WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS (9/27): Keller’s report on Bayley vs. Naomi, Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes, Michin vs. Piper Niven, Solo Sikoa returns

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


SEPTEMBER 27, 2024

Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Attendance: WrestleTix reports yesterday that 7,539 tickets had distributed so far; arena set up for 7,972. The arena has a capacity of 18,203 spectators when configured for basketball. Check out WrestleTix for the final attendance figures.


PWTorch editor Wade Keller will be joined by Jake Barnett from ProWrestling.net to review Smackdown LIVE. We’ll be incorporating live viewer comments into the show so join us LIVE!

Email our post-show at wadekellerpodcast@gmail.com with your comments and questions about Smackdown. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

If you can’t join us live on YouTube, stream the show on demand later at YouTube or listen or stream later on a podcast app. Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.

Click that link during the post-show to enter the waiting room as “live video caller” (or just audio if you turn off your cam, which is fine). This is a private link, so don’t share. It’s just for VIP members at this time.



-They opened with an aerial view of Oklahoma City, Okla. at Michael Cole introduced the show. They cut to close-ups of fans cheering and a strategic wideshot of the arena crowd.

-Randy Orton made his ring entrance next. As Orton interacted with a kid at ringside, Graves asked if anyone on the roster is having more fun these days than Orton. Cole said Orton has said he’s arrived at a stage of his career where he can really embrace the fans showing him so much respect. When Orton’s music faded, he said he missed being in a Smackdown ring on Friday nights. He said he can count on one hand the people he trusts in wrestling, and Cody Rhodes is one of them. He said that’s why it was so hard for him to see Cody agree to team with Roman Reigns at Bad Blood. He rubbed his neck and said it just doesn’t sit right with him. He said he needs an explanation because it doesn’t add up. He asked Cody to come to the ring and give him that explanation.

Cody’s music played and he made his way to the ring. As Cody slapped hands of fans, Cole said Cody got his start in WWE as part of the Randy Orton-formed Legacy group (with Ted DiBiase Jr. also). Cody said, “What do we want to talk about?” He said he knows Orton wants an explanation and he said he deserves one with everything he’s been through with the Bloodline. He said he might look like a fool teaming with Reigns. He asked Orton if he’d rather be a fool or a coward. He said Reigns looked him in the eye and gave him his word. He said he didn’t lie to him when he said he’d do anything to keep his title nor when he said he wouldn’t show his face if he were to lose the title to him.

Cody said he has chosen thus to take Reigns at his word. He said fans seem to be, also. Cody said of all people, he’s standing there with the Apex Predicator and the Legend Killer, which is why he hoped he would understand. He said the legend of the outlaw Bloodline has grown so much, it’s time for it to be killed.

“No problem, Cody, no problem at all” he said. “Unless you make it a problem.” Cody held a stare with Orton and soaked up the words for a second at which point Kevin Owens’s music played. KO came out to his music. Graves said he is someone without any mixed feelings. Cole said for the better part of the last four years with Reigns and his family, longer than Orton or Cody. When KO arrived, Solo Sikoa’s music immediately played and he led Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, and Jacob Fatu toward the ring.

Solo asked the fans to acknowledge him. Fans chanted “OTC! OCT!” (“Original Tribal Chief!”) He told Cody he should trust Roman because he’s going to need him. “Because the two people who are standing in the ring with you right now aren’t going to be any good to you.” He said KO and Orton have let him down in the past. He said they can’t stop them. He said the reason he’s going to team with Reigns is that Orton and KO let him down every time. (It seemed he repeated himself there.)

KO said no one cares what he says. He challenged them to a tag team match. When Cody began to talk about it being a six-man tag, KO said he already has his tag match with Reigns, so he wanted it to be him and Orton without Cody. Fans cheered. Cole said the ball is in the court of G.M. Nick Aldis. Graves said it appears KO has shifted his focus back to his own issues with The Bloodline. He said it’s a PLE-quality main event that might happen if Aldis makes it happen. Cole shifted to narrating highlights of Nia Jax getting pinned by Bayley and Naomi after a miscommunication with Tiffany Straton.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good opening segment. I’m invested in seeing how this all plays out or falls apart as everyone has a good case from their own perspective, but it doesn’t seem like everyone can land on the same page without some trouble first.)

-Backstage, Nia Jax stood with Tiffany and asked her to explain how Naomi and Bayley were allowed to beat her last week. Tiffany nervously told Jax she was hurt and she is sorry. Jax grabbed her by her through and said, “If this ends bad for me, this will end really, really badly for you.” She released her grip and said, “See, now we can be friends again.” She slapped her on the shoulder and walked away. Tiffany rubbed her neck and chest and snarled a bit.

-Bayley made her ring entrance. [c]

-Cole talked about the first two-night Summerslam coming to Met Life Stadium in New Jersey next summer as they showed the exterior of the arena. Graves said Solo & Fatu vs. KO & Orton was official.

(1) BAYLEY vs. NAOMI – No. 1 Contendership match for the WW Women’s Title

The bell rang 25 minutes into the hour. After an early exchange, Bayley avoided a Naomi corner splash and wound up to hit her, but the pulled back. Graves said this is about a potentially life-changing career-altering opportunity. Cole noted Bayley is going through a drought. Graves said her loss at Summerslam eats at her every day and she lives to improve the Women’s Division. Naomi rallied a kipped up and landed a kick to Bayley’s chest. Bayley rolled to ringside. Naomi sling-shot herself with a corkscrew plancha onto Bayley at 2:30. [c]

They battled back and forth and teh pace picked up after the break. Bayley sunset bombed Naomi at 9:00 into the corner in a clunky execution leading to a two count. Bayley landed a Bayley-to-Belly seconds later and then leaped off the top rope with her flying elbowdrop for the win.

WINNER: Bayley in 10:00 to earn a WWE Women’s Title shot.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good match, probably above expectations for most people.)

-They replayed the L.A. Knight win over Andrade and then the awkward handshake/fist-bump. Cole said had “the entire world on the Internet talking.” (That’s a bit of an overstatement.)

-Backstage, Andrade walked past Knight chatting with a woman backstage. Andrade said where he comes from, real men shake hands to show respect. He said he lost his respect. Knight said, “You’ve got to be kidding.” Carmelo Hayes then jumped Knight and knocked him hard over a crate and then said he’d see Andrade soon. [c]


The bell rang 46 minutes into the hour. They cut to a very early double-box break after Andrade snap powerslammed Hayes on the ring apron. [c]

Carmelo landed a leaping double knees to the chest for a near fall at 6:00. Carmelo had a bloodied lower lip. Andrade came back with a flying forearm. Then he kipped up and played to the crowd. He crashed into Carmelo with running knees in the corner leading to a near fall. Carmelo surprised Andrade with a springboard leaping DDT for a near fall at 8:00. They cut to another double-box break. [c/db]

Andrade landed a leaping handspring moonsault for a two count. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” Cole said the fans were appreciating the show Andrade and Hayes were putting on. Carmelo rallied with a facebuster and a leaping cutter for a near fall. Graves said Hayes might’ve won if he wasn’t mugging for the camera briefly before going for the cover. Cole said that’s what Hayes’s personality is, though.


Andrade set up a top rope superplex, but Carmelo countered mid-air into a swinging neckbreaker for a near fall. “This is absolutely incredible!” exclaimed Cole. USA Network bleeped a “Holy shit!” chant, which also muted commentary in headache-inducing starts and stops.

Knight came out to his music and stood on the ring apron. Carmel0 shoved Andrade into Knight, knocking him off the ring apron. Then Carmelo rolled up Andrade for the win.

WINNER: Carmelo in 17:00.

-Andrade and Knight argued in the ring afterward. Knight offered a handshake. Andrade turned and left. Cole said Andrade wanted nothing to do with that this week. Graves said he understood given that Knight factored into him losing.

-They went to Cole and Graves. Cole suggested to Aldis that they have a seventh match. He then threw to a clip of happened earlier with Cody, Orton, Owens, and The Bloodline.

-Backstage, Owens and Orton were chatting in a like-minded venting session when Cody walked in. He wanted to talk. KO said not now because they have to plan for their match. Cody pushed for it to happen. KO stood and said not know emphatically. Orton put his hand on Owens’ arm to calm him. KO cooled off and said he wants to talk, but not now. KO told him not to get involved tonight, then left. Orton told Cody he’d love his help if it turns out the numbers are against them. He said he’d go talk with KO.

-They showed Michin walking backstage. [c]

-A commercial aired hyping the return of A.J. Styles on Smackdown next week.

(3) MICHIN vs. PIPER NIVEN (w/Chelsea Green)

Chelsea brought a trash can to the ring and plugged her nose as if it stunk. Cole and Graves wondered why she brought a trash can to ringside. The bell rang 14 minutes into the hour. Cole yelled at Chelsea about smelling up ringside. Green got in Michin’s face at ringside. Niven surprised Michin with a leaping cannonball off the ring apron. They cut to a break at 1:00. [c]

Niven landed a cannonball in the corner after the break. Graves said Michin or Green will be humiliated if they lose a dumpster match and they’ll be all over the Internet. Cole said the last time they had one of those, there wasn’t even an Internet. Michin landed a crucifix bomb on Niven who landed on the back of her neck. Michin leveraged her shoulders down for a near fall. That looked potentially dangerous. Niven landed a spinning sidewalk slam for a near fall a minute later. Michin landed a Michinoku Driver a minute later for another near fall.

Green placed the trash can near the time keeper’s area and then pointed it out to Niven. Niven slapped Michin off the top rope. Niven went for a running cannonball at ringside against Michin, but Michin moved, so Niven crashed into the can. Michin then hit Eat DaFeet for the win.

WINNER: Michin in 8:00.

-Cole and Graves hyped next week’s Smackdown featuring the return of Styles plus Green vs. Michin in a dumpster match and Tama & Loa vs. DIY vs. The Street Profits for the WWE Tag Team Titles.

-A vignette aired with all three teams speaking in sounbites previewing the tag team title match next week.

-They showed The Bloodline backstage. [c]

-Naomi congratulated Bayley on her win. Bayley seemed nervous, but Naomi assured Bayley she deserved the win. She said it’s all good because she’ll face her for the title if the title. They hugged. The camera uncharacteristically followed Naomi for several seconds, and in walked Tiffany who predicted Nia wil crush Bayley. Naomi said she was going to propose to Aldis that they have a match next week.

-Owens made his entrance. Then Orton. [c]

-Cole hyped Bad Blood’s line-up.


They aired Solo and Fatu’s entrance. The bell rang 44 minutes into the hour. Fatu took it to KO out of the gate. Owens fired back with a back elbow and a senton. Solo asked to tag in. Solo absorbed a flurry from KO and then headbutted him. KO tagged out to Orton as Cole and Graves talked about KO’s frustration that he’s never pinned a member of the Bloodline. Graves said he thinks it keeps him up at night and keeps him from enjoying his life. Fatu asked for a tag and Solo smiled and tagged him in. Orton got the better of Fatu briefly. Fatu fought out of the corner and headbutted him and then clotheslined him over the top rope. Orton slammed Fatu on the announce desk, but Fatu no-sold it and pounded his chest.  Orton slammed him three more times on the table. Solo hit Orton from behind, but Orton slammed him on the table. Cole declared Orton a one-man wrecking crew as they cut to a break at 3:30. [c]

The heels got in an extended beatdown on KO after the break. KO hot-tagged in Orton to a nice pop at 10:00. Orton rallied against Solo and landed a snap powerslam. He gave a snap powerslam to Fatu when he charged into the ring at him. Orton then delivered a draping DDT. Owens tagged in and went on a string of rapid-fire offense including a swanton on Solo for a near fall at 13:00. Loa and Tama ran to the ring. KO had to fend them off. Solo then caught KO with a Spinning Solo for a near fall. Both were slow to get up. Cody’s music played and he ran out quickly and went after Tama and Loa at ringside.

Chaos ensued. KO gave Solo a stunner. Fatu rolled Cody into the ring and the ref tripped over him. KO had Solo covered. He saw Cody near the downed ref and showed frustration. He got up and yelled at Cody. Fatu superkicked KO twice. Solo crawled onto Owens for the three count.

WINNER: Solo & Fatu in 15:00.

-Orton stepped between KO and Cody as they argued after the match in the ring. KO hugged Cody as the show ended.


PWTorch editor Wade Keller will be joined by Jake Barnett from ProWrestling.net to review Smackdown LIVE. We’ll be incorporating live viewer comments into the show so join us LIVE!

Email our post-show at wadekellerpodcast@gmail.com with your comments and questions about Smackdown. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

If you can’t join us live on YouTube, stream the show on demand later at YouTube or listen or stream later on a podcast app. Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.

Click that link during the post-show to enter the waiting room as “live video caller” (or just audio if you turn off your cam, which is fine). This is a private link, so don’t share. It’s just for VIP members at this time.


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