the mat, suggesting a heat sequence on Sky during the break. Sane made the tag and laid in some shots and a spear. An interfering Lash missed a pump kick and Sane shoved her into the corner, along with Jackson, and speared both. Sane went high and hit a high cross-body on Jackson for two. Sane laid out Jackson and tagged Sky, who launched Sane for an InSane Elbow. Legend made the save, then the tag. Sky went for a springboard but she missed and crumbled; the rope may still have been shaking from Sane running against it. It was bonzo gonzo for a minute and Meta-Four set up their finisher, but Piper Niven tripped and then attacked Jackson for either a DQ win for Meta-Four or No Contest; as usual, we weren’t told. Chelsea Green was also on hand as the tag scene continued to involve multiple parties.

NO CONTEST(?) at 11:23.

(Wells’s Analysis: Lash and Jakara mostly hung with the main roster talent here; they’ve both come a long way (and recently, in Jakara’s case). This was a perfectly good opener heading into the angle)

-Earlier today, Hank & Tank got on loudspeakers to introduce NASCAR racer Cole Custer in front of a pretty small crowd. OTC got in their faces and said he was taking time away from them. They argued.

-Jaida Parker was introduced ahead of her match with Tatum Paxley. [c]

-Earlier today, Sol Ruca, Brinley Reece and Karmen Petrovic worked out. Ashante “Thee” Adonis showed up and said he knew they shared a moment last week. They talked a bit and Karmen played a little hard to get but clearly was giving him the eyes. Ruca tried to suggest Petrovic wasn’t into him, but Petrovic said Ruca had no idea what she wanted.

-There was a spot for the Wednesday, November 6th show at one of the major ECW arenas of old, flexing away from Tuesday likely as it’s Election Day.


Paxley took the early advantage and got a two after an elbow drop. She got a rollup for two and then snapped on a body scissors, then rolled Parker all around and into a trap pin for two. Paxley hit a dropkick, fired up, and hit a cross-body in the corner. She tried in another corner, but Parker caught her, set her up on the second ropes, and hit her hip attack. Parker laid in a knee and then stomped Paxley against the ropes. Suplex and a cover for two by Parker. Backstage, Lola Vice watched on a monitor.

Parker worked a brief abdominal stretch. The two went to reversals and missed shots. Paxley hit a knee lift that showed a lot of light; the camera was at the worst angle. Paxley got in some ax-handles, then hit a sort of press slam for two. Inside cradle by Paxley got two. More reversals led to a short hip attack and then the full Hipnotic for the win for Parker.

WINNER: Jaida Parker at 4:15.

After the match, Vice attacked Parker but refs held her back. In the ring, Wendy Choo abducted Paxley and put her in a gear box and rolled her away. Apparently nobody was available to stop this?

(Wells’s Analysis: Not a bad little match here as Paxley continues to improve and be given much more offense than she got in the past. I feel like she’s been on the losing end for so long that they might be hesitant to try a push, but we’ve seen weirder things in NXT. Parker, for her part, seems firmly on the heel side once more, after a very short shift to the light for the sake of her match with Roxanne Perez. She’s strong in both roles)

-Lexis King told No Quarter Catch Crew that people still doubted his intentions to be good, but he still wanted to fight with honor for the Heritage Cup. Charlie Dempsey actually took him at face value and told him that he’s got his match, but it won’t be the outcome he wants. Wren Sinclair reminded Lexis that he still needed a corner man. King stroked his chin thoughtfully and walked off. [c]

-Je’Von Evans and Cedric Alexander talked with Nathan Frazer and Axiom. Frazer repeatedly threw shade at Evans, saying he might win the big one someday. After a few needles, Evans reared back and slapped Frazer. Alexander got Evans out of the situation. Wes Lee got into the shot with Evans, saying it was only a matter of time before someone got under Evans’ skin, and said hate would come to him from all directions.

-Stephanie Vaquer hype segment. She spoke in Spanish and there were subtitles. She said she conquered countries all over and that she’s made of fire. She said the main goal was always getting to WWE. Giulia then spoke in Japanese and said Vaquer was the only person she could trust, although it was initially hard to do. She said they won’t be walking out with championships at Halloween Havoc this Sunday, but they’ll be well on their way. Vic promoted the match.

-Backstage, The Family was in disarray as someone had attacked Adrianna Rizzo. Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo were staying back with Rizzo, meaning Crusifino would be on his own for his upcoming match. [c]

(3) LUCA CRUSIFINO (w/Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo) vs. OBA FEMI

Apparently Stacks is here after all, and it’s just Tony staying back. Femi missed a lariat so Crusifino got in quick shots. Dropkick by Crusifino. Femi put Luca on the apron and missed a big boot over the top, so Luca wrenched the left over the top. Back inside, Femi took control immediately, working Crusifino’s arm with violent wrenches. Femi booted Crusifino and then got down and yanked him up by the chin. Crusifino hit a jawbreaker but Femi laid him out with a lariat. Double wristlock by Femi. Crusifino escaped and hit a leaping knee, then laid in some palm strikes. Crusifino ducked a clothesline and hit a lariat to the back side. Crusifino hit the Lawbreaker and Femi bailed.

Back inside, Femi tossed Crusifino and then hit his Fall From Grace powerbomb.

WINNER: Oba Femi at 3:08.

Stacks checked on Crusifino and Femi tossed him around. He took down both men fairly easily, then brought out a table to hype his Tables, Ladders and Scares match this Sunday. D’Angelo showed up and tried to stop all of this, but Femi chucked him into the steel steps. Femi sip-tied D’Angelo to the ropes. It took an awkwardly long time as the zip tie wasn’t playing along. Finally he got it done, then bombed Stacks through the leaning table. Femi then draped a ladder from the ring to the announce table and powerbombed Crusifino through it. Time for CW’s censor to mute the crowd’s Holy Shit chant. Vic hyped the match.

-A Halloween Havoc spot showed Delta’s face, and then flashed “Zaria” across the screen, so apparently that’ll be her new name. [c]

-Andre Chase narrated a pre-taped segment, cutting a promo on Ridge Holland, who sullied the name of Chase University. He said the measure of a man doesn’t come in victory, it comes in defense. He said everyone else was right about Holland. He said he wants Holland this Sunday in an Ambulance Match.


-Ethan Page hit the ring to boos followed by Trick getting his usual big reaction. Trick told them to cut the music so he could make a point. He said he should already have dropped Page’s ass like a mixtape, but he promised Ava he wouldn’t until Sunday. He said Page was desperate. Page said maybe that’s it, but maybe that’s what Page wants people to think. He said they had different paths. He said he never had a Performance Center to pamper him 24/7 in his 17 years. He said he never got prepped to be the top guy in the top company like Trick. Trick said he gets it, and Page said he absolutely doesn’t. Page asked Trick if he’s ever been hit so hard with a weapon that it tore flesh but he had to keep going. He asked if Trick had ever tasted the copper and salt of his own blood over and over. He said he was used to it. Trick said he’s glad Page is used to it because it’s happening again on Sunday.

Page said there he is! The silver-tongued smooth-talking dressed-to-the-nines Trick Williams. He said anything goes in Devil’s Playground and that only favors Page. Page said Trick looks immaculate, but Page has the Devil in him. He said Trick isn’t tough like he is. Williams ran through his feuds with Carmelo Hayes and Ilja Dragunov and Page asked if he thought those men were as savage as he is. He said Sunday, he’s bringing a version of himself that nobody’s seen. Williams said Page is all talk, and he’s been talking since he got here. He reiterated that Page is desperate. Page said he’s right. He said it took him 17 years to become a champion in WWE, and now he’s addicted. He said he’ll satiate that addiction this Sunday. He said they’re about to “play by the rules…also known as my rules.” Williams said he’s looking forward to it.

(Wells’s Analysis: Very good, but this was almost entirely Page talking. It’s like they wanted him to cut a promo, but then remembered Trick wasn’t booked on the go-home show so they wedged him in. It’s kind of fascinating how Williams is the center of attention when he doesn’t have the championship but he kind of fades to the back a little when he’s NXT Champion. It also came off like Page is the one on a hero’s journey and Trick is entitled, which was a very odd thing to bring to our attention)

-Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez talked themselves up in the pantry. Fatal Influence showed up and jawed with them a little. Kelani Jordan walked into the scene and said everyone wants the control but she’s got it. Jacy Jayne said the wheel will determine the match tonight.

-Sol Ruca entered ahead of her match. [c]


Ashante Thee Adonis sat in the crowd with his arm around a woman, and Petrovic looked pretty pissed during her entrance. Petrovic took the early advantage with a headlock takedown, but Ruca reversed to a head scissors. They reversed a couple more times and neither could get a real footing until Ruca hit a superkick for two. Petrovic got in a shot and then looked to Adonis and the girl again. Petrovic hit a lariat for two. Petrovic got in some boots and a kick to the chest for two.

Ruca blocked some rights and then got some in. She hit a cross-body for two. She went up and Petrovic tossed her to the mat. Out in the arena, Adonis and the girl had left their seats and they were heading out. Petrovic completely turned her attention to them and Sol hit the Sol Snatcher to finish.

WINNER: Sol Ruca at 4:07.

(Wells’s Analysis: The two have good chemistry, but this was very much a “please just get to the angle” kind of match.)

-Nikkita Lyons talked with Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont, unseen on the show for months. She said nobody would give them an opportunity, they had to take it. Oba Femi walked in and handed her her lioness cape/robe/whatever and walked off. Pairing her with the coolest guy in the room is only going to make him lamer, not her cooler. Oh well. [c]

(5) OTM (Lucien Price & Bronco Nima) (w/Jaida Parker) vs. HANK WALKER & TANK LEDGER (w/Cole Custer)

If Parker lays out Custer, this appearance will be worth it. The two teams brawled on the outside before the match. Custer “fired up,” half-heartedly at best, with Hank. The match officially started and Hank & Tank were in full control, tandem-splashing Price in the center of the ring. Nima tagged in and took control on Tank. Price tagged in and hit a high-release uranage on Tank, then hit a corner lariat. Tank took some more shots before rolling to his corner for the tag. Hank beat OTM all over the ring and outside of it. He hit a Bossman Slam on Nima but Price made the save at the last moment. Outside, Tank was in peril and Jaida set up a Drive-By Hipnotic, but Lola Vice attacked. In the ring, OTM set up a big spot but Custer hit Price with his helmet as he ran the ropes. Hank & Tank hit their finisher to win.

WINNERS: Hank & Tank at 3:04.

After the match, Vice, Hank, Tank & Custer held up their arms in the ring. Vice did some salsa dancing and convinced the others to do the same. This was legit the best-executed part of Custer’s appearance, and one of the strangest visuals ever on this show.

-Axiom & Frazer were in Ava’s office. Frazer was all fire and he wanted a match with Evans and Alexander. After the team took their leave, Lexis King showed up and said he couldn’t find a corner man (in the background of the scene in the pantry, he was seen trying to convince Dante Chen and then Malik Blade to be his man, but they turned him down) and he said she could just appoint one. She said it doesn’t work that way, and he’d have to find one. I think I know where it’s going, particularly as the guy hasn’t shown up this week yet, but we’ll see. [c]

-Ridge Holland cut a pre-taped promo from an ambulance. He said he was taking apart Chase U piece by piece, and Chase should get prepared for his last ride. He gave the promo from the back of an ambulance. Cool that he could find one less than 40 minutes after Chase said he wanted an ambulance match.

-Vic ran through the Halloween Havoc card.

-Sarah Schreiber talked with Tony D’Angelo, who didn’t know who attacked Adrianna Rizzo. He cut a brief, fiery babyface promo on Oba Femi.

-Backstage, Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer walked through the back ahead of the main event. They passed by Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane. The four acknowledged each other, and Vic acknowledged that there are no strangers among them.

-Fatal Influence made their entrance. [c]

(6) GIULIA & STEPHANIE VAQUER vs. FATAL INFLUENCE (Fallon Henley & Jacy Jayne) (w/Jazmyn Nyx)

Giulia and Henley opened the match. Henley begged off in a corner, then chased around Giulia and tried to get in a cheap shot. Giulia used a series of escapes and then dropkicked Henley. Jayne tagged in and Giulia kept up the offense, hitting a boot and then a body slam for a one count. Vaquer tagged in and booted Jayne in the corner, then hit a suplex. She acknowledged a “Stephanie” chant and then did her knee stomps. Jayne backed Vaquer into the heel corner and tagged. The heels used tandem offense to boos. Jayne tagged back in and booted Vaquer, then hit a rana and taunted Giulia, but Vaquer dropkicked her after the distraction. Giulia tagged in. Rope run and both babyfaces got in shots. Everyone got involved briefly. The faces were in control until Nyx yanked Giulia to the floor and Henley booted her. Fatal Influence all posed together heading into commercial. [c]

Henley had control of Giulia, but Giulia rolled Henley up for two. Giulia got in a series of rights but Henley chop-blocked her knee and made the tag. Henley got in a dropkick and Jayne hit a standing senton for two. Jayne worked the back with her boot and yanked back Giulia’s arms. The crowd tried to get Giulia into it and Giulia ran the ropes and hit a dropkick. Both women sold on the mat. Jayne tagged and Giulia made the hot tag to Vaquer, who hit a springboard cross-body. Vaquer destroyed both members of Fatal Influence until she ran into a boot, but she just smiled evilly and kept up the offense. Giulia tagged in and the two double-teamed. Henley saved. Everyone got involved again for a moment, and when it was over Giulia and Henley were legal.

Giulia went up in the corner with Henley. Henley reversed from the floor and hit a suplex. Jayne tagged in and the two double-teamed, but Vaquer broke it up with a back kick on a covering Henley. Yet again, everyone got involved. Nyx distracted Giulia and almost got the win for Jayne, but Kelani Jordan showed up and yanked Nyx to the floor and neutralized her. Back in the ring, Giulia and Vaquer both got in their finishers on Jayne, and Vaquer covered to win.

WINNERS: Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer at 12:16.

Kelani, Giulia & Stephanie posed in the ring as Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez watched from the perch. Jacy Jayne spun the wheel and got “Spinner’s Choice” for their match with Kelani Jordan. Henley said “Ladies…we-” but then the lights went out and they flashed. We got some of the previous shots of Delta/Zaria, who now showed up on the ramp. Vic yelled “BOOKER! SHE’S HERE!” and the show went off the air.

(Wells’s Analysis: The work in the match was good, but I grow quickly tired of tag matches that have that many tornado segments. Still, it felt like a big deal that Giulia and Vaquer were tagging together. Zaria showing up at the end made a muddy situation even more so, and there are nearly countless directions the women’s division could go on Sunday)

FINAL THOUGHTS: This show was very busy, making sure all the final pieces were in place ahead of Sunday’s show. The extremely fresh women’s division is about to get a little fresher with the addition of Zaria, who will no doubt be involved at Havoc in some capacity. Probably the strangest thing about the show was that with all of the work done to hype the show, Trick Williams was the biggest afterthought among the many players who will be there. There’s a lot for Nate & I to cover on PWT Talks NXT. Check it out on YouTube tonight or stream tomorrow.

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