10 YRS AGO – NXT TV Report (9-18-2014): Neville (Pac) & Sami Zayn vs. Titus O’Neil & Tyson Kidd, plus Charlotte, Corbin, C.J. Parker (Juice Robinson), Emma, more

Titus O'Neal (photo credit Wade Keller © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

WWE NXT Results
September 18, 2014
Taped 9/12 at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor

It’s going to be interesting to see the fall-out from last week’s Fatal Four-way special. A piece of subtelty that escaped me was that Sami Zayn, despite his vow to pin Adrian Neville, went for a cover on Tyson Kidd in the last moments of the match… combined with Neville yanking the ref out of the ring, I cannot wait to see how this pans out.

[Q1] Recap of NXT Takeover FATAL4WAY.

Titus O’Neil hits the ring in a suit to open the show. He heels it up by calling himself an “actual WWE Superstar.” He’s upset at how NXT roster members were on Raw, so he is here to hold the show up. Sami Zayn is out to shut O’Neil up.

The booth is Alex Riley, Rich Brennan, and Renee Young.

Big reception for Zayn, who cuts down O’Neil and his win record, and that he got beat up by The Bunny. Zayn says that NXT steals the show and O’Neil threatens to deliver a beating. Adrian Neville interrupts. Neville says that he will be the one to defend NXT, not Zayn. Zayn takes exception and asks if he’s the only one who gets to be brave because he is the champion. Tyson Kidd comes out. He calls them both losers.

Kidd points out that Zayn and himself are disappointed at how Neville retained the title. He then says that he knows that Zayn would have done whatever it takes to retain the title. Zayn says that he isn’t angry about it, but he would not have done the same thing. Neville says that this is why Zayn will never be the NXT champion. O’Neil says that he is here to make a statement.

William Regal interrupts them all. “This is a fighting show, not a whining show.” This smells like a Teddy Long Special. Regal compliments O’Neil for his initiative, then books the TLS of Neville and Zayn versus Kidd and O’Neil.

Brennan re-caps KENTA’s debut and re-naming to Hideo Itami. Itami will face Justin Gabriel tonight.

Charlotte is out to the ring after the long opening talking segment. Recaps of her victory over Bayley, then Carlotte saving Bayley from taking a beating from Banks. Making her NXT return is Emma.

1 – NXT Women’s champion CHARLOTTE vs. EMMA – non-title match

Emma with a “welcome back” chant. Charlotte waves her title in Emma’s face, but Emma slaps it away and laughs. Oops. Charlotte wrecks Emma. The crowd is split 50-50 between Emma and Charlotte. Figure-four headlock and rolls on the mat. Emma bridges into a cover so Charlotte breaks the hold at two. Emma finally kicks out of a wristlock to get some room, but gets smashed in the back.

Charlotte to the top, and Emma tries to take her off, but Charlotte kicks her away. Emma fights out of the ropes. Schoolgirl gets two for Emma. Emmamite Sandwich. Emma to the top, crossbody for two. Neckbreaker and Natural Selection seal it for Charlotte.

WINNER: Charlotte in 4:30. Quick match to keep Charlotte looking strong. Emma had some sloppy moments, like nearly botching the schoolgirl.

[Q2] The crowd hits their feet for Hideo Itami. His music is already available on iTunes. Brennan tells us that Funaki has helped Itami make the transition.


Gabriel with an instant headlock to slow the match down out of the bell. Itami breaks free. Gabriel wants to kick Itami, but a dropkick sends Gabriel out of the ring. Itami wants to bring Gabriel in the ring by the ponytail, but Gabriel gets knocks him flat. Itami blocks a double underhook suplex, but Gabriel tries again and gets it.

Itami fires up with kicks and arrogantly kicks Gabriel in the face. Running big boot plants Gabriel. Roundhouse from the apron kicks Gabriel right into the ring, then a springboard dropkick. Running basement dropkick and Gabriel is flat on his back. Itami to the top for a huge double stomp for the win.

WINNER: Hideo Itami in 4:00. Good debut for Itami.

Post-match, Itami gets ambushed by The Ascension. The crowd asks for the Lucha Dragons to make the save, but they are nowhere to be found. The Fall of Man puts Itami down again.

C.J. Parker is out for a match. Baron Corbin finally gets an introduction and entrance music. Good reception for Corbin.

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Corbin doesn’t play games with Parker, putting him away in 30 seconds with his “End of Days” finisher. He gets another “Thank you, Baron” chant.

WINNER: Baron Corbin in 0:30.

They remind us of the hair vs. hair match.

[Q3] “Earlier today” Amore and Cassady are working out. Their “sister” comes in, but it is the lady from the hair salon. She’s upset with them for the dog thing. She wants a job, to be a “fighter.” Amore mocks her so she beats him up with a medicine ball. Cassady makes fun of Amore for getting beat up.

The Ascension will get their NXT Tag Title re-match against the Lucha Dragons next week.


Zayn and Kidd to start. Neville blind tags in to Zayn’s annoyance. Zayn blind tags himself in, and hits a standing moonsault, one of Neville moves. The crowd starts to turn on Neville, and he blind tags himself in. Standing corkscrew shooting star press from Neville. Neville slows it down with a headlock. Zayn blind tags in and Zayn hits a springboard backsault onto Kidd at ringside.

[ Break ]

Kidd drives Zayn into the corner and O’Neil comes in. O’Neil easily overpowers Zayn. Zayn continues to be isolated. Neville is reaching for a tag but Zayn is nowhere near it. Zayn rolls away from a slingshot guillotine leg drop. Zayn still can’t get to the corner thanks to O’Neil. Huge bodyslam from O’Neil.

[Q4] Armdrag from Zayn, but Kidd kicks him back down. Elbow in the corner gives Zayn the break he needed. Zayn makes it to Neville who cleans house on Kidd. Neville with a standing moonsault but O’Neil breaks up the pin. Zayn clears O’Neil, but the ref is so distracted with Zayn that O’Neil is able to shove Neville off the top rope. Neville lands on Kidd who gets some feet up, then rolls into a cover for the win.

WINNERS: Titus O’Neil and Tyson Kidd in 15:00. Decent match that told a good story.

Post-match, Zayn is upset that he couldn’t save the match up. Despite this being WWE, neither of them turn on each other.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Other than Tyler Breeze and the Lucha Dragons kind of disappearing, that was a decent follow-up show to the outstanding NXT Takeover FATAL4WAY.

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OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s NXT Hit List: Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne in a Last Man Standing match for a shot at the NXT Title, Nathan Frazer and Axiom vs. The Street Profits for the NXT Tag Titles, Giulia vs. Chelsea Green

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