TNA IMPACT TV RESULTS (8/29): Lilly’s report on Grace vs. Ash, Hendry vs. Myers

By Darrin Lilly, PWTorch Contributor


AUGUST 29, 2024

-Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

(Note: Due to technical difficulties with my satellite TV provider, I missed the beginning of the show.)

(1) Mike Bailey defeated Rich Swann

-Jordynne Grace was interviewed by Gia Miller. Grace said she still didn’t know what a Match by Elegance is, but she vowed to retain the title. [c]

(2) JOE HENDRY vs. BRIAN MYERS (W/Eddie Edwards & Alisha Edwards)

Hendry did mic work and got fans to chant “Edge’s bitch” at Myers. The action went to the floor. Eddie and Alisha tried to get involved, but the referee kicked them out from ringside. [c]

Myers had Hendry in a chinlock. Hendry gave Myers a cutter and made a comeback and ultimately got the Standing Ovation for the pin.

WINNER: Joe Hendry in 12:00.

Eddie Edwards returned and attacked Hendry. Mike Santana’s music played. He came to the ring and they immediately segued into the next match.


They brawled at the start. A few minutes into the match, Alisha returned to ringside. She caused a distraction that allowed Eddie to get the upper hand. [c]

Eddie stomped Santana. Alisha grabbed Santana by the hair. Santana gave Eddie a flapjack to make a comeback. Santana got a two count after a cutter. Santana connected with a dive over the top rope.  Santana scored a two count after a frog splash. Eddie gave Santana a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. They traded the advantage. Santana spit at Eddie. Eddie missed the Boston Knee Party. Santana hit the Spin the Block clothesline and got the pin.

WINNER: Mike Santana in 13:00.

(D.L.’s Take: This really got good at the end.)

-Matt Cardona gave an injury update. He said he wasn’t medically cleared yet, so he couldn’t compete at Emergence. Santino Marella stepped in. Cardona said he found a mystery monster to take on PCO at Emergence. Santino said he wouldn’t get away with this. [c]

-Steve Maclin joined the announcers at ringside.


Maclin said that it was time for Eric to move aside. The action went to the floor, with Hammerstone getting the better of it. Eric came back with punches. Eric gave Hammerstone a Death Valley Driver for a two count. Hammerstone gave Eric a powerslam. Hammerstone gave Eric a sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Eric decked Hammerstone with a punch. Eric and Maclin argued at ringside. Hammerstone nailed Eric with a running boot and hit the Nightmare Pendulum for the three count.

WINNER: Hammerstone in 7:00.

Maclin said that Eric took his eye off the target. [c]

(5) ABC (Chris Bey & Ace Austin) vs. CODY DEANER & JAKE SOMETHING

This was a non-title match. Deaner did mic work before the match. He was going to offer the fans a choice, but Jake interrupted and said this isn’t about the people. He said it was about them proving themselves as a team. Ace and Jake started the match. Jake gave Ace a buckle bomb. Deaner gave Ace a Thesz press. Jake and Cody tagged in and out to keep the advantage. Bey tagged in and ran wild on Deaner.

Bey kicked Jake. All four wrestlers fought in the ring. ABC double teamed Deaner and hit the One Two Sweet on Deaner. Ace got the pin for the win.

WINNERS: ABC in 5:00.

First Class ran to the ring and attacked ABC after the match. Jake looked on from ringside, then walked up the ramp. First Class held up the belts.

-Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards were talking backstage with The Concierge. [c]

-Clip of Rosemary facing Kelani Jordan on this week’s NXT show.

-Hannifan and Rehwoldt ran down the matches for Emergence.

-Ash By Elegance and Jordynne Grace did their ring entrances. [c]

(6) JORDYNNE GRACE (c) vs. ASH BY ELEGANCE (w/The Concierge) — TNA Knockouts Title match

This was billed as a Match by Elegance. Lots of pink-decorated weapons were at ringside. Jade Chung did the in-ring introductions. She said the match was no DQ and falls counted anywhere. Ash attacked Grace with a chair during the introductions. Ash got a two count after a bulldog. [c]

The Concierge sat in on commentary. They fought at ringside. Grace hit Ash with a pink kendo stick. Grace pulled a table from under the ring. The Concierge sprayed hair spray in Grace’s eyes. Ash put a tablecloth on the table and put Grace on it. Grace got back in the ring. Ash hit Grace with jewels. Grace caught Ash and slammed her, followed by a Vader Bomb. Grace poured diamonds out of a protein shaker. Ash tripped Grace into a chair and hit her with a champagne bottle for a two count.

Ash screamed. Ash choked Grace with roses. The Concierge got in the ring, but Rosemary came from under the ring and he left. Rosemary speared Ash and chased off The Concierge. Alisha and Masha ran in the ring. Grace fought off Alisha, but Masha gave Grace a piledriver. Ash got a two count on Grace.

Alisha and Masha held Grace, but Spitfire ran in and fought them. Grace hit Ash with the pink chair. Grace stood on the apron and gave Ash a Muscle Buster through the table at ringside. Grace got the pin.

WINNER: Jordynne Grace in 12:00.

Grace and Spitfire celebrated in the ring.

(D.L.’s Take: This was a fun battle and had some clever moments.)

-Matthew Rehwoldt moderated a sit-down interview with Nic Nemeth and Josh Alexander in a studio. He said they couldn’t have any contact or else the match would be called off. Alexander said he was the face of TNA but now it was his time. Nemeth said he was happy to be a world champion. Nemeth questioned why so many people know his name and don’t know Alexander.

Nemeth said he doesn’t think Alexander has it anymore. He accused him of cheating and attacking his family. Alexander said nothing is wrong with him; he blamed the fans and management. He listed the former champions and said he is above them all. He was upset that they rolled out the welcome mat for Nemeth.

Alexander said he was the best wrestler in the world and would back it up. He vowed to regain the title and said TNA would be better off for it. Nemeth said he continues to evolve and not look back. He asked what Alexander has done lately. Nemeth says he backs up what he says. Alexander said Nemeth doesn’t have what it takes.

They stood up and argued back and forth. Alexander said he will take the title to new heights and said Nemeth was in for the hardest match in his life. Nemeth said Alexander used to be one of the greatest and now it’s him. He vowed to stay the champion.

(D.L.’s Take: Good intense segment to lead into Emergence.)

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