WWE MAIN EVENT RESULTS (7/24): Jacy Jayne vs. Brinley Reece, Alba Fyre vs. Ivy Nile, plus Road Dogg says he peed a little

By Mike Meyers, PWTorch contributor

WWE Main Event results and analysis


JULY 24, 2024

Announcers: Blake Howard, Brian “Road Dogg” James


The women locked up and Reece shoved Jayne to the mat. Jayne, while seated, yelled, “Whoa!” They locked up again, and this time Jayne tossed Reece to the mat. Jayne proclaimed it “her ring” and bowed to the crowd. Jayne punched her way out of a side headlock, then Reece knocked Jayne down with a shoulder block. Reece used an arm drag and held on for an arm bar. Jayne whipped Reece to the mat by her hair, but Reece came back with another arm drag. The women exchanged forearm shots, then Jayne dragged Reece gut-first across the middle rope. She mounted Reece and landed several blows to the head before standing and shrieking like a damned banshee. Jayne kicked Reece in the face, then covered for two.

Jayne rammed Reece’s face into two turnbuckles, then Reece returned the favor and rolled up Jayne for two. Jayne hit a neckbreaker and covered for two again. Jayne applied a chinlock. Reece broke free and hit a belly-to-back suplex. She ran the ropes and knocked Jayne down twice with shoulder blocks, then followed up with a gymnastics forward flip into a clothesline. She covered Jayne for two. Jayne hit a spinning lariat (the Rolling Encore, I’m told), then covered for the three-count. Marveling at this finisher, Road Dogg exclaimed, “Son of a biscuit breakfast!”

WINNER: Jacy Jayne by pinfall in 5:10.

(Meyers’s Analysis: Decent back-and-forth. I don’t see a long-term path to the top with Reece’s perky, bubbly, cheerleader personality.)

(2) ALBA FYRE (w/ Isla Dawn) vs. IVY NILE

During Alba Fyre’s entrance, this exchange took place: Blake Howard: “Spooky season might be coming a bit early.” Road Dogg: “I just peed a little.” Blake Howard: “Cleanup on aisle ten.”

The match started and the women locked up briefly before Fyre tossed Dawn to the mat. Dawn quickly returned fire and covered Fyre for a one-count. They exchanged a series of quick covers. Dawn gained the upper hand with a knee strike, a forearm strike, and a kick to the ribs. Nile resisted two attempts by Fyre to whip her across the ring, then body slammed Fyre to the mat. Nile lifted Fyre into a suspended vertical suplex position, then executed five squats in this position before dropping Fyre to the mat. The crowd got into this, counting the squats and cheering the drop. Fyre rolled out of the ring and we cut to break.

Fyre gained control during the break, delivering forearm shots and standing on Nile’s head. Dawn attacked Nile from the floor while Fyre distracted the referee in the ring. Fyre hit a standard suplex and covered Nile for two. Fyre applied a chinlock. An “Ivy” chant broke out in the crowd. Fyre responded by kicking Nile in the face and covering her for a two-count. Fyre chopped Nile’s chest, yanked her back upward, then chopped her again. Nile smacked Fyre across the face, but Fyre came back with another boot to the face. Fyre covered for another two-count. The women exchanged blows, then Nile suplexed Fyre. Nile slapped the canvas rhythmically, then spun Fyre to the mat with a hurricanrana. Nile took Fyre down with a bulldog from the middle rope. She covered Fyre for two. Dawn distracted Nile from the floor, allowing Fyre to roll her up from behind for a surprise two-count. Nile applied a dragon sleeper, but was interrupted by Dawn entering the ring and charging. Nile released the hold to dodge, then kicked Dawn in the face. Nile, like a stupid babyface, followed Dawn toward the ring apron, turning her back to the legal opponent. This gave Fyre enough time roll up Nile with a handful of tights, this time good for the three-count.

WINNER: Alba Fyre by pinfall in 8:15.

(Meyers’s Analysis: Decent match, dumb finish because of the dumb babyface. I’m torn on Nile’s vertical suplex squats – it requires so much cooperation from her opponent for an extended period, but damned if it isn’t impressive.)

SHOW SCORE (0-10): 8.0

Find Mike Meyers on TwitterX: @themikeshow42

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