10 YRS AGO – TNA IMPACT TV Report (10-1-2014): What was MVP up to ten years ago with Lashley, who did Bully Ray dress down, who did Samoa Joe battle, plus EC3, Aries, Gail Kim, Mr. Anderson

MVP (photo credit Grant Gould © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

TNA Impact Results
October 1, 2014
Taped in Bethlehem, Pa.
Aired on Spike TV
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

Earlier Today: Bobby Roode arrived at the building to reflect on not getting the job done against TNA World champion Bobby Lashley two weeks ago. Tonight, he plans to share his thoughts on his future.

Inside the arena, Impact opened with Austin Aries’s music. Aries was dressed to wrestle and quickly hit the ring to note he wants to cash in his title opportunity right here, right now. Aries, who won a #1 contender match last week, said he thought about making this decision interactive. So, would the audience like to see him face Gail Kim for the Knockouts Title? How about The Wolves by himself for the Tag Titles? Or, Samoa Joe for the X Division Title?

Before Aries could get to Bobby Lashley, Joe’s music interrupted to bring out Samoa Joe holding the X Division Title over his shoulder. Aries noted he wasn’t done yet, but Joe didn’t want to wait for the rest of the list because he heard his name being called. Joe said if Aries is going to challenge anyone, it’s going to be him. He called himself the best champion in this company. Joe got within inches of Aries to tell him who he’s challenging.

Aries calmly told Joe to step back, then noted he is the longest-reigning X Division champion in TNA. He said it sounds like the crowd wants to see them face-off, and he’s okay with that. Aries went to the macro of what the X Division represents, then got back to the issue of finding out the better wrestler is. “Ring the bell,” Joe told Earl Hebner, who was standing by in the ring waiting for Aries’s match.

1 — X Division champion SAMOA JOE vs. AUSTIN ARIES — X Division Title match

On commentary, Mike Tenay noted this is interesting because Aries vacated the title to cash in a TNA Title shot against Lashley, Joe won the vacant X Title, and now Aries is challenging Joe for the title. In the ring, Joe and Aries traded offense before Joe took control. Joe paused to play to the audience. Of note, one section of the arena looks vacated, leaving the hard camera and non-hard camera sides with people. There was also an echo in the building as Joe slowed the pace to work on Aries. Aries fought back heading to a mid-match commercial.

[Commercial Break at 9:13] [Q2…]

[…Q2] Impact returned with a back-and-forth exchange that Joe eventually won with a back-elbow smash. Joe tried a powerbomb, but Aries blocked. Then, again. But, Aries ran into a snap powerslam for a two count. Standing exchange, then Joe kneed Aries into the ropes. Aries fell out of the ring, but suckered Joe into airballing a dive. Aries then flew through the ropes with a torpedo smash to Joe.

Back in the ring, Aries came off the top with a missile dropkick, then nailed a corner dropkick. Aries tried a Brainbuster Suplex, but didn’t get all of it. He covered, but Joe kicked out. Aries tried to follow with Last Chancery, but Joe slipped under to apply the rear-naked choke. Aries flailed his arms to fight the hold, but eventually had to tap out.

WINNER: Joe via submission at 15:23. Very good TV match. It’s unfortunate it sounded like there were more empty seats than people in the building, though, creating a less-than-ideal atmosphere.

Backstage: Rockstar Spud approached a disconnected Ethan Carter III, who was simply staring off into space. Carter cut off Spud’s speech, then told him to do his job following him to the ring.

[Commercial Break at 9:24]

Video Package: TNA replayed the reckless ladder match in the TNA Tag Title series last month.

Backstage: Kurt Angle was shown talking to TNA tag champs The Wolves. The roving cameraman asked what the conversation was about and Angle said he approved their choice for the finale of the series.

[Q3] In-ring: Rockstar Spud led Ethan Carter III to the ring for a verbal segment. Spud served a mic to Carter, who dramatically approached the vocal instrument to ask Spud some questions. And then establish the terms of their relationship – he is Spud’s employer and Spud is the employee. Carter said his friends have trust funds, and Spud does not fit in. Carter broke some news to Spud that these people are not with him. Of course, because he’s a heel.

ECIII ran down Spud for his rat-like face, haircut, and suits. ECIII ripped off a piece of Spud’s suit jacket, drawing boos from the crowd. Why is he doing this? Because he holds Spud responsible for what happened to Aunt Dixie. ECIII mocked Spud for welling up with tears, then taunted him for wanting to cry. So, he slapped him. “Cry for me!” ECIII shouted. Spud tried to act tough in response, but Carter laughed in his face.

Eric Young’s music interrupted to bring out Young dressed to wrestle and apparently looking to defend the guy who cost him numerous matches this year. Maybe he’ll set him straight. Young entered the ring to address Carter, telling him he is more than willing to accept blame (and celebrate) what happened to Dixie. Young then addressed Spud, telling him he was once someone’s lackey, but Spud needs to listen to the people. TNA found one girl in the crowd wildly cheering for Spud. Young told Spud that he can stand up for himself or stand here and let Carter hit him.

Instead, Carter blasted Young from the side with a right hand blow. Suddenly, referee Earl Hebner showed up. He did not try to separate the wrestlers. Instead, a bell sounded. The announcers abruptly introduced an item that they were supposed to have a match later in the show, but it’s going to happen now.

2 — ERIC YOUNG vs. ETHAN CARTER III (w/Rockstar Spud)

As the match started, Tenay hyped Bound for Glory on October 12, offering generic items about the location and setting, but nothing specific to connect with the audience. Carter continued to dominate Young after the pre-match attack, prompting “You Can’t Wrestle” chants from the crowd. Ringside, Spud acted conflicted over whether to shoot down the chants aimed at his “employer.”

Young mounted a comeback with a back-drop suplex. Next was a flying forearm, then a clothesline into a bodyslam. Young followed with a top-rope elbow drop, covered Carter, and Spud put Carter’s foot on the bottom rope just before three. Spud sold being reluctant to do his job, then Young dropkicked Carter into Spud. Young tried to follow with a piledriver, but Carter ducked down and low-blowed Young while Hebner was pre-occupied with Spud. A front-face slam right into the mat gave Carter the win.

WINNER: ECIII at 5:47. Young is officially back to that level before TNA suddenly put the title on him.

Up Next: Gail Kim vs. Havok for the Knockouts Title.

[Commercial Break at 9:43] [Q4…]

[…Q4] Backstage: Mr. Anderson talked to Chris Melendez backstage. Anderson said he thinks Melendez has handled Kenny King and MVP pretty well. Melendez said they’re just like people he dealt with overseas in the military, so it’s no big thing. Anderson said they think Melendez has a weakness, and they will try to exploit it until he stands up for himself.

Video Package: Havok. And the havoc she has created since coming to TNA.

In-ring: Gail came to the ring first for her title defense, but Havok jumped her in the aisleway to begin the match. Gail fought back, but Havok shoved her into the ring apron. Havok then posted Gail, injuring her shoulder. The referee reprimanded Havok, but Havok intimidated ref Stiffler. Gail fought back, then tried to scrap with Havok, but Havok over-powered her.

Gail eventually just tried to run off the ring apron to splash Havok, but Havok drove her hard into the ringside padding. The referee eventually told Havok to leave, then refs tended to Gail, who sold immense shoulder pain. Impact cut to break with Gail selling the effects of the scrap.

3 — KO champion GAIL KIM vs. HAVOK — Knockouts Title match

WINNER: No Match.

[Commercial Break at 9:54]

Moments Ago: Havok took out Gail Kim before their scheduled Knockouts Title match. During the break, Gail was helped away from ringside as she sold a shoulder injury.

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[Q5 — second hour] In-ring: The Wolves’s music played to bring out the TNA tag champs dressed in street clothes. Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards entered the ring and began a speech about the Tag Title series, but Team 3D’s music interrupted. Taz lamented the interruption, as he wanted to hear what the Wolves had to say. Bully Ray and Brother Devon approached the Wolves to discuss matters.

Bully said the Wolves just don’t get it, accusing them of spouting off at the mouth about how good they are. “You’re not,” Bully said. Eddie and Davey pointed to their Tag Titles to say otherwise, but Bully said they will never beat Team 3D. And never conquer the world of tag wrestling. Bully tried to bully the tag champs into deciding the last match in the series.

Instead, the Hardys interrupted. Matt said there goes Bully again trying to bully his way around. Jeff Hardy told Team 3D he hopes they enjoy their run into the Hall of Fame because this series is about to end with the Hardys on top. Matt then ran down the Wolves, calling them average compared to them. Davey tried to keep calm as he listened to another speech. “Hey, Matt, why don’t you shut up?” Davey finally interrupted. Davey said Team 3D and Hardys *were* great, but they own this time. Davey looked right into Bully’s face to tell him that their team is now.

Bully responded by saying Davey has guts and balls, then slapped him. So, Eddie attacked Bully and a six-way fight was on. Bully then slipped under the ring to grab a table. On the other side of the ring, Matt and Jeff grabbed a ladder. Kurt Angle’s music interrupted to bring out the Impact GM. Angle told the Wolves, who were holding chairs now, to decide the match. The crowd chanted for a WWE match, then Eddie said it’s Full Metal Mayhem in the finals of the series.

[ JC’s Reax: That was a complete shift in tone for the Series, especially Bully suddenly shifting to a heelish role looking down at The Wolves. ]

Backstage: Mr. Anderson and Chris Melendez bumped into MVP and Kenny King in the hallway. Anderson got excited about the potential of a scrap, then challenged King to a match. MVP calmed everyone down and said he’ll take the fight with Anderson.

[Commercial Break at 10:10]

[Q6] Trainer’s Room: Gail Kim was diagnosed with a separated shoulder. Kurt Angle walked in to check on a frantic Gail, who said she wants to wrestle tonight. Angle wasn’t sure it was a good idea. But, Gail demanded the trainer do whatever she could to take care of her shoulder, then Angle whispered to get her ready.

[ JC’s Reax: What? Since the audience is to receive the events on this show as a shoot, authorities are supposed to use their authority to save talent/athletes from themselves in an obvious situation where a wrestler cannot compete. If the fictional injury is a separated shoulder, the talent should be held out of the ring. Angle going along with a talent trying to convince him to wrestle hurt undermines Angle’s babyface authority figure character, especially the week of the University of Michigan’s controversy allowing a potentially concussed QB to continue playing while the authorities had a “miscommunication” over his health status. ]

In-ring: James Storm brought out Sanada and Manik for singles action. Shark Boy then randomly returned to Impact TV appearing to have ballooned in weight.

3 — MANIK (w/James Storm and Sanada) vs. SHARK BOY

The camera focused on Storm, who sold a lack of approval for Manik until he won the match. Manik eventually won with a top-rope splash, earning a small amount of approval from Storm. Storm then entered the ring and raised the hands of Manik and Sanada.

WINNER: Manik at 3:05.

[Commercial Break at 10:21]

Events Center: Bound for Glory is the only event scheduled for the rest of the year.

Backstage: Team 3D was shown pacing around. Bully continued talking about The Wolves not being in their right mind by challenging them and the Hardys to a match involving tables, ladders, and chairs. Bully looked into the camera to tell the Wolves that they are dealing with tag team greatness. More of Bully’s hubris as part of a tonal shift. Devon then shouted into the camera not to mess with Team 3D.

In-ring: MVP and Kenny King were already in the ring finishing up ring introductions. Mr. Anderson was then introduced to the ring, flanked by Chris Melendez.


4 — MR. ANDERSON (w/Chris Melendez) vs. MVP (w/Kenny King)

On commentary, Tenay and Taz continued to criticize MVP and King for their treatment of Melendez. Early in the match, MVP left the ring and got in Melendez’s face, daring him to hit him. Melendez did not take the bait, then the match continued in the ring. MVP worked on Anderson with knee drops, but missed with a third. Anderson then clotheslined MVP into a neckbreaker.

With MVP in trouble, King hopped on the ring apron to distract Anderson. Melendez then knocked out King on the ring apron, but the distraction allowed MVP to roll up Anderson from behind to get the win.

WINNER: MVP at 5:52. Basic booking of the heel lackey taking a blow from the picked-on babyface, but the primary heel getting the match victory.

[Commercial Break at 10:35]

In-ring: Bobby Roode was in the ring back from break. Roode said winning the TNA World Title is a big task, but holding onto it is an even bigger task. Roode said two weeks ago, he challenged Bobby Lashley for the TNA World Title. And he lost. So, what he wants to do right now is invite Lashley down to the ring for a chat.

Lashley’s music played to bring out the TNA champ dressed in street clothes. Lashley was flanked by MVP and King, who hung out in the background while Roode addressed Lashley face-to-face in the ring. Roode hyped Lashley as a dominant World champion, then noted he has replayed their match over and over again. He said one moment sticks out in his mind – the moment where Lashley hit him with a spear. But, he kicked out at two. And the look on Lashley’s face was being startled.

[Q8] Roode said the fact is he had Lashley beat. “This close,” he said. Roode said he tweaked his knee, then Lashley hit the spear again for the win, but he knows he can beat Lashley. All he’s asking for is One More Shot, channeling Christian’s “One More Match” mantra in WWE. Roode eventually went all in on Christian’s saying, leading the crowd in chanting, “One More Match.”

Lashley thought it over, but MVP yanked the mic away and said the answer is no. Roode said he was talking to Lashley, not MVP. MVP said Lashley’s answer is no, then MVP and King practically dragged Lashley out of the ring since Lashley seemed to want to fight Roode again.

Trainer’s Room: The trainer taped up Gail Kim’s shoulder as Gail told the trainer to do whatever it takes to get her ready.

[Commercial Break at 10:48]

Next Week: The Tag Title Series concludes.

In-ring: Gail Kim was re-introduced to the ring for an ill-advised Knockouts Title defense. Gail sold already being defeated based on her facial expression and holding her taped-up shoulder. Taz noted Gail’s pride is getting ahead of herself. But, no focus on Angle allowing Gail to defend the title instead of using his authority to call off the match. Gail shouted into the mic that Havok took her down, but not out. Havok was introduced to the ring, and Gail met her on the entrance ramp to attack her. But, Havok cut her off and re-targeted the shoulder. Havok rolled Gail into the ring and the bell sounded to begin the match.

5 — KO champion GAIL KIM vs. HAVOK — Knockouts Title match

Havok continued to punish Gail in the ring. Gail tried to fight back with stomps and kicks, but Havok tossed her into the air and Gail landed on the injured shoulder. Havok did too much posing once in control, allowing Gail to drop her to the mat and wrap her around the ringpost.

Back in the ring, Havok captured Gail in the air and emphatically dropped her on her back. Havok then smashed Gail into the mat with a lift-up slam and it was good for the pin and the win. New KO champion. The announcers signed off by wondering who is going to stop Havok now that she is the champion.

WINNER: Havok at 5:00 to capture the KO Title. This one’s on Angle’s character. The booking made him look like a weak authority figure allowing Gail to convince him to still have the match. TNA needs strong characters on this show to correct years of weak babyfaces, but it’s a step backwards, taking away from the KO division now headed up by a new Awesome Kong-level monster heel.

Next Wednesday: The finals of the Tag Title Series.

Alert: We’re looking for your 0-10 score and comments on this show for an “Impact Reax” feature on PWTorch.com. To contribute your thoughts on Impact, email to pwtorch@gmail.com.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: 10 YRS AGO – NXT TV Report (9-25-2014): Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss, plus Mojo, Tyler Breeze, Ascension, Lucha Dragons, Enzo & Cass

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and Masha Slamovich vs. Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, and Tasha Steelz, Mike Santana vs. JDC in a Texas Death Match, Matt Cardona vs. Rhino

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