WWE BASH IN BERLIN RESULTS (8/31): Gunther vs. Orton, Cody Rhodes vs. Kevin Owens, CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre, Priest & Ripley vs. Dominik & Liv, Women’s Tag Title match

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


AUGUST 31, 2024

Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

Ring Announcer:



PWTorch columnist Greg Parks and PWTorch contributor Brandon LeClair go LIVE on YouTube after WWE Bash in Berlin for Greg’s final night hosting “Wrestling Night in America” on the PWTorch Dailycast. (He’s continuing with his other podcast and writing duties at PWTorch!). We’ll be incorporating live viewer comments into the show so join us LIVE!

Email our post-show at wnialivecast@gmail.com with your comments and questions about Smackdown. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

If you can’t join us live on YouTube, stream the show on demand later at YouTube or listen or stream later on a podcast app. Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.


-As Big E, Miz, and Jackie Redmond finished their pre-show panel discussion, they cut to Michael Cole making his way to the ring, slapping hands with fans. They cut back to Wade Barrett making his way to the ring, playing to the crowd.

-As Cole introduced the show, they showed cool satellite views of Berlin as Cole discussed the geography and history of the city. He also commented on footage of wrestlers arriving at the arena including Gunther, Randy Orton, C.M. Punk, Damien Priest & Rhea Ripley, and Dominik Mysterio & Liv Morgan. They cut to the arena as Cole said it had been 27 years since WWE broadcast from Germany. Then they showed Kevin Owens and Cody Rhodes backstage, ready to kick off the show.

-A video package aired on Bash in Berlin.

(1) CODY RHODES vs. KEVIN OWENS – Undisputed WWE Champion

Owens came out first. As Cody made his entrance, Cole said he asked around after Smackdown last night and no one would confirm Cody had a knee injury. Barrett said everyone is lying to cover for Cody. He added that he asked and found what KO whispered to Cody: “Don’t forget, you asked for this.” (That can be read as simply Cody asking KO to be his challenger, but it can also refer to KO justifying his turn on Cody at some point.) After ring entrance, fans sang “Cody, Cody Rhodes, Cody, Cody Rhodes!” The bell rang 14 minutes into the hour. During the staredown before locking up, fans cheered and the wrestlers soaked up the moment. “This place is rippling,” said Barrett. After a lock-up, fans loudly chanted “Kevin Owens!” It turned into a dueling chant of “Kevin Owens / Cody Rhodes!” Cole said Germany has been waiting forever for this.

They fought back and forth in the early minutes without sustained momentum. KO avoided a disaster kick at 4:00 and took over. When Cody dove through the ropes at KO at ringside, KO caught him and slammed him, then landed a cannonball. Cody landed a Disaster Kick and then successfully dove through the ropes and tackled KO at 6:00. He scored a one count back in the ring. Cole talked about all of KO’s singles titles in WWE and NXT, but added, “None of that has happened in the last seven years!” He said his title shot was at the Royal Rumble in 2023 against Roman Reigns.

Cody got in sustained offense and applied a figure-four at 8:00 mid-ring. KO escaped, threw Cody to the floor, and then landed a frog splash at ringside. He rolled Cody into the ring as fans chanted “KO! KO!” He scored a one count. Cole and Barrett began discussing Cody showing signs of exhaustion or perhaps injury as he was breathing hard and moving gingerly. Cole touted a crowd of over 13,000. Cody surprised KO with a sudden Cody Cutter just after Cole said Cody seemed “out of sorts.”

At 16:00, Rhodes countered a Stunner attempt with a Crossroads for a two count. KO countered Cody on the top rope and landed a fisherman’s brainbuster for a near fall. Cole went bonkers and said the crowd was going wild. Barrett said every pro wrestler has a livespan in the ring and eventually you start to lose it. He wondered if KO was in that category. They both stood and exchanged strikes mid-ring. Cody went for a step-up Cody Cutter, but his knee buckled when he reached the top rope. Cole said that’s the knee KO pointed out was injured. KO hesitated to seize the opportunity. Cole said KO didn’t want a tainted win. Cody rolled to the floor. KO went to check on him. Cody yelled, “I’m okay!” Cody hit KO. KO kicked Cody’s knee. Cole said the killer instinct was coming back for Owens.  Owens set up a powerbomb on the ring apron, but then tossed Cody into the ring instead. Barrett yelled, “Where is the killer instinct?!” KO heard him and told him to shut up.

KO entered the ring and gave Cody a stunner. Barrett said, “This one should have already been put to bed!” He said the apron powerbomb would have been the end for Cody. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” Barrett said the point of a match is to incapacitate your opponent so you can pin or submit them. Cody caught KO with two unreleased Cross Rhodes. KO escaped a third attempt and hit a stunner for a near fall.

KO went for a Swanton, but Cody lifted his knees. Cody hit a Cross Rhodes for a three count.

WINNER: Cody in 23:00.

-After the match, Cody leaned in for a handshake and to help a dejected KO up out of the corner. KO got up on his own and turned his back, but then turned back and hugged Cody. Cole said it looks like Solo Sikoa will be next and Cody could use all the friends he can get. KO raised Cody’s arm.

(Keller’s Analysis: Very good match start to finish with a Cody-style pace where it was more about story and milking the moves and moments more than the fast-pace and density of highspots. They told a great story with different chapters to the match. The key point is that KO didn’t pull the trigger on the apron powerbomb. Cole said that cost him the championship. Barrett said the reason KO hasn’t won a title in seven years is that he’s lost his killer instinct. This can justify in KO’s mind turning heel because he got “soft” and needed to get that killer instinct back to win a title. It doesn’t mean it will come at the expense of Cody, and it also could be part of a longer story arc that involves KO resisting cheating when someone else, such as Orton, doesn’t. It also could play into Cole’s closing line that Cody is still facing The Bloodline and he could use friends like KO backing him.)

-A commercial aired with Paul Levesque plugging WrestleMania in Las Vegas and talking about WWE being red-hot. [c]

-Cole plugged Smackdown moving to USA Network next month. [c]

(2) ALBA FYRE & ISLA DAWN vs. BIANCA BELAIR & JADE CARGILL – WWE Women’s Tag Team Title match

During Jade’s entrance, Barrett said when they make action figures, usually they try to make you look better than you actually look, but there’s no improving on Belair. Cole joked that his action figure had a beer gut. The bell rang for the second match 51 minutes into the hour. Belair got in some showy athletic offense early and played to the crowd. Fyre and Dawn made a comeback and Fyre landed a dive on Jade at ringside. They double-teamed Belair at ringside next. The ref ordered Jade to get back to her corner when she came over to try to aid her partner.

Back in the ring, the heel duo controlled Belair. When Belair went for a tag, Fyre yanked on her braid to stop her. Belair fought back a minute later and crawled back toward her corner,  but Fyre got to her and pulled on her arm this time. Fyre gave Belair a tornado DDT, which included Belair’s legs knocking Jade off the ring apron. That led to a two count. Belair avoided a charging Dawn in the corner, then backdropped Fyre over the top rope as she interfered. Belair suplexed Dawn and crawled over to Jade and leaped to make the tag.

Jade entered at 8:00 and went on a flurry of offense against both Fyre and Dawn including powermoves. She gave Fyre a fallaway slam and then kipped up. Fans applauded. She hit running elbowed in opposite corners to both opponents. She then gave Dawn a jackhammer for a two count. Fyre tagged in and Jade didn’t notice, which helped the heels take control. Fyre and Dawn slammed Jade’s face into the mat with a signature double-team finisher. Jade interrupted the count and Belair raised her shoulder. Barrett said that is the move they’ve defeated everyone with, but not tonight.

Jade kicked Dawn to the floor. Belair and Jade lifted and dropped Fyre. Jade then slammed Belair onto Fyre. Dawn was late for the break-up of the cover, but Fyre kicked out anyway. Fyre headbutted Belair as she set up Dawn for a K.O.D. Dawn gave Belair a backstabber and then Fyre went for a top rope. Jade leaped and landed on her partner when Belair moved out of the path. She landed on Dawn’s knee, and Dawn hedl her knee afterward. Belair threw Fyre to the floor. Belair and Dawn then went on the attack on Dawn, landing their double-team DDT/German suplex combo for the win.

Cole praised Dawn and Fyre for their title reign.

WINNERS: Cargill & Belair in 11:00 to regain the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

(Keller’s Analysis: A largely well-executed match with a clean finish to move the belts back to the primary women’s tag team in WWE. This lacked the intense crowd enthusiasm of the previous match, which hurt a bit.

-Cole plugged NXT’s arena shows to kick off The CW era. Then he praised Berlin. They showed the merch stand in the concourse. They showed Punk warming up backstage. Cole said he admitted earlier he had butterflies. [c]

(3) C.M. PUNK vs. DREW MCINTYRE – Strap match

Drew came out first. Punk came out with a serious look, then smiled at Drew when he got to ringside. Cole cited Punk’s success with strap matches going back to his OVW days. Punk stared at Drew until Drew turned his back to him. Drew turned and jumped Punk as Punk turned to look at the crowd. Drew went on the attack aggressively. Cole said the match hadn’t officially begun because they had yet to get attached to the strap. In the ring, Drew whipped Punk as the ref chastised him. Fans loudly chanted, “C.M. Punk!” Drew whipped Punk again, then attached his wrist. The ref called for the bell 17 minutes into the hour, but he didn’t look happy with Drew.

Drew took Punk down with a Russian leg sweep and began slapping the turnbuckles. Punk made a comeback and seemed to have an opening to hit all four turnbuckles, but decided to dish out more of an attack on Drew. Drew took control at ringside and set up a powerbomb on the announce desk, but Punk backdropped out of it and then whipped Drew with the strap. Drew battled back and threw Punk into the ring. He then slammed him on a chair. Punk was bleeding from his forehead. Drew punched away at his forehead.

Punk took over again at ringside. Cole noted this is only Punk’s second match since the Royal Rumble. Punk set up a table, but it took a while. Drew rolled into the ring. Punk followed. Drew recovered enough to catch Punk with a Claymore. Drew slapped three turnbuckles, but Punk yanked Drew away and drove him into a chair he had wedged into the corner. Fans chanted, “C.M. Punk!” Drew lifted Punk and dropped him over the top rope through the table Punk had set up at ringside. Drew couldn’t touch the turnbuckles, though, with Punk at ringside attached to him.

Drew lifted Punk and carried him from one turnbuckle to the next, but every time Drew touched one, Punk also did. Punk and Drew struggled to reach the fourth. The lights above the turnbuckles were reset once they started hitting each other. “What a match-up!” said Cole. They hit each other rapid-fire and then kicked each other at the same time, with Punk blocking a Claymore with a kick of his own. Both went down. Punk sat up first. Punk applied a sharpshooter. Drew tapped, but it didn’t matter. He tapped away, but the ref ignored him and Punk held on. Punk then released the hold and slapped the turnbuckles. Drew pulled him away after he hit a second turnbuckle. Drew then landed a neckbreaker to reset the lights. Both were down and slow to get up. Drew eventually kipped up. Cole was amazed he could do that after being in the sharpshooter. (It wasn’t the best looking sharpshooter.)

-Drew pulled the bracelet out of his trunks and stared at it. Fans booed. Drew landed a Claymore as soon as Punk stood. Drew then began hitting the top turnbuckles. Punk interrupted and delivered a Go To Sleep to reset the lights. A loud “C.M. Punk!” chant broke out. Punk hit a second GTS and then slapped turnbuckles. He hit two, then decided to hit another GTS. He hit the third and hten paused before hitting the fourth. Instead, he gave Drew another GTS. He then took the bracelet off of Drew’s wrist and held it up. He hit the fourth turnbuckle to win.

Barrett celebrated with a UFC fighter at ringside. Barrett said that was the best version of Punk they’ve seen since his return.

WINNER: Punk in 20:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: A strap match typically has a different kind of drama and the strap itself can limit some of the usually options but introduce others. This was a good version of a strap match that played into Punk wanting to not just win, but also dish out punishment, with some big spots at ringside and drama in the ring. The match is, by nature, more deliberately paced as they play up the drama of the turnbuckle slaps, but the crowd was into Punk at the key moments.)

-Cole touted that this was the highest grossing arena event in WWE history. He plugged the Bash in Berlin post-show.


As Priest and Morgan came out, Cole said, “Someone’s about to get their butts kicked.” The bell rang 53 minutes into the hour. Priest beat up Dom early. Ripley and Liv battled next and Ripley got the better of Liv. She taunted Dom before landing a vertical suplex. Liv tagged Dom in. Priest entered and yanked Dom into the ring. He clotheslined Dom over the top rope to the floor. Priest lifted and dropped Dom over the ring apron. Fans chanted, “Who’s your daddy?” Liv grabbed Priest’s boot. Dom knocked a distracted Priest to the floor and then drove him into the ringside steps.

At 8:00 Dom approached Ripley for a hug. Ripley elbowed Liv as she charged at her from behind. Ripley then attacked Dom. Fans went bonkers. They showed a dBA meter hitting 105 as Ripley beat on Dom. Liv went after Ripley again. She then set up a Riptide, but Liv interjected herself and landed a high kick and a Code Breaker. Liv hit a running knee in the corner next. Fans chanted, “Mami!” She scored a near fall with a slam into a roll-up. Ripley kicked a charging Liv in the face.

Priest and Dom entered. Priest went after Dom with a flurry of moves. He hit a clothesline for a two count, broken up by Liv. Ripley hit Liv from behind. Priest and Rhea hit stereo Razor’s Edges. Priest signaled for his finisher when J.D. McDonagh and Carlito showed up. Priest hit McDonagh and Ripley went after Carlito. Liv landed a sunset bomb on Rhea, sending her hard into the barricade. Dom leaped off the top rope, but Priest caught him. Finn Balor attacked Priest. Dom dropkicked Priest against the ropes and hit a 619. Dom then landed a top rope frog splash for a near fall as Balor looked on in frustration from ringside.

Balor looked down at Ripley, then told Dom to tag in Liv. Liv tagged in and dove through the ropes at Rhea. She overshot her for the most part, which Barrett pointed out. Rhea countered an Oblivion attempt with a backbreaker. McDonagh stood on the ring apron to distracted Ripley. Liv then gave Rhea a Cody Breaker variation.  Priest attacked McDonagh, Carlito, and Balor at ringside with both women slow to get up in the ring. Dom attacked Priest and charged at Priest on the tables, but Priest clotheslined him as he charged.

Ripley stood up and stalked an unsuspecting Liv from behind. She smiled and then headbutted Liv as she turned around. She followed with a Rip Tide for the win.

WINNERS: Ripley & Priest in 14:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was exactly what it needed to be, with a lot of crowd-pleasing beatdowns of Dom and Liv, but heel interference to create some doubt late as to the finish. The crowd was into the peak moments at an intense level.) [c]

-Barrett hyped Dragunov vs. Dragon Lee vs. Dom and Ludwig Kaiser vs. Bronson Reed vs. Sheamus in Intercontinental Title triple threat matches on Raw. [c]

(5) GUNTHER vs. RANDY ORTON – WWE World Hvt. Title match

Orton made his entrance first. Cole touted Orton’s history as a legend and sure-first Hall of Famer. Barrett said he has a serene calmness and looks ready. Gunther made his entrance. The bell rang 28 minutes into the hour. Fans sang enthusiastically for a minute. Orton applauded. They engaged in a collar-and-elbow hook-up at the start. Randy smiled and looked around as fans changed to another song. They circled each other at 3:00. Cole said Orton was enjoying the atmosphere. Cole said that JBL said if you were to build a “professional wrestler” from the ground up, it’d be Randy Orton. (No, JBL never said that. He said “sports entertainer.” But points for Cole for switching to pro wrestler. That makes me happy.) Gunther applied a chinlock at 4:00 which got the biggest pop for a chinlock in decades. Fans then started doing a wave, so maybe it wasn’t a pop after all, but rather fans entertaining themselves with a wave since the action was pretty slow to start this match.

Gunther took sustained, methodical control. Fans continued to sing various songs. Barrett said Gunther was unaffected by the fans. Gunther threw hard chops. Orton rolled to ringside. Gunther went after him and squeezed his head against the ringpost. Orton reverse-whipped Gunther into the ringside steps. Orton took over with a methodical attack of his own. Cole said this is the old Orton “with an absence of malice.” He slammed Gunther onto the announce desk.

Back in the ring Gunther countered an RKO with a sleeper. Orton fought out of it as Cole noted Gunther’s arm was injured during the ringside attack moments earlier. Cole said he wasn’t sure he had ever seen Gunther in this level of pain. Orton drove Gunther arm-first into the mat for another two count at 13:00. Orton choked Gunther over the bottom rope. Gunther teased a comeback, but Orton landed a snap powerslam to thwart it. Both were down and slow to get up. Orton stood first as Gunther rolled to the ring apron. Gunther chopped Orton and snapped him across the top rope. He then climbed to the top rope turnbuckle, still favoring his arm. Orton caught him up there with punches and a headbutt. Then Orton delivered a superplex.

They exchanged strikes. Orton stopped it with an eye poke. “Oh, Randy!” said Cole. “Randy went old school there.” The ref scolded Orton. Cole said the ref was letting a lot go there. Orton delivered a draping DDT at 19:00. Both were down and slow to get up. Fans chanted, “RKO!” Orton pounded the mat and went for an RKO, but Gunther blocked it and landed a back suplex. Orton struggled to stand. Gunther gave him a dropkick and then leaped off the top rope with a splash for a near fall. Gunther continued to favor his arm. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!”

Gunther set up a powerbomb, but his arm gave out. He clotheslined Orton instead. He showed fire and fans cheered. Gunther struggled but managed to pull off a powerbomb for a dramatic near fall at 24:00. Gunther went for another powerrbomb, but he couldn’t lift him. Orton hit a quick RKO instead for a dramatic near fall that popped the crowd. With both men down and slow to get up, fans chanted, “Holy shit!”

Orton setup the base of the steps near the German announce desk. He dropped Gunther onto it with a side suplex. Orton sat on the steps and rested, then moved slowly and picked up the top of the ringside steps. He stacked the top part to the base of the steps. Gunther, meanwhile, recovered on the ring apron. Orton broke the ref’s count with a quick roll into and out of the ring. Orton rammed Gunther into the steps. A “Randy Orton / Let’s Go Gunther!” dueling chant took place (although some fans were chanting both). Orton stood on the steps and slammed Gunther onto the German announce desk. Orton yelled at Orton to get Gunther in the ring to win the title. (No objectivity there from Cole!) Orton struck a pose on the steps. Orton eventually moved over to Gunther as Cole talked about the ref letting them fight rather than counting them out.

Orton rolled Gunther into the ring and then gingerly rolled into the ring himself. He stood and eyed Gunther, then extended his arms and played to the crowd. He pounded the mat and signaled for an RKO. He went for it, but Gunther blocked it by shoving Orton to the mat. Gunther then applied a sleeper on Orton. Orton flailed and stood and tried to power his way out. Gunther held on and locked it on tight mid-ring. Orton stood again and powered Gunther’s injured arm off of him. Gunther chopped the back of Orton’s neck hard and then applied another sleeper. He released it to drop some hard elbows and then applied the sleeper again. Orton seemed to fade, but then stood and showed some life. He leaped backwards and broke the hold. Gunther then sat up and applied the sleeper again. Orton faded. His arm dropped and the ref called for the bell.

WINNER: Gunther in 36:00 to retain the WWE World Hvt. Title.

-Gunther offered a handshake afterward as his music played and he had the belt wrapped around his waist. Orton shook his hand and looked at the belt and nodded in a show of respect.

(Keller’s Analysis: Mixed feelings on this one. It had an epic vibe at times with the crowd and the setting and just the clash of a rising veteran star in Gunther in his prime against a legend legacy star like Orton. The pace, though, was really trying at times. Orton seemed blown up or in no hurry too often to the point of looking old and broken down. This had some vibes of an old school main event 40 years ago before the rise of the modern workrate era kicked in in the 1980s.)

Now check out this special epic interview Wade Keller conducted with Steve Austin. CLICK HERE to stream (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)


PWTorch columnist Greg Parks and PWTorch contributor Brandon LeClair go LIVE on YouTube after WWE Bash in Berlin for Greg’s final night hosting “Wrestling Night in America” on the PWTorch Dailycast. (He’s continuing with his other podcast and writing duties at PWTorch!). We’ll be incorporating live viewer comments into the show so join us LIVE!

Email our post-show at wnialivecast@gmail.com with your comments and questions about Smackdown. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

If you can’t join us live on YouTube, stream the show on demand later at YouTube or listen or stream later on a podcast app. Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.


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