10 YRS AGO – NXT TV Report (10-16-2014): Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch, plus Sami Zayn, Baron Corbin, Carmella, Lucha Dragons, Enzo & Big Cass, more

Baron Corbin (artist Joel Tesch © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

WWE NXT Results
October 16, 2014
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor

[Q1] Baron Corbin comes out to a good reaction looking broody and moody. Byron Saxton seems to be doing ring announcer duties.

The announcers are Rich Brennan, Alex Riley, and Renee Young.


The jobber walks right into the End of Days.

WINNER: Baron Corbin in 0:05. Corbin continues his “silent assassin” character to good effect.

Advertised is Carmella’s debut, and Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady against The Legionnaires.

Sami Zayn comes out to a big reaction as Riley dumps on his inability to win a title. Zayn gets a mic and waits out the Ole! chants. Then a “Sami!” chant. He thanks the crowd and reminds us that he lost to Titus O’Neil, and says he is sick of losing “fair and square.” He knows he is better than that and has proven it, and vows to refocus and get the NXT Title. He shows some real fire here.

Tyson Kidd interrupts. He’s wearing a Sami Zayn shirt. He tells Zayn to face facts, he will never be NXT champion, he always chokes. He says that cutting a fierce promo won’t turn Zayn’s career around. Zayn asks if Kidd got his wife’s permission to come out to the ring. He tells Kidd to go home and cry himself to sleep while watching Total Divas. Kidd would rather be on Total Divas than be a total loser. Kidd continues to dig on Zayn’s record and insults him.

Zayn says he looks to the future, and he begins his “road to redemption.” That was last season of NXT. He challenges Kidd, and tells him to borrow Tyler Breeze’s phone to call Natalya. Kidd doesn’t understand why Breeze would have her phone number. He agrees to the match.

[ J.J.’s Reax: I am not sure how productive it is for Kidd to point out Zayn never winning the title, given his recent streak. Or maybe that makes him more of a heel? I dunno. The digs about Natalya are getting old. I suspect there are millions of folks out there who would love to be “just” Natalya’s husband. ]

2 – NXT tag champs LUCHA DRAGONS (SIN CARA & KALISTO) vs. BUDDY MURPHY & WESLEY BLAKE – Non-title tag team match

Sin Cara and Blake start. Blake takes Sin Cara down, but Sin Cara sends him scampering to the corner. Murphy tags in. Sin Cara dodges Blake on the apron, tries to springboard, Murphy catches him, Sin Cara locks in a Dragon sleeper hold, Murphy transitions into a gorgeous suplex. Blake and Murphy isolate Sin Cara with competent work.

[Q2] Sin Cara tags in Kalisto, who just goes nuts on offense. Sin Cara sets Blake up on the turnbuckle, sunset flip powerbomb wins it.

WINNERS: The Lucha Dragons in 3:30. I could watch Lucha Dragons all day. Murphy and Blake looked good, I would like to see more of this team.

Brennan reminds us that Tyler Breeze defeated Mojo Rawley with a mere armbar last week.

“Earlier today” Rawley says his shoulder is injured and he will be out for a bit. He vows to come back and come back stronger, and he will get revenge on Tyler Breeze. He says he will come back with rage, and has a more serious presentation. This may be just what Rawley needs to repackage now that the crowd has turned on him.

Fan favorite Becky Lynch gets a big reaction as she hits the ring to face Charlotte. Let’s see if Lynch can start to get some traction.

3 – NXT Women’s champion CHARLOTTE vs. BECKY LYNCH – non-title match

They start with chain wrestling. They both block arm drags, until Lynch gets one and an armbar locked in. More chain wrestling and the pacing looks like a long match. Lynch trips up Charlotte then starts to work the leg. Charlotte and Lynch both use acrobatics to avoid each other. Big backbreaker from Charlotte ends Lynch’s momentum.

Figure Four headlock from Charlotte. Lynch bridges into a cover so Charlotte blocks it. Charlotte whiffs a dropkick and Lynch moves to a brawling style. Double clothesline and they reset. Lynch runs Charlotte over. Running leg drops keep Charlotte on the mat and get a two count. Charlotte blocks a suplex and hits one of her own for two. Another two count for Lynch. Neckbreaker gets a break for Charlotte, Natural Selection ends it.

WINNER: Charlotte in 4:30. They packed a lot of action into under five minutes. Getting another 5 – 10 minutes of this would have been a real treat. Lynch looked fantastic in the ring.

“Earlier today” interview with The Ascension. They vow to do to Hideo Itami what they did to Funaki.

Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady hit the ramp and the audience is on their feet to cut a promo with Amore. Amore’s outfit and hair defy description. The Legionnaires are out. Marcus Lois is still wearing the wig under the amateur wrestling headpiece.

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Cassady manhandles Lefort, who tags in Lefort. Lefort accidentally pulls off Lois’ wig, so Lois turns on Lefort. Lois just destroys Lefort and Amore and Cassady are dumbfounded. Lois gets “Yes!” chants which magically turn into “Oui!” chants as Lois pounds Lefort on the ramp. Lois runs to the back as refs check on Lefort on the ramp.

No contest? That is the first no contest in NXT history.

Cassady says they can have another match. They call “bluey” to the ring and announcer her to the “Price is Right” music. And they call her “blue pants.” Then they give Carmella a big announcement to debut her. She has Iggy Azalea-like music and looks like Melissa Gorga.


Carmella gets put in the corner, but she comes back with a drop kick. She locks in a unique submission hold, a sort of cravat using her legs, for the win.

WINNER: Carmella in 0:45. Wasn’t enough of a match to make a judgment. When did NXT have female jobbers? Amore and Cassady could get just about anyone over at FSU.

Backstage, Becky Lynch tells Sasha Banks that what Banks did last week to Bayley was dirty. Banks says she will do whatever it takes to get ahead. Banks tells Lynch that she needs to ask herself what she is willing to do to win.

[ J.J.’s Reax: Isn’t this a repeat of Banks’ heel turn under Summer Rae? ]

Adrian Neville with a backstage interview. She tells us that he will be facing Titus O’Neil to defend the title next week. Neville says he’s tired of main roster members thinking they can come to NXT to make an impact, and Neville says he isn’t intimidated and will defend his title.

Sasha Banks vs. Bayley is announced for next week.


Zayn quickly jumps out of the ring to slap hands with fans. He asks where Natalya is. They trade holds. Kidd takes rope rest, so Zayn whacks Kidd with Kidd’s jacket from the corner. “Nattie’s husband” chant. Kidd frustrates Zayn. “Tyson Chicken” from the corwd as Kidd lounges in the corner. Zayn with a series of armdrags to send Kidd to the outside. Zayn wants his flip dive over the top, but Kidd moves so Zayn bounces himself back into the ring. Riley acts indignant by Zayn’s showboating.

[Q4] Zayn holds the ropes open for Kidd. Kidd looks like he wants to blow the match off, so he leads Zayn on a chase. Kidd with a kick from the apron to Zayn.

[ Break ]

Kidd is on the attack out of the break. Zayn with clotheslines to turn it around. Kidd ducks the Hulluva Kick but Kidd can’t follow up. Top rope cross-body gets two for Zayn. Blue Thunder Bomb from nowhere gets a nearfall for Zayn. Zayn wants a suplex but it is blocked, they trade control at a fast pace until Kidd hits a neckbraker for two. Kidd wants a Sharpshooter, Zayn kicks him off, Kidd hits the ropes, flips over Zayn and locks in the Sharpshooter. Zayn reaches the ropes after a struggle. Zayn pulls away from the slingshot guillotine leg drop and they reset. Zayn with an exploder suplex into the corner, and the Hulluva Kick ends it.

WINNER: Sami Zayn in 10:35. Really outstanding match as you’d expect. I am really grateful that they aren’t going with a “frustrated Zayn turns heel” story here.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Lots of solid wrestling action in an episode that continues all of the main storylines. In other news, I made the mistake of catching a recent episode of Total Divas, filmed in the middle of the Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon feud, and Corey Graves was kind of in it as a bystander. Hopefully he will be back soon and healthy. I would also like to see more of Scott Dawson, who returned during the Tag Team Tournament but hasn’t been seen since. With only an hour of programming to fill each week, it is hard to have all of the talented roster members on consistently, unfortunately.

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OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s NXT Hit List: Randy Orton vs. Je’Von Evans, Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo for the NXT NA Title, Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs. A-Town Down Under for the NXT Tag Titles

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