AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (9/25): Amin’s report on Grand Slam Night 1 including Danielson vs. McGuiness, Darby vs. Mox, MVP’s debut, Hook retires FTW Title

By Amin Ajani, PWTorch contributor


SEPTEMBER 25, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz, Jim Ross

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reported late this afternoon that 8,191 tickets had been distributed so far; arena is set up for 8,477. The arena has a capacity of 23,771 spectators when configured for tennis. Subscribe to WrestleTix on Patreon for detailed up-to-date information.

PWTorch editor Wade Keller was joined by PWTorch Dailycast host Gregg Kanner to review AEW Dynamite LIVE right after Dynamite. CLICK HERE to watch on YouTube or CLICK HERE to listen the podcast.


—The show opened with Excalibur introducing AEW Dynamite Grand Slam.

—Nigel McGuinness made his entrance to a strong reaction. Bryan Danielson’s music played but nobody came out. McGuiness said he hasn’t seen Danielson all day. He told the referee to give him a 10 count. He said Danielson should be stripped of the AEW World Title. The referee began his count. The Final Countdown played. Tony Schiavone on commentary “Is he here?” AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson received a great reaction.


The bell rang to a big reaction from the crowd. Danielson and McGuiness began exchanging uppercuts. Danielson and McGuiness had a showcase of some nice chain wrestling. The action slowly picked up as Danielson and McGuiness exchanged big strikes. Danielson and McGuiness exchanged mounted strikes. Danielson went for the LeBell Lock but McGuinness placed his foot on the ropes. McGuinness used Danielson’s momentum sending him to the floor. McGuinness took control slamming Danielson onto the ring steps. McGuinness went for London Dungeon but Danielson placed his foot on the ropes.

Danielson responded by nailing McGuinness with a running dropkick in the opposite corner. McGuiness stopped Danielson from climbing the ropes. McGuinness called for the Tower of London but Danielson escaped. Danielson rocked McGuinness with a Buizuku Knee for a double down. Danielson made a comeback hitting a roundhouse kick for two. Danielson whipped McGuinness who posed upside down on the turnbuckle. McGuinness caught Danielson with a corner Final Cut for two. Danielson went for a running clothesline but injured his forearm in the process. McGuinness took advantage hitting a rebound clothesline but Danielson kicked out at one.

The crowd began cheering as Danielson began making his comeback. McGuiness responded by poking Danielson in the eyes. McGuinness connected with a ripcord lariat for two. McGuinness rocked Danielson with rapid elbow strikes. McGuinness connected with the Tower of London for two. McGuinness went for London Dungeon but Danielson escaped. Danielson rocked McGuinness with elbow strikes for a double down. McGuinness caught Danielson with a running knee strike. Danielson bounced off the ropes into a lariat from McGuinness for two. Danielson landed in position to place McGuinness in the LeBell Lock. McGuinness tried to break free of the hold. McGuiness whispered “Thank You” before tapping out to Danielson’s LeBell Lock.

WINNER: Bryan Danielson via submission in 18:51

(Amin’s Thoughts: I didn’t like the lead-up leading into the Danielson and McGuinness match. They had a chance to make this feel special but didn’t do it. This was enjoyable seeing Danielson and McGuinness having a strong professional wrestling match. I thought McGuinness looked good inside the ring as they gave him some nice near falls. You can make a strong case that Danielson is arguably the greatest wrestler of all-time. Danielson was just tremendous here working to McGuinness strengths. McGuinness saying Thank You to Danielson giving him this match was just tremendous.)

—Christian Cage came out after the match. Christian was about to sign the AEW World Title contract. Kip Sabian appeared from behind, taking away Christian’s pen. Christian chased Sabian to the back. Christian ran into Claudio Castagnoli and Pac who gave him a serious look. Christian went back to chasing Sabian backstage. [c]

(2) HOOK vs. RODERICK STRONG (w/Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) — FTW Title Match

Hook and Strong began with some chain wrestling. Hook went for a head/arm choke but Bennett and Taven pulled Strong to the floor. The action moved to the floor as Strong sent Hook into the barricade. Strong went to swing the kendo stick but Hook moved. Hook attacked Strong, Bennett and Taven with a kendo strike. Hook went back after Bennett and Taven. This led to Strong taking advantage, launching Hook into the ring post. [c]

Hook made a comeback rocking Strong with clotheslines as they returned from break. Hook connected with a Northern Lights Suplex for two. Strong responded by running Hook into the turnbuckle. Taven placed a chair into the ring. Hook went for the Red Rum but Strong broke free, sending Hook crashing into the chair. Hook responded by tossing Strong onto the chairs for two. Strong responded by dumping Hook with a gut buster onto a chair. Strong followed by hitting a running sick kick for two. Strong called for End of Heartache but Hook broke free. Hook caught Strong in Red Rum for the submission win.

WINNER: HOOK via submission in 8:57 to retain the FTW Title

—Roderick Strong offered Hook a handshake after the match. Hook hesitated but shook Strong’s hand. Hook and Strong shared a hug. Hook shook Bennett. Hook posed on the turnbuckle with the FTW Title.

(Amin’s Thoughts: I thought Hook and Strong had good chemistry as they worked well together. I wouldn’t have minded seeing the match getting a few more minutes. The wrestling match itself was fine but was hard for anything to stand out for the short time given.)

—Tony Schiavone left the commentary table and stood where Taz was seated. Hook left the ring. Schiavone spoke about Taz inventing the FTW Title in New York. Schiavone mentioned Hook’s successful FTW Title defence. Hook wanted to thank all the wrestlers that competed for the FTW Title. He wanted the fans who supported the FTW Title. He said the FTW Title was officially retired. Hook handed the FTW Title to Taz. Hook and Taz shared an emotional hug at ringside.

(Amin’s Thoughts: The FTW Title wasn’t recognized by AEW. I think the FTW Title is actually holding Hook back from moving higher in the pecking order. This was a nice moment seeing Hook officially retire and hand the FTW Title to his father Taz.) [c]

Check out the latest episode of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-show covering the latest episode of Dynamite: CLICK HERE (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)

(3) THE YOUNG BUCKS (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) vs. WILL OSPREAY & KYLE FLETCHER — AEW World Tag Team Title Match

Will Ospreay and Kyle Fletcher came out together to Ospreay’s theme song. Ospreay received a big reaction from the crowd. Don Callis joined commentary for the match. Nick caught Ospreay with a leaping head scissors. Ospreay and Fletcher responded by nailing Nick with a double kick. Matthew entered the ring and fell onto Nicholas in a position to say the least. Ospreay leaped off Fletcher hitting a moonsault onto Matthew. Ospreay and Fletcher connected with stereo flying moonsault to The Bucks on the floor. [c]


Fletcher caught Matthew and Nicholas with a DDT/flatliner combo coming back from break. Ospreay ran wild, rocking The Bucks with a double handspring kick. Ospreay connected with a Sky Twister Press onto Nicholas for two. Matthew responded by catching Ospreay with Sliced Bread for two. The Bucks connected with a Swanton Bomb/slingshot powerbomb combo to Ospreay but Fletcher made the save. The Bucks called for the EVP Trigger. Ospreay responded by hitting a double OzCutter on The Bucks. Ospreay covered Nicholas. The referee Rick Knox was slow making the count wondering which member of The Bucks was the legal partner. The crowd began booing.

Fletcher and Ospreay called for Coriolis but Matthew countered into a Poisionrana. The action broke down with Nick catching Fletcher with a popup X-Factor. Ospreay appeared offscreen hitting a 450 Splash onto Nicholas. Matthew caught Ospreay with a Canadian Destroyer. Ospreay no-sold hitting a Hidden Blade on Matthew. This sequence got a standing ovation from the crowd. Nicholas caught Fletcher with a flying head scissors on the floor. The Bucks planted Fletcher with a Spike Tombstone onto the ring apron. Fletcher made it back into the ring to stop the count-out. [c]

The Bucks called for the TK Driver but Ospreay stopped Matthew as they returned from break. Fletcher and Ospreay delivered a double Styles Clash to The Bucks for a two count. Ospreay rocked Matthew with a jumping Hidden Blade. Ospreay delivered the Storm Breaker to Matthew but Nicholas made the save. The Bucks went for More Bang for Your Buck but Ospreay stopped. Ospreay caught Nicholas with a flying OzCutter. Fletcher and Ospreay delivered the TK Driver to Matthew for two. Fletcher and Ospreay delivered Coriolis to Matthew for another two count. Fletcher planted Matthew with a turnbuckle brain buster. Nicholas showed Ospreay onto Fletcher to make the save. Fletcher caught Nicholas with a tope on the floor. Don Callis handed Fletcher the screwdriver. Callis distracted the referee. Ospreay stopped Fletcher from using the screwdriver. Matthew rocked Ospreay with the tag title. Fletcher rolled up Matthew for two. Nicholas whacked Fletcher with the other title belt. Matthew rolled up Fletcher for two. The Bucks rocked Fletcher with a double superkick. The Bucks delivered the EVP Trigger to Fletcher for the win to retain the titles.

WINNERS: Matthew & Nicholas Jackson retained the AEW Tag Team Titles in 19:27.

—Don Callis sat down on the turnbuckle looking disappointed after the match. Fletcher and Ospreay looked at each other with a disappointing look.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was your popcorn/party match of the night. Just a really fun non-stop action packed match from start to finish. Fletcher and Ospreay weren’t going to win the titles. I liked the finish with Ospreay refusing to use the screwdriver to win the tag titles. That could be the start to build some frustration between Fletcher who hasn’t held AEW gold but his former United Empire stablemate Ospreay is carrying AEW gold. This was good to move Fletcher and Ospreay into their own program. Now let’s turn our attention to The Young Bucks. There was a time where it felt like The Bucks were just going through the motions in their matches after winning the AEW Tag Team Titles. This match right here proved when put against the right opponents The Bucks can still deliver enough bang for your buck. This doesn’t change anything that The Young Bucks on screen characters are very dull and lack any sort of interest. This match doesn’t change anything as the AEW Tag Team Division still remains a complete mess with The Bucks as champions. I’m wondering if they are keeping the titles on The Bucks for the eventual return of The Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi) who have been training together in Japan.)

—Renee Paquettee was backstage with The Conglomeration. Ospreay invited Rocky Romero into The Conglomeration. Renee plugged the Tornado Trios Match between The Conglomeration and The Learning Tree for Collision. Mark Briscoe spoke about the new Conglomeration t-shirt. He said he was wearing a “Dem Boyz” shirt because he and his late brother Jay Briscoe had a match near New York City. Briscoe hyped the Tornado Trios Match.

—Tony Schiavone called out Prince Nana to give an update on “Swerve” Strickland. Prince Nana came out to Strickland’s theme song. Prince Nana did his signature dance. Schiavone brought up the past several weeks of Strickland. Prince Nana said it’s good to be in New York at “Swerve’s House!” He said nothing can stop Strickland. He said Strickland’s not cleared to compete. He said Strickland was fighting for the fans to make a comeback. MVP suddenly appeared receiving a nice reaction. He introduced himself as MVP. He agreed Strickland is the most dangerous man in AEW. He put over Strickland’s talent and AEW World Title run. He mentioned Strickland losing the AEW World Title at All In. He blamed Prince Nana for what happened to Strickland. He handed Prince Nana his business card. He said he’s ready to talk business when Strickland is back.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was only just beginning to start Strickland’s next big program on AEW. MVP was the first to appear. Pretty soon Bobby Lashley will likely be joining MVP to likely reform a new version of The Hurt Business on AEW.)

—Jack Perry was driving to the Arthur Ashe Stadium for AEW Collision.

(4) MARIAH MAY vs. YUKA SAKAZAKI — AEW Women’s World Title Match

Mariah May made her entrance to not much of a reaction. Sakazaki caught May with a springboard splash on the floor as May was making her entrance. The match got underway with May and Sakazaki exchanging slaps. Sakazaki went for a sliding kick but May ducked. May rocked Sakazaki with a running dropkick on the floor. May connected with a spinning slam for two. May connected with a running dropkick for two. Sakazaki responded by catching May with a head scissors against the ropes. Sakazaki caught May in various pinning combinations for near falls.

Sakazaki rolled May around the ring. Sakazaki maintained control by applying a sunset flip for two. May responded by rocking Sakazaki with a head butt. May connected with a German Suplex for two. Sakazaki responded by catching May with a superkick. Sakazaki battled back, hitting a Northern Lights Bomb. Sakazaki went for a Magical Girl Splash but May got her knees up. May rocked Sakazaki with a running knee strike. May delivered the Storm Zero for the win.

WINNER: Mariah May in 6:11 to retain to AEW Women’s World Title

(Amin’s Thoughts: This felt like a match where both May and Sakazaki were just going through the motions. This felt like you were watching a soulless match with no feelings. The creative blunder from AEW of Mariah May since winning the Women’s Title at All In needs to studied. This was just disappointing to watch on so many different levels. It’s really a shame because the AEW Women’s Division was one of the company’s biggest bright spots this year.)

—Mariah May was about to attack Yuka Sakazaki with the AEW Women’s Title after the match. The crowd cheered as Willow Nightingale came out to make the save. The crowd cheered as Mina Shirakawa’s music played. This distraction led to May attacking Willow with the title belt. Shirakawa had a conflicted look on her face. May celebrated carrying Shirakawa in her arms. Sakazaki left the ring and chased May to the back.

(Amin’s Thoughts: Willow has been one of my favorite wrestlers to watch in the AEW Women’s Division. Willow is coming off losing a Chicago Street Fight to Kris Statlander at All Out. This kinda felt like they were rushing a fan favourite babyface in Willow to challenge May for the title. It really feels like AEW is just spinning in circles right now with May as the champion. The positive here was that it was nice to see Mina Shirakawa back on Dynamite.)

—Excalibur hyped the Darby Allin vs. Jon Moxley main event. [c]

(5) DARBY ALLIN vs. JON MOXLEY (w/Marina Shafir) — AEW World Title Number One Contender’s Match

Moxley came from the crowd to a strong mixed reaction. Darby made his entrance receiving a strong babyface reaction. Moxley caught Darby charging with a running boot as the match began. Moxley rocked Darby with corner strikes. Moxley kicked the ring ropes into Darby’s face. Darby was bleeding from the mouth. Moxley whipped Darby into the turnbuckle who went flying out of the ring. Darby responded by catching Moxley in the ring apron. Shafir removed Moxley’s arm from the ring turnbuckle. Darby caught Moxley with a flying Coffin Drop on the floor. Darby followed by hitting a flying cannonball tope on the floor. Shafir stood in Darby’s way. Moxley took advantage, planting Darby with a scoop slam onto the ring apron. [c]

Moxley had control over Darby returning from break. Darby responded by catching Moxley with a stunner. Darby nailed Moxley with a flying dropkick to Moxley who was seated on a chair on the floor. Darby connected with a Code Red for two. Darby exposed the corner turnbuckle. Moxley sent Darby flying with a Woo Dropkick. Darby responded by catching Moxley with a springboard splash for a near fall. Darby placed Moxley in a Fujiwara Armbar. Darby transitioned into a guillotine hold but Moxley broke free. Moxley took back control, nailing Darby with a palm strike. Shafir exposed the floor mat. Moxley teased a Paradigm Shift on the exposed floor but Darby broke free. Darby went for a cannonball tope on the floor. Moxley moved as Darby took a nasty landing on the exposed floor. Moxley planted Darby with an X-Plex onto the ring steps which looked rough. Moxley wanted a count-out win but Darby made it back into the ring.

Moxley moved as Darby charged into the exposed turnbuckle. Darby applied a rollup for two. Darby went to climb the ropes but slipped on the turnbuckle. Darby called for a Coffin Drop but Moxley countered into a rear-naked choke. Moxley countered into a Bulldog Choke. There was a great camera shot of Darby smiling. Darby grabbed the ropes to force a break. Darby bit Moxley in the face. Shafir stood on the ring apron. Darby looked in Shafir’s direction. The referee Bryce Remsberg just pointed at Shafir to get down. Moxley caught Darby with an avalanche Paradigm Shift. Moxley covered Darby for the win.

WINNER: Jon Moxley earned an AEW World Title match in 18:43

—Bryan Danielson appeared in a hoodie choking Jon Moxley with a tie. Marina Shafir jumped on Danielson’s back to pull him off Moxley. Claudio Castagnoli and Pac also appeared to pull Danielson off Moxley. Private Party and Komander ran down to Zero reaction from the crowd to make the save for Danielson. Pac pulled Moxley from the ring. Danielson said he declared war on Moxley. He accepted Moxley’s challenge for an AEW World Title match at WrestleDream. He said he was going to kick Moxley’s head in. The Final Countdown played. The show ended.

(Amin’s Thoughts: The wrestling match itself was solid. A good, hard-hitting match between Darby and Moxley. I had mixed thoughts regarding the storytelling and finish of the match. I don’t mind Moxley getting the AEW Title match with Danielson after the All Out angle. I just didn’t like how Darby gave into Moxley for giving him an AEW World Title match. I just thought they could’ve presented something special with Danielson putting over Darby, a homegrown AEW star who wrestling fans respect for what he puts his body through in his matches.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: AEW Dynamite Grand Slam was a solid show. We got a Danielson and McGuinness match which was cool to see. There was a really fun AEW Tag Team Title match. There was some new storyline development with MVP making an appearance. We now know Moxley will challenge Danielson for the AEW World Title at WrestleDream. Overall, this was a better Dynamite from the past two weeks.

Stay right here and keep the flow going. We think you’ll like to read this next…

RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW FEUD TRACKER: Assessing and grading the key feuds for Grand Slam including Moxley vs. Darby, Danielson vs. McGuinness, Hangman vs. Jarrett, Strong vs. Hook, more

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: AEW Dynamite results (9/25): Powell’s live review of Grand Slam featuring Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness in a non-title match,  Jon Moxley vs. Darby Allin for a shot at the AEW Title

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