20 YRS AGO – WWE SMACKDOWN TV Report (9-30-2004): Tazz criticizes Kurt Angle for humiliating a top wrestler, JBL tells Undertaker not to play mind games with him, plus Dudleyz, Booker T, Eddie Guerrero, RVD

Big Show (art credit Travis Beaven)


The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

SEPTEMBER 30, 2004

-So much for Smackdown’s opening song differentiating itself from Raw. Last week’s intro song is gone, replaced with a grunting hard rock song once again. Michael Cole and Tazz quickly introduced the show.

-Kurt Angle came to the ring. Tazz said he was shocked that a gold medalist would act as he did last week in humiliating Big Show. He said last week he made a promise, and as he always does, he delivered. Then they went to a video package highlighting last week’s big dart angle. It’s a good tactic to show a highlight package in the midst of a mid-ring promo because if it seems Angle and the entire crowd are watching while you are, it feels more relevant. Angle, after referencing Show tossing him off the upper deck, said he took “the big bad bully who took on an entire roster and humiliated him like he never was before.”

He told the fans in the crowd who have been picked on in their lives to feel free to show their admiration now. There were scattered boos. Angle sarcastically said, “America’s heartland, pure class.” He then introduced his two alliance members, Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak. They each carried a baggie of Show’s hair to the ring. Tazz had to play dumb for a ridiculously long time regarding what was in the baggies. When Reigns and Jindrak lifted Angle into the air, Teddy Long stepped out. He told Angle that Jindrak and Reigns will not be in his corner at No Mercy. He said if they or anyone else interferes, they will be fired.

[Commercial Break]

-Cole and Tazz talked over footage of fans in L.A. lined up for the WM20 tickets. This “one minute sellout” bragging makes camping out for future big events seem quite pointless. It gives the impression that of all the people who camped out all night, only the person in line got served before all of the internet and phone orders bought up all tickets. I still don’t understand what a “one minute sellout” means or how it’s possible.


Dawn Marie joined Michael Cole and Tazz at ringside. She said she doesn’t know any gossip or rumors. Then she said Jackie and Charlie Haas are engaged. Tazz told her not to start rumors. She said she doesn’t start rumors. If history is any indication, the acknowledgement of their engagement should doom their relationship within the next year. It’s just a jinx.

Dawn then implied she and Haas had played games the night before. Tazz wondered what that meant. She began referencing to Haas as “my Charlie” when he executed nice moves. Cole asked if she was meddling in the Haas-Jackie relationship. Rico mounted Bubba from behind, drawing laughs from the crowd. Tazz told Cole, “You can relate to that.”

Dawn said she taught Haas all the rules to a new card game. Rico dove face-first into Bubba’s crotch area as he stood on the ring apron. Dawn said he is the king of mind games. Rico then spanked D-Von. When Tazz referred to Dawn as a “girl,” she correct him and said, “woman.” Funny. When Haas was knocked to ringside, Dawn went over to check on him. Jackie yelled at her and told her to stay away. Tazz and Cole said she punked her out. Dawn said, “If she paid more attention to her man, he wouldn’t have to be with me at night.” When Cole pointed out Jackie’s diamond ring was big,

Dawn said she had something bigger than Jackie. When Jackie stood at ringside and locked Dawn’s view, Dawn asked her to move. Haas jumped off the top rope with a flying axe handle to D-Von’s back for a two count at 5:00. Dawn then threw a shoe at Jackie. Her aim was great. Jackie’s aim was good, too, as she slapped Dawn. They got into a scuffle at ringside. Rico dragged Jackie off of Dawn. The Dudleys then scored a pin after a 3D.

WINNERS: The Dudleys when D-Von pinned Haas at 5:30.

STAR RATING: *1/4 — The match was just background for a nice start to a Dawn Marie vs. Jackie feud. It’s about time they found something for Jackie and Dawn to do. That was one of the better “cat fights” in WWE in a long time.

-Josh Matthews interviewed John Cena backstage. He had a huge smile on his face just like Chris Farley preparing to interview a celebrity he worships. He said he couldn’t wait to hear Cena’s rap about No Mercy. Cena shoved Matthews away. Cena said while Booker brags about being the “five time, five time,” he on the other hand is a “one time” and that one time is the U.S. Title belt he holds. He said he considers it his and he is taking it back on Sunday and there isn’t anything he can do about it.

-Cole plugged JBL vs. Hardcore Holly as the TV main event.

-Paul Heyman was screaming in the aisle and telling Heidenreich to get off of the big fist, acting as if he thought Heidenreich was going to jump. At least they didn’t do that the night before in Kemper Arena where Owen Hart fell to his death.

[Commercial Break]

-Heidenreich told Heyman not to worry, he just had something to say. He told the fans to be quiet and pay attention to him. He demanded respect and then said he needed silence in order to read one of his masterpieces. The crowd actually got kind of quiet as if they wanted to hear the poem. Despite their lack of noise, he kept telling them to be quiet. Despite their lack of noise, he said, “I’m not going to wait for you.” He then began reading his poem:

Love and hate are two very strong things
But none of you people know the pain that it can bring
But if you would just listen, listen to me
Listen to the story that I tell
I will take you all through my journey in hell
This journey started out a long, long time ago
Before the world destroyed and killed all the love I had to show
Something destroyed all the love I had inside
And left me with all the pain and anger that I deny
But all that has changed for Heidenreich
I made a promise to destroy the world
And you will all see how

Tazz said Heidenreich has issues, but he likes him. Cole said the audience did the unthinkable, they made Heidenreich mad. Tazz asked what that meant for him. Cole said he wasn’t going to talk about that, he was going to talk about No Mercy.

-A taped promo aired of Undertaker standing amidst fog next to a hearse.

[Commercial Break]

-Matthews interviewed JBL backstage and he looked around nervously wondering where Orlando was. JBL talked about everyone Undertaker has defeated, mentioning Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, The Rock, Ric Flair, Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, and Bret Hart. He said Taker has never defeated him and he never will. He said he had a plan and it began with defeating Holly tonight. Holly barged in and knocked JBL down. Holly said, “Your plan just began.”

[Commercial Break]

-They showed a bloodied Paul London backstage cutting a promo after last week’s match on Smackdown. He said he isn’t a quitter as Kidman is and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on Kidman at No Mercy. Cole and Tazz plugged the Kidman vs. London match.


London got in most of the early offense. Kidman stepped out to watch the match. London was distracted by that and ended up missing a 450 splash, landing on his face. Booker then hit London with the scissors kick for the win. Afterward Booker grabbed a chair. Kidman ran into the ring and yanked it away from Booker. Cole said Kidman finally did the right thing. Cole of course didn’t see the next thing coming as Kidman nailed Kidman from behind with a chair. Kidman yelled at London that he doesn’t understand, but maybe he will now.

WINNER: Booker T at 2:14.

STAR RATING: 1/2* — Good action, but very short match.

[Commercial Break]

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JBL used some cheapshots early including a thumb to Holly’s eye to gain early advantage. Holly made his comeback at 2:00. They continued to have a heated, back-and-forth battle with near falls.

[Commercial Break]

During the break, JBL bashed Holly with the ring stairs. Holly was shown bleeding in the ring. The ref checked on Holly. Tazz said the ref was thinking of stopping it due to blood loss. Wrestlers bleed a lot more than that before matches are stopped for blood, so that comment didn’t ring true. When JBL disobeyed the ref and kicked Holly anyway, the ref called for the bell. JBL threw Holly into the steel steps and then rammed him with them in the head. He threw Holly onto the announcers’ desk, hit him with a chair, and threw him back into the ring. Where is Billy Gunn when Holly needs him.

JBL then finished off Holly with a Clothesline from Hell. JBL then said, “Undertaker, you don’t play mindgames with me.” He said there would be no referee or bell to stop him from ending Undertaker’s career. He said he fears no man. Then Undertaker’s music played and the lights flickered. JBL raised his fists, as if ready for a fight. Then Orlando Jordan was shown strung up on an Undertaker symbol hanging from the roof. JBL then looked worried. Undertaker said on the big screen, “And then there was one. This Sunday, be prepared to take your last ride.” Nice special effect. Better than usual for this type of angle.

WINNER: Holly at 10:37 via DQ.

STAR RATING: **1/4 — Intense ten minute battle, only seven of which aired on TV. The post-match attack was really well done, getting across JBL as someone who has turned it up. If only they had shown this side of JBL before giving him the World Title promotion.

[Commercial Break]

4 — NUNZIO (w/Johnny Stambolli) vs. SPIKE DUDLEY (w/Bubba Ray, D-Von)

Tazz and Cole kept talking about the angle in the previous segment, which was good. Blowing it off and moving on to this match as if nothing “shocking” happened in the previous segment would have diminished the impact. Decent action in the opening two minutes, but then Spike went to a chinlock at 2:30. Nunzio fought out of it. But Spike went back to it again and again. Why a chinlock over and over again when there are so many more interesting-to-look-at holds out there? Doesn’t the “E” in WWE stand for “Entertainment” not “Put on the easiest and most boring hold over and over again during your matches.” Bubba tripped Nunzio coming off the ropes, but when Spike went for the pin, Nunzio reversed the pin attempt and scored a three count.

WINNER: Nunzio at 6:19.


-The Raw recap aired.

-Cole and Tazz then previewed the entire No Mercy line-up.

-Big Show cut a promo with just his silhouette showing. He said for the first time in his life last week he was helpless. He said Angle tried to humiliate him by mutilating his hair. He said he shaved off the little hair that was left. He said he is going to keep it saved bald to remind him every morning of what Angle did to him. “Kurt Angle made a giant mistake,” said Show. “He left me breathing.” He vowed to give Angle the worst beating he has ever suffered. A light then shined on Show’s face without r3evealing his bald head. (That had to be Paul E’s idea since he’s always messing around with flashlights and different lighting.) He said on Sunday he would show Angle “no mercy.” Well delivered promo that hit the right notes.

[Commercial Break]

-A video feature aired showing clips of various applicants for Tough Enough. From an appearance standpoint, they seemed more manly and mature than past casts which were more boyish and young. One contestant, Louis Williams, said he had recently been working with the Carolina Panthers. Ben Morrell was shown in an MMA fight. Good preview of the new Tough Enough season. I hate that there won’t be 30 minute weekly shows. I hope they dedicate a reasonable amount of time to the competition each week.


Shouldn’t RVD be teaming with Rey Mysterio to help establish their tag team title match at the PPV? It demeans the tag titles to have RVD in this match without Rey. They cut to a break three minutes in.

[Commercial Break]

At 9:00 when RVD bounced into the ropes, Reigns pulled down the top rope so RVD fell to the floor. What is it with chinlocks? Jindrak applied a chinlock a couple of times in this one. Yawn. Not that they don’t hurt in real life, but they’re boring matholds when there’s hundreds of other options out there. (Like George Bush, I’m staying “on message” with this pet peeve week after week.) At 13:30 RVD hot-tagged in Guerrero who showed nice fire with a series of clotheslines and punches on Jindrak and then a dropkick on Reigns. Guerrero hit his Three Amigos suplex series on Jindrak and then hit a Frog Splash. Reigns broke up the pin and then gave Guerrero a neckbreaker. RVD clotheslined Reigns over the top rope, but Jindrak covered Guerrero for the win.

WINNERS: Reigns & Jindrak at 15:28.

STAR RATING: **3/4 — Good tag match. It stayed away from being overly formulaic and the action was consistent. Nothing great, but a worthy TV main event.

-The show closed with a cool No Mercy video highlighting all of the main matches and the angles leading up to them.

-For a show that a lot of usual viewers are going to miss due to preemptions and the debate, a good final edition before a PPV. The video at the end was a nice touch.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: 20 YRS AGO – WWE Live Event Results (9/24/2004): Regal & Eugene vs. La Resistance, plus Christian, Orton, Maven, Shelton, Kane, Snitsky, Battle Royal

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