NXT HITS & MISSES (7/23): Briggs vs. Jensen, Trick Williams vs. Cedric Alexander, Sinclair vs. Bright, Thorpe vs. Lexis King, Ethan Page, Joe Hendry

By Jason Goodspeed, PWTorch contributor

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen


Josh Briggs vs. Brooks Jensen: Hit

This was a fantastic match and I would’ve given it a Hit based solely on the welts on Briggs back. I know kendo sticks get overused sometimes in wrestling, but I’ve been hit by one once and it sucked, so multiple cannot be any sort of treat for these guys. I like the Jensen/Spears pairing. I wouldn’t mind a stable led by Spears of some of the underutilized talents.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King: Minor Hit

Not much to this match, but what was there was passable. I like King, but I haven’t warmed up to Thorpe (nothing against his talent, but his character seems all over the place). It looks like the King/Thorpe feud continues after the post-match beatdown

Oro Mensah vs. Ashante Thee Adonis: Minor Hit

Nice matchup between these two. I have to admit I’m not sure what’s going on with Meta Four: Oro has been working lately as a face against Page and now Ashante, but yet Jakara and Lash seem to be heelish against Karmen and Sol. As for Ashante, I’m hoping his time back in NXT will help out his glaring weak spot: his mic work. He was rough in the opening segment, so hopefully he’ll gain some confidence on the mic, otherwise he’s fun to watch in the ring.

Wren Sinclair vs. Carlee Bright: Hit

Weird Mafia story aside, this was a good in and outside the ring from Sinclair. She’s solid in the ring and she showed personality outside of the “I’m so glad to be here” mentality she started with (NXT has way too many of those in my opinion). I also am glad she ditched her old ‘one leg’ wrestling gear. If she ends up joining the NQCC, she could help create a re-birth for the Crew, who never seemed to get out of 2nd gear more often than not.

Trick Williams vs. Cedric Alexander: Hit

Cedric is one of the most under-rated guys on the roster. He makes everyone who’s in the ring with him look great and it helps when he’s up against a guy with Trick’s talent. Alexander looks like he’s put on some weight and he’s wrestling a more powerhouse style, than his old high flying style. I’m looking forward to the upcoming Trick/Pete Dunne feud. Dunne always brings it and I love him going back to being a heel (both on NXT and Raw)

Karmen Petrovic & Sol Ruca vs. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson: Hit

Given the combined lack of experience with all four competitors, this was a far better match than I would’ve expected. I really like Lash’s new finisher, too. Sol Ruca is a joy to watch, if she’s not a future champion consider me gobsmacked.

Joe Hendry video: Hit

I continue to believe in Joe Hendry!

Ethan Page: Hit

He plays such a smarmy, egotistical champion. I wasn’t all that familiar to Page until recently (I’ve been watching some of his older work in AEW) and he has gotten to be a highlight for me whenever he’s on TV. This feud with Oro is fun, especially because the crowds have gotten into it, feeding Page to act even more like the delusional champion. Fun stuff

The Rascalz vs. Nathen Frazier & Axion & Je’von Evans: Hit

This was one those matches that you know is going to be so good, that you almost already have it nailed as a Hit. Axiom taking the pin could lead to continued friction between he and Frazer. Can I say seeing a TNA wrestler pin a WWE wrestler on WWE tv is surreal, to say the least. I actually watched the match twice, because it was so fast and high energy, there were times when I felt I had missed something (I had to blink occasionally, after all!)

Overall, a good show and a nice build up to the two week Great American Bash coming up. Sadly, I feel they’ll lost some audience in their move to SYFY, but hopefully enough people will make the switch over, because The GAB is shaping up to be a pretty decent series of matches.

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