NXT TV RESULTS (10/8): Lindberg’s Live Report for NXT on CW including Randy Orton vs. Jevon Evans, Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo and more.

By: Nate Lindberg - PWTorch Contributor


OCTOBER 8, 2024

NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Backstage Correspondent(s): Sarah Schreiber


Check out the latest episode of “PWT Talks NXT” with Kelly Wells and Nate Lindberg discussing this episode, part of the PWTorch Dailycast line-up: CLICK HERE to stream (or search “pwtorch” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)


-Randy Orton arrives at the arena followed by his opponent, Jevon Evans. Trick Williams is also shown walking into the building

-A recap of last week’s first episode on the CW aired.

-Trick Williams made his way to the ring to celebrate his win as the new NXT Champion. He welcomed St. Louis and welcomed Sexxy Red, host for the evening, who was still out back. The crowd chanted “Whoop That Trick”. Wes Lee appeared from the balcony in the crowd and said with Wentz out of the way, he’s focused on becoming a triple crown champion in NXT, focused on Trick’s title. Wes Lee told Trick that “You ain’t it, dawg” when Jey Uso’s music hit.

The WWE Intercontinental Champion made his way through the crowd and to the ring. Trick and Jey hugged in the ring as Jey’s music faded. Jey grabbed a mic and amped the crowd up. Trick said he appreciated him coming out tonight after his match last night and said, while looking at Wes Lee, that any bums coming for their titles they’d both whoop that trick. Dueling “Whoop that Trick” and “Yeet” chants broke out to end the segment.

(Lindberg’s Analysis: I see why they brought Jey out for a pop. But it seemed like this segment ended abruptly to me. Jey just came out and basically said “Hi!” and that was it… Will be cool to see a Trick vs. Lee feud, however.)

-Kelani Jordan and WWE Women’s Tag Champs, Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair made their way to the ring, Trick and Jey still standing in the middle of the ring as they cut to commercial. (c)

(Lindberg’s Analysis: Absolutely awesome to see five champions of color standing tall in the ring. With WWE’s history with champions of color, it’s great to see diversity here in 2024.)

-Fatal Influence made their way to the ring.


Jordan and Fallon Henley kicked things off for their teams respectively, with Fatal Influence making tags quickly to isolate Jordan. This led to all six women spilling into the ring with Jordan, Belair and Cargill body slamming each member of Fatal Influence. Jasmyn Nyx and Jordan the legal women with Jordan taking Nyx down for a two count. Belair made the tag for her team, Henley made the tag for hers. Belair basically ran circles around Henley and backflipped over her off the top rope, taunting her. Belair hit a springboard backflip splash for a two count, then tagged in Cargill. After a couple double team moves, Cargill tagged in Jordan. She military pressed Jordan and threw her on top of Henley for a two count.

Nyx made a blind tag and bulldogged Jordan to the mat. Jordan powdered and Jacy Jayne took a running dive off the apron to take out Jordan before the commercial break. (c)

Back from the commercial, Nyx and Jordan were still the legal women. Nyx whipped Jordan to the corner, all three members of Fatal Influence taking turns attacking Jordan. Jayne made the tag and covered Jordan for two. She backed Jordan into a corner and went for a running cannonball splash. Jordan moved out of the way and countered with an Eat Defeat. Jordan reversed a belly to back suplex and managed to get the hot tag on Cargill. Cargill cleaned house before chokeslamming Nyx. Cargill tagged Bianca and after the double team, Bianca covered for two.

Jordan made the tag back in and hit a DDT on Jayne. Henley and Jayne were outside the ring, Jordan hit a moonsault from the top rope to take them out. She hit a One of a Kind Moonsault to pick up the win for her team.

Winners: Jordan, Belair & Cargill

(Lindberg’s Analysis: A fun six woman tag to kick off the wrestling portion of the show. Jordan was the workhorse of the match with the most ring time out of all six women, showing just how far she has come since her debut. A fantastic talent where the sky is the limit.)

-Axiom and Nathan Frazer were seen talking in the locker room getting pumped up for their match later in the night. Randy Orton was in the room getting ready and asked them how fast Jevon Evans actually is. Axiom said he was the fastest in NXT, and Frazer took offense to that. Frazer apologized for being hot-headed. Orton told him its okay to find your dark place from time to time.

-Giulia was interrupted during an interview by “an old friend” who was not shown on screen before cutting to commercial break. (c)

-Back from Break, Roxanne Perez made her way to the ring. She mocked the crowd for believing Giulia would win last week. She said that maybe now people will begin to believe everything she’s been saying since April. She said that while everyone is drinking the tears of the new flavors of the month while she stands tall on top while an old friendship reignites. Cora Jade made her way to the ring to join her old friend turned rival turned friend once again.

Cora Jade said that for 9 months she sat at home while everyone was talking about how deep the women’s roster was in NXT. Yet nobody talked about her, which upset her. Now she wants to make sure people pay for forgetting about her. She said that nobody, not even Roxanne, saw her actions coming last week. She said that she’s no longer a girl, but a woman. The woman who will make NXT. She praised Roxanne for her heel actions this past year and said that meant trouble for the entire women’s division.

Giulia’s music hit and she made her way to the ring, staring daggers at both Roxanne and Cora. Cora sat on the ropes, inviting Giulia into the ring when Stephanie Vaquer’s music hit. The “old friend” mentioned earlier. The two ran into the ring and a brawl broke out where both Giulia and Vaquer cleaned house and stood tall after throwing Perez and Jade out of the ring. The Women’s title was in the middle of the ring and both Giulia and Vaquer picked up the belt at the same time, looked at each other, and then at Perez — signaling that they want a shot at the title. Or at least inferring.

-No Quarter Catch Crew was shown backstage watching the last segment. Wren Sinclair said that next week, she wants to show Vaquer what this division is all about. Dempsey praised her for taking initiative. Lexis King comes into frame talking about Oro Mensah. Dempsey asked why he was so obsessed over Mensah. King asked for Dempsey’s advice on a match type where nobody could cheat to win. Dempsey told him about the “Admiral Lord Mount Evans” match. A gentleman’s “rounds” match. Dempsey began explaining the rules as they ended the segment.

-Tony D’Angelo made his way to the ring with the Family at his side. (c)

-Oba Femi made his way to the ring, potentially for the last time as NXT North American Champion.


The match kicked off with Oba Femi mushing the face of D’Angelo, which just fired up D’Angelo to attack with strikes. Oba Femi pretty much laughed it off and hit a massive lariat followed by scoop slam for a two count.

The match pacing slowed down as Oba Femi locked in a headlock for a minute or two while D’Angelo desperately fought to escape. D’Angelo managed to roll Femi over while the headlock was locked in for a two count. No sooner did D’Angelo manage to bring both himself and Femi to their feet, Femi took D’Angelo back to the mat with the still locked in headlock.

Once D’Angelo managed to escape, he clotheslined Femi over the top rope and then went after him. Femi got to his feet quickly and chokeslammed D’Angelo on the apron (hey, did you know that’s the hardest part of the ring?). D’Angelo sold the chokeslam beautifully as they cut to commercial break (c).

Back from commercial, Oba Femi had D’Angelo over his knee in some sort of a submission targeting the lower back. He went for a Fall From Grace powerbomb when D’Angelo managed to flip Femi over and take a moment to catch his breath. Femi rushed him, and D’Angelo fought back with some strikes before Femi clotheslined D’Angelo over the top rope, sending both men to the floor.

D’Angelo climbed back to the apron and Femi instantly struck him down with a fist to the chest, then pushed Stacks at ringside. Stacks was accidentally knocked into Adrianna Rizzo, sending D’Angelo into a rage seeing her get hurt at Femi’s hands.

D’Angelo managed to hit an overhead belly to belly on the metal ramp, sent Femi into the ring and hit a spear for a close near fall. D’Angelo continued the onslaught before Femi managed to hit a big boot and then a massive chokeslam in the center of the ring. He covered D’Angelo who kicked out at the last possible moment. Femi hit a series of clotheslines, the third reversed by D’Angelo into Three Amigos. The third german suplex was countered by Femi by literally throwing D’Angelo across the ring. Femi set The Don up on the top rope. D’Angelo tried to counter, but was just sent to the floor for his troubles. Femi tried to hit a powerbomb on D’Angelo through the announce table, but  D’Angelo countered into a spinebuster through the table. He got Femi back in the ring, and just as it looked like D’Angelo was about to become the new champ, Femi kicked out.

Femi sat up and tried for a chokeslam, when D’Angelo managed to sunset flip over him and rolled him up for the win.

Winner: Oba Femi

(Lindberg’s Analysis: Definitely called this last week on PWT Talks NXT. With the trajectory of D’Angelo in this feud and Femi already breaking the longest reign for North American Champion, it seemed like it was time to make the switch and put the title on The Don.)

-A clip from last week was played where Lola Vice and Jaida Parker broke out in a fight backstage.

-Lola Vice told Ava she wants a match with Jaida Parker. Nikkita Lyons walked into the office, her first time on NXT in months after injury. Ava made a match for next week between Vice and Lyons.

-A-Town Down Under made their way to the ring for their Tag Team Title match after the commercial break. (c)

-Kelani, Belair and Cargill were backstage celebrating when Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson challenged Belair and Cargill for the tag titles. They invited them to Smackdown for the challenge.

-Axiom and Nathan Frazer made their way to the ring.


Theory and Axiom kicked things off, jockeying for position. Theory took Axiom to the mat before Axiom made it back to his feet and hit a dropkick. He tagged Frazer in and the two got some double team offense in with a big kick to Theory’s head. Randy Orton was shown in a picture-in-picture getting ready for his match with Jevon Evans.

Frazer tagged Axiom back in bringing Waller in to help his partner. Frazer and Waller left the ring and Axiom put Theory on the top rope. When Axiom tried to pull off some sort of a move, Waller appeared out of nowhere to hold onto Theory’s feet so Axiom couldn’t lift him. Then they cut to commercial break. (c)

Back from commercial, Axiom tried to make the tag to Frazer but Theory pulled him off the apron. Waller tagged Theory in and they double teamed Axiom with Theory covering for two. Nathan Frazer pulled Waller out of the ring and they fought ringside as Theory took Axiom to the top looking for a superplex. Axiom knocked Theory down and hit him with a frog splash. He tagged Frazer in and both he and Theory spent a few moments reversing each others offense. Waller tried jumping in to help, but Frazer managed to hit a DDT on both men at the same time. Axiom called for the tag, but a cocky Frazer said “Nah, I got it” and went for a standing moonsault. Theory got the knees up and then rolled Frazer up for two. Frazer went to go tag Axiom, who jumped off the apron.

He allowed Frazer to get double teamed for a bit before allowing Frazer to tag him in. Axiom then cleaned house and locked a chokehold in on Waller. Theory went to make the save when Frazer locked him in a chokehold as well. He managed to pick Frazer up and throw him on top of Axiom to break Axiom’s hold.

Axiom hit the Spanish Fly on Theory, followed by the Phoenix Splash on his newly tagged in partner. Frazer covered for the three count and to retain their titles.

Winners: Axiom & Frazer

(Lindberg’s Analysis: The cracks have been forming between the tag champions for quite awhile, but those cracks are just growing bigger as time goes on. With Axiom not tagging in after Frazer got cocky, I’m expecting this team to implode the moment they lose the titles, whenever that may be.)

-Ridge Holland talked to the camera about how he thought Chase U gave him a purpose, but that purpose (the tag titles) were ripped away by mediocrity. Which is why he attacked Andre Chase and Duke Hudson. He was then interviewed live and gave probably the best live promo he’s given, ranting at Chase U. Myles Borne attacked from behind, and the two were pulled apart by officials.

-Sexxy Red did a live performance in the center of the ring. Booker T looked to be the only one enjoying it. All Ego Ethan Page’s music hit and told her that her concert was now cancelled. He said thats what she gets for interrupting him on Raw. He talked about just about every other segment on the show and why it annoyed him. He said he’s not leaving the ring until he gets his rematch clause.

Jevon Evans music hit and he made his way to the ring, not wanting to wait for Ethan Page to start his match. Ethan Page then attacked Evans, who almost immediately disposed of the former NXT champion, then celebrated with Sexxy Red before cutting to commercial (c).

-Back from the commercial break, Vic Joseph hyped the return of Halloween Havoc in two weeks.

-Randy Orton made his debut NXT entrance to a roaring ovation from his hometown crowd.


Chants of “Randy!” echoed through the arena as the two locked up. Evans shot Orton off the ropes and tried to hit a jumping kick. Orton telegraphed it, and dodged, wagging his finger at Evans. Orton whipped Evans into the corner and tried for a corner splash. Evans dodged over the top rope, then jumped back into the ring. He locked a headlock on Orton, who shot him off the ropes. Evans springboarded off the middle rope, looking to take Orton down, and Orton once again moved out of the way with ease. Orton backed Evans into the corner once again, but underestimated the rookie who managed to pull off a big kick to the face before cutting to commercial. (c)

Back from the break, Orton was in control with Jevon Evans leaning on the announce table. Orton looked for a back drop onto the announce table, but Jevon managed to get out of the way and jump back into the ring. Evans made a suicide dive, but was caught by Orton who then hit the back drop on the table. Except it didn’t break. The crowd chanted “One more time!” and Orton looked at Evans like “Sorry, kid. Here we go again.”

Orton back dropped him a second time. The table still didn’t break. Third time’s a charm? Nope. Evans just bounced off the table. Orton grabbed him for a fourth time, slamming him into the table… that still didn’t break. Evans rag dolled off the table and to the floor. Randy jumped back in the ring to break the 10 count, grabbed Evans, and returned to the ring once more. Orton continued the onslaught on Evans, slowly and methodically breaking him down by whipping him from corner to corner. Evans managed to jump to the top rope, then jump off with a flying clothesline to shift the momentum in his favor.

Evans hit a jumping spin kick and covered for the first near fall of the contest. Orton reversed a body block into a powerslam, regaining control of the match. Orton then set Evans up for the middle rope DDT, hit it, and then showed off for the crowd before signaling for the RKO.

Just as the viper was ready to strike, Jevon Evans hit a superkick out of nowhere. He climed to the top and hit his top rope springboard cutter for a very close two count. He went for it again, with Orton just managing to get out of the way to hit the RKO for a win.

Winner: Randy Orton

(Lindberg’s Analysis: This match more or less went exactly as I expected. Orton picking up the win after Evans gave it everything he had. Evans stock in NXT just rose tenfold with that performance, and I think we’re going to see many great things for this young superstar in the future.)

-Randy raised Jevon Evans hand out of respect.

-Backstage Ava told both Ethan Page and Wes Lee that the two of them will compete in a triple threat with Jevon Evans next week. Winner goes on to Halloween Havoc to face Trick Williams for the gold.

-The show went off the air showing Orton doing his signature pose on the top rope.

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