10 YRS AGO – TNA IMPACT TV Report (10-22-2014): Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Matt & Jeff Hardy, MVP, EC3, Rockstar Spud, Eric Young, Tyrus

Eric Young (art credit Travis Beaven)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

TNA Impact Results
October 22, 2014
Taped in Hershey, Pa.

[Q1] Impact opened with Matt Hardy coming to the ring in a water-soaked t-shirt. Mike Tenay and Taz hyped a #1 contender tag tournament starting tonight. In the ring, Matt introduced Jeff Hardy as his tag partner for the tag tournament one week after Jeff went back to singles for a #1 contender match to the TNA Title. D.J. Zema then led out Jessie as the opposition. … (1) Jeff & Matt Hardy beat Jessie & D.J. Zema in a First Round #1 contender tournament match. Matt and Jeff combined for a Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb on Jessie for the pin and the win. Fine match getting the Hardys back on-track after losing the Tag Title Series. [CB…]

[Q2] […CB] Bram came to the ring to follow up on surprise-attacking Devon last week on Impact. Bram equated the attack to his work on Abyss several weeks ago. Bram called himself the new King of Hardcore, then Devon marched to the ring and punched Bram in the face. A brawl was on. Bram got the best of Devon for a while until Devon flipped the advantage and started choking Bram. This brought out security and officials to try to separate them. Kurt Angle came out and told Devon he’ll be allowed to do whatever he wants to do to Bram later tonight. Because they’ll be in a hardcore match. … Backstage, Brittany walked up to Sam Shaw to try to sweet-talk him into doing “what they talked about.” [CB]

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[Q3] Low Ki announced Samoa Joe as his tag partner. Sam Shaw then announced Gunner as his tag partner. Gunner reluctantly accepted, but offered a pep talk before they entered battle. … (2) X Division champion Samoa Joe & Low Ki beat Sam Shaw & Gunner in a First Round #1 contender tournament match. Brittany came down to ringside, which distracted from the match. For the finish, Britt tripped Gunner from the outside, allowing Low Ki to kick Gunner into a rear-naked choke from Joe for the win. Afterward, Brittany and Shaw set up Gunner for a beat down. … Backstage, Ethan Carter III hyped his tag partner, Tyrus (Brodus Clay). ECIII said their Tag Title reign will precede his TNA Title reign. [CB]

[Q4] Backstage, MVP and Kenny King spoke on TNA champ Bobby Lashley’s behalf about Lashley destroying #1 contender Bobby Roode next week. Hard to read Lashley’s emotions, but he appeared to be less than enthusiastic about his stablemates speaking for him. … (3) Knockouts champion Havok beat Rebel of The Menagerie in a non-title match. After Havok squashed Rebel, Gail Kim ran down to the ring to fight Havok, who took the KO Title from her. Security intervened. [CB] Backstage, Kurt Angle said he’s not having a #1 contender contract signing just for the sake of having a signing…

[Q5] (4) Bram beat Devon in a Hardcore match. Magnus came down to ringside at the end to smash Devon with a Kendo Stick to help make the difference in the match. Various weapons and garbage were used during the match. No Bully Ray making the save for Devon. … Backstage, Mr. Anderson asked Chris Melendez to partner with him in the tag tournament. [CB] Anderson introduced himself and Melendez for the tournament. MVP and Kenny King were introduced as the opposition.

[Q6] (5) Mr. Anderson & Chris Melendez MVP & Kenny King in a First Round #1 contender tournament match. The match built to a hot tag to Melendez, who cut off MVP, but King rolled up Melendez from behind for a quick three count. Melendez sold frustration being one-upped by his first rival in TNA. … Backstage, Eric Young and Rockstar Spud formed an alliance for the tournament. [CB] Backstage, James Storm tried to convince TNA tag champion Davey Richards to join The Revolution. That was weird. … Tenay announced the following match as the “main event” of the show.

[Q7] [CB] … (6) Ethan Carter III & Tyrus beat Eric Young & Rockstar Spud in a First Round #1 contender tournament match. Spud got his shine delivering a big splash to ECIII on the outside, but Spud ran into a big chokebomb from Tyrus back in the ring. Tyrus did a dramatic pin cover, but referee Earl Hebner said he’s not legal. So, ECIII slipped back into the ring to pin his former associate. ECIII and Tyrus posed over Spud.

[Q8] [CB] Kurt Angle came to the ring holding a contract for the TNA Title match next week. Angle announced a “special stipulation” for the match before bringing out Roode and Lashley (with MVP and King) to hear his announcement – he will be special referee for the match. MVP flipped out and tried to lead Lashley away while Roode signed the contract. But, Lashley signed the contract anyways. Lashley and Roode had a staredown with Angle in the background to close Impact.

Next Week: Lashley vs. Roode for the TNA Title with Kurt Angle as special referee, Hardys vs. ECIII & Tyrus in the tag tournament, and MVP & King vs. Joe & Ki in the tournament.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: 20 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (10/11/2004): Edge & Benoit & Michaels vs. Flair & Triple H & Batista, plus Regal & Eugene, Trish, Jericho, Snitsky, Orton, Christian

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: Nic Nemeth and Joe Hendry vs. First Class, Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy vs. Ace Austin and Chris Bey, Leon Slater vs. Jason Hotch vs. Laredo Kid for a shot at the X Division Title

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