TNA SLAMMIVERSARY RESULTS (7/20): Moose vs. Hendry vs. Kazarian vs. Alexander vs. Maclin vs. Nemeth for TNA World Title, Grace vs. Ash, Matt Hardy vs. JDC, Ali vs. Bailey

By Darrin Lilly ,PWTorch Contributor


JULY 20, 2024

Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt


A. Tasha Steelz beat Faby Apache, Gisele Shaw, and Xia Brookside

B. Kushida beat Rich Swann

C. Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich beat Dani Luna & Jody Threat to retain the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles

D. Eric Young beat Hammerstone


-Show started with the Canadian National Anthem and an intro video.


They fought on the floor before the bell rang. JDC had the advantage at the start, but Hardy made a comeback. Hardy won after a Twist of Fate.

WINNER: Matt Hardy in 5:00.

Hardy gave JDC three more Twists of Fate after the match.

-The System (decked out in USA gear) gave a promo previewing their matches tonight.

(2) THE SYSTEM (c) (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards w/Alisha Edwards) vs. ABC (Chris Bey & Ace Austin)  — TNA World Tag Team Title match

Fans chanted “F*** the System!” at the start. ABC had some flashy offense, but The System eventually took over and got the heat on Ace.  Bey made the tag and ran wild. He went after Alisha but got chopped by Eddie. The teams traded the advantage and near falls. Bey (partially) gave Alisha a cutter by accident. ABC hit the Art of Finesse on Myers and Ace got the pin to win the belts.

WINNERS: ABC in 17:00 to win the TNA World Tag Team Titles.

-Mike Bailey promo. He vowed to beat Mustafa Ali for the X Division Title. He also spoke a bit in French, which got cheers from the crowd.


Jake flew over the top rope on dove on Santana on the floor. Santana gave Jake a senton off the top rope to the floor. Jake got a two count after a sit out powerbomb. Santana gave Jake a German suplex off the top rope. Santana finished him off with a spinning clothesline for the pin.

WINNER: Mike Santana in 12:00.

-Eric Young cut a short promo.

-Hannifan and Rehwoldt recapped their week in Montreal, including a press conference and Jordynne Grace beating a mascot in arm wrestling and putting him through a table.

(4) THE RASCALZ (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz & Wes Lee) vs. NO QUARTER CATCH CREW (Charlie Dempsey & Tavion Heights & Myles Borne)

There were “NXT” chants as the Crew came to the ring. Heights used power moves to get the advantage on Wentz. The Crew kept the advantage on Wentz. Lee made the hot tag, but the Crew eventually overwhelmed him. The Rascalz made a comeback. Lee did a dive to the outside on everyone. Everyone exchanged moves in the ring. The Rascalz used teamwork to make a comeback. They hit Hot Fire Flame and Wentz pinned Heights.

WINNERS: The Rascalz in 15:00.

(5) A.J. FRANCIS (c) (w/Rich Swann) vs. PCO — TNA Digital Media Title & International Heavyweight Wrestling Title match

This was a Montreal Street Fight. AJ did mic work before the match and said PCO wouldn’t be there tonight. They cut to a clip from earlier where AJ and his crew had presumably beaten up PCO. However PCO came out for his ring entrance (with Destro). AJ hit PCO with a chair at the bell. PCO came back with a cannonball to the outside. Fans were enthusiastically behind PCO. There was an extended fight on the floor.

AJ put a metal trash can over PCO’s head and hit it repeatedly with a chair. AJ gave PCO an Electric Chair on a pile of chairs. PCO threw AJ through two tables that were set up at ringside. Josh Bishop hit PCO with a chair. Sami Callihan came out to help PCO, but Swann took him out and threw him in the ring. Rhino came out to a big reaction for the save. Rhino gave Swann the Gore.

PCO gave AJ the PCOsault, but AJ kicked out of the pin attempt. AJ gave PCO a tombstone, but PCO kicked out. PCO chokeslammed AJ onto a pile of chairs. PCO hit another PCOsault and got the pin.

WINNER: PCO in 12:00 to win both belts.

Steph De Lander came out after the match. She dropped to a knee and asked PCO to marry her. He said yes. She put the ring on his finger. We’re getting a wedding.

(6) JORDYNNE GRACE (c) vs. ASH BY ELEGANCE (w/The Concierge) — TNA Knockouts Title match

Grace used her power early to get the advantage. Rosemary was watching. She pulled out a knife and chased the Concierge up the ramp. Ash used the distraction to get the upper hand. Grace came back with a spinning backfist. She hit the Shades of Samoa for a two count. Ash battled back with a tornado DDT. Grace came back with more offense. Ash gave Grace a Canadian Destroyer to boos from the crowd. Grace got her knees up to block Rarefied Air. After a back and forth battle, Grave finally got the Juggernaut Driver for the pin.

WINNER: Jordynne Grace in 13:00.

(7) MUSTAFA ALI (c) (w/Campaign Singh) vs. “SPEEDBALL” MIKE BAILEY— TNA X Division Title match

Bailey’s wife Veda Scott was shown at ringside. Bailey got a huge reaction when he was introduced. Bailey was on offense early, hitting some of his signature moves. Ali used a distraction from his secret service to turn the tide. Bailey battled back and got a Shooting Star Press for a two count. Bailey gave Ali a Spanish Fly to the outside to knock down the secret service, Campaign Singh, and the riot squad members.

Back in the ring, they exchanged the advantage. Bailey gave Ali a moonsault on the outside. Bailey avoided a 450 splash. Bailey gave Ali a Poison Rana from the top, followed by Ultima Weapon for the apparent pin, but Ali’s foot was on the rope. Bailey accidentally decked the referee. Secret service surrounded the ring. Bailey fought them off. Singh hit Bailey with the title belt. Security held Bailey so Ali could give him the 450 splash. Ali did another one.

The referee recovered, but one of the riot members stopped the count. He revealed himself to be Trent Seven. Seven took out the security and Singh. Ali did a dive on Seven. Ali signaled to the back and Earl Hebner came to the ring in a referee’s shirt. Ali put Bailey in the sharpshooter. Hebner motioned like he would call for the bell, but he didn’t. Ali grabbed him. Bailey kicked a chair out of Ali’s hands. Bailey put Ali in the sharpshooter and Hebner called for the bell.

WINNER: “Speedball” Mike Bailey via submission in 20:00 to win the X Division Title.

Hebner raised Bailey’s hand and Hannifan said on commentary that Hebner had redeemed himself in Montreal.

-Backstage, the Concierge complained to Santino Marella about Ash By Elegance losing. Hammerstone complained about losing to Eric Young. Santino said that Eric Young & Jordynne Grace would face Hammerstone and Ash By Elegance on Thursday.


This was a six-way elimination match. Moose was attacked at the start, then Frankie was attacked. The other four wrestlers then fought. Hendry suplexed Moose on the outside. Alexander had a sequence where he gave everyone German suplexes. Nemeth delivered some dropkicks and gave Moose a series of elbow drops, including one on the outside. Frankie had his chance to shine next with a series of legdrops and cutters.

Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Maclin gave Moose and Hendry the Scud Missile and gave Alexander, Moose, and Frankie the Caught in the Crosshairs. Moose gave Maclin the spear and pinned him for the first elimination. Moose turned on Frankie. Moose went on offense. Everyone exchanged moves on the floor and fought up the ramp. Nemeth superkicked Frankie off the stage and through a table.

Back in the ring, Moose slammed Nemeth and Alexander. Hendry chokeslammed Moose for a two count. Hendry went on offense. Moose and Hendry battled. Hendry gave Moose the Standing Ovation for a pin. Alexander kicked Hendry low and gave him the C-4 Spike for a pin. The crowd booed and chanted “Bulls**t!” Alexander continued to punch Alexander. Alexander knocked the referee down and grabbed him. Alexander gave Nemeth a backbreaker.

Alexander put Nemeth in an armlock. Nemeth gave Alexander a DDT. Nemeth pinned Alexander after a superkick. Frankie returned and gave Nemeth the Fade To Black for a two count. Frankie put Nemeth in the chicken wing. Nemeth superkicked Frankie for a two count. Nemeth gave Frankie a superkick and a Danger Zone for the pin.

WINNER: Nic Nemeth in 31:00 to win the TNA World Title.

Ryan Nemeth came out and celebrated with Nic. Jordynne Grace and ABC also came out to celebrate. PCO and Steph De Lander came out as well.

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