20 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (10/11/2004): Edge & Benoit & Michaels vs. Flair & Triple H & Batista, plus Regal & Eugene, Trish, Jericho, Snitsky, Orton, Christian

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Edge joins Disney+ series
Edge (artist Grant Gould © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

OCTOBER 11, 2004

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler introduced the show from Manchester, England. The show was taped earlier today. Full results are available in the “WWE News” section. They didn’t have as an elaborate a set-up at the entrance stage as they do in the U.S., which gave them extra tickets to sell, too, since the big screen didn’t block as many of the end seats.

1 — TRISH STRATUS vs. STACY KEIBLER – WWE Women’s Title match

The video quality is down due to the transfer from a different system overseas and it makes the footage seem choppy with a damp contrast. Trish beat up Stacy most of the match, working on her legs and contorting her body much to the juvenile delight of Jerry Lawler. Trish KO’d Stacy with a roundhouse kick to the ribs for the win. Molly Holly slapped Stacy after the match. Nidia made the save. Gail Kim joined in, then Victoria. The babyfaces cleared the ring of the heels.

WINNER: Trish at 3:51.

STAR RATING: 1/2* — Not much to it.

[Commercial Break]

-They showed the UK Sun’s “Page Three Girls” dancing outside of the Sun trailer.

-Another Simon Dean vignette aired.

2 — LA RESISTANCE vs. WILLIAM REGAL & EUGENE — World Tag Team Title match

La Resistance said the crowd didn’t deserve to hear them sing the National Anthem. Regal got chants during the match since it’s his home country. Eugene and Regal got in early offense including some comedy spots including Regal using Eugene as a battering ram and Eugene riding around on Conway like a horse. La Resistance got some offense in. That was followed by four-way chaos. Eugene knocked Conway out of the picture with a stunner. When Grenier tried to use the tag belt as a weapon, the ref yanked it away from him. Regal then KO’d Grenier with brass knux and the ref counted the pin. It appeared Regal & Eugene were tag champs at 3:51.

[Commercial Break]

The match continued, though, as Ross explained that during the break Raw G.M. Eric Bischoff ordered the match restarted due to Regal using knux. At 12:00 Eugene set u the People’s Elbow on Grenier, but then told Regal he should do it. Regal did. Conway hit Regal with the flag pole and scored the pin.

WINNERS: La Resistance at 13:42.


[Commercial Break]

-Eric Bischoff congratulated La Resistance, then said the losers of the World Title poll will wrestle then for the tag team titles, meaning if Shawn Michaels wins, then Edge & Chris Jericho team up to face La Resistance at Taboo Tuesday in eight days. La Resistance weren’t happy.

-Triple H, Ric Flair, and Batista talked about Taboo Tuesday. Batista assured a skeptical, if not paranoid Hunter, that they had his back.

-A vignette aired on the Lita-Kane situation.

-Ross interviewed Gene Snitsky “live via satellite from WWE Studios in Stamford, Conn. He said he knew Kane was coming to get him and threatened his life, so he decided to make a preemptive strike. “Kane said I was a dead man!” he said. “The only thing dead around here is your baby. And that wasn’t my fault.” He said the “choose your weapon” stip is just fine with him. He said Kane would be the one crying like a baby after Tuesday’s match. He then imitated a crying baby. Snitsky’s promos are just strange enough in a car wreck kind of way where you have to slow down and take a look. He has a pretty good camera presence.

[Commercial Break]

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Ross said, “This should be a fast-paced match, King.” If this match actually took place, you’d have to wonder what they were thinking. Instead, Kane saved the day and attacked everyone. He was especially hard on Venis, bashing him over and over again with a chair.

[Commercial Break]

-They replayed Kane beating Val, then Val being secured to a back board and carried to the back.

-Randy Orton walked to the ring in a tan suit. He said he has mixed feelings going into Taboo Tuesday, but he is looking forward to facing Ric Flair. Flair interrupted Orton. Well, Flair’s music did, not Flair. Then Flair walked out. Flair got worked up and took off his jacket. He said Orton is great, “but a legend killer you’re not.” He told him not to worry about a “shell of a man” showing up, but rather “the man” showing up. He said he planned to take is future away from him. Flair said if Orton beats him, he’ll let him ride in his limousine and he’ll give him a couple of women to ride with. Orton interrupted and said that wouldn’t be necessary because he already has his own limo and own women. “God knows – I mean, look at me – I’ve got plenty,” he said. “As for the girls I’ve kissed, it’s a lot more than a kiss that they remember.” Pretty long and nothing much new was said, but Flair was on his game. He showed with promos like that why he was able to lose or win by blatant cheating in 90 percent of his matches yet was able to regain his credibility and heat with one TV promo a week later.

[Commercial Break]


At the start of the match, they announced that next Monday there would be a press conference at Gund Arena in Cleveland, Ohio at “12 noon” (as opposed to “2 noon” and “8 noon”) announcing Survivor Series. Ross said the tension between Rhyno and Jericho is the result of a misunderstanding. Rhyno went into a chinlock at 1:30. Yawn! At least Jericho made it seem like he was fighting out of it the whole time. As happens with virtually every chinlock, Jericho elbowed out of it. At 4:00, Rhyno lifted his knees on a Jericho Lionsault attempt, then set up the Gore. Christian and Tomko interfered. Coach came out and said that Eric Bischoff was gong to restart the match, but as a tag match. Ross said it was incredible that after wrestling each other, Jericho and Rhyno now had to team together.

WINNER: No contest.


[Commercial Break]


At 13:30 Rhyno hit a Gore on Tomko, then Jericho hit his Lionsault and pinned Tomko. He then put the Walls of Jericho on Christian, who tapped out frantically. Batista attacked Jericho from behind, adding to the chances fans will vote to see him face Jericho at Taboo Tuesday. He gave Jericho a sitdown powerbomb.

WINNERS: Jericho & Rhyno at 13:30.


-Michaels told Benoit backstage that he’s going to do what’s best for him in their match. He said he is going to show the entire world why he is the Showstopper so the fans vote for him to face Hunter next week. Benoit said he isn’t going to sit back and let him steal the spotlight. They should have aired that promo earlier in the show to set the stage for the main event up front. Edge walked in and sarcastically thanked them for including him in their discussion. Michaels said if he remembers right, he and Benoit aren’t worthy of another title shot. Edge said he stands by that comment because they’ve already had multiple chances at the World Title, but he hasn’t. “I deserve the shot against Triple H and tonight I’m going to prove it,” he said. “See you out there boys.” Ross said, “This is going to be interesting.”

-A commercial aired for Mick Foley’s new children’s book Wrescal Lane featuring wrestling characters such as Steph (as opposed to, say, Trish or Lita or someone actually on WWE these days), Little Mick, Kurt, Al, and others.

[Commercial Break]

-The Smackdown recap aired.

-Jim Ross announced that John Cena was part of a nightclub altercation and is in a medical facility (the 2004 term for “hospital”) being tended to. They said the Smackdown crew would update his condition. At this point, I’m assuming it’s an angle to explain his absence while filming a WWE-producer movie, “The Marine.”

-A video featured aired on the Carmella vs. Christy match.

-Ross and Lawler talked about the various choices fans are being given at Taboo Tuesday. With the tag title match featuring the discards from the World Title polling, that’s one fewer match fans will have a choice in unless you believe some fans will change how they vote based on which tag team they want to see face La Resistance. The fact that Coach is included in the IC Title contenders really makes a mockery out of the title. By what standard in the world WWE creates does Coach deserve to be included? Only 6 percent of PWTorch.com readers voting in last week’s poll on Taboo Tuesday felt WWE had lived up to the expectations they set for fan involvement in determining the line-up.

-Speaking of voting, we have a Torch Instant Poll going tonight asking whether Raw taking place in England added to or took away from your enjoyment of the show with several options listed. Check out here.

[Commercial Break]


Benoit and Batista began against each other. When Edge tagged in, the crowd booed him, which Ross noted on the air. Michaels and Flair exchanged chops. Benoit tagged back in and chopped Flair who took a face-first bump. At 4:00 after all three babyfaces applied figure-fours in center ring on the heels, they cut to a break.

[Commercial Break]

When Lawler asked Ross who deserved the shot against Hunter, he said it was “too daggum close to call.” Lawler favored Edge. Ross said it’s not up to them, it’s up to the fans. At 11:45 off camera a fan tried to jump into the ring. The crowd popped as Michaels stopped him. The crowd chanted “HBK” and everyone was looking at ringside. Ross didn’t acknowledge the incident. The fans then broke into a “na na na hey hey hey good bye” chant. Benoit, meanwhile, was in a Flair figure-four and bleeding from the mouth. Michaels did his best to try to get the fans back into the match by cheering on Benoit. At 14:30 Michaels backdropped out of a Pedigree attempt by Hunter. Benoit then hit his top rope headbutt. When Michaels stomped the mat to set up the superkick. Edge tagged himself in. Michaels and Edge argued. Michaels then superkicked Hunter, but Edge made the pin. Edge told the fans afterward that a vote for Benoit or HBK is a vote wasted. Benoit got in his face and said he made Triple H tapout before and he can do it again. Michaels asked for the mic. He said he’s been beating Triple H up inside and outside the ring for ten years, but it doesn’t matter because it’s up to the fans. He asked the fans if they wanted to see Hunter against Edge, against Benoit, or against Benoit. He was even-handed in putting over Benoit as a threat, while talking dismissively about Edge. He concluded, “Or, he can defend it against the headliner, the show-stopper, the main event, HBK!” Edge then blindsided Michaels with a spear in mid-sentence. Eric Bischoff stepped out and told them that they’d get a chance next week in a three-way match to prove who deserves the title shot. He said voting starts at 10 p.m. ET next week. Edge then speared Benoit. Edge walked away from the ring signalling that the belt will be around his waist as Michaels and Benoit tried to regain their senses in the ring.

WINNERS: Edge & Michaels & Benoit at 15:30.

STAR RATING: **3/4 — Good action throughout, although nothing great, with an appropriate finish that didn’t seem to sway the fans toward Michaels or Benoit, but did further establish Edge’s heel character.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: 20 YRS AGO – KELLER’S WWE SMACKDOWN TV Report (10-14-2004): Rey Mysterio vs. Carlito, plus RVD, Kidman, Luther Reigns, Heyman, Teddy Long, Eddie Guerrero


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