5 YRS AGO – NXT TV Report (10-16-2019): Bronson Reed vs. Matt Riddle, Keith Lee vs. Dijak, plus Damien Priest, Pete Dunne, Garza, Killian Dane, Shirai, Nox, Ciampa

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Matt Riddle (photo credit Wade Keller © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 5 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

OCTOBER 16, 2019

Announcers: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, Beth Phoenix


-A video package aired showing various highlights of recent NXT programs.

-The opening NXT theme aired.

-Mauro introduced the show, noting the “black and gold express continues to barrel towards Takeover War Games.”


Ciampa walked out first to his entrance music and a big crowd pop. Mauro noted he has had four major surgeries in the last two years. He said he was supposed to be out for a year, but he’s back after a mere seven months. Mauro said Ciampa is made of a unique substance – heart, grit, resilience, and determination. Ciampa ate a step-up enzuigiri and went aggressively after Garza at ringside, then patted himself on the back. Back in the ring, Garza knocked Ciampa off the second rope and took over. He basement dropkicked Ciampa to the floor and then dove through the ropes and knocked Ciampa down. Then he hit a missile dropkick in the ring.

Garza celebrated by yanking off his long warm-up pants and threw them at Ciampa. Ciampa fired back and stomped away at Garza in the corner, then stomped away at Garza’s pants. Mauro said he was “showing disrespect to Garza and his heritage.” (Huh?) Ciampa then finished Garza with a draping DDT. As Ciampa celebrated, fans chanted “Welcome back.” Nigel said Ciampa has returned from an injury that would have ended most athletes’ careers. Mauro said, “The body achieves what the mind believes.”

WINNER: Ciampa in 4:00.

-Undisputed Era walked out onto the stage, each sporting a title belt. Ciampa sat on a chair and held onto a crutch. Phoenix said he has no problem standing up to the numbers game. Mauro said Ciampa is used to beating the odds. Kyle O’Reilly flaked over and to Mauro and tossed him something to look at. They cut away with Undisputed Era at ringside and Ciampa staring down at him. (That seems presumptuous that a fight wasn’t about to break out.)

-The announcers hyped that Finn Balor would speak later. They also showed Keith Lee with earbuds on contemplating his match later. [c]

-Back live, they went to the announcers at ringside. Mauro said the USB stick that O’Reilly tossed him has been reviewed and cleared to view. It showed Undisputed Era backstage. Cole said they’re tired of not being taken seriously. They showed Velveteen Dream had been beaten up. He was knocked out on flat on his back. Fish said you don’t embarrass him without paying a price. Cole said if Balor or Ciampa get in their way, that will happen to them too. Cole suggested they let Dream sleep on it. Roderick Strong stomped on Dream’s sunglasses.

-Back to the announcers, Phoenix said that was disturbing to see. Nigel wondered what William Regal’s response would be.

(2) ONEY LORCAN & DANNY BURCH vs. IMPERIUM (Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner w/Alexander Wolfe)

Burch headbutted Barthel as he leaped at him, then landed a flying dropkick and kipped up and played to the hard camera. That allowed Barthel to tag in Aichner. Aichner looked pretty dumb there. He succumbed to a double-team including a basement dropkick. As Imperium posed, thy cut to a break at 2:00. [c]

Lorcan made a comeback after the beak and landed a pescado at ringside, then tagged Burch before diving onto both Barthel and Aichner. Back in the ring Burch scored a two count on Aichner with a jackknife pin attmept. Barthel broke up a double-team attempt. More cool sequences and eventually Aichner scored a near fall on Lorcan after a springboard moonsault for a near fall. He couldn’t believe he didn’t get three. Imperium rallied with a European Bomb for the win. Mauro said both teams were firing on both cylendars.

WINNERS: Imperium in 11:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good action start to finish. Inventive and well-executed crisp sequences.)

-A vignette aired on the backstory of Johnny Gargano including his time in DIY and his singles title wins with snippets of his inspirational promos saying he’ll be whatever NXT needs him to be.

-In a backstage interview taped earlier in the day, Gargano said he’s had his ups and downs with Ciampa, but he won’t know how he feels about Ciampa until he sees him face to face.

-They showed Dijakovic warming up backstage in front of a Dijakovic flag.

-A vignette hyepd that Io Shirai was in action next. [c]


(Keller’s Analysis: I think the next step in the Women’s Evolution is having the ring annoucner not clarify during a ring entrance for two women that it’s a “Women’s Division match.” That’s pretty self-evident, I’d say.)

Phoenix said Shirai is “a modern mercenary who is hell-bent on achieving her ego-centric destiny.” (That sounded like it was read off a card, just a little too perfectly phrased to have been improvised.) Phoenix said she’s had the pleasure of knowing Carter since she began in the Mae Young Classic. She said one of Carter’s favorite country music stars, Brad Paisely, said, “That girl right there is the perfect storm.” Phoenix said that describes her so well. Shirai did some cool gymnastics to avoid Carter’s eartly attack. Carter came back with a head scissors, but Shirai landed on her feet. Phoenix noted that Carter was trained by the Dudley Boyz. The action went to ringside where Shirai swept Carter’s foot and sent her face-first onto the ring apron. She followed with a springboard dropkick into the ring for a two count. Shirai landed an Emperess German Suplex sending Carter hard onto the back of her head and neck. Then she landed a low flight moonsault with high impact for the pin. Mauro called Carter “game.” Glad he didn’t doom her with that adjective before the match.

WINNER: Shirai in 3:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good showcase for Shirai, while Carter got in some flashy offense too and showed promise.)

-Shirai stood in the ring and absorbed some cheered and an “Io!” chant. She said, “Not Rhea, not Bianca. Shayna, it’s me!” She was then interrupted by Rhea Ripley. Mauro said Ripley could end up being her worst nightmare. Ripley stepped into the ring looked down at her. She’s a head taller than Shirai. Shirai wasn’t intimidated. Ripley said last week, Bianca decided to run her mouth and next week she gets to put her back in her place. She told Io that if she ever spits her name out of her mouth again, she has trouble shutting her up, too. Fans chanted “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Shirai threw some words back at Ripley in Japanese. Fans chanted “Rhea! Rhea!” Shirai then left the ring, talking trash the whole way.

-They aired a clip of Cameron Grimes beating Boa after a brief distraction by Killian Dane, followed by Dane attacking Boa including dropping him into the announce desk.

-They showed Boa backstage throwing kicks and punches and seemingly vowing revenge.

-Kathy Kelley asked William Regal for a medical update on Velveteen Dream and if the scheduled North American Title match will take place. Regal said he won’t wrestle next week and probably quite a long time because of the brutal attack of Undisputed Era. He said instead Roderick Strong will defend against the winner of Dominic Dijakovic and Keith Lee. [c]

-They showed a drone shot of the exterior of Full Sail University.

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(3) KEITH LEE vs. DOMINIC DIJAKOVIC – Winner Faces Strong for North American Title next week

Mauro said this will be epic. They collided mid-ring. Lee took control initially, working over Dijakovic’s arm. Phoenix said Lee is reminiscent of big athletes like Big Van Vader and Shaquille O’Neal. Mauro said he moves like Bruce Lee. Dijakovic came back and scored a two count. Both were slow to get up, and they cut to a break. [c]

Fans sang “Bask in his Glory!” as Lee threw a rapid-fire barrage of Dijakovic. Lee checked Dijakvoic, who dumped into the air and landed hard from the impact. That led to a two count. Dijakovic landed a choke bomb on Lee for a two count. Lee came back with a frog splash onto Dijakovic’s arm. Fans chanted “NXT! NXT!” Lee then landed the spirit bomb. Dijakovic rolled to the floor.


Dijakovic blocked a Lee suplex attempt, but Lee held on and tried again, finally muscling Dijakovic over and scoring a two count. Lee climbed to the second rope, but Dijakovic superkicked him off balance. Then he lifted him off the second rope into an electric chair. Lee turned it into a poison rana for a near fall that popped the crowd and drove Mauro wild. Dijakovic met Lee on the second rope and elbowed him. Strong attacked them both with his title belt. The ref called for the bell. Mauro yelled, “What the hell is Roderick Strong doing? This match shouldn’t end this way!”

WINNER: No contest in 15:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Not sure if Strong’s motivation to interfere rather than let his potential foe for next week continue to expend his energy a week before facing him for his title. I’d rather announcers point out his lack of sound strategy and use it against him rather than ignore it which makes it seem like either they don’t notice or they don’t want us to notice. Really good match between these two, by the way.)

-Regal stood on top of the entrance tunnel and said it was “clever, but not clever enough sunshine” because he’ll defend his title against both Lee and Dijakovic in a triple threat match. Mauro said that backfired quickly on Strong. Strong threw a fit.

-They showed Pete Dunne taping his wrists backstage and putting his mouthguard. Nigel said he faces Damien Priest tonight. Then Pheonix plugged that Matt Riddle is in action next. [c]

-Mauro threw to a clip of Undisputed Era yelling at Regal for his announcement about next week’s Strong match. Strong said he’s just trying to take his insecurities out on us.

(Keller’s Analysis: One of my favorite things in pro wrestling these days is Undisputed Era throwing a hissy fit.)


Mauro said Reed wants to sink his teeth into NXT’s main courses. Phoenix said he is NXT’s resident big boy, comparing him to Samoa Joe. “Bro!” chants early from the fans. Riddle got in early offense, but then Reed came back with a senton splash. Riddle came back, kipped up, and delivered a Bro-to-Sleep knee and then a released powerbomb followed by his Final Flash kneestrike for a believable near fall at just 2:00. Riddle countered Riddle’s move off the top rope and then dropped his straps and pounded his chest. Riddle leaped onto Reed’s back and applied a sleeper. Riddle then gave Reed his powerslam finisher, which Mauro called the “Bro Derek” because it was “the perfect ten,” for the win. Mauro said he expects big things from Reed, and a loss can be a learning experience.

WINNER: Riddle in 3:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good showcase match for Riddle, but like Carter earlier, in losing Reed gained something because he looked good before losing and put up a fight, plus the announcers really built him up. NXT is able to get away with having wrestlers lose early in their stints and rather than defining down the wrestlers, it’s part of their journey to “getting better over time.”)

-A video aired on Belair saying she needs to beat Shayna Baszler, but other women are trying to leap ahead in line. She said she’ll show Rhea Ripley that she’s not going to walk in there and jump ahead of her. She said she’ll have fun beating Ripley, and for Ripley, it’ll be a nightmare.

(Keller’s Analysis: Belair can talk a good game.)

-Phoenix hyped that Tegan Nox was up next. [c]

-Mauro said Kushida has a hairline fraction in his forearm from his match with Walter last week and will miss about a month. They showed him with the doctor and a cast on his forearm.


Phoenix talked about her experience with the injury Nox has had twice – ACL injuries. She said it was one of the hardest injuries she ever came back from. “More sting than a Brazilian wandering spider!” Mauro said about Taynara. Taynara got in most of the early offense. Phoenix said Taynara continues to improve, but her attitude seems to get the best of her. Nox made a comeback with a chokeslam, which Pheonix said is a tribute to one of her inspirations, Kane. Nox landed a senton in the corner and then a top rope crossbody. She followed with the Shiniest Wizard for the win.

WINNER: Nox in 3:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: A lot of action fit into three minutes. Taynara looked good here before losing. Again, another showcase match for the more pushed wrestler, but with really good action and enough offense from the loser to give them a sense of having a future.)

-Kelly interviewed Nox at ringside and asked how it feels to be back. Dakota Kai came out to hug her. As Nox began to talk, she was interrupted by Shayna Baszler, Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir. Nox’s reaction to the interruption was priceless. Baszler asked if she really feels she’s ready to return. “Let’s be honest, you’re running out of limbs to rehab,” she said. Nox asked for a title shot. Baszler said she hasn’t earned a title shot, but get in touch with her after she’s done something worth talking about. The threesome then backed up the stage, trash-talking the whole way.

-They showed Damien Priest backstage with two women getting ready to head out for the main event.

-A vignette hyped that Finn Balor had a message next. [c]

-Balor said his life came to a crossroads, and the only path to take is the one you walked before. “How did you get here? Did you footsteps leave the world in a better place or did your missteps leave the word covered in darkness, egos, mistakes, errors. Retrace your steps to find your heart. I have. Next week, my future will be my past.”

(Keller’s Analysis: Intriguing. Well-produced and well-delivered.)


Phoenix said Dane cites Fit Finlay as a top inspiration. Boa exploded at Dane at the bell with a barrage of strikes. Dane retreated to ringside to retreat. Boa went after him, but Dane knocked him out of mid-air with a low crossbody. Dane threw Boa back into the ring and then dropped elbows. Boa showed some life a minute later with elbows to the head, but Dane fired right back with a hard lariat. Then a senton splash followed by two Vader bombs. He stepped onto Boa’s chest before landing the third of “the unholy trinity” of Vader bombs. Dane then applied a side abdominal stretch type of submission for the ref stoppage.

WINNER: Dane in 3:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Dane looked vicious and fended off Boa’s spirited attempt at revenge. One of the great details of NXT’s booking is how they deliberately set up backstory for a three minute match meant to showcase Dane and advance his push, but in the process also gave a little backstory to Boa who showed a great fighting spirit before losing.)

-Dunne’s ring entrance began as Dane was still exiting. Dane didn’t like that and yelled at Dunne. Dunne grabbed Dane’s finger and snapped his fingers. Dane retreated, but looked upset and then was held back by a half dozen officials and referees.

(Keller’s Analysis: Well, that sets up Dunne to face Dane next, even before his match with Priest. Another example of the layered booking and forethought that goes into NXT’s booking that gives a little extra dose of relevance to what otherwise would feel like “made up on the spot” style matches.) [c]

-Phoenix announced Ripley vs. Belair would take placed next week. Nigel plugged the North American Title triple threat match next week.


Priest then made his ring entrance. Mauro said: “Priest would have been a fixture at Studio 54 because he loves poppin’ bottles, dating models, and going full throttle. But when the bell rings, the archer of infamy is laser-focused on the bullseye, which tonight comes in the form of Pete Dunne.” Priest has a top shelf ring entrance routine and major league demeanor and look. Mauro said Dunne “enjoys finger food as long as it’s vegan.” (Uh, human fingers are *not* plant-based.) Dunne stomped on Priest’s arm and then worked over his arm on the ringside steps with a stomp. They battled on the ring apron. Priest kicked Dunne off the ring apron to the floor. They cut to a break. [c]

With ten minutes left in the show, Dunne superplex Priest off the top rope. Fans chanted “NXT!” as both were slow to get up. Priest stopped Dunne’s offense with a back elbow, but then took a snap German suplex followed by finger stomps. Priest retreated to the floor, but Dunne moonsault pressed Priest. Again, both were slow to get up. Dunne threw Priest back into the ring. Dunne upkicked Priest and landed a sitout powerbomb. Dunne stood and stomped away at Priest’s jaw whole holding his arms. Priest upkicked to stop Dunne, but Dunne then surprised Priest with a flying armbar.


Priest leveraged Dunne’s shoulders down, which forced Dunne to release the hold. Priest then landed a step-up enzuigiri. He threw Dunne into the ringpost and then hit Splash Mountain for a two count. Dunne rolled to the floor as Mauro re-set the show as they moved into the overrun. Priest landed a springboard flip onto Dunne on the floor. Fans chanted “Holy shit! Holy shit!” Back in the ring, Priest overhead suplexed Dunne, but Dunne landed on his feet and then kicked him from behind. Priest cyclone kicked Dunne on the top rope and then franksteinered him to the mat. He followed with a chokeslam for a believable near fall. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” They exchanged blows mid-ring rapid-fire. Dunne landed a right. Priest clotheslined him into a 360 buimp. Dunne countered a Reckoning attempt and set up a Bitter End. Priest escaped and high kicked Dunne’s head. Dunne fired back with an enzuigiri. Then Dunne caught Priest mid-air with a forearm to the jaw to drop him. “Week in and week out, NXT delivers the action, tailor made for your satisfaction,” said Mauro. Fans chanted “Fight forever!” Dunne gingerly climbed to the top rope and went for a moonsault, but Priest lifted his knees. Priest then lifted Dunne into an inverted body vice, but Dunne grabbed his fingers. Priest grabbed Dunne’s throat. The ref was trapped in the corner and turned her back to get out of the mix. Priest then kicked Dunne in the “balls-eye” (as Mauro called it) followed by The Reckoning for the three count.

WINNER: Priest in 15:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Really good main event. Priest’s opportunistic cheap shot was a good way to give him some heel heat and protect Dunne in losing. I wish the announcers decried the move a little more than they did. They didn’t applaud it, but they hardly condemned it.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: A really good two hours of wrestling action. Still would prefer some more talking to set up the matches or react to them, as even the Nox-Baszler segment was more of an angle than an interview or promo. Not really merely a maintenence show with good wrestling, as it did forward several storylines and set up next week’s matches and some future storylines well, but not a blockbuster show in terms of big angles. Pro wrestling when presented without Vince McMahon’s proclivities and hang-ups can be such a pleasure, especially when wrestlers get to showcase their athleticism with strong announcing and a hot crowd wrapped in fundamentally sound booking.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: 20 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (10/11/2004): Edge & Benoit & Michaels vs. Flair & Triple H & Batista, plus Regal & Eugene, Trish, Jericho, Snitsky, Orton, Christian

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s NXT Hit List: Randy Orton vs. Je’Von Evans, Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo for the NXT NA Title, Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs. A-Town Down Under for the NXT Tag Titles

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