WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS (8/23) : McDonald’s “alt perspective” report on Bloodline vs. Street Profits Tag Team Title, Belair/Cargill/Naomi vs. Dawn/Fyre/Davenport, Knight vs. Escobar U.S. Title

By Alex McDonald, PWTorch Contributor


AUGUST 23, 2024

Announcers: Corey Graves, Wade Barrett



-The show opened with a video recap of the final segment on last week’s Smackdown involving the Bloodline and Roman Reigns. The video focused on Reigns taking down Tama Tonga and Solo Sikoa before putting on the lei and being attacked by Jacob Fatu. The video ended with the Bloodline standing over Roman Reigns.

-The Bloodline was shown entering the arena through the parking lot.

-The camera panned the crowd as Corey Graves introduced the show.

-Austin Theory and Grayson Waller were introduced for the Grayson Waller Effect. They were in the ring with the Grayson Waller Effect set. Waller welcomed the crowd to his show. Waller said his guest loves to make things about himself. Waller introduced Cody Rhodes.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Waller nailed that line about Rhodes loving to make things about himself. Good stuff.)

-Cody Rhodes made his entrance.

-Rhodes started to pose on the corner and Waller yelled at him to stop. He said that Rhodes already had his pyro and enough is enough. Waller said that this was an interview. Waller sat at his desk with Theory standing beside him.

-Rhodes lifted the mic and Waller cut him off and asked what the crowd wanted to talk about. Waller said that everything has to be about Rhodes, even when it’s his show. Waller said that Rhodes is the hero of the story, because the crowd doesn’t know the real him. Waller said he knew the real Rhodes and said he was selfish. Waller asked how many times his friends got beaten up because of him. Waller said Rhodes gets all the glory while his friends get beaten up. Waller asked how good of a friend Rhodes really was.

-Rhodes asked if Waller was done. Rhodes said he wanted to talk about Kevin Owens. He said people see his title match against Owens as charity. Rhodes said that Owens could beat anyone in the Smackdown locker room. He said that Owens has been fighting the Bloodline since before he came back. Rhodes said he wouldn’t be WWE Champion without Owens. Rhodes asked if Waller was really Theory’s friend or if Waller was using him. Waller said that Theory is being used and everyone is waiting for Theory to do something about it. Waller said that Rhodes isn’t going to turn it around. Waller said Theory was his best mate. Waller said he knew someone who would do that. Waller threw to a video package on Owens and Owens turning on all of his previous friends.

-After the video, Waller said it didn’t look like a good friend to him.

-Kevin Owens made his entrance. He had a mic on the ramp. Owens said he couldn’t stand in the back any longer. He said Waller and Theory are trying to convince Rhodes that Owens is going to turn on them. Owens said everyone in the package had it coming, except for Kofi Kingston. Owens said it isn’t going to happen with Rhodes because they’ve been friends since they met. Owens said that he and Rhodes are going to beat up Waller and Theory and then Nick Aldis is going to make a tag team match. Owens said he wanted to skip all that. He called out Nick Aldis.

-Nick Aldis appeared on the ramp and made the tag team match official for later in the show. Owens asked if he could punch Theory and Waller in the face. Aldis told him to make it quick. Owens hit the ring and attacked Theory and Waller with Rhodes. Theory and Waller took down Rhodes and then escaped. Rhodes and Owens stood tall in the ring and stared down Theory and Waller.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Well, it’s hard to say that anything Waller said was false. It all hit home for me and Rhodes didn’t really have a bunch of good comebacks. Owens’ comeback was everyone deserved it and Rhodes should trust him? This is one of the lamest builds to a title match in recent memory. No matter what they say, it’s clearly charity and clearly a guy giving his friend a title match. There isn’t more to it than that. I really hope they don’t have Owens turn to pretend this is interesting. We don’t need another Owens turn and it wouldn’t help make any of this make sense anyway. Matches like this are why it’s better to have the title defended less often. There’s no reason for this match to happen on a show in Berlin that’s going to be headlined by Gunther and Randy Orton. It takes the title down a notch and accomplishes nothing other than letting the babyface say “I work every show”. Not worth it.)

-L.A. Knight was in the back making his way toward the arena. Graves promoted his United States Championship match against Santos Escobar for after the break. [c]

-L.A. Knight made his entrance.

-Santos Escobar made his entrance with Angel, Berto, and Elektra Lopez.

-Formal ring introductions started but Angel and Berto attacked Knight. They tossed Knight into the barricade and stomped away at him at ringside. Escobar shrugged his shoulders in the ring. Angel and Berto tossed Knight into the ring steps. The ref sent Angel and Berto to the back. Elektra Lopez got in the face of the ref and she was also sent to the back.

(1) L.A. KNIGHT (c) vs. SANTOS ESCOBAR – United States Championship Match

The bell rang and Escobar charged Knight in the corner. Knight moved and rolled up Escobar for a two count. Escobar landed a kick to the gut and then tossed Knight into the ring post shoulder first. Escobar lifted Knight and drove a knee into his gut. Escobar made the cover for a two count. The show cut to commercial break as Escobar looked at Knight in disbelief. [c]

Knight landed a neckbreaker and Escobar rolled to the outside. Knight followed Escobar and slammed him into the announce desk face first repeatedly. Knight took apart the announce desk. Escobar tried to get back in the ring but Knight pulled him back out. Escobar pulled Knight down into the announce table. Escobar landed a kick and set up Knight on the table. Escobar climbed onto the barricade and came off with double knees to the chest of Knight. Escobar stood over Knight and celebrated before he tossed Knight back into the ring. Escobar climbed to the top rope and came off with a Frog Splash. Escobar made the cover for a two count. Escobar stomped on Knight. Knight got up in the corner and Escobar landed a chop. Escobar choked Knight with the top rope. Escobar charged Knight but Knight landed an elbow. Escobar pulled Knight down. Knight took control again and charged Escobar in the corner but Escobar landed a kick. Knight recovered and took Escobar down with a big clothesline. Escobar charged Knight again and Knight took him down with a clothesline. Knight sent Escobar into the corner and then hit a jumping neckbreaker. Knight stomped away at Escobar in the corner. Knight charged but Escobar cut him off. Knight caught a kick and then hit the Side Effect. Knight made the cover for a two count. Knight measured Escobar and went for the BFT but Escobar landed a right hand. Escobar followed up with a kick. Escobar set Knight on the top turnbuckle. Escobar landed a kick and then climbed to the second rope. Knight punched Escobar and Escobar fell to the mat. Knight came off the second rope with an elbow drop. Knight followed up with the BFT and covered Escobar for the win.

WINNER: L.A. Knight in 11:00 to retain the United States Championship

(McDonald’s Analysis: Solid match. These guys have worked together before and they have good chemistry. Their characters are very different so it works from that standpoint as well. I’m glad they did the beatdown spot at the beginning and got Legado out of there so we weren’t waiting for them to interfere the whole match. Knight got the clean win which makes sense. I don’t know where Knight goes from here unless it’s to Hayes. If Theory was built up a little bit, he would be a good opponent for Knight.)

-Wade Barrett and Corey Graves were shown at ringside. Graves said there are a couple of men in the locker room who would love to be next in line. He called out Andrade and Carmelo Hayes and then there was a video recap of their match on Smackdown last week.

-Hayes was in the back. He said Andrade lost and he wasn’t as good as Hayes last week. He said Andrade beating him twice is the only thing keeping the lights on for Andrade’s career. Andrade broke into Hayes’ barber shop. Andrade demanded a match next week. Andrade left. Hayes yelled that the doors needed to be locked.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Great, a fourth match between them next week. Hayes will win and then we’ll need to have a fifth match. One of them will win and they’ll both be in the same place they are now. This is a time-filler feud if there ever was one.)

-Alba Fyre, Isla Dawn, and Blair Davenport made their entrance. Graves promoted their match against Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill, and Naomi for after the break. [c]

-Angel, Berto, and Lopez argued in the back. Escobar arrived and said that nothing Angel said now would make up for it. He said that they’re of no use to him if they aren’t at ringside. Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews arrived and poked fun at Escobar. Escobar said that he and Corbin would sort it out next week after he speaks with Nick Aldis.

-Fyre, Dawn, and Davenport were in the ring.

-Jade Cargill made her entrance.

-Naomi made her entrance.

-Bianca Belair made her entrance to join Cargill and Naomi on the ramp. They made their way to the ring.

-Graves announced a Women’s Tag Team title match with Belair and Cargill against Fyre and Dawn at Bash in Berlin.


Belair started with Dawn. Dawn landed a kick and slammed Belair into the mat face first. Dawn came off the ropes and Belair slammed her down. Belair bounced off the ropes and hit a moonsault. Belair flipped over Dawn in the corner and then landed a dropkick. Belair kipped up as Dawn rolled to the outside. Belair landed a dive onto Dawn at ringside. Belair celebrated as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Davenport beat on Belair. Davenport charged Belair in the corner but Belair escaped to the apron. Belair landed a kick and fought off Fyre. Belair rolled up Davenport for a two count. Davenport recovered and tossed Belair into the corner where she was triple teamed. Davenport came off the top rope with a double stomp and made the cover for a two count. The heels continued to triple team Belair as the ref was distracted from Naomi and Cargill attempting to enter the ring. Dawn and Fyre double teamed Belair and hit a front suplex. Fyre covered Belair for a two count. Belair went for a slam but Fyre got free and spun into a headscissor submission. Dawn helped Fyre from the apron. The ref broke it up. Belair countered with a backbreaker. Belair reached for her partners but Dawn tagged in and cut her off. Belair countered with a vertical suplex. Both women were down in the ring and crawled toward their corners. Belair tagged in Cargill. Cargill hit the ring and took down everyone in sight. She hit Davenport with a powerbomb and then tossed Fyre into Davenport. Cargill chokeslammed Dawn. Fyre attacked Cargill from behind and Davenport hit a superkick. Naomi tagged in and hit a crossbody off the top. She landed a knee to Davenport. Naomi did a double facebuster to Dawn and Davenport. Naomi covered Davenport but Fyre broke the count. Dawn and Cargill fought to the outside. Fyre helped beat on Cargill. Belair came off the top rope and took down everyone. In the ring, Davenport rolled up Naomi for a two count. Naomi fought back and landed a kick followed by a split-legged moonsault for the win.

WINNER: Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill, & Naomi in 10:00

(McDonald’s Analysis: Very telling that they treat Naomi basically the same as the very green Cargill. They’re right and it’s the smart move, but it probably shouldn’t be that way given Naomi’s experience and how good she should be. Match was fine, is what it is. Belair should probably be doing something more important, but this is where she’s slotted right now.)

-Graves said they would take a look at the Bloodline segment from last week after the break. [c]

-They threw to a video package on the first WWE PLE in Germany. Natalya narrated the video which focused on Owen Hart and the British Bulldog’s match for the European Championship.


-The Bloodline made their entrance.

-Solo Sikoa stood in the center of the ring flanked by Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa, and Jacob Fatu. Sikoa asked the crowd to acknowledge him. Sikoa said that Roman Reigns is done. Sikoa said whether it’s Kevin Owens or Cody Rhodes, he has the next title shot. Sikoa said he’s going to bring the title back to his family and himself. The crowd chanted for Reigns. Sikoa said that Reigns isn’t there. Sikoa said that since he’s going to be WWE Champion, there’s something wrong with the Tag Team titles. He asked Fatu to step forward. Sikoa asked Fatu for his title. Fatu looked at Sikoa and handed the title over. Sikoa stopped Fatu and told him to give the title to Tonga Loa. Fatu handed the title to Loa. Loa accepted. Sikoa said that Fatu can’t be a Tag Team Champion if he’s going to be Sikoa’s personal enforcer. Sikoa hugged Fatu and Fatu screamed that he loved Sikoa.

(McDonald’s Analysis: I can’t tell if this is because of the injury or if it was the plan all along. Either way, I think we all expected Tama and Loa to end up being the champions somehow. It makes sense because Fatu would have to dominate every match they were in with the previous set up.)

-The Street Profits made their entrance with B-Fabb. B-Fabb had a mic. She said they don’t care who the champions are or who the bodyguard is. Montez Ford said that the Bloodline is happy because they got a promotion. Angelo Dawkins said it’s demotion season because the Bloodline is going to be former Tag Team Champions. Graves promoted the Tag Team title match for after the break. [c]

-L.A. Knight was in the back with Byron Saxton. Knight said that he’s home as he grew up in D.C. Knight said he defended the title tonight. Knight said he was going to defend the title again in Berlin. Knight laid out an open challenge for Bash in Berlin.

-Sikoa was sat ringside with Fatu behind him.

(3) TAMA TONGA & JACOB FATU (w/Solo Sikoa & Tama Loa) (c) vs. STREET PROFITS (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) (w/ B-Fabb) – WWE Tag Team Championship Match

The bell rang twelve minutes into the hour. Loa went after Dawkins and Dawkins recovered with a sunset flip for a two count. Dawkins stayed on the attack and whipped Loa into the corner. Loa came out with a clothesline and tagged in Tama. Tama and Loa double teamed Dawkins. Tama made the cover for a two count. Tama went for a splash in the corner and Dawkins moved. Dawkins landed a flapjack and tagged in Ford. Ford took Tama down with a clothesline and covered Tama for a two count. Ford landed a standing moonsault and made another cover for a two count. Ford landed another clothesline and made another cover for yet another two count. Tama went back on the attack and punched at Ford in the corner. Loa tagged back in. They double teamed Ford and Loa made the cover for a two count. Loa landed a big punch. Loa delivered a headbutt to the back of Ford. Loa went for a suplex but Ford landed on his feet and hit a dropkick. Dawkins tagged in and Dawkins slammed Ford onto Loa. Tama hit the ring and the Profits knocked him to the outside. Dawkins hit the Sky High and Ford tagged in to come off the top rope with a splash. Ford made the cover but Tama broke the count. Ford charged Loa in the corner and Loa lifted Ford over the top and to the floor. Tama tagged in and DDT’ed Ford on the floor. The Bloodline celebrated as Sikoa cheered them on from his chair at ringside. [c]

Loa landed a headbutt to the back of Ford. Loa sent Ford to the corner and Ford tried to fight out. Ford ran toward Dawkins but Loa held him back. Loa lifted Ford up but Ford countered with a DDT. Both men were down in the ring. Dawkins cheered Ford on from the apron. Tama and Dawkins tagged in. Dawkins took control and took Tama down with corkscrew elbow. Dawkins landed a spinning splash in the corner followed by a kick. Dawkins made the cover for a two count. Sikoa looked concerned at ringside. Dawkins delivered the Silencer and tagged in Ford. They hit a big double team and Ford made the cover. Loa broke the count. Tama and Loa retreated to the outside. Ford tagged in Dawkins. Dawkins ran around the ring and knocked Tama and Loa into the barricade. Ford landed a big dive that took down Tama and Loa on the outside. Sikoa distracted the ref and Fatu hit superkicks on Ford and Dawkins. Tama planted Dawkins face first and then covered him for the win.

WINNER: Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa in 10:00 to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship

-The Bloodline beat on the Profits. DIY ran down to the ring. Tama and Loa met them on the ramp and DIT fought past them. DIY knocked Fatu out of the ring and then double teamed Sikoa. Fatu grabbed Johnny Gargano and Sikoa attacked Tommaso Ciampa. The Bloodline stayed on the attack and beat on DIY. Sikoa gave Gargano and Ciampa the Spike. Fatu placed the lei around the neck of Sikoa. Graves asked if we would ever see Reigns again.

(McDonald’s Analysis: They really don’t care about making this version of the Bloodline look good at all. Besides Fatu. DIY got the better of them? Really? I know they recovered but if the Bloodline is a main event group, they should dispatch of DIY super quick and it should never be remotely competitive in anything outside of an actual match. They don’t do a good job of making the Bloodline the “vicious and violent” faction they say they are. Just not good enough.)

-Rhodes and Owens were in the back. Rhodes said “they got it”. Owens said he just wants to shut up Theory and Waller. Owens asked if Rhodes understood that everybody deserved it besides Kingston. Owens said he’s not that guy anymore. Rhodes said he knows that. Owens said he didn’t want Rhodes to think he set up the tag match to turn on Rhodes. Rhodes said he has to take Owens at his word and be ready for what happens next. [c]

-Byron Saxton was outside the trainer’s room. He said DIY and the Profits were being worked on. B-Fabb came out and said everyone is fine, they’re just pissed. Indi Hartwell appeared and ran in.

-Barrett and Graves sat ringside. Graves threw to a video package on Michin.

-Tiffany Stratton and Pretty Deadly attempted to fix Nia Jax’s crown. Jax appeared. She said that Michin made a huge mistake and Jax will get her back. Jax said that Michin is going to get the beating of a lifetime next week. Stratton asked if there was anything she could do. Jax told Stratton to fix the crown. Stratton and Pretty Deadly ran off with the crown.

-Chelsea Green and Piper Niven talked around the corner so Jax could hear them. They talked about Stratton turning on Jax. Jax came around the corner and said she isn’t in the mood tonight. Green and Niven ran off. Jax scowled.

-Cody Rhodes made his entrance. Graves promoted the tag team match for after the break. [c]

-Kevin Owens made his entrance.

-Austin Theory and Grayson Waller made their entrance.


Rhodes started with Waller. Rhodes went after Waller and then went to the arm. Rhodes tagged in Owens. Owens took Waller down with an elbow and followed up with a senton. Owens made the cover for a two count. Owens chopped Waller in the corner. Rhodes tagged back in and they hit a double elbow. Rhodes covered Waller for a two count. Owens tagged back in. Owens landed a right hand. Owens lifted Waller to his feet and chopped him back down. Owens motioned to tag Rhodes but Theory distracted Rhodes. Rhodes chased Theory off. Waller took advantage of Owens and took control. Theory tagged in and rolled into the ring into a big right hand. Theory beat on Owens and celebrated as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Waller and Owens battled on the top turnbuckle. Owens hit a headbutt and sent Waller to the mat. Owens landed a splash. Rhodes cheered on Owens. Owens crawled toward Rhodes and got away from Waller to tag in Rhodes. Rhodes punched at Waller and then took him down with a clothesline. Rhodes hit a powerslam and fired up. Rhodes landed the Disaster Kick and Waller rolled to the outside of the ring. Rhodes went to the ropes and Theory pulled him to the outside. Rhodes tossed Theory over the announce table. Rhodes got back in the ring and Waller planted him face first. Waller made the cover for a two count and then tagged in Theory. Theory landed a big right hand to Rhodes. Rhodes fought back against Theory but Theory sent Rhodes into the corner hard. Theory pulled Rhodes down and put him in a headlock. Owens fired up the crowd as Rhodes fought to his feet. Theory pulled Rhodes down and put him back in the headlock. Rhodes fought to his feet again. Theory went for a back suplex but Rhodes landed on his feet and hit the Cody Cutter. Waller dropped off the apron and ran around the ring. Owens stopped him. Waller backed off. Theory took Rhodes down with a back suplex. Owens fired up the crowd again. Theory put Rhodes in a headlock again. Waller tagged in. Rhodes fought back and sent Waller and Theory to the outside. Rhodes tagged in Owens. Owens dropped off the apron and ran around the ring to take down Waller and Theory. Owens followed up with sentons to both. He tossed Waller into the ring. Owens hit a dive onto Theory on the outside. Owens got back in the ring and hit a cannonball on Waller in the corner. Owens climbed to the top rope and came off with a Swanton Bomb. Owens made the cover but Theory broke the count. Rhodes hit Theory with Cross Rhodes and they exited the ring. Owens went for a Stunner but Waller countered and rolled up Owens for a two count. Owens landed a superkick followed by a Pop-Up Powerbomb for the win.

WINNER: Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens in 12:00

-Rhodes and Owens celebrated in the ring as they showed replays of the match that just occurred.

-They showed a graphic for Owens against Rhodes at Bash in Berlin. Graves promoted the match for the PLE. Graves and Barrett then promoted the rest of the Bash in Berlin card.

-Owens and Rhodes were in the ring. Owens handed the title to Rhodes and they teased that he may hit Rhodes with it. Rhodes looked concerned. Owens raised Rhodes’ hand and they embraced.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Weird that they ran down the card like this was the go home show. I guess they had some time to kill with the nothing happening main event. Waller and Theory only exist to eat losses constantly and they’re not even breaking them up anymore. When they finally decide to do something with Theory they’re going to have to do a ton of work to make people take him seriously again. On top of that, all of the top guys have beaten him down a million times already so they better have a new crop of guys on top for him to work with. Match was fine but nothing out of the ordinary and nothing special. It was a TV main event that let the crowd see their favorites win. It’s fine. As far as the angle? There isn’t one. Kevin Owens is a great guy. Cody Rhodes is an every greater guy. They’re going to fight for the title. Rhodes is going to win and then Owens is going to tell everyone what a great guy Rhodes is. Super interesting.)


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