William Regal responds to accusations that while he worked for AEW, he was a double-agent feeding information back to WWE

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

William Regal (photo credit Regal's TwitterX feed)


William Regal, who is friends with Paul “Triple H” Levesque and is closely associated with the NXT product in recent years on-air and behind the scenes, has been accused (by seemingly random people) on TwitterX off and on of being essentially a double-agent for WWE when he worked for AEW.

Yesterday, someone named Ken on TwitterX wrote: “Thank you for everything you did for NXT and also snaking out the competition (AEW).”

Regal, apparently fed up with the accusations, fired back with this response:

FYI. Although it serves some people’s agenda, and having a massive amount of people who work in AEW that can only back me up, I went to AEW to help because Bryan Danielson asked me to. Please find me one person who can say otherwise.

I arrived at 10 a.m. [and stayed] until 6:15 p.m. (ET) to train anyone who wanted to come, apart from going to the rest room and refilling my water container. I never attended a single production meeting (as I knew, if I were to stay there) I needed people to realize I was only there to help.

Nor did I ask a single question about anybody that works there’s contract status. I helped at the ring with what any of the talent needed. I showered and got into a suit by 6:30 then watched he monitor with everyone else.

I’m giving you the right to ask anyone who works backstage or talent the right to ask them if I did anything but help with no agenda. Feel free. I also didn’t call Tony when his mom was ill. He called me and as soon as he told me where he was I ended the phone call and we spoke 2 weeks later.

FYI, my deal was up in December 28. That’s when I left. These are all facts I can prove. Anyone trying to twist this has the right to check this out. I am friendly with 60% + of the talent and backstage crew. Feel free to do some real research.

To read the Tweet exchanges and responses, CLICK HERE.

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