20 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (9/27/2004): Randy Orton vs. Batista, Triple H vs. Shelton Benjamin, plus Snitsky, Jericho, Michaels, Val Venis, Trish, Regal, Ric Flair

Shelton Benjamin (photo credit Wade Keller © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at…

SEPTEMBER 27, 2004

-Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler introduced the show and announced that Lita would be interviewed later and Chris Benoit & Shawn Michaels would face Christian & Tyson Tomko.

-Eric Bischoff announced in center-ring that he didn’t like the idea of giving fans the power to decide match-ups at Taboo Tuesday, but he was going to reveal to them their choices for Triple H’s opponent. He said Shawn Michaels, Edge, and Chris Benoit were three of them. The fourth option would be Randy Orton if he could beat Batista.

-Triple H walked out and said he was disgusted that his fate was in the hands of the fans. He said he doesn’t go to their jobs and tell them when the fries are done, so they shouldn’t tell him who he has to wrestle. He threw similar insults at other fans regarding their jobs (i.e. “I don’t tell you what street corner you stand on.”) Then he told the fans he was giving them choices, such as burning in hell. Shelton Benjamin interrupted. Ross said he was scheduled to face Hunter later. Benjamin gave him several choices, including to stop his whining and sniffling because there aren’t enough tissues in the state to clear out his nose. Benjamin said he was ready to fight right then and there. Hunter took a cheap shot at him. Bischoff called for the bell. Benjamin was very good on the mic. He seemed sure of himself, charismatic, and on point. Hunter’s promo was almost word-for-word the same as what he said earlier in the day at the Taboo Tuesday press conference, including the same audience insults.


In the opening minute, Benjamin absorbed Hunter’s attack and took control of the match. Benjamin, though, missed a corner splash and then they cut to a break.

[Commercial Break]

Ross said Hunter has never defeated Benjamin. Lawler told him not to keep reminding Hunter of that. Ross said Hunter couldn’t hear them. Benjamin armdragged Hunter off the top rope. Benjamin remained on offense for a few minutes and took it to ringside. Hunter then hit Benjamin with his title belt prompting a cheap DQ. Ross called it “an act of desperation.” Hunter tossed the ref aside and then gave Benjamin a Pedigree on the floor.

WINNER: Hunter at 9:40.

STAR RATING: *1/2 — Good action for a while, but the abrupt DQ ending wasn’t satisfying.

-Ross plugged the Raw Diva Winner Christy would have an Initiation Party later hosted by Trish Stratus.

[Commercial Break – Including another Simon System faux commercial]


Ross said Hurricane and Rosey have been frustrated lately because they haven’t been winning lately. We still know absolutely nothing about Rhyno’s persona despite all of the TV time he is given. It’s not like his gimmick is self-descriptive in any compelling way. Why not give fans a reason to care about him by featuring promos, vignettes, something. Tajiri applied the Tarantula on Hurricane. Rosey broke it up. Rhyno went for a Gore, but Hurricane side-stepped it. Rosey tagged in and gave Tajiri a sidewalk slam for the clean pin.

WINNERS: Hurricane & Rosey at 3:58.

STAR RATING: * — Smooth match.

-Ross plugged that Todd Grisham would have a sit-down interview with Kane later. He said he couldn’t wait to hear with Lita and Kane both have to say about this tragic period in their lives.

[Commercial Break]

-After clips aired of the incident where Lita got hurt in the ring, Grisham interviewed Kane. He said she wasn’t there and she still isn’t talking. He said they used to share one thing, but that one thing – their son – is dead. “Our son won’t die alone. There is one man that is responsible for all of this – Gene Snitsky,” Kane said. “Snitsky is a dead man.” Kane began breathing heavily. That wasn’t much of a segment. Lita was scheduled to be at Raw, but due to a miscommunication between the creative staff and talent relations department, she wasn’t flown to Raw. That probably delayed whatever they had planned for that segment by a week. I still can’t believe the entire Lita-Kane-Matt Hardy storyline has climaxed for now with Gene Snitsky involved in a feud with Kane at house shows and no clear indication whether Kane or Snitsky is supposed to be the heel.

-The Smackdown Rebound aired.

-Chris Benoit told William Regal backstage that Vince McMahon’s idea to give fans a chance to vote for Hunter’s opponent is a great idea. He said he will walk out as champion if the fans vote for him. Eugene walked in wielding a scissors. He said he was Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake. Regal said he had an idea for Eugene. When Eugene looked at Benoit with scissors, Benoit said, “Don’t even think about it.”

[Commercial Break]

-A soundbite aired with Gene Snitsky who told Kane it’s not his fault and if he has a problem with that, he find him next week on Raw. Snitsky’s interview style reminds me of Kevin Wacholz (a/k/a Nailz). Very scripted-sounding and forced, but at least blatantly unlikable.

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Fans chanted “baby killer” at Snitsky. Ross said they hoped to interview Lita, but that in her state of mind, that couldn’t be done. At 1:00, Snitsky went into a 30 second chinlock because, after all, when you’re trying to impress millions of viewers, nothing makes for more compelling viewing than a boring move anyone can apply to their little brother. Snitsky then gave Val a tilt-a-whirl sideslam for the win. Ross said Snitsky “just dominated a superstar.”

WINNER: Snitsky at 2:30.

STAR RATING: 1/4* — Short squash.

-Ross touted the quick sellout, saying it took just one minute to sellout. They showed fans outside Staples Center celebrating getting tickets. If it sold out in one minute, how did more than one pair of fans who camped out outside the arena get tickets? I don’t get it.

[Commercial Break]

-Ric Flair walked to the ring to his music and actually looked distinguished and dignified rather than like a goofball sidekick. Flair said he has a problem with Randy Orton being called “great” and a “legend.” Flair then said Orton earned the term “great” by having won the World Title. He said he really has a problem with people calling him a “Legend Killer.” Flair took off his jacket and said, “I want to know what legend you killed?” He said, “Shawn Michaels, arguably the greatest performer of all time, but a legend, not a chance.” He said Harley Race was great, but he wore him out every time he was in Kansas City. He said Hulk Hogan aspires to be a Hollywood star isn’t a legend. Flair called Foley a “human stuntman, but a legend never.” He said there is only one legend who can walk that aisle “looking only like he can look, and that’s me.” Flair went into funky face mode as he talked about his 16 World Title reigns. “Until you beat the Nature Boy, you’ll never be a legend killer. Great, yes. Legend killer, never.”

Orton’s music interrupted. Orton walked out. He said being part of Evolution made him so proud to stand by him so he could learn from the best. He said he used to wear robes as a kid while imitating Flair. He said without Flair, he couldn’t have defeated Benoit for the World Title. “Ric Flair, you are the man,” he said. Flair smiled. Orton continued, “Which is why it’s so tragic to see what you’ve become.” He said Flair knows it’s not true that Hunter is the greatest wrestler alive. “In your heart, you know it’s not true,” Orton said. Flair said he knows what he was trying to do and it’s too bad because he was starting to like him. Flair reasserted Hunter is the best. Orton told Flair that his career spans over four decades and he is the man. “But you do whatever Triple H tells you to do,” said Orton. “You’re not a legend, you’re a lapdog, you’re a glorified cheerleader, Ric. I see it in your eyes. When Triple H barks an order at you, I can see it in your eyes. You want to say, ‘I’m not your lacky.’ But he tells you to do something, you do it. This generation is going to remember Ric Flair for kissing Triple H’s ass. And there’s only man who can save the legacy of the greatest wrestler alive. The legacy of the greatest wrestler alive from being flushed down the toiler. That man, Ric Flair, is you. You can take a stand. You don’t have to take it anymore. You know damn well a true legend takes crap from nobody.” Orton’s music began playing again. Flair leered at Orton pensively. Ross said, “The truth hurts.” Lawler said Flair has never been talked to by anyone like that in his life. Wow, that was a great promo, but in terms of delivery and content. I don’t know where they’re going with it, but it rang so true that it’s hard not to respect Orton for finally saying it. And it rang so true, it’s hard not to think it will affect Flair’s relationship with Hunter from here on out – if WWE has a real plan for this, that is.

[Commercial Break]


Jericho & Michaels got in a nice flurry of offense early, including pressing Christian onto Tyson at ringside as they headed into a break at 3:00.

[Commercial Break]

The heels took over control on Jericho building toward the hot tag. Jericho teased a comeback with some chops, but Christian cut off his momentum with a kick and a backbreaker. Jericho finally hot-tagged Michaels at 8:45 just Tomko tagged in Jericho. Michaels went to work on both heels. Christian rammed Michaels shoulder-first into the ringpost to regain control and set up the Unprettier. Jericho made the save with a bulldog from behind. He then hit a Lionsault on Christian. Michaels then hit a superkick on Tomko. Christian then rolled up Michaels from behind and pinned him while grabbing the top rope. Michaels was under the bottom rope during the pin, too. Quite tainted, but Lawler called it one of the biggest wins of his career. Ross said Christian is celebrating like he just won the World Title.

WINNERS: Christian & Tomko when Christian pinned Michaels with rope leverage at 10:45.

STAR RATING: ** — Very formula and the tainted pinfall was so obviously in the referee’s peripheral vision, it looked bad.

-Batista asked Hunter, “What’s the deal with Flair?” Hunter said, “Flair is just being Flair.” He then told Batista to focus on destroying Orton. Batista said he could count on Orton not getting a chance at a title shot.

[Commercial Break]

-William Regal was in the ring with three men who were set up to play out the three stips being offered to fans for the Eugene vs. Bischoff match. Regal said it would give Eugene practice and let fans get a visual of each option. A man named Cory Brown was dressed up as a butler, assuming one can be considered “dressed as a butler” if he is wearing a baseball cap backwards. Eugene kept making faces and “bunny ears” behind him. A man named John Russell was wearing a flowery dress with blue jeans underneath (which kind of ruined the effect). He said the man reminded him of an old girlfriend of his back in Blackpool, England who smelled like boiled bacon and had a touch of elephantiasis. A man named Scott Colton (ROH’s Ace Steele) was sitting in a chair ready to have his head shaved. Eugene was quite reckless with an oversized pair of scissors and a clipper. Bischoff interrupted before Colton’s hair was cut too severely. Bischoff said: “Cut the crap. Nobody wants to see this. You’ve had your fun. Now it’s over.” He told Eugene he isn’t going to shave his head. He then kicked Colton to the mat. Ross said it was a cheap shot.

-Footage aired of the Taboo Tuesday press conference. Vince McMahon, Trish, Michaels, Orton, and Hunter were shown at the podium talking about the PPV fan voting.

[Commercial Break]

Trish, along with Molly Holly and Gail Kim, introduced Christy, who danced to the ring. When Trish began talking, Christy yanked the mic away from her and told the fans with a cracked voice that she was so appreciative that they voted for her. She said it was a true honor to be in the ring. She promised to make all the fans so proud. She got a mix of cheers and boos. Trish said she should thank the fans along with whoever she slept with to get to the finals. Trish introduced Carmella on the big screen, who said she should thank the fans because if it weren’t for them, she wouldn’t have been picked because if the contest were based on talent and looks, she (Carmella) would have won. She said the fans booed her because none of them have a chance with her. She said she considers her the bitch who stole her quarter of a million. Carmella said she is going to enjoy seeing her get his ass kicked. Trish said Bischoff gave her the power to decide what to do for her initiation, and she decided to make her first WWE match a three-on-one handicapped match. She said it would be a “bra and panties” match, too. Kim and Molly held Christy as Trish ripped off her shirt and her top. Ross said, “That’s just not right” and their actions were based on total jealousy. Christy stood up covering her chest, but as the fans cheered, she decided she enjoyed the exhibitionism. She said ripping off her clothes didn’t peel away her pride because she just found out she is completely comfortable in nothing but her bra and panties. Now there’s a way to kiss up to WWE fans.

[Commercial Break]

-Batista asked Flair what was going on. Flair paused, then stood up and said he’ll be ready when he’s ready, gut Hunter and Batista don’t tell him what to do. I like this angle with Flair a lot. It’s about time he’s portrayed as something other than a lackey to Hunter (Reminder… Last week I wrote this in the Keller Raw Report: “Flair gave a pep talk to Batista and Hunter about their six-man tag later. Hunter then complained about the Taboo Tuesday stip, saying titles are too important to be determined from names being drawn out of a hat or fans choosing who gets title shots. He’s one to talk, considering he first held the Raw World Title because Eric Bischoff gave it to him. Batista said screw the fans. Flair looked Hunter in the eyes and told him, “You are the greatest heavyweight champion of all time.” That statement shouldn’t be thrown around like that. I hope Hunter is telling Flair to say that because that would be sad and pathetic not to let his career, ten years from now, speak for itself. Hunter should instruct Flair to say instead, “You’re well on your way to being the greatest of all time.” Flair has been so emasculated by being with Hunter it’s sad to watch. Hunter should be secure enough with himself to portray Flair as his mentor and as someone he someday aspires to be as good as. Flair should still claim he is the greatest ever and say Hunter is in line to be second best. They could even tease tension between the two in a friendly, competitive way, as if Hunter aspired to have a career as great as Flair when all is said and done. Seeing Hunter allow himself to be portrayed at this stage in his career as better than Flair might say a lot about Hunter the person.”)

[Commercial Break]

-They plugged Raw at MSG next week with Shawn Michaels vs. Christian and Kane making his return. Wasn’t he on this show?

5 — RANDY ORTON vs. BATISTA — No DQ match

Batista took early control. Ross said he had heard speculation about all of the matches fans would get to vote on at Taboo Tuesday. He said he expected to have more solid info next week. At 5;30, when Orton made a comeback, Hunter attacked him. Because it was no-DQ, there was no bell. Orton managed to fend for himself for a moment, but then Hunter eventually got Orton down with a DDT. He grabbed a chair from ringside. Flair then walked to the ring and grabbed the chair out of Hunter’s hands. But then he turned and kicked Orton between the legs and bashed him over the back with a chair. I’m surprised they didn’t take the well-developed tease of Flair turning on Evolution and stretch it into next week with a tag match with Orton & Flair vs. Hunter & Batista with Flair turning on Orton in that match. Batista finished off Orton with a Batista Bomb with Flair and Hunter standing in the ring watching. Flair stood on Orton after the match. Hunter trash-talked him. Ross said that loss took Orton out of the running for a match at Taboo Tuesday.

WINNER: Batista at 7:41.


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