LECLAIR’S AEW WRESTLEDREAM 2024 REPORT: Alt perspective, detailed coverage of Danielson vs. Moxley, Ospreay vs. Takeshita vs. Ricochet, May vs. Nightingale, more

By Brandon LeClair, PWTorch contributor


OCTOBER 12, 2024

Announcers: Excalibur & Tony Schiavone & Nigel McGuinness

-Fireworks exploded around the entrance stage as Excalibur welcomed the audience to the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington. He welcomed his broadcast partners, Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness.

-Jay White’s music hit and he emerged from the tunnel, accompanied by Juice Robinson. Juice returned to the back as Switchblade headed to the ring.

The crane camera shot Adam Page from above as he sauntered through the heel tunnel. He marched triumphantly down the ramp as fireworks shot from the stage. The crowd booed him as he posed on the apron.


Jay White and Adam Page locked up to begin the match. After working each other into the northeast corner, they traded quick slaps to the face. White exploded with a flurry of right hands to Page, working him into the northwest corner. Page ducked a punch and began swinging wildly on Switchblade, downing him in the corner. Page whipped White to the opposing corner, but got caught with an elbow on the pursuit. White twisted Hangman’s leg and gave him a hard chop to the chest.

White grabbed at Page’s leg, looking for a hold. Hangman wriggled his way underneath the bottom rope. White smartly guillotined him. The action briefly spilled to the floor. Page overtook White, catching him with a clothesline off the apron. The crowd started a loud “Swerve’s House” chant, trying to get under Page’s skin. McGuinness and Schiavone argued about whether or not Hangman cared. Back in the ring, Page whipped White hard into the northeast corner. Jay collapsed to the mat. Hangman argued with the referee, then dragged Jay to his feet. He gave him a hard chop as the match crossed 4:00. Page followed up with a Fallaway Slam into the turnbuckle. He covered, but White immediately got his hand on the bottom rope.

Excalibur noted that the Gunns were not cleared to travel to Tacoma due to the attack they suffered at the hands of Hangman Page. Adam mounted Jay in the corner, looking for ten punches. White countered out with an Atomic Drop. Page shook it off and grabbed a Sleeper, lifting White off his feet and swinging him around for a slam and cover. After scoring a two count, Hangman delivered a few more punches. He rocked White with a hard elbow, then threw out his arms for a chorus of boos from the crowd. After being hoisted over the ropes in a counter attempt from White, Page called for the Buckshot Lariat. White stumbled out of the way before Hangman could take off.

Page missed wildly with a clothesline in the northeast corner. Jay caught Page with quick jabs to the jaw, then a running uppercut. He delivered a a spike DDT for a cover and two count just before 8:00. White hooked Page for a Suplex, but Page dropped to his knees to block. He hoisted Jay over his head, but White caught him with a hard chop. White went for a German Suplex, but Page landed on his feet. White hit another chop, then connected with the German Suplex on the second attempt. He bridged for a two count. Page came up favoring his knee.

In the southwest corner, White hoisted Page onto the top turnbuckle. Page drove his thumbs into White’s eyes to create separation. White gave him a chop, flipping Page upside down and trapping him in the ropes. White chopped at Page’s exposed chest repeatedly, then stuck his thumbs in Hangman’s eyes for turnabout. Page slumped free against the apron. White tried to lift him, but Page countered and delivered a Death Valley Driver on the apron. He called for the Buckshot Lariat as White rose slowly. Switchblade got too close to Page. Hangman threw punches to stagger him backward. White charged at Page, but Hangman caught him with a forearm to the face.

Hangman pulled White out to the apron, striking him again. White ate the punch, but grabbed at Page’s leg and delivered a Dragon Screw to the floor. Both men fought to their feet. Page gave White a Powerbomb onto the steel steps. Schiavone said White may be done. Jay crawled toward the ramp, Page in pursuit. Referee Paul Turner tried to force Hangman back toward the ring, but he refused. Page removed his belt, stalking White. Turner tried to take the belt from him, threatening Page with a disqualification. Jay White taunted Page, welcoming the belt. Hangman swung, but White pulled him in and delivered a knee-breaker right on the edge of the ramp.

Switchblade followed Turner back to ringside, sliding in the ring to break his count. Then, he went to retrieve his opponent. White gave Page another Dragon Screw, setting him up in the northeast corner. Jay threw a wild right hand. Page countered with a back elbow. White exploded with a Uranagi and covered Page for a two count just after 15:00. White set up for Blade Runner, but Page grabbed on to Turner’s shirt to block and steady himself. He caught White with Deadeye, but couldn’t capitalize, heavily favoring his injured knee.

A dueling chant broke out as Hangman rolled to the apron, looking for the lariat. The knee made him hesitate just a moment. He flipped in, but White caught him. He turned it into Blade Runner for a cover and three count.

WINNER: Jay White in 16:29

Juice Robinson met Jay White at ringside and the two celebrated. Hangman was incensed. He argued with fans on his way up the ramp, continuing to sell the knee.

-Excalibur tossed to a quick video package for the AEW Women’s World title match.

Willow Nightingale danced to the ring to a solid ovation. She gave the crowd, and the camera a big thumbs up. Mariah May followed. Nigel McGuinness said she’s “at the very top.”

(2) MARIAH MAY (c) vs. WILLOW NIGHTINGALE – AEW Women’s World Championship match

Mariah May and Willow Nightingale circled one another out of the blocks. A small “let’s go Willow” chant started things off. Nightingale responded by delivering two body-slams to the champion in quick succession. She dragged May to the northwest corner and gave her a pair of chops. Willow circled the ring, gaining steam. May cut her off with a running dropkick out of the corner. She tied May up in the ropes and pulled at her cheeks. May looked to charge at Nightingale, but the challenger caught the champion with a pounce.

Nightingale climbed to the middle turnbuckle, sizing May up. Mariah cut her out at the knee. Nightingale hit her head on the turnbuckle on the way down. Mariah dragged her to the northeast corner and stomped her to the mat. She delivered a Snapmare, then a basement dropkick for a cover and one count at 3:00. Mariah grabbed a seated headlock. Willow powered to her feet, but May quickly dropped her again. Willow pulled May in the by the hair and bit her ear. McGuinness called it “Mike Tyson-esque.”

Off the ropes, Nightingale anticipated May’s cold stop and took her down by the hair. She worked her to the corner and hit a running hip check, then a clothesline. She closed the combo with a strike kick to the chin. Willow delivered a Spinebuster with a high stack for a two count. She set May up in Gutwrench position, but May blocked it. She slipped behind Nightingale and hit a low-angle German Suplex for a cover and two count. May went to retrieve her challenger from the mat, but Willow tripped her up and applied an Indian Death Lock. Mariah threw a slap, trying to break the hold. Willow slapped her right back. Willow grabbed May by the hair and slammed her head into her own knee repeatedly.

Nightingale broke the hold. The champion crawled to the corner, looking for a respite. Willow hit her with a Cannonball. She went for a top rope Moonsault, but May moved. She followed up with a big drop kick, then May Day. Mariah hooked the leg for a near fall at 7:50. Willow fought to her feet and caught the champion with an elbow strike. Both women charged from adjacent ends. May caught Willow with a headbutt. Willow stumbled into the ropes and exploded back with a huge lariat.

Both women were down. Nightingale answered the count at seven and pulled May to her feet with her. May flipped free of a Powerbomb attempt, then the two traded roll-ups for two counts. Willow kicked Mariah in the face, then caught her with a Dead Valley Driver into the turnbuckle. Nightingale covered for a near fall just before 10:00. Nightingale headed back to the corner, climbing the turnbuckles. The champion sprang to her feet, leaping to the top rope to meet her. Willow went for a Powerbomb off the top, but Mariah turned it into a super ‘rana. She followed up with Storm Zero for a cover and three count.

WINNER: Mariah May in 10:52 to retain the AEW Women’s World Championship

-Excalibur tossed a video for the TNT Championship match

Katsuyori Shibata was out first to a good reaction. Excalibur said it wasn’t lost on the audience in Tacoma how meaningful it is for Shibata to be competing after nearly losing his career years ago. Jack Perry entered next, adorning his goat mask. He gave the camera the middle finger and spit his gum at it.

(3) JACK PERRY (c) vs. KATSUYORI SHIBATA – TNT Championship match

Jack Perry and Katsuyori Shibata stepped to center and locked up. Shibata quickly took Perry to the mat and wrestled him to the ropes. The TNT Champion rolled to the outside and took a lap around the ring. Fans heckled him as he passed. Perry walked the steps and returned to the ring, locking up with his challenger again and taking him over into a bridge attempt for a quick two count. Shibata quickly turned him over into an arm bar. Perry broke free and rolled to the floor again.

The TNT Champion grabbed a bottle of water from ringside and splashed some on his face, then tossed the rest at Shibata. Katsuyori hurriedly left the ring to charge the champion. Perry beat him back to the ring and took him down. He kicked Shibata in the back. Katsuyori literally brushed it off and invited more. Perry tossed Shibata to the corner instead and choked him against the turnbuckle with his knee. Jack gave Shibata couple of hard chops, but Katsuyori shrugged them off, again inviting more. Perry raked his eyes instead.

As Shibata wiped his eyes, Perry kicked him in the gut. He gave Shibata a hard chop. Shibata no-sold it and delivered one of his own. Perry went flying against the ropes, then walked right into a second one and then a third. Shibata backed Perry against the ropes and chopped him repeatedly. The champion fell to his knees, chest reddened. The Wrestler followed up with a hard forearm, then a Suplex as the match approached 5:00. Shibata sat up, cross-legged in the center. Perry kicked him in the chest and spit in his face. Shibata invited more kicks. Perry obliged, but Shibata shrugged them all off. He popped to his feet and dropkicked the champion hard into the corner.

Katsuyori Shibata fired off rapid chops, sending Perry to the mat and out of the ring. The challenger followed, giving Jack a Suplex against the apron. He slid Jack back in the ring and hit a leaping dropkick in the corner. Shibata followed up with an underhook Suplex for a cover and two count just after 7:00. Perry stumbled around the ring. Shibata dropped him again, then went for a P.K. The Champion caught the leg and pulled Shibata to the mat, applying an S.T.F. Shibata crawled valiantly toward the rope, breaking the hold. Perry immediately broke, slid to the outside and gave Shibata a draping DDT onto the floor. He tossed his challenger back in the ring in a hurry and covered for a two count.

Perry set up in the corner, looking deliver a knee to the head. On the charge, Shibata hoisted Perry into the air and hit a Death Valley Driver. He went for a second, this time onto the knee. Perry blocked it. Shibata grabbed a Sleeper and rolled onto his back. Shibata’s shoulders were down and the referee counted to three, hold still applied.

WINNER: Jack perry in 9:20 to retain the TNT Championship

Shibata argued with the referee while Perry recovered. Jack attacked Shibata from behind, then spit at the referee. He grabbed the TNT title, sizing Katsuyori up. Daniel Garcia’s music hit and he rushed to the ring, getting in Perry’s face. Jack stepped to him initially, but then thought better of it and rolled to the outside to a chorus of boos.

Daniel Garcia looked on at Perry. Suddenly, MJF’s music hit. Garcia spun toward the entrance. Max emerged from the tunnel and stomped to the ring. He motioned for his music to be cut. Max stepped in the ring and stood face-to-face with Garcia. Suddenly, Jack Perry returned and clocked Garcia in the back of the head with the TNT title. Max stepped back, throwing his hands up and cracking a smile.

While Perry left, Max removed his sports coat and unbuttoned his cuff-links. He mounted Garcia and punched him several times, then called out for a microphone. Max stepped on Garcia’s throat. He said last time he saw Daniel, he beat him without breaking a sweat. “Then I went on to make several movies and several millions,” MJF smiled. He paused to punch Garcia a few more times. He said Garcia was busy, too, having his own “bidding war.” He said it was about as real as the Seattle Supersonics in 2024. He purposefully mistook Tacoma for Seattle and told the crowd to shut up as they booed.

Max said that he found his Dynamite Diamond Ring at a pawn shop in Buffalo. “I found it, and now you’re gonna kiss it!” Max took the ring from his pocket and put it on, sizing up Garcia for a shot. Adam Cole’s music interrupted him. Cole sauntered onto the stage to a huge reaction. MJF mocked his injured foot. Cole bolted toward the ring, no longer injured. MJF leapt out of the ring and into the crowd. C0le posed on the top rope, then offered a hand to Daniel Garcia. They shared a fist bump. Cole talked to the camera on his way up the ramp, saying he’s back, better than ever, and ready to take on everyone.

-Excalibur tossed to a video package for the International Championship match

Kinosuke Takeshita was out first, flanked by Don Callis. Excalibur said it unfortunately meant he’d be joining them on commentary. Ricochet entered next. Will Ospreay entered last to a big reaction and a sea of fireworks as he marched down the ramp. Schiavone said he’s taken AEW by storm.

(4) WILL OSPREAY (c) vs. KINOSUKE TAKESHITA (w/ Don Callis) vs. RICOCHET – Three-Way AEW International Championship match

Will Ospreay and Ricochet immediately attacked Kinosuke Takeshita when the bell rang. Excalibur called it revenge for Wednesday. McGuinness said there’s no way they’d be able to keep their partnership for long. Ricochet tossed Takeshita to the outside and he and Ospreay immediately came to blows. They traded quick counters and ended their exchange with backflips into the center of the ring. Instead of soaking in the moment, Takeshita dropped them both with a missile dropkick.

Takeshita tossed both opponents to the floor and ran them into the barriers. he gave Ricochet a quick DDT on the floor, then retrieved a table from underneath the ring. Ospreay cut him off during the set-up, but Kinosuke gave him a hard elbow to the jaw. He dragged Ricochet back toward the ring and slammed his head off the apron. Takeshita looked for a backdrop off the apron, through the table, but Ricochet held onto the ropes and flipped into the ring. He gave Kinosuke a pair of forearms, trying to knock him back into the table. He missed on the third, allowing Takeshita to re-enter the ring safely.

Ricochet knocked Takeshita to the floor, then dropkicked Ospreay off the apron. He attempted a handspring back-flip to the outside onto Takeshita, but Kinosuke caught him. Ospreay executed the same move and took down both. He tossed Takeshita back in the ring, then caught him with a flying forearm off the top for a cover and two count just after 4:00. Ricochet returned to the fold and caught both his opponents with kicks. Takeshita tried for a DDT on Ospreay, and hit it only because Ricochet kicked him in the head. Ricochet booted Ospreay to the floor, then chopped Kinosuke. He and Ricochet traded elbows in the corner. Ricochet tried to monkey-roll out of the corner, but Kinosuke caught him with a fastball elbow. Ospreay re-entered by rolling over Ricochet’s back. He hit the ropes and dropped Takeshita.

The crowd broke into a big “Ospreay” chant as the challengers worked him onto the apron. He and Takeshita traded Suplex attempts through the table from the apron. Ricochet joined the fray. All three men traded chops. Ospreay missed a Os-Cutter. Takeshita pulling Will into a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Ricochet gave Takeshita a Meteora. The night’s first “this is awesome” chant ensued. Ricochet tossed Takeshita onto the table, then pondered his options. He hit the ropes, but Ospreay cut him off with a Spanish Fly for a cover and two count at 8:15. The champion set up for a Storm Breaker, but Ricochet countered into a ‘rana and roll up for two.

Ospreay popped to his feet, catching Ricochet with a heel kick. He set up for a Hidden Blade, but Ricochet countered it into a back-slide bomb. Ricochet leaped to the top turnbuckle, looking for a 450 Splash. Ospreay rolled out of the way and gave Ricochet a Powerbomb. He covered, but Takeshita broke it up at two. Takeshita ducked a kick from Ospreay and gave him a package Piledriver. He rolled Ospreay to his feet and hit a snap German Suplex. Ospreay popped up and charged, but Kinosuke hit him with a massive lariat. Ricochet exploded in with a handspring cutter off the ropes for a cover and two count.

“Kinosuke is just too big for Ricochet!” Callis exclaimed as his man overwhelmed his opponent. Ospreay returned to his feet and he and Ricochet made a temporary pact to take out Kinosuke again. Callis called it despicable. Takeshita rose slowly and removed his elbow pad. He struck Ospreay and Ricochet down with two violent back elbows. Ricochet caught him with an Enziguri. Ospreay kicked Ricochet by accident, then caught Takeshita with the flip kick. He went for an Os-Cutter, but Takeshita blocked it. Both men hit the ropes. Takeshita went for another lariat, but Ospreay landed on his feet. He leapt to the ropes and caught Takeshita with an Os-Cutter. Ricochet flew in immediately for a 450 Splash for a cover and very close near fall just after 13:00.

McGuinness said that Ricochet was a hair’s breath away from winning the International Championship. Ricochet hoisted Will Ospreay onto the northwest turnbuckles. The two teetered on the top. Ricochet shoved Will to the apron. Takeshita came in underneath Ricochet, placing him in Electric Chair position. Ospreay came in with a clothesline, but Ricochet landed on his feet. Both he and Ospreay gave Takeshita clotheslines. Ospreay and Ricochet traded Poison-ranas. Takeshita gave them both a German Suplex. The crowd rose to their feet.

Will and Ricochet rolled to the floor. Takeshita dove onto both of them, then slid Ricochet back in the ring. He gave him a bit clothesline for a cover and two count. McGuinness said it’s Takeshita’s match to lose. Ricochet used the northeast corner to steady himself. Takeshita gave him a running kick, then hoisted him onto the top turnbuckle. Ospreay ripped him down. He climbed the ropes and gave him a ‘rana off the top, onto Takeshita. Kinosuke fell. Ricochet improvised, rolling him into a cover. Ospreay broke it up. He called for a Hidden Blade. Ricochet cut him off with a spin kick. He ascended the northeast corner and hit a Shooting Star Press. Takeshita rushed in with a running knee, covering both Ospreay and Ricochet. Both kicked out just in time.

Takeshita looked toward the table as the match crossed 18:00. He dragged Ricochet onto the apron, setting up for a Blue Thunder Bomb. Ricochet fought free and kicked Kinosuke. He gave Takeshita leaping axe kick to the back of the head. Takeshita dead-lifted Ricochet and slid him into position, delivering a Tombstone off the apron and through the table. Takeshita rolled into the ring and immediately got hit with a Hidden Blade from Ospreay. He covered, but Takeshita kicked out at one. Ospreay hit it again, hooking the leg. Don Callis pulled the referee out of the ring before three.

Callis entered the ring, screwdriver in hand. Ospreay grabbed him and pulled him in for a Tiger Driver. A man in a hoodie slid in the ring. He hit Ospreay in the back of the head with a screwdriver. It was Kyle Fletcher. Callis barked orders. Takeshita kneed Ospreay in the head and covered him. Fletcher tossed the referee back in the ring to count to three.

WINNER: Kinosuke Takeshita in 20:42 to win the AEW International Championship

Takeshita celebrated with his title while Fletcher stood over the ailing Ospreay. Kyle pulled Will up and gave him a release Tiger Driver. Ospreay immediately clutched at his neck, shaking and screaming. Fletcher looked down at Ospreay, expressionless. The crowd celebrated with Takeshita.

-Backstage, Renee Paquette was joined by Orange Cassidy and Jerry Lynn. Jerry said that Cassidy is a special talent. He said he’s seen him step up and connect with the fans, and said he believes that Cassidy could “be the man” if the really wanted to. “Just food for thought,” Lynn said as he turned to walk away. Hook walked into frame. He told Cassidy that he’s right, “you are the man.”

-In the ring, Prince Nana introduced Swerve Strickland.

Swerve Strickland headed to the ring while Prince Nana danced in it. Excalibur said that Swerve is coming off of back-to-back losses. He and the announcers discussed the merits of MVP’s offer to Swerve versus his standing relationship with Nana.

“Welcome home!” the crowd chanted as Strickland stood in the center of the ring. He said it feels a little weird without the AEW World Championship, but he’s happy for the home welcome. He thanked the crowd. He said he still feels some tingles in the back of his neck, his legs, and into his fingers. He said everything he told Bryan Danielson seems to be “coming back on him.” Despite that, Swerve said he’s medically cleared. He was cut off by MVP clearing his throat.

MVP headed to the ring, flanked by Shelton Benjamin. He said Swerve hasn’t called him back, or answered his emails or DMs. MVP said he’s assuming Swerve has been in “deep contemplation” about his future. He said he and Swerve has history, and that he believed in Strickland before Strickland believed in himself. The crowd chanted “Swerve’s House” over MVP, but Porter agreed with them. “It is Swerve’s house!” He said, right now, Strickland’s career seems to be floundering a bit. He said his resume speaks for itself, and he’s known for making former champions great and helping them regain said titles.

“Now that I’m here, let’s talk some business, shall we?” MVP asked. The crowd booed. Swerve said he learned a lot from Porter. He turned to Shelton Benjamin, calling him an inspiration. He said Benjamin paved the way for black wrestlers to do what they do. “That’s cause of you,” he said. He told Nana that MVP isn’t wrong. Swerve said he lost in the steel cage, lost his childhood home, and lost the AEW World Championship. “On the other hand, though, I wouldn’t have had those things without you, Nana!”

Swerve turned back to MVP. He talked about how much more dangerous he could be with he and Shelton. Swerve said a lot of things annoy him about Nana. “You’re still selling weed to kids in hotel parking lots,” he laughed. Strickland said the biggest thing about Nana, though, is that he’s family, “and I don’t turn my back on family.” Swerve declined MVP’s offer. Benjamin stepped in. He said they weren’t offering. “You’re either with us, or you’re against us,” Benjamin said. Strickland shoved him. Official spilled from the back, separating everyone. MVP led Benjamin away from the ring as he and Swerve continued to talk trash to each other.

-Excalibur announced that Mercedes Mone will face Queen Aminata on next week’s Dynamite, then tossed to a video for Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos.

Hologram headed to the ring first. Tony Schiavone talked up his winning streak. Excalibur noted that he’s making his Pay-Per-View debut. The Beast Mortos headed to the ring as Excalibur briefly threw to the Spanish announce team.

(5) HOLOGRAM vs. THE BEAST MORTOS – 2 Out of 3 Falls match

Hologram got shoved into the northwest corner as the bell rang. He flipped out quickly, climbing the ropes and giving Mortos an arm drag. Mortos shot to his feet, but got taken down with another headscissor arm drag. Hologram leapt onto Mortos’ shoulders and flipped off of them. Mortos charged at Hologram, but got flipped over the top rope. Hologram leapt onto him on the floor. McGuinness said he’s like a torpedo. Hologram tossed Mortos back in the ring and charged him. Mortos kicked him in the face, then dropped him with a huge Samoan Drop for a cover and two count at 2:45.

The Beast Mortos hoisted Hologram onto the top rope and gave him a hard chop. He climbed the northeast turnbuckle to meet him. Hologram flipped him off, then hit a diving crucifix bomb for a roll up cover and three count at 3:44, securing the first fall. Referee Aubrey Edwards checked on The Beast Mortos as he rose slowly. He charged at Hologram and shoulder blocked him right out of the ring. Mortos threw himself through the middle rope, spinning in the air and colliding with Hologram on the outside. Mortos rolled Hologram in the ring at Edwards’ count of six, then dragged him right back out. He military pressed Hologram and tossed him violently onto the stage ramp.

Aubrey Edwards checked on Hologram and cleared him to continue. Mortos walked him back to the ring and gave him a hard chop. He tossed him into the ring and covered him for a two count. Mortos gave Hologram a couple of headbutts, then an overhead belly-to-belly into the corner. He hanged Hologram in tree-of-woe position, then hit a running spear to the mid-section. He went for another, but Hologram wiggled free. Mortos collided with the turnbuckle and fell to the floor. Hologram dove off the top onto Mortos. Back in the ring, Hologram connected with a Poison-rana. He charged at Mortos, but the Beast turned it into a Backbreaker and Powerbomb on the knee. He finished the combo with a big lariat for a cover and three count at 8:55, evening the match at 1-to-1.

A small “Mortos” chant broke out as the Beast struggled to his feet. He gave Hologram another huge lariat and covered for a very close near fall. Hologram struggled to his feet. Mortos gave him a hard slap to the face. He whipped him toward the southwest corner, but Hologram countered with a hard toe kick. The two teetered on the middle turnbuckle. Hologram managed to connect with a headscissor off the top. He slid onto the apron, leapt to the top rope, and then flipped over a charging Mortos. Hologram caught Mortos with an Enziguri, sending him to the apron. Hologram followed. He leapt onto Mortos’ shoulders, spun around and delivered a Poison-rana on the apron.

Mortos was down on the outside. Hologram ascended the southeast turnbuckle, walked the ropes and flipped onto Mortos. Hologram grabbed at his right knee and ankle upon landing. He tossed Mortos back in the ring as the match crossed 12:45. Hologram climbed to the top rope and hit a diving foot stomp, immediately ascending the ropes again. He went for a 450 Splash, but Mortos got his knees up. The Beast charged and hit a big inside-out lariat again.

Both wrestlers rose slowly, working back to the corner and up the turnbuckles. Mortos gave Hologram a press slam off the top, covering for a near fall. Mortos gave Hologram another Backbreaker, followed by the Powerbomb to the knee and a third big lariat. He covered, but Hologram got a shoulder up just in time. McGuinness said Mortos appears to be favoring his mid-section. The Beast climbed the northeast corner. Hologram leapt to meet him, connecting with a super Hurricanrana. Hologram hit a Swan Dive Crucifix Bomb and rolled Mortos into a cover for another near fall just past 16:00.

Both men traded hook kicks. Hologram managed to hoist Mortos into the air for a spinning Blue Thunder Bomb, covering him for a three count.

WINNER: Hologram in 16:43, 2-1.


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