WWE MAIN EVENT TV RESULTS (8/14): Dante Chen vs. Oba Femi and Ludwig Kaiser vs. Dragon Lee including Road Dogg calling a “shoot Irish whip”

By Mike Meyers, PWTorch contributor

WWE Main Event results and analysis


AUGUST 14, 2024

Announcers: Blake Howard, Brian “Road Dogg” James


The men locked up and Femi quickly tossed Chen to the mat with a waist lock. Chen applied an upright arm bar. Femi almost converted this into a sidewalk slam, but Chen wouldn’t release the hold. Instead, Femi shoved Chen backward into a corner to break free. Holding Femi’s hand, Chen climbed to the top rope and dropped down with a chop to Femi’s shoulder. Chen went for a quick arm drag, but Femi didn’t budge. (I couldn’t tell if this was a miscommunication, or just Femi playing the immovable object – no harm, no foul.) Femi scooped up Chen and hit a big backbreaker, then tossed Chen’s body to the mat. Femi roughed up Chen in the corner, then tossed him across the ring. Femi whipped Chen hard into the corner (Road Dogg called this a “shoot” Irish whip), then deliberately lined up in the opposite corner. Femi charged and hit a big reverse elbow, then covered Chen for two in the middle of the ring. Femi hit a choke slam backbreaker, then held Chen in that exposed position and stretched him, pushing downward on the chin of Chen.

Blake asked how much do Superstars want to be the guy that derails Oba Femi. Road Dogg responded, “In my day, I would’ve loved to have been that guy, but I know I couldn’t because I didn’t have the ability.”

Chen got free of the hold and rolled up Femi for a surprise two-count. Femi charged at Chen, but this time Chen side stepped, causing Femi to spear the ring post between the ropes. Chen landed punches and a clothesline. He set up for a suplex, but Femi powered out of the hold and scooped up Chen. Chen immediately got free and shoved Femi face-first into the turnbuckle. Chen jumped and hit a delayed DDT. Chen hopped onto the apron, then catapulted back into the ring off the top rope, but Femi caught him and slammed him to the canvas. Femi postured before slamming Chen with a pop-up powerbomb. He covered Chen for the three-count.

WINNER: Oba Femi by pinfall in 5:20.

(Meyers’s Analysis: Fresh blood for Main Event, and good hard-hitting action.)


Kaiser shoved Lee back into a corner to start, then chopped him in the chest, knocking him to the mat. Kaiser whipped Lee to the mat with a violent side headlock. Lee got to his feet, but Kaiser yanked him to the mat by the embellishments of Lee’s mask. Kaiser was smugly pleased with himself. Kaiser ran at Lee, but Lee yanked down the top rope, causing Kaiser to topple to the floor. Lee ran off the opposite ropes and almost dove through the ropes, but Kaiser was on his feet and smacked Lee in the face, causing him to collapse onto the apron. Kaiser suplexed Lee from the apron to the floor. We cut to break as Kaiser strutted around the ring.

Back in the ring, Kaiser kicked the living piss out of Lee’s ribs. He fired Lee into a corner, then smacked him across the jaw. Lee muscled Kaiser onto the top rope and chopped Kaiser once, but Kaiser came back with a bigger chop from the high ground, knocking Lee to the canvas. Kaiser charged at Lee, but Lee used a drop toe hold to slam Kaiser’s face into the turnbuckle. Lee hit a series of kicks, stunning Kaiser, before tossing him to the floor with a hurricanrana. Lee ran off the ropes again, but this time leaped over the top rope, taking Kaiser out with a somersault senton. The crowd popped.

Lee rolled Kaiser into the ring and kicked him in the face in the corner. Lee charged at the seated Kaiser, nailing him with a missile drop kick to the head and neck area. Lee covered for two. Lee lifted Kaiser into a fireman’s carry, but Kaiser grappled Lee’s face to get free. Lee stunned Kaiser with an enzuigiri. Kaiser hit a belly bomb, then kicked Lee in the chest and covered for two. Kaiser sneered at the crowd, drawing a chorus of boos. Lee rolled up Kaiser for two, then Kaiser hit an enzuigiri of his own. He chopped Lee in the corner, then tried to remove Lee’s mask. Lee blocked that effort and double-stomped Kaiser who was hung up in a tree of woe. Lee covered for two. Kaiser dropped Lee neck-first across the top rope, then hit a massive discus lariat. Kaiser fired up and took Lee down with a snap twisting DDT, then covered for three.

WINNER: Ludwig Kaiser by pinfall in 6:50.

(Meyers’s Analysis: Great match. Kaiser is an awesome heel – he carries himself with such smugness, and his look is perfectly matched with that persona. To pile on, he is fast and violent in the ring. Of course, Lee did his part to make all of this work. They both got ideal crowd reactions. Very refreshing match for Main Event.)

SHOW SCORE (0-10): 8.6

Find Mike Meyers on TwitterX: @themikeshow42

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