10 YRS AGO – WWE SMACKDOWN TV Report (10-3-2014): Kane & Randy Orton vs. John Cena & Dean Amborse, plus Big Show, Usos, Naomi, Miz, Sheamus, Paige, Lana

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Jimmy Uso (photo credit Wade Keller © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

WWE Smackdown review
October 3, 2014
Taped 9/30/14 in Milwaukee, Wis.
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist

– WWE Open.

– A video package highlighted Dean Ambrose’s MITB briefcase hijinks from Raw, as well as John Cena & Ambrose vs. Kane & Randy Orton in the TV main event.

– John Cena’s music played to bring him out first thing. Cena got some cheap pops for a few hometown references. Cena said The Authority family kicked the crap out of he and Ambrose on Monday. Cena said what fuels him in his feud with Rollins is, in part, getting destroyed by Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. He said he was told he needed to ride off into the sunset after that. A fire was lit and he took the fight to Lesnar at Night of Champions. He had Lesnar beat until Rollins took it away from him. He said he needed that victory against Lesnar for him and his fans. Well technically, he did win the match. Cena said Rollins was an egomaniac and he saw an opportunity at Night of Champions. He suggested giving Rollins a chance to prove himself, but going through him. He encouraged Rollins to come out now. Instead, it was Dean Ambrose who came out.

Ambrose said Cena isn’t the only one who has issues with authority. He said he plans on making Rollins pay. Cena wanted to put an end to their bickering but Ambrose wasn’t as ready to forgive-and-forget. He said Cena got in his way Monday night. Cena said Ambrose has been here a while but he doesn’t know what it’s like to step in the ring with Lesnar, and Rollins took a win against Lesnar away from him. Ambrose said Cena almost lost a match but he almost lost a career, having his head put through cinderblocks. I think Ambrose wins this argument. Ambrose said he’s going to be the one to wipe the smug smirk off the face of Rollins.

Cena again said they shouldn’t waste time beating the crap out of each other, because they’ll both end up getting snuffed out by The Authority. Cena offered a handshake and a truce, saying whoever gets to Rollins first can do what they wish. Ambrose was conflicted, but Randy Orton’s voice on the TitanTron interrupted the “bromance.”Orton was with Kane and Seth Rollins, with Rollins standing there holding his briefcase and looking like a 5th grader appearing in his first play. Kane and Orton tried to stir the pot, recalling comments each had made about each other in the past, and they were not friendly comments. Kane made a rematch from Monday: Him and Orton against Cena and Ambrose for tonight. Kane finally asked Rollins if he had anything to say and Rollins just breathed hard and shook in anger.

– Tonight, the International Incident from Raw of which WWE apologized for earlier in the week. Big Show addresses the situation later.

– Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler were walking backstage. They’re up next, in tag action.

[Commercial Break]


Miz and Mizdow were already in the ring. As Ziggler came to the ring, they showed Ziggler and Sheamus in action on Raw in separate matches, against The Miz and Mizdow respectively. After Miz tagged out, Mizdow ran into a slam from Sheamus. Miz was back-dropped over the top rope as Sheamus set up to pound Mizdow in the chest with forearms. Miz saved his stunt double, but Sheamus jumped off the top rope and onto them at ringside. They cut to break 1:53 into the match.

[Commercial Break]

Back at 5:48 with Miz in control, working well with Mizdow. The crowd chanted “We want Ziggler”just before he made a hot tag at 7:33. Ziggler worked over Mizdow, including a DDT. Miz made the save on a pin but Sheamus eliminated him from the picture. Miz was thrown into the barricade outside the ring, but he grabbed a chair and hit Sheamus in the mid-section with it. The ref didn’t see it, as he was focused on the action in the ring. Miz tried a distraction, but was kicked off the apron (Miz looked like he took the fall before the kick arrived). Zig Zag on Mizdow ended it.

WINNERS: Ziggler and Sheamus, at 8:52. With Miz using the chair on Sheamus, I figured that would play into the finish and the heels taking advantage of the two-on-one situation to win.

An angry Sheamus re-entered the ring, causing Miz to flee. But Mizdow didn’t, still selling the Zig Zag. Sheamus hit Mizdow with a chair as Miz watched from the aisle.

– A rematch of Raw’s main event will take place tonight.

– Also, Big Show addresses the situation from Raw in which he pulled down the Russian flag, something WWE apologized for. They felt the need to apologize yet they keep showing over-and-over Show pulling down the flag in these bumpers.

[Commercial Break]

– The exterior of the arena in Milwaukee was shown.

– The Luke Harper video package from Raw aired.

– Tom Phillips, Michael Cole, and JBL reacted to that vignette at ringside. They shifted gears to Big Show and Mark Henry, with a video package on their friendship over the last, oh, three weeks or so. They also showed clips of Show vs. Rusev from Smackdown and the situation that occurred between the two on Raw Monday night.

– The announcers said WWE apologized to the Russian people for the Show-flag stunt on Raw. As they did, a WWE.com screen-grab of the apology announcement was on the screen, also showing Big Show pulling the flag down over and over again. Does WWE know what the word “apology”means?

– Paige and her new BFF, Alicia Fox, came to the ring. Paige is in singles action, next.

[Commercial Break]

– Fox and Paige were skipping around the ring upon return from break. A clip aired of Paige announcing her new friendship with Fox on Raw, as well as Fox picking up the win over A.J. Lee.


Paige kicked Naomi to the mat and went right into a rear chin-lock. That might be a record for earliest application of a rest-hold. Naomi fought to her feet and backed Paige into the corner. A couple dropkicks by Naomi that would make Kelly Kelly proud, followed by a headscissors take-over. Fox tried to pull Paige out of the ring while Noami tried to keep her in. Naomi dove over the top rope and onto Fox, with Fox appearing to take a hard bump on the back of her head outside the ring. Paige caught Naomi coming back in and applied the PTO for the victory.

WINNER: Paige, via submission, at 1:48. Decent action in a short amount of time.

As Paige and Fox celebrated, A.J. ran out. Fox was ready for a fight, but Paige fled the ring. Lee tackled Fox and went to work. Paige tried to sneak back in, but A.J. saw her and Paige hid behind JBL. In the end, Fox was thrown out of the ring, again taking a hard bump. A.J.’s music played as Paige and Fox showed concern at ringside.

– Big Show, in a big suit, was walking backstage. He’s out next.

[Commercial Break]

– Big Show came to the ring as they showed Show ripping down the flag from Raw AGAIN. A “USA”chant broke out before Show could even speak. Show talked about being held accountable for one’s actions before addressing what happened on Raw. He claimed his nationalistic pride got the better of him and he was perhaps overzealous in pulling down the Russian flag. Show said he’s like the majority of Russian people he has met (people booed this). Show talked about how the fans would feel if someone pulled down Old Glory. He said he can’t take back his actions from Raw, but he can stand up and apologize to the Russian people that he may have offended. Boos from the crowd. Before he could get much further, Rusev and Lana came out, with Rusev waving the Russian flag harder than ever on his way to the ring.

Lana said WWE’s act of contrition does not appease her and Rusev. She said they demand a personal apology. Big “USA”chants again. Show said he already apologized to the Russian people he inadvertently offended. As for an apology to them…no dice. He said he disrespected them both on purpose. Rusev was angry and said Show and America suck. Rusev attacked Show with the flag, using the point of it to inflict body blows on his larger foe. Jumping side kick connected. Rusev waved his flag as Show slowly and angrily got to his feet. Rusev exited the ring, followed behind by Lana. Show removed his suit and gesticulated wildly to Rusev, who watched form the aisle. The two men square off in a match on Raw Monday night.

– Still to come, the main event of Orton & Kane vs. Cena & Ambrose.

[Commercial Break]

– Tom Phillips thanked Theory of a Deadman for “Panic Room,”the official theme to Hell in a Cell.

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When Hornswoggle the Gator came out with Slater Gator, JBL wondered aloud where Skinner was. After the Usos came to the ring, they showed the comic relief getting involved in the Slater Gator vs. Los Matadores match on Raw. An axe kick by Slater put down one of the Usos. Forty-four seconds into the match, the Bunny hopped out to ringside. Hornswoggle went after him but the Bunny leap-frogged (bunny-hopped?) him. Horny ran into the post. Slater Gator turned around into stereo superkicks from The Usos. Hornswoggle was put into the ring and all three babyfaces came off the top with splashes.

WINNERS: The Usos, at 1:43. There truly isn’t much to say about this one. Comedy relief for the show, basically.

Adam Rose and the Rosebuds came out post-match. After a replay of the finish, Rose, The Usos and The Bunny all danced after the match.

– The Susan G. Komen Foundation was plugged.

– Backstage, Dean Ambrose joined Renee Young. Ambrose said he had nothing to say to or about John Cena. But as for Seth Rollins, no amount of embarrassing Rollins will make him forget his head being put into cinderblocks. He said nothing will stop him from getting to Rollins.

[Commercial Break]


As Cesaro came out, they showed him losing to Ziggler last week after winning an IC Title Battle Royal. When Truth came out, they showed him interrupting a Cesaro interview earlier on the WWE App. Truth even got some mic work pre-match, asking the crowd to remind him where he was (playing off him mistaking Milwaukee for Green Bay a few years ago). Truth’s punches had no effect on Cesaro early in the match. Cesaro mocked Truth then gave him a gutwrench suplex for two. Truth got into the match with a back body-drop. Scissors kick missed but Truth pounded on Cesaro in the corner. Cesaro crotched Truth on the top rope then hit his finish for the win.

WINNER: Cesaro, at 2:13. Good enhancement win for Cesaro.

– The tag-team main event is still to come.

– Hulk Hogan appeared on Raw. We’ll see what happened, next.

[Commercial Break]

– Lilian Garcia introduced Mr. Baseball and WWE Hall-of-Famer, Bob Uecker. He was shown at ringside and got a nice applause from the crowd. He showed off his H.O.F. ring.

– The announcers talked about WWE’s partnership with the Susan G. Komen Foundation. They aired clips of Hulk Hogan discussing the Foundation on Raw. I mean, was this video package really necessary?

– Kane and Randy Orton made separate entrances for the main event. They replayed the finish of the first version of this tag match from Raw. The rematch is next.

[Commercial Break]


Ambrose and Rollins began the match. Cena came in and bulldogged Orton for two. After Kane tagged in, Cena took him down with a shoulder tackle. That was followed up by Cena and Ambrose working together, the duo teaming up to suplex Kane down. Orton used his legs to push Cena away, creating separation and allowing him to clothesline Cena back down. Orton and Kane both ended up at ringside and after a tag, Ambrose hit a suicide dive on the heels. They went to break 4:07 into the match.

[Commercial Break]

The show returned 7:18 into the match. Ambrose used a jaw-breaker to bust out of a rest-hold, but ended up running into a big boot for two at 7:42. With Ambrose having been dumped to ringside by Orton, Kane got a cheap-shot kick in. Orton went out after him, but Ambrose caught Orton with a number of haymakers. However, Orton turned the tide by throwing Ambrose into the steel steps. In the ring, Ambrose connected on a middle-rope dropkick. Orton made a tag before Ambrose could, and Kane cut off Ambrose’s attempt to bring Cena into the match. Ambrose bit the hand of Kane to break free from his grip. As Ambrose closed in on a tag, Cena caught Seth Rollins out of the corner of his eye. Rollins had made his way down the ramp, and Cena and Rollins fought to the back. Ambrose was left alone to face Orton and Kane. Second-rope DDT by Orton. Surprise roll-up by Ambrose for two. Dirty Deeds was shrugged off by Orton, into a big boot by Kane. The bell seemed to inexplicably ring at this point, and Cole noted The Authority had been disqualified. Huh.

WINNERS: Ambrose and Cena, via DQ, at 12:52.

After the match, Kane chokeslammed Ambrose. The crowd chanted for Cena, but he was nowhere to be seen. Orton taunted the fans with Cena’s absence, then gave Ambrose an RKO. Finally, Cena ran out and chased off Kane and Orton. Rollins came back out to join Kane and Orton on the ramp in taunting the babyfaces. Rollins did the “you can’t see me”gesture to Cena to close out the show.

Did you watch Friday’s Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.

Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. He is the host of “Moonlighting with Greg Parks,”a PWTorch VIP-exclusive audio show posted each weekend. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.

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