AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (7/31): Keller’s report on Darby vs. Hangman, Nightingale vs. Statlander, Ospreay vs. Archer, plus MJF, Danielson, Mercedes promos

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


JULY 31, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reported earlier today that 2,681 tickets had been distributed so far; arena is set up for 3,284. More tickets have been sold since then. Subscribe to WrestleTix on Patreon for detailed up-to-date information.



PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by PWTorch’s Brandon LeClair to review AEW Dynamite LIVE tonight right after Dynamite. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Dynamite during the show.

Email our post-show at with your comments and questions about Dynamite. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.



-They opened with a view from inside the arena as MJF’s entrance began and Excalibur introduced the show alongside Taz and Tony Schiavone. MJF wore his American Title belt to the ring. Taz said he wasn’t even sure if that’s the original name of the title. Excalibur said one week ago MJF “rechristened” it as the AEW American Championship. Schiavone called him “an absolute fraud from top to bottom.” MJF mocked a Southern accent. Excalibur said, “That’s what we call low-hanging fruit.” (I tell you, Excalibur is growing on me.)  MJF called the fans simple-minded and told them to keep their meth-addicted mouths shut. He said he’d be talking to real American watching on TV. He wore a tacky red suit jacket with patriotic emblems all over. He called Ospreay a redcoat terrorist. He said he’d walk into the enemy territory on Sunday, Aug. 25 at Wembley Stadium “and beat Will Ospreay again.” He told the fans to show some decorum and rise for their “American hero.” He held up the American Title. Ospreay’s music played.

MJF bailed out of the ring as soon as Ospreay ran to the ring. MJF ran up the ramp. Ospreay told MJF to keep running because after what he said about his family last week, he’s going to put him through more pain than he can imagine. He said he’s running around with the American Championship. He said he knows one thing about Yanks, which is they love the flag. He said not a single one of those fans in the crowd are acknowledging that title “because a prick like you is holding it.” He said last week he threw the International Title belt in the garbage. He said there is lineage associated with that title built by Pac, Orange Cassidy, Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix, Roderick Strong, and him. He said they performed week after week for the fans. He said MJF isn’t worthy of holding that title.

A “USA!” chant broke out. Ospreay said he understands hometown pride. He said MJF doesn’t represent the American spirit and American work ethic. He said when MJF comes to London, he will restore honor to the International Championship. MJF asked if the fans like Ospreay. Fans shouted yes. He called them disgusting turncoats. MJF said he has morals and lets his action do the talking rather than stand in the ring and talk smack. He said he’ll annihilate him front of all of his “crooked-teeth countrymen.” He called Greenville a shithole and then closed with, “Everybody dies.” Lance Archer made his way to the ring as his entrance music played.

(Keller’s Analysis: MJF is so much better cast now than most of what he did the past couple of years. Ospreay had to battle the convoluted nature of this storyline a bit as the crowd’s inclination is to reflexively see this as USA vs. UK and cheer anyone with patriotic emblems on their jacket. Ospreay and MJF both did enough to make it clear to the fans this isn’t one of those “cheer for your countryman” things like Bret Hart in Canada.)


Archer towered over Ospreay. The bell rang 8 minutes into the show. Archer chokeslammed Ospreay. Ospreay made a comeback a minute in and landed a handspring backflip over the top rope at Archer at ringside, but Archer moved and grabbed him and slammed him at ringside. Archer got into a spat with a fan at ringside. Ospreay recovered and then sent Archer into the ringside barricade. Ospreay took it to Archer in the ring and scored a one count at 3:00. He played to the crowd and then climbed to the top rope. Archer stood and threw Ospreay to the mat. They cut to a double-box break. [c/db]

Archer dominated during the break. Ospreay made a comeback. Archer turned an OsCutter attempt into a chokeslam for a near fall. When Archer set up a top rope walk, Ospreay knocked him off balance. Ospreay recovered and set up a chokeslam, but Ospreay countered and slammed Archer to the mat for a near fall at 10:00. Ospreay then hit an OsCutter for a near fall that popped the crowd. He set up a Hidden Blade, but Archer nailed him with a clothesline. Ospreay flip-bumped and then Archer scored a two count. Ospreay hit a Hidden Blade. Archer kicked out at one. Ospreay hit it again and this time scored a three count.

WINNER: Ospreay in 11:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good match that was executed in a way that made it seem like Ospreay beat a formidable opponent.)

-After the match, MJF jumped Ospreay. He put the Dynamite Diamond Ring on and made a fist. Kyle Fletcher made the save. Excalibur said he’s one of Ospreay’s best friends. Fletcher asked for a mic after MJF fled up to the stage. Don Callis joined Fletcher in the ring. Fletcher told Callis that he is his best friend and he needs to be there for him even if he’s not in the Don Callis Family anymore. Fletcher told MJF, “I am your karma coming to bite you in the ass.” He said he knows MJF doesn’t give a damn about America because he’s only in it for himself. He said when he was eight years old wrestling couch pillows, he dreamed of coming to America “because this is where the best wrestle.”

Fletcher said he has his dream girl, dream house, and dream life. He said he will be forever grateful. He said he speaks for Australia and the U.S. and everyone when he says they’re sick of MJF’s crap. He called MJF to the ring. MJF took off his shirt and indicated he was going to head to the ring, but then said, “No!” Schiavone said, “I knew it! He’s a coward.” MJF told Fletcher that he doesn’t call the shots around there. “Nobody punches an American hero in the face and gets away with it.” He said he’ll face him on his watch, next week on Dynamite. He said he’s going to Kangaroo Kick his face off and then make sure he suffers the same fate as Daniel Garcia. He said he’ll break his neck and leave him in a pool of his own blood. He said he can’t wait to see the look on Ospreay’s face when he’s done dismantling his “boy.” He said he can thank him later. Ospreay and Fletcher walked around the ring together. Callis seemed sorta okay with it all.

(Keller’s Analysis: Fletcher did good mic work there and it’s a good move to give MJF a TV opponent who is associated with Ospreay to fill some of the TV time between now and All In.)

-A vignette aired on Swerve Strickland. He said Wembley will be Bryan Danielson’s final countdown. [c]

-A clip aired of the Chris Jericho-Minoru Suzuki match last week and Shibata making the save afterward for Suzuki.

-Alex Marvez interviewed Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith backstage. Bill presented Jericho a cake that celebrated Jericho’s 102 days as FTW Champion. Jericho said, “Hi guys!” He said there’s never been a cake in pro wrestling that didn’t end up smashed in someone’s face. He said Shibata is all alone since there’s no Samoa Joe or Hook anymore. He said Keith will take him out next week. Keith said Shibata should mind his own business, and next week he’s making Shibata his business. Bill handed Marvez the cake. Keith pretended he was going to shove it in his face. Keith then told him to show respect for Jericho and eat it. Marvez dipped a finger in the frosting and licked his finger and said, “Not bad.”

(2) WILLOW NIGHTINGALE vs. KRIS STATLANDER (w/Stokely Hathaway) – Eliminator Match

Statlander came out first. Taz talked about how Willow and Statlander were best friends in Long Island, N.Y. Schiavone said Hathaway was the wedge between them. Statlander attacked Willow before the bell and landed a top rope dropkick. The ref rewarded the pre-match attack by calling for the bell 35 minutes into the hour. Willow made a quick comeback after avoiding a corner charge. Taz said he kind of agrees with Hathaway that Willow’s positive attitude is a bit of an act. Excalibur disagreed. Taz said sometimes people smile too much and you can’t trust them. Schiavone agreed with that. Statlander regrouped at ringside at minute in. Statlander avoided a cannonball at ringside. They cut to a double-box break at 2:00. [c/db]

Statlander and Willow chopped each other on the ring apron. Willow gave Statlander a Death Valley Driver on the ring apron. She played to the crowd and let out a roar, then fended off Hathaway getting in her face. Hathaway cowered. Statlander then hit Willow as soon as she turned around. Statlander threw Willow back into the ring. Willow powerbombed a leaping Statlander out of mid-air for a two count. She hit a leaping DDT for a two count seconds later at 8:00.

Statlander came back and landed a 450 splash for a very near fall. Hathaway slipped a chain to Statlander. Hathaway then distracted the ref as Statlander hit Willow with a discus lariat with the chain for the win. Hathaway then hid the chain in her back pocket.

WINNER: Statlander in 10:00 to earn a CMLL Women’s Title match

-Hathaway brought a chair into the ring. Statlander hit Willow with it. Three security guys ran into the ring as Statlander wound up to use the chair again. She then attacked the security guys. Hathaway got her to pause her attack and then raised her arm in the air. Hathaway gloated in Willow’s face and asked where her smile went.

(Keller’s Analysis: Statlander and Hathaway are good as a heel tandem. Hathaway is always better when he dials it down and doesn’t ham it up too much and act like a clown, but rather leans into being obnoxious, strategic, and sinister.)

-They went to Taz, Excalibur, and Schiavone at ringside. They replayed a clip of Jeff Jarrett giving Bryan Danielson a pep talk last week. [c]

-Bryan Danielson made his ring entrance as the announcers talked about his match at Wembley. Excalibur said Danielson has been a champion before, but not in AEW. Taz said he was one of the best ever. Danielson said it was great to be there in Greenville. He said usually people say that to get a cheap pop, but he said he and his wife got their engagement pictures in Greenville. Taz said, “Why?” (Funny.) Danielson complimented their downtown. He said he and Brie were just looking through those pictures. He said it’s true what they say about not knowing it’s good old days until they’re almost gone. He said he’s there to talk to them about two things: Present and Promises.

He said he has been very lucky in his career. He said he was forced to retire, but since he’s come back, he’s been able to be present. He said when he came back, he appreciated it more and was able to appreciate and be present in the good old days. He said the last three years in AEW have been the favorite of his career. He said he was present for those “Yes!” chants. Fans chanted “Yes!” A “Thank you, Bryan!” chant started. Bryan soaked it up.

He shifted to talking about promises. He said he promised his daughter that when she turned seven, he’d stop wrestling full time. He said he promised his family that his AEW contract would be the last one he ever signed, “and that contract ends tomorrow.” Fans gasped. He said he promised himself that every time he stepped foot in the ring, he’d give everything he had for the fans because they and he deserved it. Fans chanted “You deserve it!”

Danielson said when he came to AEW he said he’d do two things, kick people’s heads in and win the AEW World Title. He said over the last three years, he’s kicked a lot of people’s heads in but he hasn’t won the AEW World Title. “Yet,” he said. He said this will be his last shot at a title, and it’s at AEW’s biggest show of the year. He said there are doctors telling him not to wrestle and his family doesn’t want him to wrestle, but he will be present for that moment at Wembley and give the fans 100 percent. He added that 101 percent isn’t possible. He said he will go all in with his body and mind and soul. Swerve Strickland interrupted. Excalibur said it’s clear those words from Jarrett last week really resonated with Danielson.


Swerve and Prince Nana walked out. Excalibur said they are 26 days away from finding out if Danielson can leave London as champion of if Swerve will leave London with his title. Fans chanted “Swerve’s house!” Swerve expressed respect for Danielson and said he’d be rooting for him under any other circumstance so he could win and have his moment. “But this is Swerve Strickland’s time,” he said. He said he’s so ahead of his time that in ten years people are going to want to press rewind. He said Danielson was going to kick everybody’s head in and win the AEW World Title. “I guess you couldn’t handle it when they started kicking back,” he said. He said this isn’t an achievement award that he gets after 25 years of service. He said the belt shows everyone that he is the best in the world today.

Swerve said he lost to Ospreay and got hurt, where Ospreay challenged him and he won. He said he led Team AEW against The Elite and they won. He said at All In last year, he competed and won whereas Danielson was too broken down to even get on a flight to London. “Maybe your body can’t handle the pressures of being a champion,” he said. He said he had a promise for Danielson. He promised him he is the most dangerous man in AEW and he won’t walk out of All In as champion. He said when he is done with him, Danielson might never walk again. Swerve turned to leave.

Danielson said, “Swerve, I have one more promise. I promise if I don’t win the AEW World Championship, I will never wrestle again.” Taz said, “What the hell?” Swerve smiled at him and looked around. Danielson said, “Your title against my career at All In.” He offered a handshake. Swerve shook it and smiled. “That’s very noble of you, Bryan,” Swerve said. “But don’t keep that promise to me. Keep it with your family.” He dropped the mic and left.

(Keller’s Analysis: Really good segment. It now feels like an epic stadium show main event, not just because of the added stip but the entire segment with both wrestlers)

-They went to the announcers at ringside to react to Danielson’s vow. They agreed the stakes were raised. Schaivone wondered if Danielson got caught up in the moment. Taz said he thinks it was a sign of confidence.

-Renee Paquette talked about the new Title vs. Career news. She asked Danielson as he walked by for a comment. Jarrett with his crew told Danielson that’s the way you do it. Danielson slapped the hat out of Jarrett’s hand and challenged Jarrett to a match next week so he can see if he’s all in. Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Karen Jarrett looked shocked.


The bell rang 11 minutes into the hour. They cut to a double-box break at 4:00. [c/db]

For the finish, Briscoe countered Mortos and set up a Jay Driller, but Rush interfered with a headbutt. Mortos then gave Briscoe a leaping spike piledriver for the win.

WINNERS: Mortos & Rush & Strong in 11:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Non-stop action with an eclectic mix of personalities.)

-Billy Gunn and The Acclaimed cut a promo backstage. Max Caster said they’re going to Collision looking for FTR. He asked if they’re scared of them. He said the Southern hospitality is great in South Carolina and the people are simple, but he wants to face FTR to prove them wrong about him being a rapper and not a serious wrestler. He said he’s the best wrestler alive. Anthony Bowens said they will find them Saturday night. [c]

-Renee hosted a sitdown interviewed with Mariah May. Renee asked for more of an explanation for what she did to Toni Storm. Mariah said from day one she said she wanted to be like her. She said she gained her trust, then sliced her open and wore her skin. She asked Renee what she doesn’t understand. Renee asked what Storm ever did to her. She said she didn’t do anything to her and gave her everything she ever wanted. She said Toni warned her the business would eat her alive. She said it was her time to eat. As Renee asked another question, Mariah interrupted and said she wouldn’t answer any more questions.

-They went to the announcers at ringside to react. Toni Storm came out onto the stage raging about Mariah. “You said you loved me!” she said. “Well, I loved you too.” She sobbed and kneeled. “They say you should find what you love and let it kill you,” she said. “Well, at All In, it will be a romance of a lifetime!” Excalibur said she’s been driven over the edge by Mariah.

-A clip aired of a dust-up at Comic Con’s AEW panel with Britt Baker and Mercedes Moné getting into and having to be held apart.


Schiavone talked about Kamille playing in the Women’s Pro Legends Football League. The bell rang 33 minutes into the hour. Kamille attacked Jade at the bell aggressively. They showed Mercedes smiling wide at ringside. Kamille raked Jade’s eyes. She finished her seconds later by slamming her face-first into the mat.

WINNER: Kamille in 1:30.

-Mercedes joined Kamille in the ring afterward and raised her arm. She said everyone can see why they call her The Brickhouse. She said she’s been victimized for weeks by Britt Baker. Fans chanted “DMD!” Mercedes said she’s tried to be diplomatic, but Baker has taken things too far. She said it’s like Britt is obsessed with her. She said Baker’s actions got her suspended by her EVPs. She said Baker can’t breakdown her Brickhouse. She said AEW is her house now and she’s about to turn her house into a mansion. She told Britt that losing to her will be the greatest thing that happens in her career, “because money changes everything.”


Hangman came out first, then Darby. The bell rang 43 minutes into the hour. A dueling chant broke out early. They brawled up the ramp to the stage at 2:00. Hangman grabbed a chair. The ref implored him to drop it and return to the ring. Hangman yelled at him to shut up. Darby recovered and gave him a flipping stunner. Darby leaped off the top of the entrance ramp with a Coffin Drop. Both were down and slow to get up. Fans chanted, “Holy shit!” They cut to a double-box break. [c/db]

Hangman took over for several minutes. He slammed Darby onto the edge of the ringside steps with a fallaway slam at 10:00. They cut to another double-box break. [c/db]

Darby made a comeback. He beat up Hangman on the ringside steps and then dove through the ropes and knocked him hard to the floor.


Darby whipped Hangman and landed a Code Red for a near fall. He leaped off the top rope with a Coffin Drop, but Hangman countered into a sleeper. Darby leveraged Hangman’s shoulders down for a near fall. Darby went for a Buckshot, but Hangman clotheslined him as he leaped at him and scored a believable near fall. Hangman landed a Dead Eye. Excalibur said those are the eyes of a sick man. He said Hangman seemed upset by kids in the crowd.

Hangman set up a Buckshot, waiting for Darby to stand. Darby fell back to avoid the Buckshot. Hangman dragged him to mid-ring. Darby countered Hangman and rolled him up for a three count. Hangman grabbed the ref and yelled at him in frustration. Taz said Hangman thought it was a quick count. Darby shot Hangman double middle fingers. Excalibur plugged that Darby would be part of a big eight-man tag match on Collision. Graphics hyped other matches coming up on Collision and Dynamite next week.

WINNER: Darby in 21:00.



PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by PWTorch’s Brandon LeClair to review AEW Dynamite LIVE tonight right after Dynamite. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Dynamite during the show.

Email our post-show at with your comments and questions about Dynamite. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.


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