AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (8/14): Amin’s report and analysis of Bucks vs. Acclaimed, Hangman vs. Lethal, All In hype including videos with Perry, Darby, Mariah, Danielson

By Amin Ajani, PWTorch contributor


AUGUST 14, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reported earlier today that 2,873 tickets had been distributed so far; arena is set up for 3,735. More tickets have been sold since then. Subscribe to WrestleTix on Patreon for detailed up-to-date information.

—AEW Dynamite began with a cold open with Excalibur welcoming us to the show. Excalibur was joined on commentary by Tony Schiavone and Taz.

(1) MERCEDES MONE (w/Kamille) vs. HIKARU SHIDA — TBS Title Match

Mercedes and Shida began with an aggressive lock up to start the match. Shida shined early, catching Mercedes with a shoulder tackle. Shida went for a running knee but Mercedes moved out of the way. Mercedes caught Shida with an arm drag and then nicely maintained control, turning it into a crossface. Shida countered into a rollup for a near fall. Shida responded by catching Mercedes with a running hurricanrana. Shida planted Mercedes with a snap suplex for a near fall. Shida went for an apron superplex but Kamille grabbed hold of Mercedes’ leg. Mercedes took advantage, applying a leverage pin for a two count.

Shida quickly took back control catching Mercedes with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Kamille stood in Shida’s way. Mercedes took advantage again, hitting a flying Meteora to the floor for a near fall. Mercedes connected with a sliding double knees for two. Mercedes rocked Shida with a slingshot double knees for two. Shida battled back catching Mercedes with a missile dropkick. Shida rocked Mercedes with a jumping knee strike for two. Shida called for a Falcon Arrow but Mercedes countered into a back cracker. Mercedes went for a running double knee but Shida ducked out of the way. Shida went for a superplex but Mercedes shoved her off the ropes. Mercedes connected with a flying Meteora for two. There was a split chant for both Mercedes and Shida from the crowd. Mercedes called for the 3 Amigos but Shida countered into a Falcon Arrow for two. Shida called for the Katana but Kamille pulled Mercedes to the floor. Shida whacked Kamille with her stick. Mercedes grabbed the stick from Shida. The referee was distracted by Mercedes. Kamille rocked Shida with a running boot. Mercedes connected with the Money Maker for the win.

WINNER: Mercedes Mone in 10:30 to retain the TBS Title

(Amin’s Thoughts: There was some miscommunication and timing was off with some spots in the match. The wrestling picked up as the match kept going and was hitting its strides in the closing moments. This was a good first-time match between Mercedes and Shida. The match was mostly focused on how Kamille was the difference maker to help Mercedes get the win.)

—The crowd as Dr. Britt Baker’s music played. Kamille left the ring. Kamille yanked a plant from the stands wearing a Sting mask. The crowd cheered as Baker came from behind. Mercedes realized Baker was standing behind her. Baker rocked Mercedes with a boot. Baker went for the Lockjaw but Kamille pulled Mercedes out of the ring. Baker posed with the TBS Title inside the ring.

(Amin’s Thoughts: A good return for Baker coming off her suspension giving her some needed momentum heading into the TNT Title match at All In. Kamille was the difference maker again coming to the rescue of Mercedes. This has to be leading to Jamie Hayter making her big return at All In to even the odds for Baker.)

—They showed highlights of “Hangman” Adam Page attacking Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal last week after Dynamite went off the air.

—Renee Paquettte interviewed Jay Lethal who was backstage with Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett and Sonjay Dutt. Renee brought up how they have been a thorn in Hangman’s side since he returned. Jarrett flipped out. Lethal brought up how both sides don’t like each other. He brought up Hangman’s issue with “Swerve” Strickland. Suddenly, Hangman appeared, attacking both Jarrett and Lethal. The crowd cheered as Hangman and Lethal made their way ringside.


Lethal shined early catching Hangman with five straight tope on the floor. Hangman quickly responded planting Lethal with a Deadeye onto the ring apron. Hangman took control launching Lethal into the timekeeper area. [c]

Hangman planted Lethal with a belly-to-belly suplex for two. Hangman planted Lethal with a Death Valley Driver for another two count. Lethal caught Hangman in a series of pinning combinations for near falls. Lethal delivered Lethal Combination to Hangman for two. Hangman went for a crossface but Lethal countered into a rollup for two. Lethal went for the Figure-4-Leg Lock but Hangman countered by shoving his thumb into Lethal’s eyes. Hangman rocked Lethal with a discus lariat. Hangman delivered a Buckshot Lariat for the win.

WINNER: “Hangman” Adam Page in 9:30

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was a fine television match as both Hangman and Lethal worked well together. A strong win for Hangman. They still haven’t announced any match for Hangman for All In. I would like to see Hangman be part of and win the Casino Gauntlet Match. That’s how Hangman gets his AEW World Championship match, possibly against “Swerve” Strickland.)

—They showed highlights of MJF defending the AEW American Title against Michael Oku at the RevPro show in London, England. They showed clips of Will Ospreay making the save as MJF went to give Amira the Tiger Driver 91’.

—They aired a very good highlight package for MJF and Will Ospreay. Ospreay spoke about fitting the criteria of being the best wrestler. MJF said he does whatever it takes to him. He said that’s something Ospreay doesn’t have in him. [c]

—We saw Pac backstage as they returned from break. Pac said he’s the number one contender for the AEW American Title. He said Will Ospreay went behind his back to Tony Khan to get a title match at Wembley Stadium. He said he’s sick of this corruption, being manipulated and treated like a bum. He will challenge either the winner of MJF or Ospreay to a title match at All Out. He said he’s going to take back his title and show the world what he’s capable of.

(Amin’s Thoughts: It took them a while but they finally addressed the Pac storyline who was in line for a title match at All In. This probably feels like a bummer for Pac not challenging for the title at All in on AEW’s biggest show of the year.)

—They showed clips of Dabry Allin winning his matches on Rampage and Collision.

—They aired a Darby Allin highlight package speaking about killing himself for nothing. He said he heard AEW is starting. He wasn’t sure what AEW is. He spoke about finding out that AEW signed Jack Perry. He said AEW is a place where The Elite are going to hire their friends. He said nobody cared about Tarzan “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry. He spoke about going out there on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday putting his body through so much. He said he doesn’t take any of this for granted. He said he wished Perry got fired last year for the stuff he pulled. He said nobody would have missed Perry. He said he’s going to put this to an end at All In.

(Amin’s Thoughts: A good video package here with Darby speaking about the differences between himself and Jack Perry. The inside reference stuff about what happened to Perry last year wasn’t needed. This was just AEW wanting to please their internet fanbase audience. I think it’s pretty stupid because there is no program with CM Punk being made so why keep referencing stuff to your niche fanbase on the internet.)

—The crowd cheered as Darby Allin made his entrance. Suddenly, Jack Perry appeared rocking Darby with a running knee strike. Perry rocked Darby with ground and pound strikes. Perry dragged Darby backstage. Perry sent Darby crashing into a rolling door. Perry trapped Darby underneath in a rolling door. Perry was about to run an equipment crate into Darby. Security appeared to hold Perry back. Perry challenged Darby to a Coffin Match at All In.

(Amin’s Thoughts; This was so much better than the lame inside reference in the Darby Allin video package. A good angle to put heat on Perry. I liked the stipulation as Darby and Perry will have just a crazy match at All In.)

—They aired a Mariah May video package. She spoke about Toni Storm losing the AEW Women’s World Title last year at All In. She said this year it’s all about Mariah. She said Storm wanted to be a star. She said it was her time to burn. She was shown burning classic Storm gear. She said she’s going to write Storm’s eulogy.

—Renee interviewed Mina Shirakawa backstage. She said she hasn’t heard from either Mariah or Storm. She said she’s so shocked and heartbroken by what happened. She said she loves them both. She said she hasn’t seen Mariah to be so vicious. She said she’s never seen Storm so obsessed. She said she can’t believe these are the same people. Renee asked who leaves the winner. Shirakawa said she just hopes nobody gets seriously hurt.

(3) ORANGE CASSIDY vs. RODERICK STRONG vs. KYLE O’REILLY — Number One Spot in Casino Gauntlet Match

The match began with everyone exchanging strikes. Orange caught Strong with a basement dropkick. O’Reilly clotheslined Strong to the floor. Orange caught Strong with a tope on the floor. O’Reilly teased attacking Orange but stopped. [c]

Strong planted Orange with a uranage onto O’Reilly as they returned from break. Strong planted Orange with a backdrop suplex for a near fall. Orange and O’Reilly exchanged pinning combinations for near falls. O’Reilly placed Orange in a rear-naked choke. Strong went for a double Strong Hold but was broken up. O’Reilly caught Strong in a guillotine hold. Orange made the save, hitting a flying elbow drop to O’Reilly. The crowd booed as Mike Bennett and Matt Taven came out. The crowd cheered as Mark Briscoe and Tomohiro Ishii made the save. Orange caught Strong with a tope on the floor. Strong planted O’Reilly with a spinning slam on the ring apron. [c]

O’Reilly and Strong exchanged big strikes as they returned from break. Orange did his lazy kicks. Orange caught O’Reilly with a spinning DDT. Orange planted Strong with a Beach Break for two. O’Reilly caught Strong in a heel hook. Orange made the save hitting a PK. O’Reilly and Strong delivered a High/Low combo to Orange. They both covered Orange but the referee stopped it. O’Reilly went for an arm bar on Strong. Orange caught O’Reilly with a crucifix pin for the win.

WINNER: Orange Cassidy in 15:55 to enter Number 1 in the Casino Gauntlet Match

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was your AEW party match on the show with everyone hitting big moves and getting a chance to shine. I’m pretty sure both me and Brian predicted Orange would win this match on the Collision Course podcast for PWTorch VIP subscribers. Orange winning wasn’t a surprise. They haven’t really done much with O’Reilly since he has returned from injury. We saw a glimpse with O’Reilly and Strong hitting a High/Low combo on Orange during the match. I would like to see an O’Reilly heel turn and him joining forces with Strong and The Undisputed Kingdom.)

—Renee hosted a face-to-face between AEW Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada and Claudio Castagnoli backstage. Claudio said the Continental Title meant a lot to him. Claudio said if you keep fighting you will get changes like this. He said Dynamite is coming to Europe for the first time and plans on being champion. Okada mocked Claudio’s speech. He said 12 guys fought for his title. He said he’s a champion. He said he’s the greatest tournament winner. He said he was a four time G1 Tournament winner. He said Claudio will respect him after he wins. Okay told Claudio “Good Luck, B*itch!” Okada left. Claudio told Renee he doesn’t want the EVP lackey Okada. He said he wants to face the Rainmaker. He said he’s going to bring his best. He said this b*tich will be number one. [c]

—They aired clips of the Bang Bang Gang and House of Black ending in a no-contest on Collision.

—Renee interviewed The Patriarchy backstage. Christian Cage said he called the match fair as referee. He said he always keeps his promises. He said they are AEW Trios champions. He said Nick Wayne will beat Kip Sabian on Rampage. He said he’s using the trios title to get back to the AEW World Title. He said he’s going to hold all the AEW titles at the same time. He said he won’t be there in attendance at Norfolk. Renee went to tell Christian something. Christian told Renee to leave the interview setting. He said Renee was a worse mom then interviewer. He said he’s the face of TNT now and forever.

—Tony Schiavone was inside the ring. Hook got a solid reaction. Hook was wearing a bandage over his eye. He told Tony he can’t see out of one side of his eye. He said he can see from the other side of his eye. He wants his FTW Title match. He called Chris Jericho to a match now. Jericho came out with Big Bill and Bryan Keith. Jericho called Hook one stupid SOB. Jericho delivered an annoying promo teasing a fight but said no. He said Hook will get his match at FTW Title at All In. He said this is Hook’s last chance. He said Hook has to beat Big Bill first. Big Bill said he’s gonna shove Hook up Taz ass. Hook accepted the terms. Hook said he’s gonna dump Big Bill on his head. He said he’s going to tear Jericho limb from limb. He said Jericho will never, ever be the same again.

(Amin’s Thoughts: Hook tried getting over the stupid fireball angle. Hook just tried too hard as his promo felt forced. The promo from Jericho was just as bad. I had no interest in wanting to see Hook and Jericho wrestle. This promo didn’t do anything to change my mind.)

(4) THE YOUNG BUCKS (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) vs. THE ACCLAIMED (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) — AEW World Tag Team Title Match

Bowens and Caster jumped Matthew and Nicholas as they were making their entrances. Both teams brawled on the entrance ramp and then made their way ringside. Matthew and Nicholas connected with stereo plancha to Bowens and Caster on the floor. The match got underway as Bowens caught Matthew with a Kataro Crusher for two. Nicholas responded by catching Caster with a popup dropkick. Matthew connected with a flying double stomp to Caster’s arm. [c]

Billy Gunn chased Nicholas around the ring with a chair. The referee Rick Knox sent Billy to the back. Matthew rocked Caster with corner strikes. Nicholas ripped a sign at ringside. Caster moved as Nicholas accidentally kicked Matthews. Bowens got a hot tag for less than five seconds but was stopped by a Nicholas superkick. The Bucks delivered an assisted sliced bread for two. Matthew planted Bowens with a suplex for a near fall. [c]

The Bucks rocked Caster with a double superkick. Bowens responded rocking The Bucks with a double clothesline. Caster ran wild planting Nicholas with a sling blade. Caster launched Matthew into the turnbuckle. Caster delivered a flying crossbody to Nicholas but Matthew made the save. Both teams connected with stereo double clotheslines. Nicholas caught Caster with a running bulldog. Nicholas went for a Swanton Bomb but Caster got his knees up. Matthew stopped Bowens with a powerbomb on the entrance ramp. The Bucks went for a TK Driver but Caster broke free. Matthew ran Caster into the referee who took a bump. Matthew kicked Caster in the balls. Matthew grabbed the tag titles. Dax Harwood stopped Matthew from using the belt. Matthew spat in Harwood’s face. Harwood tackled Matthews to the mat. The referee called for the lame DQ finish.

WINNERS: Matthew & Nicholas Jackson retained the AEW Tag Team Titles via DQ in 18:05

—Security ran down to pull FTR and The Acclaimed apart. The Bucks left with the tag titles.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was just a standard tag team match with a really bad finish. The Bucks on-screen heel EVP characters still aren’t clicking and showed the lack of heat in the match. The Bucks also haven’t done anything to help make the tag titles feel important. The finish completely sucks for the length of the match given. The finish would’ve still sucked but would’ve been more expected if they cut 10 minutes from the match. They are likely setting up a three way match for the AEW Tag Titles for All In.)

—Renee interviewed Christopher Daniels backstage. Daniels announced FTR vs. The Acclaimed for Collision and the winner will face The Young Bucks at All In for the tag titles.

—They aired a great highlight package on Bryan Danielson’s career to the theme of tune of Green Day’s “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)”

—Bryan Danielson was shown in the crowd before the start of the main event of Dynamite.

(5) “SWERVE” STRICKLAND (w/Prince Nana) vs. WHEELER YUTA — AEW World Title Eliminator Match

Strickland rocked Yuta with a running boot as the match began. Strickland tossed Yuta to the floor. Strickland ran Yuta into the barricade. Strickland taunted Danielson at ringside. Strickland planted Yuta with a pump handle backbreaker. Strickland maintained control hitting another backbreaker. Strickland delivered a flying elbow to Yuta. Strickland placed Yuta in a series of submission holds.

Yuta responded by stomping away at Strickland’s face. Yuta battled back delivering a tope to Strickland on the floor. Yuta went for a dive but Strickland intercepted into the LeBell Lock. Yuta countered into an ankle lock but Strickland broke free. Yuta rocked Strickland with elbow smashes. Yuta applied the seatbelt for a two count. Yuta planted Strickland with a bridging German Suplex for two. Strickland began laughing, no-selling Yuta’s strikes. Strickland nailed Yuta with a knee strike. Strickland rocked Yuta with a pair of House Call kicks. Strickland delivered a third House Call Kick. Strickland mounted Yuta with ground and pound strikes. The referee called for the stoppage.

WINNER: “Swerve” Strickland in 9:25 via referee stoppage.

(Amin’s Thoughts: This was your AEW specialty where Wheeler Yuta was placed as Strickland’s whipping boy. They gave Yuta some shine in the match. The match still worked to show Strickland’s vicious side.)

—Danielson ran into the ring to make the save. Strickland delivered a promo after the match. He said that was an example of what he’s going to do at All In. He spoke about Danielson bringing his family at All In. He said he’s going to do the same thing to Danielson with his daughter watching his last match. He said he would fulfil Danielson’s promise that he would retire. He said he’s going to force Danielson to retire. He said he’s going to cripple Danielson. Strickland walked to the back. Danielson checked on Yuta. Strickland ran down, rocking Danielson with a House Call Kick. Strickland mocked Danielson’s “Yes” chant. The show ended.

(Amin’s Thoughts: The crowd was mostly silent for Strickland’s promo because they don’t like the build for the title match. The fans want to root for both Danielson and Strickland. AEW is going in a completely different direction, having the fans pick between Danielson and Strickland to cheer for. This has brought down the build for the match.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: This was a mixed-bag episode of AEW Dynamite. There were some good wrestling matches on the show. There were also some matches that went longer than needed. There was also a terrible finish in The Bucks and The Acclaimed match after a really long and mostly average tag match. The highlights of the show were the great use of video packages on the show to build up the top matches for the All In show. Overall, a fine episode of Dynamite in terms of wrestling. Good in terms of building toward the company’s biggest PPV of the year.

Check out the latest episode of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-show covering the latest episode of Dynamite: CLICK HERE (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)

RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW DYNAMITE HITS & MISSES (8/14): Unhinged Hangman, Darby-Perry hype, Mariah May video, Swerve heels it up, Lack of Main Event hype

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s AEW Dynamite Hit List: AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. Wheeler Yuta in a non-title match, Mercedes Mone vs. Hikaru Shida for the TBS Title

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