10 YRS AGO – NXT TV Report (10-2-2014): Keller’s report on Charlotte vs. Bayley, plus Corbin, Neville, Sami Zayn, Carmella, Jason Jordan, Enzo & Big Cass

Enzo (artist Joel Tesch © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

OCTOBER 2, 2014

-A video package aired with the WWE professional voiceover guy hyping the two title matches on the show.

-The NXT opening aired. Then Rich Brennan, Jason Albert, and Alex Riley introduced the show.

(1) CHARLOTTE vs. BAYLEY – NXT Women’s Title Match

Albert touted how excited he was for Bayley. Riley disagreed. Albert said Riley needs a hug and told Brennan to hug him. Albert said there’s a lot of pressure on Charlotte because she is Ric Flair’s daughter. Riley said he’d rather have the pressure and be Ric Flair’s daughter than not have pressure and not have Flair as a dad. Formal title match ring intros took place.

Bayley got some early two counts with an aggressive flurry of offense. Charlotte settled into offense, working over Bayley’s leg, torquing it oddly to set up the figure-four later. Just as Brennan said Bayley might have no choice but to tapout, they cut away.

(WK Reax: It really undercuts the value of in-ring action when they cut away at the most dramatic moment. I get the rationale for doing it, but it’s still a bad call. It makes the director seem to be completely out of touch with timing breaks. Imagine bases loaded with two outs and a full count in the ninth inning and they cut to a break. And if they did that regularly it would totally infuriate baseball fans and make the baseball game itself seem unimportant.) [c]

They returned with Charlotte still working over Bayley’s knee. You’d never see this sustained matwork on Raw, but it gives the match a real sports-like feel. Bayley kept trying to escape and Charlotte kept brushing her off. Charlotte finally released the hold and stomped on Bayley’s left leg. Brennan said Bayley won’t be able to pull off a belly-to-belly later if her left leg can’t support her weight. The action picked up, but Charlotte fended off Bayley’s attempts to take control. Charlotte wrapped Bayley’s leg around the ringpost twice. She then applied the figure-four in the ring. She bridged to add extra leverage. Bayley fought as best she could to escape and eventually reversed it. Charlotte grabbed the bottom rope to force a break.

Charlotte went for a running knee drop, but Bayley moved. Bayley then charged shoulder first into Charlotte in the corner and leaped offs the second rope with a flying elbow to the chest leading to a two count. Charlotte fired right back with her Natural Selection finisher for the win.

WINNER: Charlotte at 11:40.

(WK Reax: Good match. The legwork might have tested the patience of some fans, but Bayley’s constant attempts to escape added drama. Overall, good aggressive showing for Charlotte who carried herself like a reigning champion. The bridge during the figure-four was a match highlight.)

-Afterward Charlotte hugged Bayley. The announcers praised the good sportsmanship. Charlotte let out a “woo!” to celebrate while holding up her title belt.

-Brennan plugged the NXT Title match. [c]

-Hideo Itami was scheduled to face Viktor, but Viktor and Konnor attacked him after ring entrances, but before the match began. They gave him a top rope double team move. Several referees and a trainer checked on him afterward. He looked dazed and confused, unable to focus or sit up on his own. The crowd was silent.

-They went to the announcers at the broadcast table. They reacted to the angle, then shifted to talking about Carmella being trained by Enzo and Cass. Riley said the men owed her for costing her her job at the salon.

-A video package aired with Carmella training in the ring. Cass held the camera as Enzo worked with her on mid-ring lock-ups. Enzo messed around with her and she sassed back at him. He easily overpowered her, and his attitude frustrated her. She eventually dropkicked him out of the ring and then trash-talked him. Enzo asked, “Did that just happen?” Cass pointed the camera at himself and said, “Yes, it just did.”

(WK Reax: This felt like something Paul Heyman would have produced back in the mid-’90s original ECW era when he found creative, low-budget ways to try to establish new acts.)


Albert said Corbin wouldn’t even look at him or talk to him when he tried to interview him earlier. Riley said he doesn’t blame him. Brennan said Corbin is pushing seven feet tall and he has a presence. He easily finished McClane with his End of Days faceplant finisher.

WINNER: Corbin at 1:00.

-Backstage Tyson Kidd talked about his title match coming up later in the show. When the roving off-camera reporter asked him if he owes his title match to his wife, he smirked and walked off. [c]

-The Legionnaires said they want a match with Amore & Cassady next week.

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Brennan plugged that the Vaudvillians new entrance music, “Voix De Ville,” is available at iTunes. Not sure it’ll be a chart-topper. Gotch gave Jordan an airplane spin and then Dillinger tagged in and hit a top rope rolling senton on English for the win.

WINNERS: Vaudvillains at 4:30.

-They showed Titus O’Neal sitting in the front row. The announcers said he wanted to see the title match up close.

-Backstage Itami was tended to by a trainer. In walked Funaki who congratulated him for his debut. They shifted to English. Funaki said he’s got Itami’s back from now on. Itami smiled and hugged him.

-They showed a split screen of kidd and Neville warming up. [c]

-Devin Taylor interviewed Bayley about her loss. She said she lost, but she gets better after each loss and is getting closer and closer to winning. Then Sasha Banks attacked her from behind with a forearm to the neck. She said she’ll show her why she is the baddest boss in NXT.


Albert asked what you have left to fight for if you don’t have a championship in reach. Riley said pride, dignity, and respect. There is that. Brennan asked who has more to lose in this match. Albert and Riley argued about the topic. They showed Titus watching the match, shooting the back of his head so the action in the ring was still visible. They cut to a break after Neville kicked Kidd at ringside and dropped him. [c]

Back from the break Neville had a key lock on Kidd. Kidd escaped and applied an arm bar with a leg wrap mid-ring. Riley said Kidd might be the best submission specialist in WWE. Neville stood and tried to lift and slam Kidd to escape. He finally did. Both were slow to get up. Neville made a full speed comeback with a flurry of offense. He played to the crowd before charging at Kidd with an elbow in the corner. Kidd came back with a spinning kick for a near fall. Brennan did a good job taking the emotion of his announcing to a peak level there. Kidd scored another near fall a minute later after a suplex neckbreaker combo. The announcers said they had never seen that move before.

Kidd countered a superplex attempt with a top rope sunset flip attempt. Neville flipped onto his feet and then basement dropkicked him in the corner. He followed up with a nasty looking sitout powerbomb for a near fall. After several more counters, Kidd locked on a sharpshooter mid-ring. Riley said it was over. Neville, though, crawled to the bottom rope to force a break. Kidd got up and gave Neville an uppercut, but when he charged at him, Neville pulled the top rope down and Kidd dropped to the floor. Neville hit an enzuigiri next. Titus stood at ringside and gave a cheapshot to Neville. The announcers were outraged. Sami Zayn then ran to ringside and nailed Titus with a running kick to the face. Zayn then pep talked Neville, who dove back into the ring. Kidd set up a superplex, but Neville knocked Kidd to the mat and then hit the Red Arrow for the win.

WINNER: Neville at 13:20 to retain the NXT Title.

(WK Reax: Really good match start to finish. Worth making an effort to watch on WWE Network if you haven’t yet.)

-Afterward Zayn signaled to Neville as he celebrated that he wanted the next shot. Neville shot a look back at him. Meanwhile, Titus tried to regain his senses at ringside and Kidd soaked up the ramifications of the loss in the ring in the corner. Riley said Kidd has to look in the mirror and figure something out. The ring announcer drove home that Kidd has no more NXT Title opportunities as the show closed.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: 30 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (9/26/1994): Razor Ramon vs. Tatanka, plus Undertaker & Paul Bearer, King’s Court with Jerry Lawler and British Bulldog, Diesel, Shawn Michaels, King Kong Bundy, Backlund

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s NXT Hit List: Kelani Jordan vs. Wren Sinclair for the NXT Women’s North American Title, Grayson Waller and Austin Theory vs. Je’Von Evans and Cedric Alexander, Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne

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