Announcers: Blake Howard, Wade Barrett
The commentators indicated that this was Skylor Clinton’s WWE debut, and Barrett said he’s only wrestled “a handful of matches in very small buildings.”
Clinton muscled Chen into a corner, then tossed him to the mat. Chen rolled through the landing, then applied a wrist lock. Clinton hoisted Chen onto his shoulder, but Chen slipped to the mat and shoved Clinton away. Clinton ran at Chen, but Chen took him down with back-to-back arm drags. Chen applied an arm bar with Clinton on the mat. Clinton fired Chen off, and leveled him with a shoulder block on the rebound off the ropes. Chen returned the favor after some more rope running. Chen leaped at Clinton from the middle rope, but Clinton caught him and dropped him face-first across the top turnbuckle, then followed up with a big clothesline and a cover for a one-count that Blake called a two-count.
Clinton put Chen in a side headlock and dragged his eyes across the top rope. Chen came back with a chop, but Clinton maintained control with a knee strike, body slam, and a diving head butt to Chen’s shoulder. Clinton covered for another one-count. Clinton scooped up Chen, and this time hit a powerslam and covered for two. Barrett called out Clinton for a nonchalant cover. Clinton planted Chen with a uranage and another two count cover.
Clinton applied a chinlock. The crowd urged Chen to his feet, but Clinton knocked Chen to the mat with a clubbing blow from behind. Chen rolled out of the way of another diving head butt, causing Clinton to stun himself against the canvas. Chen got the upper hand with a series of strikes, then hit an inverted atomic drop and a superkick. Chen revved up while Clinton slowly got to his feet, then nailed him in the chest with a dual chop. Chen covered for the three count.
WINNER: Dante Chen by pinfall in 6:00.
(Meyers’s Analysis: Fine debut for Clinton. He briefly worked heel, but wasn’t otherwise overflowing with attitude. I’m not sold on a two-handed chop as a finisher for Chen. It seemed like a move a big man would end a squash match with – I expected it to be a transition move, then the match ended.)
The men slapped hands before locking up in the middle of the ring. Blade shoved Osborne, but Osborne backflipped instead of crashing to the mat. Blade took Osborne down with an arm drag and a standing drop kick. Osborne returned the favor with the same moves. Osborne climbed to the middle rope, but Blade smacked him across the face. With Osborne stunned, Blade tossed him from the corner to the middle of the mat. Blade posed to the crowd as we cut to break.
Blade maintained control through the break. He hit a standard suplex, then covered for two. Blade followed up with a backbreaker, then another cover. Blade planted his knee in Osborne’s back and wrenched both of Osborne’s arms backward. Blade landed two strikes to Osborne’s back, then covered for another two-count. Blade went back to the submission. Osborne got to his feet, fighting through pain. He screamed and nearly powered out, so Blade hit a clubbing blow to Osborne’s back. Osborne attempted to scoop Osborne, but his lower back gave out. This allowed Blade to hit a sitout powerbomb. Blade covered for two, then climbed to the top rope. He jumped into a frog splash, but Osborne rolled out of harm’s way. From the corner, Osborne nailed Blade with a running knee strike. Osborne climbed a different corner and launched into a pretty shooting star press. He hit his mark and remained on top for the three-count.
WINNER: Riley Osborne by pinfall in 5:55.
(Meyers’s Analysis: These dudes didn’t get the memo that Main Event match number two must be slightly longer than Main Event match number one. In spite of this egregious error, the match was fine. A little too acrobatic – plenty of flips, tumbling, even a cartwheel.)
SHOW SCORE (0-10): 8.0
Find Mike Meyers on TwitterX: @themikeshow42
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