WWE SMACKDOWN FEUD TRACKER: Assessing and Grading the Bloodline’s Beatdowns, Andrade-Hayes, Knight-Paul, Tag Team Rivalries, more

By Tejav Narayanan, PWTorch contributor

Logan Paul


Some housekeeping before we get started:

• Former WWE champion Bobby Lashley and manager MVP are reportedly leaving WWE, following the expiration of their contracts in the near future. Lashley’s booking has been inconsistent over the past year thanks to several injuries, while MVP has recently claimed on social media that his lack of screentime is due to internal racism at WWE. Both have expressed interest in reforming their popular stable The Hurt Business outside the halls of WWE (potentially alongside another recent WWE release, Shelton Benjamin). Both Lashley and MVP have proven to be crowd favorites in the past, and it’s a shame that neither were utilized to their full potential in the last year or two.

I don’t think anyone could have predicted WWE would be here, back in 2021. The Bloodline’s first incarnation was running roughshod over the Smackdown title scene, and the new version is still doing the same three years later. The end bosses of the Paul Levesque-era of WWE programming show no signs of slowing down on the road to Summerslam 2024, the same event where Roman Reigns debuted as the critically acclaimed Tribal Chief four years ago. Could we be in store for another game-changing character debut this year? Time will tell.

Nia Jax is beloved by the WWE audience, Cody Rhodes and Andrade have returned from AEW, and YouTuber Logan Paul is the U.S. Champion (and the current longest-reigning champion in WWE). How times have changed.

It was an eventful episode of Smackdown this week, so let’s dive in!

Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens & Randy Orton vs. The Bloodline


Last week, Cody Rhodes promised revenge against The Bloodline for taking out his ally Randy Orton the week before, hyping up Orton’s accomplishments both in and out of the ring.

Kevin Owens returned to help Rhodes defeat A-Town Down Under in the main event of Smackdown last week. Following the match, The Bloodline jumped them. Solo directed his henchmen to brutally attack Owens just like they did Orton, leaving the heels standing tall yet again.


You’ve all seen my complaints about Smackdown’s repetitive booking, so I won’t waste your time again. The post-match Bloodline beatdowns are a staple of WWE programming, and while they’re effective in showing the faction’s continued dominance, the formula’s starting to wear a bit thin. There’s only so many times Cody Rhodes can get beat up before he stops looking like an underdog and begins looking like a chump. We’re not quite there yet, but we’re closer than I’d like.

However, this week introduced an interesting layer to the Codyvengers vs Bloodline feud: the subtext that all of Cody Rhodes’ allies end up injured. With Orton already eyeing Rhodes’ title, we could be laying the groundwork for an Orton heel turn, especially after Cody put him over so heavily this week. This could be a really interesting character shift for Orton, and provide Cody with a white-hot title feud leading into the fall.

The issue, similar to Roman Reigns’ teased return at Summerslam, is that HHH & co. have teased a narrative far more interesting than Rhodes v Sikoa (the immediate feud intended to headline Summerslam). And while the new story-driven WWE’s programming has paid off handsomely, the main event of WWE’s 2nd biggest annual shouldn’t be coming off as just a means to an end. I’d love to see some more personal juice added to Rhodes vs Sikoa specifically, because right now it feels more obligatory than anything else.

Grade: B-

Tiffany Stratton & Nia Jax vs. Bayley & Michin


Bayley and Jax conducted a sit-down interview with Corey Graves ahead of their title match at Summerslam. Last week, Bayley went on the offensive for a change, bringing up Jax’s past history as an unsafe overhyped wrestler. Jax stormed out.

Later, Jax’s protégé Tiffany Stratton received a lengthy hype package before a match longtime enemy Michin. During the match, Bayley intervened by taking out Jax at ringside and attempting to destroy the MITB briefcase. Michin took advtange of the distraction, sneaking a win on Stratton.

This week, Bayley & Michin team up against Jax & Stratton in a tag team match.


This week’s confrontation reversed the dynamics between Bayley and Nia, allowing the formerly genial babyface to go on the offensive, laying into Queen Nia while Nia uncharacteristically had little to say in response.

While the character dynamics were slightly confusing, putting the feud on a more even playing field allows Bayley to flex her underrated promo work much more than the “happy to be here” shtick she’s largely relied on since winning the WWE Women’s Championship at Wrestlemania. Additionally, the Tiffany Stratton push is in full-swing, with last week’s additional spotlight on her firmly emphasizing that she is more than Jax’s heater.

While certain worked-shoot lines felt clumsy and unnecessary (I appreciate the long-term booking, but no one remembers Bayley’s injury at Summerslam 2017), overall this was a strong set of segments that gave Bayley some much needed fire. Tonight, Bayley takes on Jax & Stratton alongside Michin, where the heels will likely get their win back to stack the odds against Bayley at Summerslam.

Grade: B+

Austin Theory vs. Grayson Waller


Last week, A-Town Down Under decided to pick a fight with Cody RhodesGrayson Waller continued to deny that he was using Theory as his fall guy.

In response, Rhodes teamed up with the returning Kevin Owens (a longtime enemy of A-Town Down Under) to battle the former tag champs in that episode’s main event. Thanks to Waller again putting Theory in harm’s way, the two lost the match.


A brief, but entertaining promo segment that perfectly showcased Grayson Waller’s S-tier gaslighting skills. Ever since his NXT callup last year, Waller’s consistent promo time has been a huge signifier in WWE brass’ faith in him. Theory, however, pales in comparison, and the lack of spotlight on Theory’s internal journey doesn’t bode well for the audience’s ability to get behind him.

The main event match, however, was stellar. Paying off long-term character alliances and continuing to develop the dissolution of A-Town Down Under, this match capped off a clear short-term plot throughout last week’s episode, giving Smackdown a cohesiveness and clear sense of progression. While Theory and Waller could have existed purely as foils for mega-faces Rhodes and Kevin Owens, they managed to insert their own character beats into the match, keeping audience interest in their eventual breakup high.

Grade: B+

L.A. Knight vs. Logan Paul


Last week, LA Knight finally came face-to-face with US champ Logan Paul after calling him out on Twitter for several weeks. The two met Smackdown GM Nick Aldis in the ring for a contract signing.

After an entertaining war of words, where Paul belittled Knight’s career while Knight continued to call Paul a paper champ, the US title match was made official for Summerslam in Cleveland. On his way out, Paul hit Knight with a cheap shot before fleeing.


The LA Knight-Logan Paul feud has suffered in the past due to Paul’s other obligations preventing from meeting the Megastar face-to-face. Knight was left to complain about Paul’s work ethic for weeks on end, which significantly dampened his aura.

This week, the two finally met in the ring, which truly kicked their long-running feud into high-gear. The two traded barbs that were head-and-shoulders above the other promos last week, with their copious use of insults and catchphrases feeling like a throwback to the best of the attitude era.

Knight proves he can get over with any crowd on the planet, and Paul’s mic work has drastically improved in the last year (weird shoot comments aside). Additionally, HHH deserves all the credit in the world for making Knight and Paul’s feud feel like one continuous arc since MITB 2023. While the two have crossed paths intermittently, the ability to weave those interactions into a cohesive arc culminating at Summerslam is extremely impressive.

This feud has by far the most heat going into Summerslam, and looks poised to culminate in Knight’s long-overdue 1st championship win. Knight has proven that he’s more than a flash in the pan, with the chops to carry the Smackdown midcard title scene moving forward.

Grade: A-

Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill vs. Unholy Union


Last week, Bianca Belair defeated Chelsea Green in a quick squash match, before she and tag team partner Cargill reaffirmed their quest to reclaim the WWE Women’s Tag Championships. Afterward, The Unholy Union appeared on the tron acknowledging their challenge.

This Monday on Raw, the Unholy Union confirmed they planned to confront Belair & Cargill, much to the annoyance of Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark, who also believe they deserve another shot at the belts.


A brief squash existing solely to keep Belair looking strong before a set of promos that accomplished little other than to set up a confrontation in the future.

The women’s tag champs have been featured far less prominently after Clash at The Castle, in another disappointing step backward for the belts. The Unholy Union have done little to legitimize their reign, coming across much closer to chickensh*t heels than the imposing spectres they seem to be portrayed as on television.

On the positive side, the efforts to build multiple challengers has kept the women’s division interesting over the past few months, with Belair working to elevate the division like she did the main event scene in 2023. Cargill remains an entertain hoss, with WWE cleverly booking to her strengths and hiding her weaknesses. The eventual one-on-one clash between these two teams should make a barn-burner of a match, but the buildup has offered little for viewers to grab onto.

Grade: B-

Tag Team Gauntlet Rivalries


Following a successful title defense against A-Town Down Under 2 weeks ago, WWE Tag Team champions DIY were jumped by the The Bloodline, who have their eyes on the tag champs.

Pretty Deadly interrupted the The Street Profits’ attempts to secure a match with the Bloodline, beginning a rivalry where The Profits scored a win against the British twosome 2 weeks ago on Smackdown.

Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews have both found themselves on the wrong end of Legado Del Fantasma. Last week, the two teamed up to take on Angel & Berto, but lost.

Tonight, The Bloodline, LDF, Corbin & Crews, Pretty Deadly, The Street Profits and The OC (currently mixing it up in NXT) compete in a gauntlet match for a shot at the tag champs.


The very nature of a gauntlet match invites casual viewers to tune out for the early stages, since the only storyline implications kick into high gear once the match is already at a close.

The reason matches like the Royal Rumble are so influential are the mini-arcs woven throughout the match, which keep viewers hooked even when it may be obvious that none of the men in the ring will walk out victorious.

This gauntlet match has no singular protagonist i.e Kofi Kingston during KofiMania. There’s no singular winner being telegraphed. Thus, the mini-feuds set up over the past few weeks have laid the groundwork to keep viewers hooked throughout the entirety of the gauntlet match.

A smart strategy that also simultaneously gave promo & match time to several underused tag teams over the past month, while consistently signalling to the audience that the tag championships are a prize that everyone deems worthy of fighting for. And no matter who walks away victorious, they’ll have a set of rivals ready to challenge. A perfect example of weekly filler matches being set with intention and building to a greater purpose on episodic television.

Just one request: please let DIY defend their titles at Summerslam, instead of relegating them to the go-home Smackdown again. It’s Gargano’s hometown, and DIY carried NXT Black & Gold for a solid 2 years! Come on, Triple H, they deserve the spotlight!

Grade: A

Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes


Following Hayes’ challenge to Andrade, the two engaged in a hard-hitting TV match last week on Smackdown, which only served to intensity their burgeoning rivalry which began during the titular ladder match at Money In The Bank several months ago. Andrade managed to score a clean win with The Message, though Hayes put up a hell of a fight.


In WWE, it almost feels old-school to allow a feud to entirely develop in-ring. So when it happens, there’s a different flavor to almost everything else on the card. Such is the case for Andrade vs Hayes. Outside of a single backstage promo, the two have exchanged few words, yet they told a story start-to-finish between a tranquilo veteran ready to teach a egotistical upstart a lesson.

And what a lesson it was. Hayes sold his ass off to Andrade, and the clean win hints at a future push for the superstar. In the Triple H regime, a clean win means something tangible amidst the numerous interferences across most matches. Andrade putting Hayes down seems to signal his stock rising amidst the Smackdown roster, which is incredibly exciting. Andrade’s finest moments were as the end boss of NXT Black & Gold. Despite his promo skills lacking, the man’s aura was unmatched and felt truly untouchable through his win-loss record alone.

Hayes’ time will soon come, but WWE top brass continue to see a bright future for the young NXT callup by entrusting him with lengthy ring time over the past few weeks. If there’s consistent follow-up, we’ve just seen the beginning of a meteoric rise for both men. And even if there isn’t, I don’t care. Story or no, I could watch these two fight forever.

Grade: A-

Chelsea Green & Piper Niven vs Nick Aldis


Chelsea Green battled Bianca Belair last week for the chance to speak to Nick Aldis She lost after only 2 weeks, forcing her and Piper Niven to find another route to their next opportunity.


Nothing much to say here. A quick throwaway match that proves Chelsea Green can bounce back from a loss faster than anyone else in the women’s division.

Despite the comedic booking, Green and Niven are still being portrayed as hungry challengers looking for new opportunities off the back of Green’s standout performance at MITB. Hopefully we get some storyline payoff to this arc soon, because these two are far too talented to be jobbers to the stars.

Additionally, a lot of the logic in this segment felt off (a rarity in the Triple H era), with the women’s journey to find Nick Aldis making little sense when he was literally in the ring 2 segments earlier for a contract signing.

Grade: C-

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