AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (8/28): Amin’s alt-perspective report on Danielson’s announcement after his title win, MJF-Garcia follow-up, All Out developments, Ishii vs. Hangman, Moxley return

By Amin Ajani, PWTorch contributor


AUGUST 28, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reported day of the show that 2,053 tickets had been distributed; arena was set up for 3,545. Subscribe to WrestleTix on Patreon for detailed up-to-date information. (Arena holds 15,000.)


PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by Zack Heydorn to review AEW Dynamite LIVE tonight right after Dynamite. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Dynamite during the show.

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—Excalibur welcomed us to AEW Dynamite. They showed a recap of Bryan Danielson winning the AEW World Title at AEW All In. Excalibur hyped the top matches and segments on the Dynamite show.

—Jon Moxley made his return to AEW Dynamite to a big reaction. Moxley came out with his NJPW theme song. Tony Schiavone left the commentary desk to interview Moxley inside the ring. Schiavone noted they haven’t seen Mosley since Forbidden Door. Moxley noted he’s been doing a lot of thinking that needs to get done. He came here looking for someone who’s not here. He said this conversation is long overdue. He called out Darby Allin for a talk. Schiavone started hyping the Dynamite show. Moxley teased leaving the ring. Moxley returned and told Schiavone it’s gonna take some time. He told Schiavone this isn’t his company anymore. Moxley left the ring. The crowd chanted for Moxley.

(Amin’s Thoughts: Good to see Moxley back on AEW TV. I really liked Moxley’s promo as he was intense but delivery was calm. The idea here was Moxley was speaking to Schiavone but delivering his closing line to Tony Khan who’s usually in Schiavone’s ear. The thinking here is Moxley’s upset that Tony Khan and the fans see Darby as the heart of AEW. This was the slow build to a Moxley heel turn. They are teasing some sort of invasion angle. They want you to think Shane McMahon will be the one behind the invasion angle.)

—Renee Paquette was backstage with The Conglomeration. The new FTW Champion Hook appeared who’s back to eating chips backstage. Mark Briscoe put over both Hook and Willow Nightingale’s wins at All In. Hook said it felt cool. Willow said she wants to whoop thushi. Willow announced she will defend the CMLL Women’s Title against Kris Statlander in a Chicago Street Fight at All Out. Briscoe did his awesome promo hyping Tomohiro Ishii’s match against “Hangman” Adam Page and the eight-man tag match he’s part of on the show.


Hangman came out to a strong heel reaction. Ishii got a mild reaction from the crowd. Hangman and Ishii began exchanging strikes. Hangman and Ishii next exchanged chops. [c]

Hangman rocked Ishii with a flying lariat as they returned from break. Hangman took control as he spiked Ishii on his head with a DDT on the ring apron. Hangman connected with a flying clothesline for two. Hangman applied a knee bar but Ishii grabbed the ropes. Ishii battled back, rocking Hangman with a forearm smash. Ishii connected with a backdrop suplex for two. Ishii connected with a superplex for two. Hangman responded by catching Ishii with a Death Valley Driver. Ishii no-solid it sending Hangman flying with a German Suplex. Hangman and Ishii connected with stereo forearm smashes for a double down. [c]

Hangman and Ishii exchanged counters as they returned from break. Hangman delivered a German Suplex as Ishii landed on his head. Hangman called for the Buckshot Lariat but Ishii countered with a Deadeye. Ishii delivered a running lariat for two. Hangman responded rocking Ishii with a discus lariat. Hangman caught Ishii charging with a Deadeye. Hangman connected with a Buckshot Lariat for the win.

WINNER: “Hangman” Adam Page in 17:08

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was a good hard hitting action packed match. Ishii is a solid utility wrestler who’s someone you can count on to have good matches and fill TV time. A strong showing from Hangman to keep him going on the winning track.)

—“Swerve” Strickland came out with Prince Nana to a big reaction. Hangman and Strickland had an intense stare down. Strickland brought up Hangman coming out for the AEW World Title match at All In. He instead told Hangman he felt sorry for him. He called Hangman a child. He said he doesn’t have the world title with him. He said he will always be referred to as the world champion. He said this will always be “Swerve’s House!” Hangman told Strickland he’s not a champion. He called Strickland a piece of s*it. He said Strickland broke into his home. He said Strickland could never beat him alone. He said Strickland wasn’t as good as him. He said he wants Strickland alone.

Strickland challenged Hangman to a Steel Cage Match at All Out. He spoke about driving to Hangman’s house. He spoke about Hangman escorting his pregnant wife down the stairs. He spoke about Hangman being a father for the second time. He said he needs to focus on being AEW’s best. He said it will happen again. He said Hangman is only focused on him. He said Hangman’s career was going up in flames. He wondered what kind of man Hangman is gonna show his kids at All Out. Hangman walked to the back.

(Amin’s Thoughts: They are just letting fans choose who to root for between Hangman and Strickland. That works for this program. They have their own reasons for their character’s motives. I liked the Steel Cage stipulation after the interference in their previous matches. I also liked how they gave an explanation to Hangman’s recent absence from AEW TV. This program between Hangman and Strickland still feels special.) [c]


Jamie Hayter received a great reaction from the crowd. Hayter started quickly stomping away on Cameron. Hayter went for a long dart but Cameron moved out of the way. Cameron went for Sole Food but Hayter blocked. Hayter took control rocking Cameron with a series of backbreakers. Hayter rocked Cameron with the Hayter-Rade for the win.

WINNER: Jamie Hayter in 3:19

—Saraya shoved Cameron into Hayter after the match. Saraya left through the crowd.

(Amin’s Thoughts: A great showcase for Hayter who looked tremendous in the win. This was just cool seeing Hayter back in action. Hayter’s first big program looks to be Saraya. That’s fine with me. They don’t need to rush anything. Just give Hayter some wins and get her back in top ring condition before challenging for a title.)

Check out the latest episode of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-show covering the latest episode of Dynamite: CLICK HERE (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)

—Renee was backstage with The Learning Tree and Roderick Strong. Renee asked Big Bill about the reaction he received for the UK crowd. Big Bill delivered a lame corny promo about the leaves falling off a branch. Chris Jericho spoke about his hard fought match with Hook at All In. He said Hook was the champion because of him. Strong is back to lame screaming gimmick. He wanted Jericho to help get Kyle O’Reilly away from Orange Cassidy. He said they were going to pay the price in the eight-man tag match. [c]

—They showed clips of Daniel Garcia returning to AEW All In costing MJF the AEW American Title.

—MJF came out with a strong heel reaction. Excalibur and the rest of the AEW commentators were speaking about the Tiger Driver 91’ being such a dangerous move. Meanwhile, MJF was wearing pieces of kinesis tape around his neck. He threatened to go into the crowd and beat them up if they didn’t pipe down. He spoke about losing his Dynamite Diamond Ring and his title. He spoke about the fans not having his back when he was defending the country. He denounced his American Citizenship. He said the only place that matters is Long Island, New York. He said AEW is a circus without MJF. He called out Will Ospreay for cheating. He said he would stop Ospreay before he wins the AEW World Title.

He turned his attention to Daniel Garcia next. Garcia appeared from behind attacking MJF. Garcia locked MJF in the Dragon Sleeper. Garcia teased a Super Piledriver but security stopped him. This led to MJF attacking Garcia from behind. Garcia battled back stomping away at MJF in the corner. Garcia went for a Super Piledriver but Christopher Daniels stopped him. The security held both Garcia and MJF back.

Garcia delivered a promo. He said he sold MJF’s Dynamite Diamond Ring to get a plane ticket to London. He said what’s bad is a mother watching her son getting wheeled out in a stretcher. He said he’s obsessed and his fetish was to ruin MJF’s life. He announced he will face MJF at All Out. He said he wants to break MJF’s neck. Garcia tossed the microphone into MJF’s face.

(Amin’s Thoughts: They have been building for months how dangerous the Tiger Driver 91 move is. MJF was just wearing some tape around his neck. That’s the problem when you have to build another PPV in two weeks which gives you no time to sell an injury. This was the best version of MJF when he’s a heel and all serious. I liked how MJF left the door open for another match with Ospreay down the road. Garcia isn’t great at promo delivery. I thought Garcia tried very hard and showed some good intensity in his delivery. The brawl was good, setting up the All Out PPV match.)

—They aired a highlight package on Ricochet giving comments after making his debut at AEW All In. He said this is where he needs to be. He wants to see where this journey in AEW takes him.

(3) THE CONGLOMERATION (Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy) & Hook vs. THE LEARNING TREE (Chris Jericho, Big Bill & Brian Keith) & Roderick Strong

Hook took control early planting Keith with a butterfly suplex. Orange and Hook planted Keith with a double suplex for a near fall. Keith rolled to his corner and tagged Big Bill into the match. Big Bill took control rocking Briscoe with corner strikes. Both teams began brawling as they went to break. [c]

Jericho planted Orange in a cobra clutch as they returned from break. Orange broke free, placing his hands inside his pockets. Briscoe ran wild, rocking Keith with an enzuigiri. Briscoe used Jericho’s momentum, dumping him to the floor. Strong appeared catching Briscoe with a backbreaker to give the heels the advantage. O’Reilly tagged in, rocking everyone with strikes. Big Bill tagged himself into the match. Big Bill planted Orange with a Bossman Slam. [c]

O’Reilly moved as Big Bill charged into the turnbuckle. Hook ran wild planting Big Bill with a t-bone suplex. Hook delivered a Northern Lights Suplex to Strong but Keith made the save. The action broke down with everyone hitting a big move. Strong caught Hook with the End of Heartache. Briscoe leaped off a chair hitting a dive to the floor. Strong went for End of Heartache. Hook countered, placing Strong in the Redrum for the submission win. Strong’s foot was placed clearly underneath the bottom rope.

WINNERS: Hook, Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly in 15:39

—Both teams continued brawling after the match. Matt Taven and Mike Bennett entered the ring attacking Hook from behind. Strong laid out Hook with a knee strike. Strong celebrated with the FTW Title

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was your party Dynamite match which had lots of good action. The action was good but this really felt like time filler on the show. The post-match angle with Strong laying out Hook did nothing for me. I have no interest in seeing Strong challenge for the FTW Title.)

—Mercedes Mone and Kamille were backstage celebrating. Private Party appeared and wanted to celebrate as well. Marc Quen tried hitting on Mercedes. Kamille stood in Quen’s way. Kauchika Okada appeared and stood in Mercedes way. Mercedes asked Okada how to say b*tch in Japanese. Okada whispered something into Mercedes’ ear. Mercedes told Private Party goodbye b*tches in Japanese. Okada looked like a complete GEEK doing Mercedes dance. [c]

—Tony Schiavone stood on the entrance ramp. He called out the new AEW Women’s World Champion Mariah May. He congratulated May on winning the AEW Women’s World Title. He lost track of his thoughts. She said her celebration has been postponed. She said he wasn’t celebrating in this town. She said she knows it’s called Champaign, but said it should be renamed piss warm beer. She insulted the women in the crowd as being below average and said they were used to putting piss warm beer in their mouths among other things. She said they need some glamour. She said she’s going to take off her robe. She removed her robe to reveal a little black dress. She was wearing the AEW Women’s World Title around her waist.

(Amin’s Thoughts: I’m really liking Mariah May’s continued character work. This was my worry after May stepped away from the Toni Storm program. AEW did well doing everything they can to present May like a star in her program with Storm. The challenge now is what May does next. They need to set up challenges and show everyone that May can be a star without being in a program with Storm.)

—They aired a clip from All In of Matthew & Nicholas Jackson meetingThe Grizzled Young Veterans backstage. Zack Gibson told The Bucks that was a message sent to FTR and The Acclaimed. He said they are coming for the AEW Tag Team Titles. James Drake told them to grit their teeth.

—Grizzled Young Veterans were backstage on Dynamite. Zack Gibson said the unlucky team is going to find out their intention on Rampage. James Drake told whoever the team was to grit their teeth. The hilarious comedy spot was the AEW posted a graphic of GYV vs. The Outrunners for Rampage. This was so bad. [c]

—They aired clips of Konosuke Takeshita competing in the NJPW G1 Climax tournament. Takeshita will be in action on Rampage.

(4) KYLE FLETCHER (w/Don Callis) vs. RICOCHET

Ricochet received a solid reaction from the crowd. Fletcher made his entrance with Don Callis. We got Ricochet chants from the crowd. Callis joined commentary for the match. Ricochet took control early catching Fletcher with a handstand head scissors. Ricochet teased a dive but posed inside the ring. Ricochet went for a plancha but Fletcher moved. Fletcher took control hitting a tope sending Ricochet crashing into the barricade. Fletcher connected with a running boot sending Ricochet over the barricade. Fletcher went for a charge but Ricochet caught him with a flying Meteora off the barricade. [c]

Fletcher went for a full nelson slam but fell to the match with Ricochet in an awkward spot for two. Ricochet battled back catching Fletcher with a springboard lariat. Ricochet planted Fletcher with a Northern Lights Suplex, maintaining control hitting a spinning suplex. Ricochet connected with a running Shooting Star Press for two. Fletcher responded, rocking Ricochet with a running lariat. Ricochet responded by hitting a rolling dropkick. Ricochet connected with a tope sending Fletcher crashing into the barricade.

Ricochet went for a dive but Fletcher got his knees up. Fletcher rocked Ricochet with a running boot in the corner. Fletcher planted Ricochet with a brainbuster for two. Fletcher rocked Ricochet with another running knee strike. Ricochet battled back hitting a knee strike. Ricochet connected with a Death Valley Driver for two. Ricochet delivered the Vertigo for the win.

WINNER: Ricochet in 12:27

(Amin’s Thoughts: The wrestling itself was good as both Fletcher and Ricochet worked well together. This was Ricochet’s first single’s debut match on Dynamite. They had Ricochet work an even match with Fletcher who’s treated like a mid-card act on the show. They should’ve had Ricochet just come in and deliver a few high spots and win a showcase match in less than 5 minutes. They just slotted Ricochet right in the middle of the pack as he just felt like another AEW wrestler on the show.)

—The crowd cheered as new AEW International Champion Will Ospreay came out to a big reaction. Pac appeared from behind catching Ospreay with a Poisonrana. Pac told Ospreay this was a warning for him. He told Ospreay to not forget about him. He welcomed Ricochet to AEW. He told Ricochet to get to the back of the line. He said Ospreay belongs to him. Ricochet checked on Ospreay.

(Amin’s Thoughts: I liked the tease of Will Ospreay coming out after Ricochet’s match. They are hinting that an Ospreay and Ricochet match might be happening very soon. The attack and promo from Pac was effective to build up the Ospreay title match for All Out. That’s the problem with having another PPV in just two weeks. Everything feels rushed and you have less time to build the matches.)

—Jon Moxley was shown walking backstage. A camera man asked Moxley about his promo. He approached someone backstage. Suddenly, Marina Shafir appeared, attacking the people backstage. Moxley said people can learn a lesson in humility.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was a good way to bring Marina Shafir into the mix. Looks like Moxley might be starting his new faction with Shafir being part.)

—AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson received a great reaction from the crowd. The crowd chanted “You deserve it!” He spoke about trying and failing. He said he’s finally the AEW World Champion. The crowd chanted “YES!” He spoke about him winning the title in front of his family. He recalled his daughter saying that was the best day in her life. He said she went on a Peppa Pig tour bus earlier in the day. He spoke about his peer congratulating him backstage. He said that was his favourite moment of his career. The crowd chanted “Thank You Bryan!” He spoke about his contract with AEW expiring on August 1. He said he needs neck surgery soon. He said his family is ready for him to come home. He thanked the people who started AEW. He said AEW made his life and pro wrestling better. He said it’s time for him to go home…but not yet. He said he’s not going to retire as AEW World Champion. He said his full-time career will be over when he loses the AEW World Title. He said he got an AEW World Title to defend at All Out. He called out anyone to challenge him.

TNT Champion Jack Perry appeared on the screen. He said nobody wanted him back in AEW. He said nobody believed in him. He spoke about everything he did since returning to AEW. He spoke about beating Danielson. He said his future is being AEW World Champion. He said Danielson’s future was behind him. Perry attacked Danielson from behind. He laid out Danielson with a running knee strike. He held up both the AEW World Title and TNT Title. The show ended.

(Amin’s Thoughts: A really good heartfelt babyface promo from Danielson speaking about what winning the AEW World Title meant to him. I liked the promo Danielson laid out. This gives Danielson the chance to have some great matches as champion. This also gives Danielson the chance to put someone over. AEW has been trying really hard to make Perry feel like a top level heel. Perry getting the first chance at Danielson makes sense. Perry pinned Danielson in the Anarchy in the Arena match at Double or Nothing. The match should also get some heat with All Out taking place in Chicago. I’m fine with Perry getting the match. I don’t think Danielson and Perry should be the main event. Hangman and Strickland should be the main event for All Out.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: There was some good storyline development on the show. There was also stuff on the show which wasn’t good. They had to rush to build a card for the All Out PPV. That’s the problem with having another PPV in just two weeks. Overall, this was a mixed bag episode of Dynamite.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW DYNAMITE HITS & MISSES (8/28): Goofy Okada, Danielson’s plan, Jon Moxley’s new “something,” Unhinged Hangman and Swerve, MJF and Garcia, more

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s AEW Dynamite Hit List: AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson addresses his future, Ricochet vs. Kyle Fletcher, Jamie Hayter vs. Harley Cameron, Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page

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