WWE MAIN EVENT RESULTS (8/1): Ivy Nile vs. Isla Dawn, Authors of Pain vs. Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro

WWE Main Event results and analysis


AUGUST 1, 2024

Announcers: Blake Howard, Vic Joseph

(1) IVY NILE vs. ISLA DAWN (w/ Alba Fyre)

Dawn twisted Nile into a corner and proceeded to grind her forearm across Nile’s face. She shoulder-rammed Nile’s midsection, then fired her to the opposite corner. Nile made a couple of quick two-count roll-ups before applying an arm bar. Dawn swept Nile’s leg and covered her, but Nile slipped out from beneath. Coming off the ropes, Dawn jumped into a cross body, but Nile caught her. She nodded at the crowd while cradling Dawn, then did five squats before tossing Dawn with a fallaway slam. She covered Dawn for two.

Nile suplexed Dawn, then mounted her in the corner. Dawn slipped downward and yanked Dawn face-first into the top turnbuckle – the timing was off on this move. Dawn mockingly flexed her biceps at Nile who was suffering on the mat. Dawn covered for two, then applied a chinlock. Nile got free and ducked a clothesline, hit the ropes, then took Dawn down with her own clothesline. Nile landed a running kick in the corner, then threw Dawn with a release German suplex. Nile covered for two. Nile escaped from a fireman’s carry and applied a dragon sleeper. Fyre got onto the ring apron and distracted the referee from the action. For some reason, this compelled Nile to drop her nearly-incapacitated opponent and kick Fyre off of the apron. Sure enough, this was just the amount of time required for Dawn to recover and roll up Nile from behind for the three-count and victory.

WINNER: Isla Dawn by pinfall in 5:30.

(Meyers’s Analysis: More babyface idiocy resulting in a babyface loss. Nile’s feat of strength was cool, though – a variant of the vertical suplex squats she’s been doing recently.)

(2) AUTHORS OF PAIN (Akam & Rezar, w/ Paul Ellering) vs. LATINO WORLD ORDER (Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro)

Rezar immediately overpowered Cruz in the corner to start the match. He fired Cruz into a corner, then they appeared to have a move miscommunication. They quickly moved past it, with Rezar driving his knee into Cruz’s ribs. He fired Cruz off the ropes, but Cruz ducked two clotheslines before knocking Rezar backward with a drop kick. Cruz landed a series of strikes against the dazed Rezar. After slipping on the middle rope, Cruz hopped up to the top rope and launched into a springboard cross body, knocking Rezar to the mat. Cruz rolled off of Rezar’s body and tagged in Wilde. LWO combined forces for a double drop kick, knocking Rezar through the ropes to the floor. Akam entered the ring and ran at LWO, so they yanked down the top rope and he tumbled to the floor with his partner. Cruz chanted, “Si!” before the duo ran off the opposite ropes and took out AOP with simultaneous diving attacks. LWO got back into the ring to pose at the crowd as we cut to break.

LWO maintained control through the break, but shortly after the return, Rezar slammed Cruz back-first against the top turnbuckle. Akam tagged in and choked Cruz against the middle rope. Ellering stepped up and choked Cruz some more while Akam distracted the ref. Akam stomped Cruz, then lifted him to his feet and fired him into a neutral corner. Akam shouted angrily at the crowd while Wilde tried to cheer on his ailing partner. Akam blasted Cruz with a reverse elbow, then covered for two. Akam rained down five strikes to Cruz, then Rezar tagged in and covered Cruz for two. Rezar applied a chinlock. Akam tagged in and stomped Cruz some more. Cruz side stepped a charging Akam in the corner, then made the hot tag to Wilde. He hopped over the top rope and went on a high speed attack, featuring forearm strikes and a face plant. Wilde hit Akam with a tornado DDT. He covered Akam, but Rezar broke up the pin. Cruz re-joined the action, knocking Rezar out of the ring with a missile drop kick. Akam slammed Cruz to the mat with a uranage. Rezar tagged in, and AOP combined to attack both members of LWO with the Super Collider. Rezar covered Wilde for the three-count.

WINNER: Authors of Pain by pinfall in 8:00.

(Meyers’s Analysis: I’m being told Cruz is returning from an injury, and features a freshly-shaven face. He might’ve been a bit rusty in this return, but overall a standard fare tag match. One babyface getting punished for a while until the other finally gets tagged in to run roughshod, except AOP was still too strong for the duo in the end.)

SHOW SCORE (0-10): 8.2

Find Mike Meyers on TwitterX: @themikeshow42

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