TNA IMPACT TV RESULTS (9/12): Lilly’s report on Matt & Jeff Hardy vs. The System, ABC vs. First Class

By Darrin Lilly, PWTorch Contributor


SEPTEMBER 12, 2024

-Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

-Recap video of last week’s events.

-“Cross the Line” intro.


A clip of Hammerstone taking on Oba Femi on this week’s NXT was shown. Maclin had the early advantage, but Hammerstone made a comeback with power moves. Hammerstone had Maclin in an abdominal stretch. Maclin fought back with strikes and a backbreaker.

Maclin gave Hammerstone the Caught in the Crosshairs. Hammerstone powerslammed Maclin. Maclin clotheslined Hammerstone over the top rope. Hammerstone gave Maclin a belly-to-belly suplex off the top rope. Hammerstone dropkicked Maclin. Maclin escaped a suplex attempt and rolled up Hammerstone for the pin.

WINNER: Steve Maclin in 7:00.

Hammerstone attacked Maclin after the match, but Eric Young made the save. Jake Something joined Hammerstone at ringside.

(D.L.’s Take: Another progression in this storyline. Jake and Hammerstone could make an effective tag team.)

-The System promo. They talked about a System re-boot. Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers said they would beat the Hardys. Moose talked up all the members and talked about their future success. Eddie said “You can always trust the System.” [c]

-Maclin and Young talked about having each other’s back. They challenged Jake and Hammerstone to a match at Victory Road.


Shaw got a big ovation on her way to the ring. After some initial action, Shaw press slammed Heather and followed up with chops. Shaw gave Heather a series of elbows and an uppercut for a two count. Heather gave Shaw a swinging DDT.

Ash By Elegance and The Concierge walked to ringside. Shaw and Heather traded punches. Heather caught Shaw with a moonsault off the second rope. Heather gave Shaw a Canadian Destroyer for a two count. Shaw made a comeback and gave Heather a Shock and Awe for a two count. The Concierge got on the apron to distract the referee. Ash slapped Shaw as she was on the top rope. Heather gave Shaw a suplex off the top rope for the pin.

WINNER: Heather Reckless in 7:00

(D.L.’s Take: This was Heather’s first win as a signed member of the Knockouts Division and this was an impressive appearance. Fans were into the match. I believe this was Shaw’s last appearance as she has reportedly been released from her contract.)

-Another vignette featuring the mysterious woman in black. She wore a hat and veil. It was Xia Li formerly of WWE. A graphic said “Coming Soon.” [c]

-Matt Cardona ordered Steph De Lander to the ring and made her hold the ropes for him. She had a frown on her face. Cardona grabbed the mic from her. He said that Santino has it out for him. He said this was an unsafe working environment. He introduced his tag team partner for Victory Road — Steph De Lander. He said that if she didn’t do what he says, he will send her back to Australia.

PCO walked to the ring. Steph kicked Cardona low. PCO chokeslammed Cardona. Steph and PCO hugged.

-Spitfire promo. They were in the empty arena and were joined by Gia Miller. They talked about all they’ve been through. They talked about regaining the tag team titles and said it was do or die.

(3) ABC (Chris Bey & Ace Austin) vs. FIRST CLASS (AJ Francis & KC Navarro)

This was a Tornado Tag Team match. ABC cleared the ring of KC and then sent AJ out of the ring. Bey did a dive to the outside on First Class. [c]

First Class had the upper hand, but Bey made a comeback after clotheslining KC from the top rope. All four wrestlers fought in the ring. ABC suplexed AJ. AJ caught Bey doing a cutter, but Bey hit it anyway. Ace hit AJ with The Fold. Both members of ABC pinned AJ for the win. [c]

WINNERS: ABC in 10:00.

-Jonathan Gresham video. A voiceover talked about how he was honorable but had been overtaken by darkness. Clips from the ink angle played. The narration said the battle is far from over and it would be one day at a time.

-Joe Hendry walked to the ring for a promo. He talked about Josh Alexander attacking him from behind and called him out. Alexander replied from the rafters and said he would stay there for Hendry’s safety. Hendry said he had prepared a video of the Josh Alexander Story.

The video played on the big screen. Hendry sang a song comparing Alexander to characters in Breaking Bad and sang that Alexander never smiled. He called him Kurt Angle from Wish and the crowd chanted along. Alexander looked angry. Fans chanted “You suck!” at Alexander.

Alexander said he had nothing to smile about due to Hendry. He said he did everything the right way and became the best, but Hendry became popular by making viral videos. Fans chanted “Joe!” He said after beating Hendry, he would be smiling ear to ear and the fans would be chanting “Walking Weapon!”

Hendry pointed out a sign that said “Walking Weiner” and the fans chanted it. Alexander said that he would end Hendry at Victory Road so the fans could see what a real professional wrestler looks like. Hendry talked about traveling the world and people doubting him. He said he would beat Alexander at Victory Road.

-Clips of Jordynne Grace beating Sol Ruca on NXT. Hannifan said it was the first time the TNA Knockouts Title has been defended on WWE TV.

-Jordynne Grace welcome Arianna Grace to TNA. Jordynne said that Wendy Choo is not welcomed here. Arianna said that she wanted NXT and TNA to get along and she promised nothing would happen to her. Arianna stuck out her pinkie finger and Jordynne told her not to do that here. [c]

-Mike Santana promo. He said his mission is the World Title. He clapped for Nic Nemeth and congratulated on him defending the title. He said he hopes Moose wins the title at Victory Road so he can beat him for it and make him suffer.

(4) XIA BROOKSIDE vs. ASH BY ELEGANCE (w/The Concierge)

The Concierge did mic work and brought out Ash. Xia caught Ash with a crossbody block for a two count. The Concierge tripped Xia to give Ash the advantage. Ash stomped Xia in the corner. Ash spanked and suplexed Xia. Xia gave Ash a series of clotheslines. Xia gave Ash the double knees in the corner. Xia argued with the Concierge. Xia missed the double knees. Heather Reckless ran in and threw Xia into the ringpost. Ash rolled up Xia for the pin.

WINNER: Ash By Elegance in 6:00.

-Nic Nemeth promo. He talked about Moose complaining on social media instead of facing him. He said that he’s beat all of Moose’s heroes. He said Moose used to be the best but now he’s the rest. Nemeth finished by saying at Victory Road, all Moose would get is the road. [c]

-Ash and the Concierge checked her makeup. Heather Reckless showed up. The Concierge said he hated her outfit but if she wanted a makeover, to give them a call. He handed her a card.

-Hannifan and Rehwoldt appeared on camera and ran down the matches for Victory Road.

-The System came to the ring, followed by Matt & Jeff Hardy, who received a huge ovation for their entrance. [c]


Fans chanted “Happy Birthday!” at Jeff at the start of the match. The Hardys dominated the first part of the match and received an enthusiastic reaction. The Hardys hit the Poetry in Motion and cleared the ring of The System. Jeff did a dive to the outside on them. Eddie pulled Jeff’s leg as he was getting in the ring and Myers gave Jeff a superkick. Myers stomped Jeff. [c]

Matt made a comeback on Myers. Matt gave Myers an elbow drop from the second rope for a two count. Matt went after Eddie on the floor, but Alisha stood in the way. Myers did a slide kick into Matt. Myers and Eddie tagged in and out to keep the advantage on Matt. Matt gave Myers a neckbreaker and made the tag to Jeff.

Jeff cleaned house on The System. Jeff hit the Whisper in the Wind on Myers. Jeff gave Eddie the Twist of Fate. Eddie held on to Jeff’s leg so he couldn’t go for the Swanton Bomb. Myers gave Hardy a spear and Eddie got a two count. Fans chanted “Brother Nero.”

Matt broke up the System Overload. Matt gave Myers a Twist of Fate from the top rope. Jeff gave Eddie a Twist of Fate and hit the Swanton Bomb on him for the pin.

WINNERS: Matt & Jeff Hardy in 17:00.

(D.L.’s Take: A fairly standard tag team match, but definitely a crowd-pleaser.)

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