TNA IMPACT TV RESULTS (7/25): Lilly’s report on Young & Grace vs. Hammerstone & Ash, Hardy & ABC vs. The System & JDC

By Darrin Lilly, PWTorch Contributor


JULY 25, 2024

-Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

-Recap video of Slammiversary.

-“Cross the Line” open.

-Nic Nemeth came to the ring wearing the TNA World Title belt, to an enthusiastic reaction. Fans chanted “You deserve it.” He thanked the fans and said he was proud to be TNA World Champion. He vowed to be a fighting champion and said he’d make it the greatest title in all of wrestling. He was interrupted by Campaign Singh, accompanied by the secret service. Singh brought out Mustafa Ali, who entered the ring.

Ali forced a handshake with Nemeth. He complained about being the victim of the biggest screwjob in the history of wrestling at Slammiversary. Nemeth mocked Ali for losing to Mike Bailey. They exchanged insults. Nemeth offered to put up the title tonight. Ali accepted. Nemeth threw him out of the ring and superkicked Singh.

-Hannifan and Rehwoldt appeared on camera from ringside and ran down the matches for the show.

-Gia Miller interviewed ABC and Matt Hardy about their match later tonight against The System. Chris Bey looked to Matt for advice on facing The System. Matt noted that his brother Jeff isn’t here but someone is here who they believe in. [c]

-Frankie Kazarian confronted Nic and Ryan Nemeth backstage. Frankie claimed that Nic stole the title from him. Ryan jumped in and said that he and Frankie had unfinished business. Santino Marella stepped in and made a match between Ryan and Frankie for next week.

-Footage from earlier today of The System arriving in a car and looking very sullen (except for Alisha, who still had her title belt.)


Maclin took the mic before the match and said he has been trying to turn over a new leaf and do what he thought was right. He said at Slammiversary, he got caught and was pinned. He was mad at the crowd for singing the goodbye song when he was eliminated. He said the U.S. was the greatest country in the world. He sang the goodbye song and added “kiss my ass.”

Cody Deaner came out and spoke on behalf of his fellow Canadians. He said Maclin should shut his mouth. He added that Santino told him he could be the man to shut his mouth. He left it up to the people and of course they wanted the match.

Cody hit Maclin at the bell and continued to rain punches on him. Deaner caught Maclin with a dive over the top rope to the floor. Maclin caught Cody with a running knee and a back breaker to get the advantage. Cody made a comeback with punches and a bulldog. Maclin battled back with an Angle Slam and Caught in the Crosshairs. Maclin got the pin after a KIA.

WINNER: Steve Maclin in 5:00.

(D.L.’s Take: A good win for Maclin to get back on track after being the first eliminated in the Slammiversary main event.)

-DMTV segment with Sami Callihan. He basically previewed his match with AJ Francis. His alter ego cut a “weather report” saying there was a 100% chance that AJ would get a foot in his ass. He said that AJ, Rich Swann, and Bishop would be three broke bitches before ending with the “thumbs up, thumbs down.” [c]

-Promo for Joe Hendry “Live in Concert” on next week’s NXT show.

(2) SAMI CALLIHAN vs. AJ FRANCIS (w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop)

Sami sent AJ out of the ring. Sami gave AJ a series of punches on the apron. AJ used a distraction from Swann and Bishop to knock Sami to the mat. AJ punched and kicked Sami and choked him on the ropes. [c]

Sami made a comeback after biting AJ’s hand. Sami slammed AJ to a good reaction. AJ did Hulk Hogan poses (?) and missed a legdrop. Sami was going for the piledriver, but Swann distracted the referee and Bishop clotheslined Sami. AJ gave Sami the Down Payment (a chokeslam) and got the pin.

WINNER: AJ Francis in 10:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Steamboat vs. Flair, this was not.)

-Rosemary promo. She recounted her various nicknames and talked about people who were gone (as pictures of Abyss, Havok, and Father James Mitchell were shown on a board in front of her.) A piece of paper on her board said “We failed them.” She concluded by saying “Who am I? Nothing.” She also appeared to carve up her board. [c]


Ash and Grace exchanged slaps. Grace gave Ash a spinebuster. Eric and Hammerstone tagged in and fought. Hammerstone suplexed Eric. Ash tagged in and knocked Grace off the apron. Ash gave Eric a series of punches. Hammerstone tagged back in and threw Ash onto Eric. Hammerstone gave Eric a back suplex for a two count. Eric and Hammerstone clotheslined each other.

Ash and Grace tagged in. Grace had the advantage. All four wrestlers were in the ring and exchanged moves. Grace squared off with Hammerstone. Hammerstone threw Grace to the floor and she got hit by a meteora from Ash. In the ring, Ash ran from Eric. Ash pulled Eric off the top rope. Hammerstone put Eric in the Torture Rack and the referee called for the bell.

WINNERS: Hammerstone & Ash By Elegance in 8:00.

Hammerstone raised Ash’s hand after the match and dipped her. [c]

-The System promo. Everyone looked somber as dramatic music played in the background. Alisha, who was the only one who talked, said that people would learn to trust The System.

-Josh Alexander came to the ring for a promo. Fans booed. He said he couldn’t wait to go home to a real city — Toronto. He asked the fans if they wanted an explanation. The fans sang the goodbye song. Alexander left the ring.

-Clips of the reunited Rascalz on Tuesday’s NXT show.

-Gia Miller interviewed “Speedball” Mike Bailey. He called his win at Slammiversary the biggest of his career. He said the title represented hard work. The Rascalz stepped in and congratulated him. They said they would love to mix it up with him and reminded him that Trent Seven was his partner. Bailey agreed and shook hands. [c]

-Next week:

*The wedding of PCO & Steph De Lander

*Jody Threat vs. Masha Slamovich

*Rosemary returns

*Ryan Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian

*TNA World Title Match: Nic Nemeth vs. Mustafa Ali

(4) MATT HARDY & ABC (Chris Bey & Ace Austin) vs. THE SYSTEM (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards w/Alisha Edwards) & JDC

JDC bailed out of the ring, leaving Hardy and Myers to start the match. ABC double teamed Myers. All six wrestlers fought in the ring. ABC and Hardy threw out The System. [c]

ABC and Hardy still had the advantage after the break. ABC double teamed Eddie. Moose walked down the ramp and went to the corner of The System. The System used the distraction to turn the tide. ABC double teamed JDC. Hardy was thrown out of the ring and was surrounded by The System. Joe Hendry’s music played and he walked down the ramp to a big reaction. Hendry squared off with Moose. [c]

Alisha got on the apron to cause a distraction. The System had the advantage on Bey. Bey finally made the tag to Hardy, who ran wild on JDC. All six wrestlers fought in the ring. ABC did a dive to the floor on Myers and Eddie. Matt went for the Twist of Fate, but Moose got in the ring and accidentally gave JDC a spear. Hendry clotheslined Moose out of the ring. Hardy gave JDC a Twist of Fate. Bey gave JDC a splash from the top rope and got the pin.

WINNERS: Matt Hardy & ABC in 23:00.

ABC, Hardy, and Hendry raised hands to conclude the show.

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