TNA IMPACT TV RESULTS (9/26): Lilly’s report on Hendry vs. Kazarian, Grace & NXT Mystery Partner vs. Rosemary & Choo

By Darrin Lilly, PWTorch Contributor


SEPTEMBER 26, 2024

-Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

-Clips from last week.

-“Cross the Line” intro.


Rosemary & Choo entered the ring first. Grace came out next and followed by Arianna Grace. Grace introduced Ruca as Jordynne’s mystery partner, to a good reaction. All four wrestlers brawled at the start. Grace and Ruca cleared the ring. Ruca did a moonsault from the top rope to the floor on the heels that got the fans out of their seat. Grace followed with a dive of her own.

The bell finally rang. Choo and Rosemary kept the advantage on Ruca. Ruca gave Rosemary and Choo a double neckbreaker. Grace made the hot tag and ran wild on Rosemary and Choo. Ruca did a big splash on her opponents. Ruca hit her flipping rana on Rosemary. Tasha Steelz ran in and attacked Grace to cause a DQ. Masha Slamovich ran in for the save.

WINNERS: Jordynne Grace & Sol Ruca by DQ in 4:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Sol Ruca was warmly received by the fans. The match itself was fun but way too brief.)

-Gia Miller interviewed Frankie Kazarian about his number one contender’s match tonight. He asked if she was down with the king. He said he didn’t believe in Joe Hendry. He vowed to win tonight and go on to the title match at Bound for Glory. He said everyone will acknowledge him as the king of TNA. [c]


The match got off to a fast start with an exchange of moves. Kid connected with a dive to Gresham on the ramp. Back in the ring, Kid continued on offense. Fans were behind Kid. Gresham made a comeback. Gresham had Kid in a Boston Crab, but Kid reached the ropes. Kid did a crossbody block from the top rope. Gresham hit a flurry of offense. Gresham repeatedly jammed Kid’s knee into the mat and Kid tapped.

WINNER: Jonathan Gresham in 7:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Still no sign of Gresham’s ink gimmick, although he was very aggressive at the end.)

-Mike Santana barged into The System’s locker room. The door closed and a big commotion was heard. [c]


Bailey and Wentz started the match. Both teams squared off. [c]

Kushida and Bey had an exchange. Bailey and Wentz went face to face and traded strikes and moves. ABC and Wentz triple teamed Bailey. Slater did a crossbody block from the top rope on ABC. Slater also got offense on Wentz. Bailey did a moonsault to the outside on ABC. Slater did a spectacular dive over the ringpost to the floor. Back in the ring, Wentz gave Slater a cutter and got the pin.

WINNERS: Zachary Wentz & ABC in 9:00.

(D.L.’s Take: This one was fast paced all the way through and the crowd was eating it up. Wentz’s momentum as a singles wrestler is continuing.)

-Cody Deaner approached Jake Something backstage, who was lifting weights with Hammerstone. Jake said he was sick of failure. Deaner said Hammerstone wasn’t the right person to listen to. Hammerstone said they were winners and Deaner was pathetic. Hammerstone challenged Deaner to a match. Deaner accepted. [c]

-Mike Santana promo. He talked about wanting to face Moose as dramatic music played underneath.


This was Lee’s TNA debut (she was formerly Xia Li in WWE).  Lee shoulderbloced Hyan to the mat. Lee caught Hyan with a dropkick, followed by a suplex. Lee caught Hyan with a kick on the outside. Hyan cheated to get the advantage on Lee and stomped her. Lee made a comeback with clotheslines. Lee droppped Hyan with a rotating kick and got the pin.

WINNER: Lei Ying Lee in 4:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Lee got a good reaction from the fans in her debut. They cheered her moves and booed Hyan. Lee’s debut was what it needed to be, although Hyan did get a nice dose of offense.)

-Backstage, Leon Slater apologized for letting Mike Bailey down. Bailey gave him encouragement. [c]

-ABC promo. They said they were mourning the loss of the Tag Team Titles and talked about their contractually obligated rematch. Matt & Jeff Hardy approached and noted that they beat The System the last two times they faced them. The Hardys said they were coming for the titles and nothing would stop the train. Jeff made train sounds.

-Josh Alexander got in the ring for a promo. Fans taunted him with “You tapped out!” chants. He said he’s done a lot of questionable things the last few months. He said before Victory Road, he didn’t believe in Joe Hendry because Hendry didn’t believe in himself. A “We believe” chant started.

Alexander reflected on his last six years in the company. He talked about Eric Young trying to talk sense into him and called him to the ring. Eric got in the ring, gestured to Alexander, and declared this was the real Walking Weapon.

Eric talked about seeing Alexander become one of the best wrestlers in the world. He said it took a real man to admit he was wrong. He told Alexander he loved him. Alexander called him a friend and a mentor and he was glad he was in his life. They hugged. Fans kinda bought it.

Alexander attacked Eric and suplexed him. Alexander screamed that he was exactly who he needed to be. He went for the C-4 Spike, but Steve Maclin ran in for the save. Sinner & Saint ran in and attacked Maclin and Eric. Alexander gave Maclin the C-4 Spike. [c]

-Steph De Lander asked Santino Marella if he needed an assistant. Matt Cardona approached and insulted Steph. Santino told Cardona he would face PCO in a Monster’s Ball match at Bound for Glory. Cardona protested.


Xia blocked Heather’s offense. Xia played to the crowd. Xia dropped an elbow on Heather for a two count. Xia caught Heather with a dropkick from the ropes and followed with a series of punches. Ash By Elegance and The Concierge walked to ringside. Heather made a comeback and stomped Xia in the corner.

Xia fought back with clotheslines and a Russian Leg Sweep. Xia did a baseball slide into Heather on the outside. Xia picked up some of Heather’s extensions. Xia suplexed Heather on the floor. Xia threw Heather into the ringpost. Heather used a distraction to get the upper hand. Heather hit a Rarified Air off the top rope and got the pin.

WINNER: Heather Reckless in 7:00.

Ash and The Concierge observed from the stage as Heather celebrated. [c]

(D.L.’s Take: Another good showing from Heather as the angle with Ash continues. Xia needs some direction for her character.)

-Heather Reckless approached Ash and The Concierge in the dressing room and asked if they saw her hit the Rarified Air. Ash was unimpressed. The Concierge said she was a mess, but he saw something in her. He told her to come with them.

-Nic Nemeth’s music played and he joined the commentary team.


This match was to determine a number one contender for the World Title match at Bound for Glory against Nemeth. Hendry got his usual enthusiastic reaction and “We Believe!” chants. Hendry got the mic from Jade Chung and offered to introduce Frankie Kazarian. He gave him a series of insults, including “Puss In Boots”, which the crowd chanted. Frankie attacked him in mid-speech. Hendry quickly made a comeback and slammed Frankie. [c]

Frankie made a comeback. He grabbed the mic and talked as he stomped Hendry. He said he didn’t believe in Hendry. Hendry came back with clotheslines. Hendry gave Frankie a pop-up powerbomb for a two count. Hendry put Frankie in the ankle lock, but Frankie escaped. Frankie clotheslined Hendry for a two count.

Hendry escaped the Fade to Black and put on the ankle lock again. Frankie reached the ropes. Frankie legdropped Hendry and gave him a DDT for a two count. They brawled on the outside. Frankie hit Hendry with brass knuckles and pinned Hendry. Frankie’s music played.

Nemeth picked up the brass knuckles at ringside and showed them to the referee. Santino walked to the stage. He re-started the match. Hendry rolled up Frankie for a two count. Frankie clotheslined Hendry. Frankie charged Hendry, but Hendry picked him up and gave him the Standing Ovation and got the pin.

WINNER: Joe Hendry in 13:00.

(D.L.’s Take: The match result wasn’t really in doubt because Hendry is the TNA star with the most momentum and it makes sense to give him a title shot at Bound for Glory. It will be intriguing to see how TNA builds up the babyface vs. babyface main event for the next few weeks.)

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