AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (8/21): Amin’s alt-perspective report on Danielson-Swerve, MJF-Ospreay, and Baker-Mercedes interactions, plus Okada vs. Claudio, Storm vs. Saraya

By Amin Ajani, PWTorch contributor


AUGUST 21, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reported earlier today that 4,233 tickets had been distributed so far; arena is set up for 4,236. More tickets have been sold since then. Subscribe to WrestleTix on Patreon for detailed up-to-date information.

—The show opened with Excalibur welcoming us to AEW Dynamite.

—Tony Schiavone was inside for the TBS Championship contract signing. Britt Baker received a strong babyface reaction from the crowd. TBS Champion Mercedes Mone came out with Kamille. There were loud chants of “DMD” from the crowd. Mercedes told the crowd to say hello to their CEO. She said Baker will be the past and she will forever be the future. Baker told Mercedes she can say whatever she wants to say now. She said when she thinks of the past, she remembers Mercedes sitting in the audience last year at All In with crutches to watch the show. She said there was a DMD before Mercedes was the CEO.

Mercedes said the crowd makes her sick. She said the fans see themselves in Baker, who is a loser. The crowd chanted “Shut the F up” in Mercedes direction. She said Baker was her biggest fan. She said this was Baker’s dream match. She said Baker needed a degree to fallback on. She wondered if Baker was All In? She said she’s been putting women’s wrestling on the map. She said Baker will not beat her. Baker said she had the guts, heart and the balls. She said she had two plan A’s. She said Mercedes was one of four. (A reference to the WWE Four Horsewomen)

She said she was one of one. She said she’s the baddest b*tch on the block. She said she wanted to be like Mercedes. She said she was the foundation of the company she’s sitting in right now. She said Mercedes was a smug arrogant ass. She wondered where that girl was. She said that’s the girl she wants to beat at All In. She said she wasn’t going to hit Mercedes. She said Kamille was getting on her nerves. She attacked Kamille with the microphone. Baker delivered a flying crossbody to Kamille onto Mercedes. Baker posed with the TBS Title.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was a much needed angle to build up the TBS Title match. Mercedes delivers her best promos when she is opposed by someone. Mercedes was great delivering an obnoxious heel promo to get herself over. I liked Baker’s comeback mentioning Mercedes was one of four women to start the WWE Women’s Evolution. I don’t think Baker is going to win the title but she looked great here.)

—Renee Paquette was backstage with Chris Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith. Jericho said something has been bothering him on his flight here in Cardiff, England. He wondered why Tommy Billington calls himself the “Dynamite Kid” apart from being blood related. He said the Dynamite Kid was one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. He wondered if Billington was as good? He said Billington hasn’t earned the right to be on Dynamite. He told Hook to watch.


Billington shined early, catching Jericho with a pair of arm drags. Billington nailed Jericho with a missile dropkick. The action moved to the floor as Billington ran Jericho into the barricade. Billington sent Jericho back into the ring. Jericho distracted Aubrey Edwards. Keith yanked Billington onto the ring apron. Big Bill launched Billington into the ring post. [c]

Billington and Jericho connected with stereo crossbody as they returned from break. Billington made a comeback planting Jericho with a scoop slam. Billington went for a dropkick but Jericho held onto the ropes. Jericho connected with a Lionsault for two. Billington batted back, planting Jericho with a German Suplex for two. Jericho responded by catching Billington into the Walls of Jericho. Billington grabbed the ropes to force a break. Billington battled back hitting a snap suplex. Billington planted Jericho with a Tombstone Piledriver. Billington connected with a flying crossbody to Keith on the floor. Billington went for a dive but Jericho caught him with a flying Codebreaker for the win.

WINNER: Chris Jericho in 9:25.

—Jericho called Hook a stupid bastard after the match. He said he would rip Hook apart right now. The music played as Hook came out. Hook and Jericho had a stare down. Big Bill attacked Hook from behind. Big Bill planted Hook with a huge chokeslam.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was a fine match. A nice showing from Billington showing flashes of potential greatness. Jericho was good, leading Billington through the match. Didn’t mind Jericho winning because he has a PPV title match at All In. Simple post-match angle to get more babyface sympathy for Hook before he faces the bigger opponent in Big Bill on Collision.)

(2) “TIMELESS” TONI STORM vs. SARAYA (w/Harley Cameron) — AEW Women’s World Title Match

Toni Storm received a great babyface reaction from the crowd. Storm took control early hitting a pair of arm drags. Saraya and Storm exchanged rollups for near falls. Saraya took control, yanking Storm against the ropes. Cameron rammed Storm into the barricade. Saraya caught Storm with a flying cannonball to the floor. [c]

Saraya and Storm exchanged strikes as they returned from break. Storm battled back, planting Saraya with a Fisherman’s Suplex for two. Storm called for Storm Zero but Saraya blocked. Saraya delivered the Knight Cap for two. Saraya launched Storm with a Sunset Bomb. Saraya followed by hitting an elevated DDT but Storm grabbed the ropes. Storm battled back hitting a Sky High Spinebuster for two. Cameron climbed the ropes. Storm kissed Cameron on the lips. Saraya accidentally knocked Cameron off the ropes. Storm kissed Saraya on the lips. Storm delivered Storm Zero for the win.

WINNER: Toni Storm in 8:40 to retain the AEW Women’s World Title

—Here comes Mariah May attacking Storm with a shoe after the match. May left carrying the shoe.

(Amin’s Thoughts: A good match as both Saraya and Storm worked well together. The title match stipulation didn’t do anything for me because nobody believed Saraya was gonna win the championship. I’m still very much looking forward to watching May and Storm at All In. The build leading to the match has been underwhelming since May’s big turn on Storm after winning the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament.)

—Renee was backstage with Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly, Willow Nightingale and Tomohiro Ishii. Briscoe delivered his awesome wild man promo hyping the AEW All In PPV. [c]

—Will Ospreay came out next to a huge babyface reaction. The crowd sang for Ospreay as he soaked the reaction. AEW American Champion MJF came out to a huge heel reaction. There was security surrounding the ring. MJF was dressed in the American Flag. Ospreay told the crowd to give MJF a warm welcome. He spoke to everyone going on an incredible journey. He spoke about all the places he wrestled in Cardiff. He said on Sunday he’s going to clean the mess MJF made. MJF wondered what mess Ospreay cleaned up. He said the crowd chanted his name louder than Ospreay. He said he didn’t have to be a cute little flip merchant to get the job done. He mocked the Kangaroo Kick. The crowd chanted “Shut the F up!” He said he came back early from his injury before he was fully evaluated. He was begged by top brass in AEW and WBD to clean up Ospreay’s mess. He called Ospreay an arrogant little prick.

Ospreay told MJF to look in the mirror and shut up. He said they all watched this renegade promotion because they liked professional wrestling. He said everyone started giggling when they saw MJF as AEW World Champion. He said the joke of MJF doing the double clothesline went far too long. He said the fans didn’t talk about two wrestlers having an awesome match at All In last year. He spoke about two friends jerking each other off. He said he wasn’t employed last year at AEW but Tony Khan called him. He said Tony Khan told Ospreay to put on a good wrestling match because he can’t rely on his world champion. He said this wasn’t just about restoring the AEW International Title. He said this was about restoring the feeling. He said he was AEW’s feeling “Bruv!” This got a huge reaction from the fans.

MJF mocked Ospreay for the feeling. He said Ospreay got one thing right. He said the fans are meaningless. He spoke about winning. He called Tony Khan a four-eyed curly haired dork. He said Tony told him the company would be safe in Ospreay’s hands. He wondered who Ospreay was? He said everybody knows who MJF is. He said everyone loves him. He said he was the best professional wrestler. He wondered who told Ospreay that he’s the best. He said the fans know nothing about professional wrestling because they like Ospreay’s matches. He said Friedman was the fact. He brought up all his accolades. He said Ospreay wasn’t man enough to use the Tiger Driver. He said facts don’t care about feelings.

Ospreay said history books can be rewritten. He said people’s feelings can’t be written. He told MJF to go to Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. He said those countries will say Ospreay is the best wrestler. The fans sang for Ospreay. He said he can’t lose in front of his home country and family. He said MJF hates him because it took four years for MJF to win the crowd over. Ospreay said it took four beats of him music to win the crowd over. He said they used to love MJF but he let them down. MJF screamed “They loved me, until you showed up and ruined it.” MJF paused and realized what he said. This was tremendous stuff. He said Ospreay was a role model to fans. He said he came up short. He said Ospreay manned up. He said he spent some time with Ospreay’s wife before the show and “so called” kid of yours. He spoke about how Ospreay is now the father of that kid. He said after the conversation he had with his wife. He said the next kid she has won’t be MJF’s.

Ospreay asked Tony Schiavone if he had Tony Khan in his ear. Ospreay asked Tony how much would be the fine for attacking MJF. Schiavone said it would be $127,000. Ospreay said it was worth it and attacked MJF. Security held Ospreay back. MJF was shown putting on the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Ospreay attacked the security guards. MJF rocked Ospreay with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. MJF attacked the security and posed with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Ospreay was busted open. MJF laid out Ospreay with a Brainbuster. MJF counted his own visual pin. Christopher Daniels and security stopped MJF from hitting the Tiger Driver 91.

(Amin’s Thoughts: A tremendous segment as both MJF and Ospreay knocked it out of the park with their promos. The way Ospreay got MJF to admit that the fans loved him first was great stuff. MJF’s comeback bringing up Ospreay’s family was well done to add more heat to the match. AEW has been trying for months now to get over this Tiger Driver move. The finishing moments of this match should be Ospreay finally hitting the Tiger Driver 91′ to win the AEW International Title at All In.) [c]

—Renee was backstage as they returned from break. She spoke about some altercation that happened in the office with “Hangman” Adam Page that he was forced to leave the building. Renee stopped as she saw Hangman walking by. Hangman said he did what was needed to get into the Casino Gauntlet Match at All In. He said he would run anyone over who stands in his way. He saw Evil Uno walking by. He asked Uno if he knew anyone in the match? Uno said he was part of the match. Hangman grabbed a chair and attacked Uno from behind. Hangman said he was going to take out anyone who stands in his way. He said he wants to stop the AEW World Champion without saying “Swerve” Strickland’s name.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was good to see Hangman being announced for the Casino Gauntlet Match for All In. My prediction is Hangman will win the Casino Gauntlet Match. This continuation of this storyline will be that Hangman will have earned a shot at the AEW World Title only for him to not beat Strickland for the title.)


Claudio and Okada both received great reactions from the crowd. Claudio and Okada were evenly matched to start. Okada went for a Rainmaker but Claudio ducked. Claudio rocked Okada with an uppercut. Claudio called for the Neutralizer but Okada escaped. Okada rocked Claudio with a running elbow strike as they went to break. [c]

Claudio planted Okada with a deadlift suplex as they returned from break. Claudio took control rocking Okada with rapid uppercuts. Claudio connected with an elbow drop for a near fall. Claudio and Okada exchanged big strikes. Okada caught Claudio with a DDT. Okada took the lead hitting a neck breaker for two. Claudio responded by hitting a double clothesline as he and Okada went to the floor. Okada responded by running Claudio into the ring post. [c]

Claudio planted Okada with a gut-wrench suplex as they returned from break. Claudio took the lead hitting a double stomp for two. Okada stopped Claudio from climbing the ropes with a standing dropkick. Claudio responded by rocking Okada with a running uppercut. Okada responded by nailing Claudio with a woo dropkick. Okada followed by hitting a flying elbow drop. Okada flipped off the crowd. The crowd cheered as Claudio stood up delivering the Giant Swing to Okada. Claudio went for a running lariat but Okada countered with a dropkick. Okada went for the Rainmaker but Claudio countered with an uppercut. Claudio went for the Neutralizer but Okada countered into an Air Raid Crash. They said one minute remains. Claudio caught Okada with a popup uppercut. Okada rolled to the ropes. Claudio delivered a double stomp for two. Claudio grabbed Okada from the ropes. The bell rang as time expired.

WINNER: Time Limit Draw in 20:00

—Jack Perry came out with Matthew & Nicholas Jackson after the match. Nicholas said the match was phenomenal. Matthew teased the match going another five minutes. Matthew said no. The crowd booed. He said the contract for the match was 20 minutes. He said they would physically remove Claudio from the ring. The crowd cheered as Darby Allin came out to a big reaction. The crowd cheered as FTR came out as well for the next match. Claudio and Okada brawled to the back.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was a really good wrestling match as both Claudio and Okada worked great together. I didn’t mind the time limit draw because it should set up a rematch for the All Out PPV in September. My only nitpick is AEW continuing this lame power struggle storyline with AEW and The Bucks as EVPs. They are really bad at not giving any explanation to why Tony Khan, who’s the boss, can’t just overrule The Bucks and give the match five extra minutes. That part sucked. The match itself was very good.)

(4) DARBY ALLIN & FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. THE ELITE (Jack Perry, Matthew & Nicholas Jackson)

The match began with a brawl around ringside. Darby caught Perry with a tope on the floor. The Bucks caught Harwood and Wheeler with stereo plancha on the floor. Darby caught The Bucks with a flying Coffin Drop to the floor. Matthew held Darby’s leg from entering the ring. Nicholas rocked Darby with a Doomsday Device kick. [c]

The Bucks nailed Darby with a double kick but Harwood made the save. Harwood ran wild, rocking The Bucks with huge strikes. Harwood planted Perry with a pair of German Suplex. Harwood planted Perry with a Brainbuster for two. Wheeler ran wild, rocking The Bucks with strikes. Wheeler went for a Gory Special but The Bucks made the save. The Bucks rocked Wheeler with a double superkick. Perry caught Wheeler with a backslide for two. The Bucks called for the EVP Trigger but Wheeler ducked. The action broke down with everyone hitting a big move. Darby and FTR placed all members of The Elite in a triple Sharpshooter. The Elite went to leave the ring. Wheeler caught everyone with a tope on the floor. Perry caught Matthew with a Code Red. Perry caught Darby with a Scorpion Death Drop. Perry called for the running knee but Darby ducked. FTR caught Perry with a Shatter Machine. FTR delivered Power & Glory to Matthew. Darby followed by hitting the Coffin Drop for the win.

WINNERS: Darby Allin, Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler in 9:55

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was your fun Dynamite party match with everyone getting a chance to shine. A good win for Darby Allin keeping him strong heading into the TNT Title match against Perry at All In.)

—The Bucks and Perry left through the crowd after the match. The Acclaimed came out with Daddy Ass. Max Caster did his annoying Yo. Caster mocked FTR and The Young Bucks for being part of his favourite Royal Family. He called himself and Anthony Bowens the kings of tag team wrestling. He said neither FTR of The Bucks could beat The Acclaimed last week. He told them it’s time to nut up or shut up. Bowens said he would love to come to the ring. He said they have nothing left to prove. He said him and Caster are going to fight until they win the AEW Tag Team Titles. Daddy Ass did the DX catchphrase line leading the crowd in a “Suck It” chant.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This promo from The Acclaimed did nothing to get me interested in wanting to see the AEW World Tag Team Title match at All In. I’m sure the match at All In will be very good. There’s just no interest in wanting to see the match. AEW tag team division is a complete mess.)

—Renee was shown backstage. The doctor was checking on Will Ospreay. The crowd cheered as Bryan Danielson walked by. Danielson told Ospreay he saw what happened. Ospreay had his head down. Danielson told Ospreay to look at him. He told Ospreay to “do it!” Danielson left. Ospreay had a determined look on his face.

(Amin’s Thoughts: AEW has been trying for months to get wrestling fans to care about Will Ospreay not delivering the Tiger Driver. This was great stuff as Danielson got over the Tiger Driver in a one minute backstage skit.)

—Nigel McGuinness was inside the ring to host the final segment of the show. He introduced the AEW World Champion “Swerve” Strickland who came out with a dancing Prince Nana. McGuiness teased introducing Bryan Danielson but stopped. McGuinness mocked Danielson for his injury. McGuiness put over Strickland like a million bucks. Strickland said he’s the most dangerous man in AEW. He said it’s because of the pain he endured and inflicted. He listed off the people he defeated. He said he’s going to dissect Danielson purposely at All In. McGuinness noted Danielson wasn’t on that list. He spoke about being disrespected by Danielson. He spoke about hearing Danielson’s interview about getting ready for retirement. He said that pisses him off. He said Danielson wasn’t taking that moment from him. He said Danielson might get the itch to get it back. He said Danielson might go to an independent promotion or Mexico. He said he will beat Danielson down. He said he’s going to be at Danielson’s house if he thinks about coming back. The crowd cheered as Bryan Danielson ran down. Danielson rocked Strickland with the Busaiku Knee.

Danielson said maybe Strickland and the people are confused. He said he doesn’t come out here for 20 minutes every week to speak about himself. He said he knows who he is. He said people throw it around like some sort of catchphrase. He said he’s the best “F’N” wrestler in the world and has been for 20 years. The crowd chanted “YES!” He said for the fans who paid to see him for the past 25 years, for his peers and his family. He said Strickland would have to damn near kill him because he’s going to leave his soul in the ring. He said there’s only one question left. He asked the crowd if he could beat Strickland for the AEW World Title. The crowd chanted “YES!” He said Strickland knows the answer as well. He dropped the mic. He led the crowd in “YES” chants.

(Amin’s Thoughts: They really nailed it down that Strickland was the clear heel going into the match at All In. That’s perfectly fine because the fans want to see Danielson finally get his crowning moment at All In. This was a great go-home promo from Danielson as you want to see him win the AEW World Title at All In.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: This was a very strong episode of AEW Dynamite. They did a really good job with the promo segments to build up the top matches for AEW All In. The wrestling on the show was good. This show’s goal was building up the All In PPV. This show succeeded in getting me more excited to see the PPV.

Check out the latest episode of the Wade Keller Pro to stream Wrestling Post-show covering last night’s episode of Dynamite: CLICK HERE (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)

RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (8/21): Keller’s report on Danielson-Strickland final showdown with Nigel hosting, Okada vs. Claudio, Hook vs. Big Bill, Storm vs. Saraya, more

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s AEW Dynamite Hit List: Swerve Strickland and Bryan Danielson, MJF and Will Ospreay, Kazuchika Okada vs. Claudio Castagnoli for the AEW Continental Title

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