5 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (9/23/2019): Seth Rollins vs. Braun Strowman, plus Nakamura, Styles, Ricochet, Becky, Rusev, Sasha Banks, EC3, more

Braun Strowman undergoes major surgery
Braun Strowman (artist Travis Beaven © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 5 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

SEPTEMBER 23, 2019

Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young


-The WWE “Then, Now, Forever” opening was taken over by The Fiend. Then they went into a replay of clips of Bray Wyatt’s interactions on the big screen with Seth Rollins last week on Raw.

-Cole welcomed fans to Raw. The screen graphic noted they were in San Francisco, but Cole did not say the name of the city yet. Seth made his way to the ring to his music. They went to the announcers on camera where Cole said they were at the new Chase Center in San Francisco. Graves said they all underestimated how quickly The Fiend’s brand of terror would spread in WWE.

Seth entered the ring and looked serious. He said over the last seven years he’s done a lot in the ring and he’s seen a lot between the ropes, but he’s never felt the way he felt last week on Raw. He said he was defenseless in the corner of the ring after being mugged by five dudes, and then the living embodiment of a nightmare was right up in his face. He said he has no fight left in him and it’s all he can do to the close his eyes and hope it’s a bad dream he’s going to wake up from. But it’s not. He said it’s worse because in less than two weeks, he has to step into the ring against The Fiend. He said he doesn’t need to tell the fans what the Hell in a Cell structure is capable of. He said it shortens careers. He said stepping into the HIAC against Bray is something else entirely.

He said what he’s going to do is what he always does when his back is against the wall. “I survive and I prevail,” he said. He noted that he survived and prevailed against Brock Lesnar at Summerslam, and the same against Braun Strowman at the Clash of Champions. He emphasized “survive and prevail” like it’s going to be on his next t-shirt. Braun’s music interrupted.

Strowman marched to the ring. The announcers said it took four stomps and a Pedigree to beat Braun. Braun walked up to Seth, then asked for a mic. Graves noted that Braun didn’t lose the tag team match. “Get these hands!” chanted some fans. Braun said if Seth has something to say to him, say it to his face. He said he doesn’t run around pretending to be Mr. Rogers and playing psycho games with puppets. He said he lets his opponents know if he has a problem with them straight up face to face. When Seth began to talk, Braun said he wasn’t done. Braun said he wanted to know what he meant when he said he hoped he doesn’t get a rematch for the Universal Title.

Seth said that’s not what he said. He said he has a lot on his plate, including Bray in two weeks plus next week “on the season premiere of Raw” he has to defend against the winner of tonight’s Fatal Five-way. He said he was just happy he didn’t have to fight him again, but the way Braun is getting in his face, he might want to face him tonight. Braun said if that’s a challenge, tonight he’s going to get these hands.

-The announcers wondered if that meant Seth vs. Braun would take place later. Graves said Seth is out of his mind given what’s coming up for him in the next two weeks. They showed a graphic with Shinsuke Nakamura, Robert Roode, A.J. Styles, Ricochet, and Rey Mysterio who will battle tonight to determine the challenger for Seth next week. Renee hyped Nikki Cross vs. Sasha Banks. Graves hyped the King of the Ring Final rematch between Chad Gable and Baron Corbin.

(Keller’s Analysis: Solid opening segment given everything WWE has planned. Braun is staying true to his character without being overtly heelish opposite of Seth.)

-They showed the ring entrance of The Viking Raiders. Cole growled, “Are you guys ready to join the raid?!” (Sigh.) [c]

(1) THE O.C. (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows w/A.J. Styles) vs. THE VIKING RAIDERS (Erik & Ivar)

The O.C. walked onto the stage to new entrance music. When Styles grabbed Ivar’s leg from ringside, the ref kicked him out of ringside. Styles threw a fit and yelled to the ref that Ivar kicked him. Fans booed. Cedric Alexander attacked Styles on the stage as they cut to a break. [c]

(Side Note: An ad aired for AEW Dynamite on TNT showing Cody, Chris Jericho, Awesome kong, Jon Moxley, and several of AEW’s lesser known names. It’s amazing how little Moxley is featured in that, though. If you didn’t know Moxley was in AEW, you’d easily miss him in that commercial. There was one shot of his jacket from behind with “MOX” written on it. Then the one shot of him from the front standing on the ropes, but his head was tilted back far enough you couldn’t see his face. You could hear Jim Ross’s voice at one point. Not sure if it makes sense to show more of Brandi Rhodes and Luchasauraus than the former Dean Ambrose. Good commercial, otherwise, that is going to bring the awareness of the new brand higher and raises the expectations on ratings. The commercial is mostly built around Jericho’s likeness.) 

Back live to the match, Ivar and Erik took control against Anderson. Gallows yanked Ivar off of the top rope to the ring apron mid-air, then Anderson landed a spinebuster on Erik for a near fall. A Boot of Doom on Erik led to a near fall. Graves said the ref was late getting into position to make the count. When they set up a Magic Killer, Erik escaped and tagged in Ivar. He cartwheeled and then they delivered Viking Experience on Anderson for the win.

WINNERS: The Viking Raiders in 11:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: This was the most engagement from fans the Viking Raiders have had in a match.)

-Cole said he’d be having a sit-down interview with Becky Lynch soon.

-They cut to Robert Roode walking backstage when Charly Caruso approached him for an interview. She asked about the Fatal Five-way. Roode said he pinned Seth to win the WWE Raw Tag Team Titles. He said the results tonight will be absolutely glorious. [c]

-Cole interviewed Becky backstage. He said it was Sasha’s idea to challenge her for the Raw Title at Hell in a Cell, but it was her choice to have the match in the Cell. Cole asked if it was wise considering Sasha is on a hot streak. Becky said she cannot make history on her own, she needs strong opponents.  She said the Cell isn’t to keep Bayley out, it’s to keep Sasha in. When Cole said Sasha has been in the Cell before, Becky said she didn’t win. Becky said she wants Sasha on a hot streak. Becky said the only way for Sasha to run through the exit is through her. Becky said sometimes you go to the ring looking for victory, other times you look for revenge. She said Sasha tried to end her with chairshots, so at HIAC she will have her chance. “She better take it, because she knows I will.”

(Keller’s Analysis: Great bravado from Becky, who asserted herself well as an alpha and laid out her attitude well regarding what fighting the Cell means to her.)

(2) RUSEV vs. EC3

Rusev made his ring entrance. EC3 was already in the ring. No ring entrance for him. When Renee said Rusev isn’t Maria Kanellis’s baby daddy, Graves said, “With a mustache like that, I’m sure Maria at least thought about it.” Graves noted Lana was conspicuous by her absence. EC3 attacked early, but Rusev took over and dominated from there. He finished EC3 with the Accolade.

WINNER: Rusev in 2:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Poor EC3. Such lost potential as a WWE-ready character. Good to see Rusev getting a fresh push, though.)

-Backstage Rey Mysterio talked about how he nearly retired a couple weeks ago and now he’s got a chance to become Universal Champion with a win tonight and next week. He thanked his son Dominic for talking him past his moment of doubt. He dedicated tonight’s match to him.

-Sasha Banks made her ring entrance. Bayley was with her. [c]

(3) SASHA BANKS (w/Bayley) vs. NIKKI CROSS (w/Alexa Bliss)

Sasha bailed out a couple minutes in to regroup after an aggressive flurry by Cross. A couple minutes later, after Sasha bailed out again, Nikki leaped onto Sasha’s back at ringside, but Sasha rammed her backward hard onto the mat. They cut to a break. [c]

Sasha dominated after the break for several minutes. Nikki dove off the ring apron onto Sasha at ringside as Bayley stood by and watched.


Nikki leaped off the second rope with a DDT attempt, but Sasha blocked it. Nikki countered a back stabber with a neckbreaker. Then she charged at Bayley standing on the ring apron. Bliss threw Bayley into the time keeper’s area. Fans cheered. Nikki shook the ropes and then leaped off the top rope with a crossbody. Sasha rolled through right into a Bank Statement. Nikki tapped out.

WINNER: Cross in 16:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good match. They rose to the challenge of the longer window they had to wrestle. Nikki’s character is so distinct. Smart to have Sasha win, though, given her title match in two weeks.)

-The announcers hyped upcoming matches and segments.

-Backstage The O.C. dealt with their loss. Styles shifted to talking about his match, asking when everyone will realize they’re not in his league. He said nothing will stop him. [c]

-Cole noted that WWE has over 39 million followers on Facebook, more than UFC, NASCAR, NHL, MLB, NBA, and the NFL. He said everyone will be talking about “the season premiere” of Raw next week. Graves revealed that Brock Lesnar will return. They showed a sneak peak of what appears to be the new Raw logo, which has an ankle to it suggestive of a ring corner.

-The Street Profits talked about the Fatal Five-way. Then they shifted to talking about Maria’s baby daddy. The Miz walked in and said his wife gave birth last week to a healthy baby girl named Madison. He smiled and said they know who the father is. He said next week Miz TV will feature “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan. The crowd booed. (Wow!) He added his other guest will be “Nature Boy” Ric Flair. No boos. Montez Ford threw to a video package from Smackdown last week of Lesnar challenging Kofi Kingston.

-Another teaser aired for Firefly Funhouse later.

-Lacey Evans made her ring entrance.

-A commercial for Smackdown tomorrow night hyped Shane McMahon inviting Kevin Owens back to Smackdown “to settle their lawsuit.” Also, Roman Reigns will speak to Daniel Bryan face-to-face.

Check out the latest episode of the Wade Keller Pro to stream Wrestling Post-show covering the latest episode of Smackdown: CLICK HERE to stream (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)


Four minutes in, Moon gave Lacey a stunner off the ring apron to the floor and then threw her into the ring for a believable near fall. Lacey yanked Moon off the top rope by her hair, then gave her a Woman’s Right to knock her to the mat. Lacey then finished Moon with the Sharpshooter. Renee said it was “classless” to use Natalya’s family finisher.

WINNER: Lacey in 5:00.

-They cut to Natalya smiling and shaking her head as she watched on a monitor. Sarah Schreiber walked up to Natalya and asked for a comment. Natalya said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. She said Lacey hasn’t quite mastered it yet, though. She said if Lacey wants a rematch, she better be ready to tap out.

-Firefly Funhouse: They showed a picture of Kane now added to the wall. Bray hung another frame that had no photo in it yet. “There’s always room for one more,” he said. He laughed maniacally. The rabbit yanked a Seth doll out of the pig’s mouth. The pig burped. Bray said they’re supposed to be best friends, so why fight over Seth. The rabbit and pig both said they love Seth. Bray said the lesson is if you love something too much, you become weak and vulnerable to feelings like disappointment, neglect, and loneliness. He said he knows what it’s like to be abandoned by those you love the most. The rabbit said they don’t want The Fiend to hurt Seth. Bray got a little testy and said, “Maybe he wants to protect Seth Rollins. He never forgets. He doesn’t like to share. But I think you two can!” He then tore the Seth doll into two pieces. “Sharing is caring!” he said. He threw the pieces over his shoulder, looked into the camera, and then The Fiend showed up. He concluded: “See you in hell!” and waved. [c]

-Headlines from the high-profile corporate media brand websites touting the NXT debut on USA Network last week flashed on the screen. “NXT Dazzles!”  and “NXT Broke out!” and “NXT delivers strong ratings” were among the headlines. The announcers talked about some of the big happenings and standout name on NXT. Renee said she’s a huge fan of Velveteen Dream. They said it’ll be on USA every Wednesday night. Cole said he can’t wait to see what they have in store for everyone this Wednesday.

(Keller’s Analysis: That’s a weak plug. I’m not sure if that’s good that WWE isn’t going too heavy with the endorsement or not on Raw. If Cole is talking about how awesome NXT is, that can be counterproductive, but a video package that conveys what was on NXT last week would have been helpful here.)

-R-Truth ran to the ring as contenders chased after him – Mojo Rawley, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, Drake Maverick, Kalisto, and Gran Metalik. Carmella told Truth this is stressing her out and she can’t do it anymore. Truth hugged her. She then rolled up Truth to win the 24/7 Title. “It was a double-cross!” said Cole. She ran around the ring holding up the 24/7 Title. Truth stood up looking proud of her. Then suddenly a crowd of women wrestlers ran out, so Truth carried Carmella on his back and ran away as the parade of women chased after her. The men looked confused.

-Backstage Bayley gloated about what Sasha did earlier to Nikki. Bayley said Becky was rambling about retribution earlier. Sasha said she’s not cornered and she’s not concerned. She said her only concern is getting back what is hers.

-King Corbin made his ring entrance. He has a remix of his music with some “king-themed” notes added in. He wore a new crown and carried a scepter. [c]

-They showed postcard images of San Francisco.

-Sami Zayn gave Shinsuke Nakamura a pep talk backstage. Shinsuke stood up and said something in Japanese. Sami quieted down and said Nakamura is right and he’ll do great. Nakamura then got a more serious look on his face.

-A clip aired of Gable crushing Corbin’s crown last week on Smackdown.


Graves called Gable “the Tyrion Lannister of WWE.” Corbin made a royal declaration that the match would be “short” and after tonight he won’t have to face any other “sawed off” opponents under 5-5. Corbin milked the removal of his crown before he let the referee ring the bell. Corbin took control early, including beating up Gable at ringside and tossing him into the crowd onto two security guys who were waiting to take bumps. [c]

Corbin controlled the match for a couple more minutes. Gable eventually made a comeback and had the crowd with him. Corbin eventually stopped Gable and scored a near fall. Corbin yelled at the ref, “Do you know who I am? I am the king!” The ref yelled back, “He kicked out at two, alright?” Gable sunset flipped Corbin for a two count. Corbin chokeslamemd Gable for a near fall. Corbin looked up in disbelief.


Gable hit a German suplex and then leaped off the top rope and landed a moonsault for a dramatic believable near fall that had the crowd on their feet and Cole amped up for the count. Gable applied an ankle lock. Corbin tried to reach the bottom rope. Corbin sold his pain well, but eventually grabbed the scepter and jabbed Gable with it. The ref DQ’d Corbin. Fans booed as he continued to hit Gable with it. Renee called Corbin a coward king and said his actions were disgusting.

WINNER: Gable via DQ in 15:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: WWE must think they’re onto something with heel King Corbin and underdog babyface Chad Gable because they gave them 15 minutes of ring time and it spanned from the end of the second hour into the third hour. Another good match. Who had their money on the top organically earned crowd responses from a back-and-forth heel-face match-up in WWE this month coming from Corbin vs. Gable?)

-Graves plugged Strowman vs. Rollins later on Raw.

-Another captioned vignette aired with AOP. They said they will show people who AOP are. They stood up and walked out of the room where the vignette was being filmed and marched down the hall. They attacked No Way Jose and Heath Slater in the hall way. Then they cut back to them sitting in their chairs. AOP said no one is hard enough to fight them, and now everyone has seen it for themselves.

(Keller’s Analysis: I’m not sure what beating up those two counts for, honestly!)

-Rey Mysterio made his ring entrance. [c]

-Schreiber interviewed Ricochet backstage about the Fatal Five-way.

(Keller’s Analysis: Ricochet is likable enough, but his cadence and inflection on memorized lines is about as bad as it gets in WWE.)

(6) RICOCHET vs. REY MYSTERIO vs. ROBERT ROODE vs. A.J. STYLES vs. SHINSUKE NAKAMURA (w/Sami Zayn) – Fatal Five-way for a WWE Universal Title match

Chaos early with Ricochet landing a flip from the ring onto Corbin at ringside. Rey did the same to Styles. They cut to a break. [c]

Back live, Ricochet dropkicked Styles off the ring apron. Styles caught Ricochet with a clothesline in retaliation. Rey and Roode battled in the ring, meanwhile. Roode threw Rey under the bottom rope, leading to Rey splashing Ricochet on the floor. Rey and Ricochet battled in the ring. Nakamura tripped Styles and threw him into the barricade. Then he hit a running kneelift. Sami celebrated. Graves said Sami is an acquired taste. Renee said nobody likes him. Rey hit Nakamkura with a top rope senton. Rey and Ricochet then squared off. Ricochet blocked a tornado DDT and scored a two count mid-ring. Styles interjected himself into the battle, getting rid of Rey and battling Ricochet. Roode re-entered and went at Ricochet. Ricochet took it to Roode and landed a Recoil. Nakamura entered and gave Ricochet a Kinsasha, eliminating Ricochet.


(A commercial aired for Total Divas including Sonya Deville saying she is the first openly gay woman wrestler in WWE.)

Back live, the wrestlers set up a tower spot with Roode slamming all three off the ropes. Roode crawled over and covered Rey for a near fall. Then Styles for two. Then Nakamura for two. Roode got frustrated and threw Styles and Rey out of the ring. Nakamura then leaped off the second rope and kicked Roode for a near fall. Styles snuck up behind Nakamura and kicked him. They had a nice exchange of kicks and ducks. Nakamura kneed Styles for a two count. Nakamura dropped Styles off of his shoulders to the floor. Rey hit a crossbody then a 619. Styles attacked Rey on the ring apron and suplexed him onto the edge of the ring. Nakamura tried to hold Roode in position for a Phenomenal Forearm, but Roode moved and Styles hit Nakamura instead. Styles pinned Nakamura.


Roode then instantly gave Styles a Glorious DDT for the pin.


It was down to Roode and Rey. Rey set up a 619, but Roode surprised Rey with a spinebuster for a near fall. Graves said words cannot express how resilient Rey is. Rey landed another 619 and then climbed to the top with his springboard splash for the three count. As Rey celebrated, Cole hyped the Seth vs. Rey match next week on Raw.

WINNER: Rey Mysterio to earn a match against Seth Rollins next week.

(Keller’s Analysis: Exciting match. Surprise finish. They have something planned, obviously, to make sense of this. If Rey wins next week, does he face The Fiend instead of Seth at Hell in a Cell?)

-Caruso interviewed Seth about facing Rey next week with his Universal Title on the line. Seth said Rey earned his opportunity. Seth said this is a dream match and one he’s wanted his whole life. He said win, lose, or draw, he still has to face The Fiend at HIAC. (That answers that. Seth could enter HIAC without the belt and still have to face The Fiend.) Seth said he’s going to do what the best wrestler on the planet does – he’s going to beat Braun tonight, Rey next week, and The Fiend the following Sunday. “I’m going to survive, prevail, and burn it down.” [c]

-The announcers hyped next week’s Raw including Miz TV with Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair.


The announcers said this match is all about personal pride for Braun. Graves said it’s impossible for Seth to escape at 100 percent, but a win would build momentum. (So one can end up less than 100 percent, but still gain momentum, for those keeping track.) With Braun in control, they cut to an early break. [c]

Seth avoided a charging Braun at ringside. He worked over Braun’s leg, then hit a couple splashes for a two count in the ring. He dove at Braun through the ropes, but Braun caught him and chokeslammed him onto the ring apron. Braun went for a running powerslam in the ring when suddenly (predictably) The Fiend’s music played. The Fiend gave Strowman a Mandible Claw to drop him. Braun got up again and charged, but Fiend took him out with another Mandible Claw. The camera zoomed in as The Fiend laughed manically. Seth leaned in the corner of the ring battered and frozen. Fiend then turned around toward Seth, who looked spooked and almost in a state of paralysis. Then the show ended.

WINNER: No contest.

(Keller’s Analysis: The predictable finish didn’t make it a bad decision to do what they did.)

RECOMMENDED NEXT: 10 YRS AGO – WWE Raw Report (9/15/2014): Reigns vs. Rollins, Heyman and Lesnar, Bo Dallas, Bellas, Cody Rhodes as Stardust, Bray Wyatt, Rusev & Lana, John Cena

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Ken Shamrock on the WWE Hall of Fame, asking The Rock to hit him with a chair shot to the forehead


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