10 YRS AGO – NXT TV Review (8/14/2014): Bayley vs. Sasha Banks, plus Mojo Rawley, Neville (Pac), Vaudvillains, Buddy Murphy, Tyler Breeze, Sin Cara

By Justin James, PWTorch contributor

Bayley (photo credit Tom Gibson © PWTorch.com)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

WWE NXT Results
August 14, 2014
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor

[Q1] Pre-show video package starting at NXT Takeover with the Zayn vs. Breeze match and through the current day to show Breeze’s slow drive to tonight’s NXT championship match. It is incredible how long the Breeze-Zayn-Neville feud has been growing organically without getting stale or wearing out its welcome.

Tom Philips, Byron Saxton, and Renee Young are in the booth.

Bull Dempsey and Mojo Rawley start the show with their Tag Team Tournament match.


Dempsey and Rawley seem to be on the same page. Dempsey takes it to English and Rawley gets tagged in. English turns it around on Rawley and corners him. English and Gotch work an arm. Rawley makes it to his corner and Dempsey tags in. No-nonsense offense rips Gotch apart. Young says she likes what Dempsey stands for. Gotch dodges a corner charge from Rawley after some tag confusion with Dempsey. Rolling senton from Gotch and a top rope senton from English quickly finish off Rawley.

WINNERS: The Vaudevillains in 3:12. I was enjoying what I was seeing in this match until the abrupt end. The Vaudevillains will face Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady in the semi-finals.

Post-match, Dempsey looks angry at how the match ended. He slowly enters the ring and lets out his frustration with a brutal assault on Rawley. A big “Thank You Bull!” chant breaks out, showing the Rawley is starting to get the John Cena treatment that his John Cena booking warrants.

Backstage, Sasha Banks tells Bayley that there is no way that she will become the #1 contender before her. Bayley reminds Banks how she got dumped by Charlotte and Summer Rae. Bayley refuses to be scared.

[ J.J.’s Reax: Just as Tyler Breeze made a slow and useful transition to a less-comedy character, Bayley is as well. ]

[Q2] Bayley comes out for her match against Sasha Banks for the #1 contender spot to the Women’s Championship. Typical NXT championship booking where there is no obviously right choice here. Will they go with Banks to play up the BFF break-up, or Bayley to play to her slow quest for the title?

(2) BAYLEY vs. SASHA BANKS – #1 Contender match

They trade trash-talk, then lock up. Banks gets some quick hits in, but Bayley takes over with the “Bayley’s gonna hug you” chants. Backslide but Banks comes out before a count starts. Lots of back-and-forth trades of control and covers. Banks takes a breather on the outside, and takes advantage of Bayley from the apron.

[ Break ]

More back-and-forth. Neither one can get an edge. Banks with a Backstabber, rolls through into a crossface, but Bayley rolls over to pin Banks.

WINNER: Bayley in 8:44. Pretty good match making both competitors look strong and the toss-up ending playing up the toss-up booking.

A new team of Buddy Murphy and Wesley Blake is debuting against Sin Cara and Kalisto. Blake seems to have traded his cowboy look for tights.

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(3) SIN CARA & KALISTO vs. WESLEY BLAKE & BUDDY MURPHY – Tag Team Tournament match

[Q3] Sin Cara with his speed against Blake, so Buddy Murphy and his shredded tights tags in. Kalisto takes control, but Murphy shows surprising agility for his size. Sin Cara and Kalisto show great team work. A state fair right drops Kalisto, but Kalisto fights out of the corner.

Sin Cara tags in and takes out both Blake and Murphy. Blind tag from Kalisto, Sin Cara with the one-arm deadlift powerbomb to Murphy as Kalisto hits a missile dropkick from the turnbuckle, sick team move there. Kalisto with his flip-over DDT finisher for the win.

WINNERS: Kalisto & Sin Cara in 2:41. I think I just saw the future of the main roster tag team division in Sin Cara and Kalisto. That was great work from the two of them.

[ J.J.’s Reax: With Sin Cara and Kalisto facing Sami Zayn and Adam Rose in the next round, it is hard to pick a favorite there. I suspect that like the Zayn/Rose – Kidd/Gabriel match, Rose will be the odd man out in terms of in-ring work. ]

Backstage, a new interviewer asks Marcus Lois and Sylvester Lefort about something and they run their mouths. I cannot understand much through the accents. Something about Amore and Cassady.

(4) ADRIAN NEVILLE vs. TYLER BREEZE – NXT Championship match

Early action goes back-and-forth at a high speed. Breeze gets send outside, Neville slingshots to the apron to follow, and Breeze hits an enziguiri to knock him down. Tyson Kidd comes out wearing an “Iron Mike Tyson” sweatshirt and stands silently next to the announcers. They offer him a headset but he just stands there.

[ Break ]

Out of the break, Tyson Kidd is sitting at the booth but just sitting silently. He doesn’t answer Young’s questions. Breeze is dominating Neville. Kidd is looking like a #1 contender already. The crowd is incredibly silent for this match. The crowd rallies Neville out of a front facelock. Neville with a pair of uppercuts in the corners. Standing moonsault gets two and fires up the crowd.

[Q4] Neville wants a springboard move but Breeze counters with a dropkick. Breeze bulldogs Neville into the turnbuckle but he turns around into a superkick for a nearfall. Neville sets up the Red Arrow but Breeze stops him on the turnbuckle then meets him at the top. Struggle for supremacy, and Neville hits a sunset flip powerbomb gets a very tight nearfall to pop the crowd. Neville immediately looks for the Red Arrow but Breeze is clear across the room. Sweet tornado DDT from Breeze, Neville’s head hits the mat, he lands on his feet and falls over for a nearfall.

The crowd comes alive finally. Breeze tries a back elbow into the corner but Neville catches him and carries him mid-ring. Breeze with a suplex but Neville lands on his feet, Neville with a German suplex into a cover for a nearfall. Breeze gets sent outside and a suicide dive from Neville puts them both on the ramp. Kidd breaks his stony silence to go to the barricade near the ramp to get a better look. Neville with a kick to knock Kidd out.

Breeze sends Neville back into the ring but a big kick from the apron plants Breeze. Neville to the top, but Kidd clears him off the turnbuckle.

WINNER: Adrian Neville in 15:08 by DQ. A long slow period in the middle but the match got hot at the end. The lack of a clean finish was rather predicted by the match happening so close to the next NXT special in September.

Post-match, Kidd attacks Neville, but Breeze breaks it up to yell at Kidd. Breeze and Kidd brawl on the mat while Neville is knocked out. Neville attacks Breeze then Kidd. Breeze chopblocks Breeze and works with Kidd. Sami Zayn makes the save to a huge pop.

FINAL THOUGHTS: The tag team tournament is picking up steam, and Breeze and Neville struggled to fill a 15-minute match but outside of the slow parts it was really good. An overall good night for NXT.

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