WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS (8/30) : McDonald’s “alt perspective” report on Owens and Rhodes face to face, Michin vs. Jax WWE Women’s Championship, Knight U.S. title Open Challenge

By Alex McDonald, PWTorch Contributor


AUGUST 30, 2024

Announcers: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett



-The show opened with an outdoor shot of Berlin, Germany. Michael Cole introduced the show.

-Cody Rhodes was shown arriving to the arena. They then showed the arrivals of Kevin Owens, Nia Jax, and Tiffany Stratton. Cole promoted Jax’s title defense against Michin for later in the show.

-The camera panned the crowd in the arena.

-L.A. Knight made his entrance. Cole mentioned Knight’s recent title defense and that he promised an open challenge tonight.

-Michael Cole was shown ringside. Cole announced that he was back on Smackdown. He introduced Wade Barrett. Barrett threw to the German announce team.

-Knight stood in the middle of the ring with a mic. The crowd chanted his name. Knight said it’s been twenty-seven years since WWE has done a televised event in Berlin. Knight said he’s the right way to kick it off. The crowd chanted Knight’s name. Knight said he had the United States Championship on his shoulder and he had his first successful title defense last week. The crowd chanted “you deserve it”. Knight said they might want to say that in a minute. Knight said since he defended in the capital of the U.S. he should defend in the capital of Germany. Knight said he’s holding an open challenge and anyone can answer it.

-Ludwig Kaiser made his entrance. Kaiser had a mic and addressed the crowd in German. Kaiser turned to Knight and said that he’s sure Knight wants to defend against the best all over the world. Kaiser said that he and the entirety of Berlin can agree there’s no one better than the German, Ludwig Kaiser. Kaiser said after he beats Knight he’s going to take the title and take it across the pond and make it bigger than it ever was. Kaiser said he would make it the European Championship. The crowd chanted in German for Kaiser.

-Knight said it was pretty impressive for Gunther’s stooge. Knight said that Kaiser can do whatever he wants with the title, but he has to win it and Knight won’t let him. Knight said the only thing Kaiser is going to do is catch three from Knight. Knight tossed the mic down and Kaiser got in his face as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

(McDonald’s Analysis: I didn’t expect Kaiser to be the one to accept the challenge but it makes sense and it’s a fresh opponent for Knight. I’m interested to see how they work together.)

(1) L.A. KNIGHT vs. LUDWIG KAISER – United States Championship Match

The bell rang fourteen minutes into the hour. The crowd chanted for Kaiser as he and Knight circled each other. They locked up and Kaiser got the advantage but Knight reversed and pushed Kaiser into the corner. They broke. They locked up again and Kaiser took control with Knight’s arm. Knight reversed and wrenched on the arm of Kaiser. They broke again and went nose to nose. They locked up yet again and Kaiser backed Knight into the corner this time. Kaiser landed an elbow in the corner and then took Knight down with a headlock. Knight recovered and took Kaiser to the corner. Knight landed strikes. Kaiser reversed a whip into the corner. He charged and Knight tried a big boot but Kaiser caught it and delivered a right hand. Kaiser stomped away at Knight in the corner. Knight shot out of the corner and took Kaiser down with a clothesline. Kaiser rolled to the outside and Knight followed. Knight delivered a back suplex onto the ring apron. Kaiser recovered and drove Knight into the ring apron and then into the ring steps. Kaiser went into the ring and out to the opposite side. Kaiser ran around the kick and landed a kick to Knight against the ring steps. Knight sold the move as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Kaiser beat on Knight on the apron. Knight rolled back into the ring and Kaiser went back on the attack. Knight fought back with right hands from his knees. Kaiser returned the shots. They got back to their feet and Kaiser landed a chop followed by a kick that sent Knight to the mat. Kaiser lifted Knight to his feet and Knight lifted Kaiser and drove him into the corner. Knight landed a chop and then clotheslined Kaiser over the top rope to the floor. Knight followed Kaiser out and slammed him into the announce table repeatedly. Knight tossed Kaiser back into the ring. Knight landed a jumping neckbreaker. Knight climbed to the second rope and came off with an elbow to the heart of Kaiser. Knight made the cover for a two count. Kaiser retreated to the corner. Knight followed and landed kicks. Knight backed off and charged to land a knee in the corner. Knight hit an inverted atomic drop and then missed a clothesline. Kaiser missed a clothesline and Knight came off the ropes into a kick from Kaiser. Kaiser made the cover for a two count. Kaiser lifted Knight to his shoulders but Knight got free. They exchanged blows in the center of the ring. Knight got the better of the exchange and he was able to deliver a slam to Kaiser. Knight went for a BFT but Kaiser rolled up Knight for a two count. Kaiser landed a chop followed by a clothesline. Kaiser delivered a big kick and played to the crowd. Kaiser escaped another BFT and hit the Kaiser Roll. Kaiser made the cover for a two count. The crowd cheered Kaiser on. Knight escaped Kaiser and hit a modified slam followed by a BFT. Knight made the cover for the win.

WINNER: L.A. Knight in 12:00 to retain the United States Championship

-Knight celebrated the title win as Kaiser made his way up the ramp.

-Cole and Barrett were shown ringside. They mentioned the upcoming announcer changes. Cole threw to a video on Micah Parsons attempting the RKO in Dallas Cowboys practice this week. Cole said we could have a new champion tomorrow if Randy Orton hits the RKO. Cole threw to a video package on the World Heavyweight Championship match at Bash in Berlin.

-After the video, they showed a graphic for Gunther against Randy Orton. Cole promoted the match.

-Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin made their entrance. Cole promoted their match against Los Garza for after the break. [c]

-There was a video package on Nia Jax.

-After the video, there was a graphic for Jax against Michin in a Street Fight for the WWE Women’s Championship. Cole hyped the match.

-Los Garza made their entrance with Santos Escobar and Elektra Lopez. Angel and Berto had new matching trunks to go along with their new team name.

(2) APOLLO CREWS & BARON CORBIN vs. LOS GARZA (Angel & Berto) (w/ Santos Escobar & Elektra Lopez)

Crews and Berto locked up. They ran the ropes and jumped over and around each other before Crews landed a dropkick. Crews delivered a delayed vertical suplex. Crews made the cover for a two count. Corbin tagged in and landed a right hand. Berto landed a kick to the gut and pulled Corbin to the corner where he tagged in Angel. They attempted a double team but Corbin got free and clotheslined both men down. Berto rolled to the outside. Corbin mounted Angel in the corner and punched away at him. Corbin slammed Angel into the corner and followed up with a clothesline. Angel backed Corbin into the corner and tagged in Berto. They double teamed Corbin. Angel landed a running knee while Berto held Corbin in place. Berto covered Corbin for a two count. Berto stayed on the attack but Corbin tossed Berto to the outside. Crews hit the ring and battled Angel. Crews knocked Angel to the outside. Crews ran the ropes and Corbin helped him over the ropes into a dive onto Angel and Berto on the outside. [c]

Los Garza hit another double team and Berto covered Crews for a two count. Berto lifted Crews to the top rope and tagged in Angel. Angel beat on Crews. Crews fell to the mat and Angel landed a running kick. Angel splashed Crews in the corner. Crews fought his way out. Angel charged and Crews moved. Angel hit the ring post shoulder first. Corbin hit the ring and took out both Angel and Berto. Corbin clotheslined Berto. Corbin came off the second rope and took down Berto with a clothesline. Corbin landed a big slam and covered Berto. Angel broke the count. Crews delivered a crossbody to Angel. Crews hit Angel with a pair of German suplexes. Crews went for a German suplex on Berto but Berto landed on his feet. Berto hit Crews with a big kick. All four men went after each other and after the melee all four men were down. Corbin slammed Angel on the announce table. Lopez distracted the ref and Escobar sent Corbin into the ring steps. Crews stayed in control in the ring. Crews climbed to the top rope. Angel went after Crews but Crews kicked Angel away. Berto landed an armdrag off the top rope. Angel tagged in. Los Garza hit the MTY and Angel covered Crews for the win.

WINNER: Los Garza in 10:00

-The Bloodline was in a pre-taped package. Solo Sikoa said that there would be a tag team match next week and his opponents would acknowledge him. Sikoa said his first day as the Tribal Chief, he sacrificed his brother, Jimmy Uso. Sikoa said he then took out Paul Heyman. Sikoa said he then took out Roman Reigns and took the Tribal lei. Sikoa said if he would do that to his own family, imagine what they would do to their opponents next week. Sikoa said he doesn’t care who wins between Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens as he’s coming for the winner.

-There was a graphic for Rhodes and Owens face to face. Cole promoted the segment for after the break. [c]

-They showed outdoor shots of Berlin.

-Nick Aldis was in the ring. He said it felt good to be in Berlin for Smackdown. He said that in twenty-four hours, Superstars will compete in matches that could change WWE forever. Aldis said that Bash in Berlin is the culmination of a successful European tour for WWE. They showed a video package on the tour narrated by Cole.

-After the video, Aldis thanked the crowd. He said the most important match happening tomorrow is for the Undisputed WWE Championship. Aldis introduced Kevin Owens.


-Kevin Owens made his entrance. Owens entered the ring and stood with Aldis. Aldis introduced Cody Rhodes.

-Cody Rhodes made his entrance.

-Rhodes and Owens stood on opposite sides of Aldis. Aldis said the floor was theirs and left the ring. Owens lifted the mic first. He asked Rhodes what he wanted to talk about. Rhodes spoke back in German. Rhodes said their match tomorrow is Superstar versus Superstar in sold out Germany for the WWE Championship. The crowd chanted for Rhodes. Owens said it’s pretty huge, but there’s something he wants to talk about. Owens asked if Rhodes wanted to talk about what happened to Rhodes’ knee during the tour. Rhodes said his knee is fine and in the spirit of a friendly conversation, they should talk about last week. Rhodes said they beat two of WWE’s biggest future Superstars and it was great. Rhodes said Owens handed him the title after the match, but to a lot of people, it looked like Owens was going to hit Rhodes with it. Rhodes said he isn’t accusing Owens, he’s just asking.

-Owens asked if Rhodes was kidding him. Owens said the video that was shown last week was of guys that deserved it. Owens reiterated that Kofi Kingston didn’t deserve it. Owens said they’ve always been close. Owens asked why Rhodes could think he would do that. Rhodes said that Owens might be a little angry with him. Rhodes said when he went out into the world he went into a lot of places Owens went. He said that maybe Owens doesn’t get enough credit and Rhodes gets too much. Owens smirked. Owens said that’s very nice but he doesn’t know what to say to it. Owens said he doesn’t need to hit Rhodes with a cheap shot. Owens said he knows that Rhodes is hurt. Owens said he got text messages from people backstage about Rhodes limping and being in the training room. Owens said that if Rhodes isn’t coming into the match one hundred percent, then it isn’t a good idea. Rhodes asked if Owens still thought he didn’t deserve the match. Owens asked why Rhodes didn’t take a knee during his entrance if he isn’t injured. Owens said yesterday marked eight years since he won the Universal Championship. Owens said he should have been on top of the world but he only won the title because of Triple H. Owens said he’s still bitter about it. Owens said if he beats an injured Rhodes, what’s going to happen? Rhodes yelled at Owens that he is one hundred percent. Rhodes said that Owens is talking with confidence, but it’s anger. Rhodes said that Owens is angry because Rhodes was going to leave everyone behind. Rhodes said that the day after Owens main evented Wrestlemania with Stone Cold Steve Austin he had to share the spotlight with Rhodes. Rhodes said he’s going to beat Owens tomorrow. Rhodes asked if they would still be friends afterwards. Owens dropped the mic. He walked up to Rhodes and whispered something to Rhodes. Owens walked off.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Rhodes doesn’t have a high opinion of himself at all. That’s a good thing. The injury angle is lame and another way to attempt to add intrigue to a match that doesn’t have any. There isn’t a story here at all and there’s no reason for this match to happen. They can throw anything at the wall that they want, it doesn’t matter. What a great guy Rhodes is though! He wants to recognize Owens and wrestle injured for the fans and for his best buddy. What a guy! That’s literally the storyline. Rhodes is a great guy, Owens is shady but being genuine. Super compelling stuff.)

-Corbin and Crews were in the back. They bumped into Austin Theory and Grayson Waller. They poked fun at Corbin and Crews. Corbin got in Theory’s face. Waller told them to relax. Theory yelled at Waller for saying he said something to Corbin. Theory said that he gets knocked out when Waller talks trash. Theory said he thinks they’re falling apart. Waller apologized. He said that’s what they do in Australia. He said it’s banter. Waller asked if they were good. Theory agreed and shook Waller’s hand.

-Andrade made his entrance. Cole promoted his match against Carmelo Hayes for after the break. [c]

-There was a video package on Giovanni Vinci.

-Andrade was in the ring.

-Carmelo Hayes made his entrance. Cole mentioned this was the fourth match between the two. They showed a recap of their last match where Hayes finally defeated Andrade.


Hayes ran into the ring and Andrade attacked. Andrade landed a kick and then tossed Hayes to the outside. Andrade bounced off the ropes and hit a corkscrew splash to the outside of the ring. Andrade shoved Hayes back into the ring. Andrade followed and landed a kick. Hayes answered with a springboard splash. Hayes climbed to the top rope but Andrade cut him off. Andrade landed a huge double stomp to Hayes on the apron. [c]

Hayes stomped away at Andrade. Hayes went to the leg but Andrade kicked Hayes off into the corner. Andrade got to his feet and took Hayes down with a big right hand and a Dragon Screw. Andrade stayed on the attack. Hayes sold his knee. Andrade kipped up. Andrade climbed to the top rope. Andrade went for a moonsault, Hayes moved, Andrade landed on his feet and hit a standing moonsault. Hayes retreated to the corner. Andrade went to the corner but Hayes caught him with the First 48. Hayes charged Andrade and landed double knees in the corner. Hayes covered Andrade for a two count. Hayes chopped Andrade. Hayes beat on the back of Andrade and went for a suplex. Andrade countered with a suplex of his own. They traded reversals and Andrade slammed Hayes for a two count. The top turnbuckle pad was removed. Cole and Barrett mentioned the missing pad. Andrade got to his feet and played to the crowd. He backed off and charged Hayes. Hayes landed a superkick and covered Andrade for a two count. Hayes kicked at Andrade. Hayes went for a springboard but Andrade cut him off and hit a springboard Spanish Fly. Andrade made the cover for a two count. [c]

Hayes landed rights from the top rope. Andrade climbed up and flipped into a slam. Both men were down in the ring. Andrade covered Hayes for a two count. Andrade slapped Hayes. They traded reversals and Andrade landed a back elbow. Andrade made another cover for a two count. Hayes kicked at Andrade from his back. Andrade chopped Hayes and put him on the top rope. Andrade climbed up to join Hayes. Hayes escaped through the legs of Andrade. Hayes pulled Andrade down into the exposed turnbuckle. Hayes hit Nothing But Net and covered Andrade for the win.

WINNER: Carmelo Hayes in 14:00

(McDonald’s Analysis: Imagine that, Hayes won with his finisher. So they each won with a finisher and a roll up? What a crazy coincidence that is. Also, they’re both in the same place they were when this feud started. Great way to kill TV time with some solid matches though. So that’s something.)

-Cole threw to a video package on Nia Jax’s Championship Celebration two weeks ago. The video showed Michin crashing the party.

-Nia Jax made her entrance. Cole and Barrett promoted her match against Michin for after the break. [c]

-There was a video package on Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill for their Women’s Tag Team Championship match tomorrow at Bash in Berlin.

-Cole and Barrett ran down the card for Bash in Berlin.

-Nia Jax was in the ring.

-Michin was in the back. She said that after tonight, no one would forget her. She said Michin isn’t who she is, it’s what she is.

-Michin made her entrance with a shopping cart full of weapons. She held a kendo stick high in the sky and then banged on a trash can with it.

(4) NIA JAX vs. MICHIN – WWE Women’s Championship Match

Michin hit Jax with the kendo stick. Jax rolled to the outside to escape. Michin followed Jax and Jax took the stick away. Michin shoved Jax into the ring post. Michin got back in the ring. Jax got to the apron and Michin stayed on the attack. Michin hit Jax hard and made the cover for a two count. Michin went under the ring and pulled out chairs to throw into the ring. Michin pulled out a table. Jax attacked Michin with a kendo stick. Jax moved over to the table and put it back under the ring. The crowd booed. Michin attacked Jax again and kicked her from the apron. Michin pulled the table back out to cheers. [c]

-Jax hit Michin hard with a right and then slammed her with a modified Rock Bottom on the apron. Michin fell to the floor. Jax set up a table in the corner. Jax went after Michin and Michin opened a fire extinguisher on Jax. Michin climbed to top rope and came off with a missile dropkick. Michin went for a tornado DDT but Jax slammed Michin onto a trash can. Michin attacked Jax with a pair of trash can lids. Michin hit the tornado DDT onto one of the trash can lids. Michin set up another table. Michin dropped to the outside and tossed a trash can into the ring. Michin went back to setting up the table. Jax attacked Michin from behind. Jax hit Michin with a chair. Jax set up Michin on the table. Jax climbed to the second rope. Michin attacked Jax from behind. Michin powerbombed Jax from the second rope through the table. Tiffany Stratton’s music hit and she ran down to the ring. Stratton hit Michin with the briefcase. Stratton teased cashing in but Jax looked up at her. Stratton attacked Michin some more. Jax covered Michin for a two count. Bayley’s music hit and Stratton went after Bayley with the briefcase. Bayley attacked Stratton and took her to the outside. Michin rolled up Jax for a two count in the ring. Michin kicked away at Jax. Michin leapt into the air but Jax caught her and delivered a Samoan Drop through the table in the corner. Jax put Michin in the trash can and dragged her to the corner. Jax hit the Bonsai Drop and made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Nia Jax in 13:00 to retain the WWE Women’s Championship

-Jax attacked Michin with the kendo stick. Cole asked what Jax was actually upset about, Michin or Stratton? Jax stood tall in the ring as Cole signed off and the show went off the air.


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