10 YRS AGO – WWE SMACKDOWN TV Report (9-5-2014): Reigns & Jericho & Cena & Henry & Big Show vs. Wyatts & Kane & Seth, plus Bo Dallas, Ziggler, Cesaro, Paige, Brie Bella, more


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

WWE Smackdown review
September 5, 2014
Taped 9/2/14 in Lincoln, Neb.
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist

– WWE Open.

– Smackdown opened in the arena where John Cena’s music played. The former champ was making a rare Friday night appearance as he came to the ring. Michael Cole’s voice opened the show, but he was joined at ringside by Tom Phillips and JBL. Cena made it clear the match was made between him and Brock Lesnar at Night of Champions, after a wishy-washy message about that match from WWE on Monday night. Cena said no one believes in him and no one thinks he can beat Lesnar. He said the day he comes to work and doesn’t want to be champion, he’ll leave and never come back. Cena retconned Lesnar’s return, saying Brock has destroyed everything in his path since returning in 2012. Cena ramped up the intensity saying Triple H can line them up and he’ll knock them down, all the while you can get the WWE Network for $9.99. Kane’s music interrupted and he and Seth Rollins walked out.

Kane and Rollins said Cena is losing it, and Rollins accused him of having a mid-career crisis. Cena joked about getting psychological advice from Kane. Cena told Rollins to go into the corner, because “grown-ups are talking.” Kane told Cena to watch his tone. The Shield music played and Roman Reigns descended the stairs through the fans. Reigns entered the ring with Cena, while Kane and Rollins continued to look on from the ramp. Reigns said on Raw this Monday night, he’ll finish his business with Randy Orton. With Orton not being in the building tonight, he said he could focus his attention on Kane and Rollins. He wanted to make their life a living hell.

Cena said he and the big red of the University of Nebraska (on whose campus Smackdown was being taped from) could believe in that. Kane said Cena and Reigns are not facing them tonight. Instead, all three Wyatt family members appeared at ringside. Before they could advance, Chris Jericho’s music played and he came out, followed by Mark Henry and The Big Show. As they walked down the ramp, Triple H’s music played. Hunter called having to come out tonight “busywork.” “Let me tell ya something, playa,” Hunter said. He then made a ten-man tag match with all those who had come out. “Holla!” he ended with, as Teddy Long’s music played with Hunter walking to the back. Uh-oh, WWE has become self-aware.

– Paige vs. Brie Bella is still to come tonight.

– Cesaro and Dolph Ziggler were shown walking in a split-screen. They’re in action next.

[Commercial Break]

– Sheamus joined the commentary team for the first match.


Both men were already in the ring. Cesaro worked over Ziggler in the early going. Ziggler came off the ropes and was caught in mid-air, then on the receiving end of a back-breaker. Cesaro taunted Sheamus at ringside before getting a cover on Ziggler for a one-count. Sunset flip by Ziggler for two at 2:25. Cesaro responded with a jumping elbowdrop for two. Cesaro lifted Ziggler over his head and dropped him down stomach-first across his knee. They went to break at 3:46 of the match.

[Commercial Break]

Back at 7:59 of the match with Ziggler working out of a rest-hold. He created separation with a jaw-breaker. Just as Ziggler gained momentum, Cesaro stopped him with an uppercut. Sleeper hold applied by Ziggler. Cesaro tossed Ziggler in the air, but Ziggler came down with a DDT on Cesaro. Cesaro responded with a hard clothesline. Ziggler surprised Cesaro with a roll-up for the win.

WINNER: Ziggler, at 10:46. An entertaining eleven-minute bout, but watching this match, you would’ve hardly known Ziggler was Intercontinental Champion. No entrance and Cesaro was on top most of the match. Plus, with Sheamus on commentary, most of the focus was on Sheamus vs. Cesaro for the United States Title at Night of Champions.

Cesaro attacked Ziggler after the match until Sheamus entered the ring. Sheamus tossed Cesaro his title and as Cesaro caught it, Sheamus gave him the Brogue Kick. That move was replayed as Sheamus celebrated.

– Stardust and Goldust continued their bizarre antics in a backstage vignette. They agreed they’re going a little mad and Goldust said the Usos will get what they deserve.

– A graphic aired for the ten-man tag main event tonight.

[Commercial Break]


Jey came to the ring with Jimmy, aided by a crutch and sporting a wrap on his knee. He was limping badly. Slater, with no entrance, was accompanied by Titus O’Neil. Jimmy greeted Slater with a few chops, but missed a corner splash and fell victim to a Slater neckbreaker for two. Slater choked Jimmy with his knee in the corner. Jimmy went to the top and hit a corkscrew splash for two. O’Neil got on the apron and Jey distracted Titus with his crutch. Jimmy knocked Titus off the apron, allowing Slater to hit a side-kick for two. Slater came off the second rope, but Jimmy caught him with a superkick. To the top and down with a splash for the win.

WINNER: Jimmy Uso, at 2:59. Would’ve been a good enhancement win for Uso, but I thought Slater took too much of the match. Still, a clean win is a clean win.

– At ringside, the announcers discussed whether or not Jey Uso would be healthy for Night of Champions. Then they turned their focus to Stephanie McMahon’s segment from Raw. We saw a clip of that segment, in which Stephanie granted Nikki Bella a Divas Title match. A Brie Tweet was then shown, apologizing for hitting her sister on Raw.

– Stephanie was shown at the WWE offices “earlier today,” announcing a Divas Title match for Night of Champions: Paige vs. A.J. Lee vs. Nikki Bella in a Triple-Threat Match.

– Backstage, Byron Saxton was joined by Nikki Bella. Nikki thanked Stephanie for the opportunity. She took some shots at Brie and Nikki said she was shocked at her sister’s attack on Monday night. Nikki said she won’t apologize for anything she has done.

– Rusev and Lana came to the ring. They respond to Mark Henry next.

[Commercial Break]

– They showed what happened Monday night when Rusev kicked Mark Henry in the head to cause a disqualification in Henry and Big Show’s tag match. Lana said it’s an oxymoron to call Nebraska “America’s heartland,” because America has no heart. And if it did, it’d be made in China. She said America is soon to be irrelevant, just like Mark Henry. Vladimir Putin was put on the screen and the Russian flag was lowered from the ceiling. You know one time instead of the flag during a Rusev promo, it’ll be a giant smiling picture of Mark Henry. At least, it should be. Speaking of Henry, he interrupted. He told Lana she runs off at the mouth too much. Henry asked Rusev if he’d accept his challenge, then said Lana looks like an escort. Classy. The crowd aptly chanted “USA.” Lana accepted the challenge on behalf of Rusev, for Night of Champions. Henry said at Night of Champions, he’d give Rusev “an old-fashioned, red-white-and-blue ass whuppin’.”

– Brie Bella, apparently attempting to look focused, and Paige were walking in a split-screen backstage. They square off next.

[Commercial Break]

– Jerry Springer will be at Raw this Monday for a Bellas Intervention.

– Nikki Bella was at ringside to take in the next match, but thankfully not on commentary. However, A.J. Lee was.

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As per Stephanie McMahon’s orders, Brie did have new music. Stills were shown of Stephanie’s win over Brie at Summerslam, and we also saw Nikki’s rant against Brie two weeks ago on Raw. This week, they did keep the “died in the womb” comment in the package. The match began with Brie laying forearms into the face of Paige. The women brawled in the ring and held tight to a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Paige escaped the ring to avoid Brie, then pulled her by the arm out of the ring and to the floor. Paige skipped in the ring. Back in the ring, Paige headbutted Brie. She then kneed her in the mid-section. Brie fired back with a clothesline and a dropkick. Running knee to the face by Brie. A.J. decided to start an argument with Nikki at this point. A.J. pushed Nikki down and attacked her, swinging wildly with rights. Brie came out to pull her off. Brie reentered the ring, where Paige gave her the Ram-Paige for the win.

WINNER: Paige, at 4:09. This was an attempt to get two storylines over at once, and for the most part, they did well with it.

A replay aired of A.J.’s attack, Brie’s save, and Paige’s finisher.

– Still to come, the ten-man tag main event.

– Backstage, Luke Harper spoke with Erick Rowan next to him. He spoke directly to Jericho, calling him a “rat” and saying he can’t outrun his fate. Bray Wyatt entered the picture and plugged his steel cage match with Jericho on Raw. He said Jericho will pay for his sins. Rowan, through the sheep mask, told Jericho to run.

[Commercial Break]


No entrance for either man. Quick dropkick by Ryder, but Dallas took over in short order. Face-buster by Ryder to respond. Dallas pulled Ryder off the second rope by his leg, then hit the Bo-Dog for the pinfall.

WINNER: Dallas, at :43. Thanks for coming out, Ryder.

Dallas got the mic after the match and said “Since you live in Nebraska, obviously something terrible has happened to you during your life.” Dallas said the fans, and Jack Swagger, can turn it around. He said the fans have to do just one thing…rise, put your hand over your heart, and repeat after him. Before he could say anything further, Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter came out. Swagger charged the ring and went after Dallas. Swagger slammed Dallas and pounded away on him. He hooked in the Patriot Lock, but Dallas escaped. Swagger booted Dallas out of the ring. Colter got the mic and showed Dallas how it was done with the “We the People” affirmation.

– JBL showed off the $9.99 t-shirt, which is actually a thing. Then they sent it to Dean Ambrose’s TV write-off from three weeks ago on Raw. Also shown was Roman Reigns managing to avoid the same fate Ambrose suffered as it relates to the cinderblocks.

– Seth Rollins came out for the ten-man tag match. JBL again showed off the $9.99 t-shirt and Cole explained the PPVs you’d get for signing up with the WWE Network. They cut to break with Rollins in the ring.

[Commercial Break]

– John Cena made his entrance for the match. Everyone else was in the ring.


Show owned a good portion of the opening minutes. The match continued as they went to break at 3:49.

[Commercial Break]

They returned with Show back in the ring, being smothered by Harper. Wyatt came in and had his way with Show. Short DDT for two at 10:29. The babyfaces tried to get the crowd into it as Show finally made the tag to Reigns at 11:11. Reigns went to ringside and after Rollins. Harper got involved and sent Reigns into the barricade as chaos was on the verge on ensuing. Harper slammed Reigns back-first into the barricade as they went to break at 12:05 of the contest.

[Commercial Break]

Back at 15:57. Rowan was grinding his fists into the temple of Reigns. Reigns missed a spear and fell through the ropes to ringside. Rollins tagged in and continued to slow the pace to fit the heels. Rollins cut off a Reigns comeback attempt. He then tagged Harper. Reigns dodged a suplex and hit Harper with one of his own. Harper responded with a big boot for a two-count at 18:34. Kane went for a suplex off the top, but was pushed down. Reigns dove at Kane and hit him with a clothesline. Both men were down. Jericho made the tag and went after Kane. Tope rope axe-handle from Y2J. He followed with a Lionsault. Enziguiri caught Kane in the face rather than the back of the head. Wyatt got involved before the Walls could get locked in, and Kane booted Jericho to the mat. Harper then came in and delivered a few elbowdrops. Break time at 20:58.

[Commercial Break]

At 23:58, the show returned with Rollins covering Jericho for a near-fall. Jericho launched Rollins out of the ring and Jericho crawled toward his corner for a tag. Instead, Rollins hurried back into the ring to stop Jericho and tag Wyatt. Wyatt reversed a whip and propelled himself into Jericho for a two-count. Jericho finally worked free and dropkicked Wyatt. Cena was going crazy on the apron looking for a tag. He finally got it at 27:15. He hit his signature moves against Rollins. Everybody started to get involved and hit their stuff. Sprinboard knee to the face by Rollins on Jericho. Cena caught Rollins and locked in the STF. Harper, Rowan, and Wyatt broke it up. The referee called for the bell as everyone continued to brawl.

WINNERS: No announcement, but let’s say Show, Jericho, Cena, Henry, and Reigns via disqualification, at 28:28. Could also have been ruled a no-contest.

All ten men brawled well after the match had ended. Reigns connected with his Spear on Reigns, and Cena gave the Attitude Adjustment on Rollins. Cena’s music played to close out the segment. Cole, Philips, and JBL all gave a final hard-sell for the “season premiere” of Monday Night Raw before they signed off.

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