WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS (7/19) : McDonald’s “alt perspective” report on Rhodes appearance, Knight-Paul Contract Signing, Andrade vs. Hayes, Michin vs. Stratton

By Alex McDonald, PWTorch Contributor


JULY 19, 2024

Announcers: Corey Graves, Wade Barrett



-The show opened with a video recap of last week’s final segment on Smackdown. The video focused on the interaction between Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes followed by their confrontation with the Bloodline. The video ended with a shot of Solo Sikoa wearing the Tribal Lai.

-The camera panned the crowd as Corey Graves introduced the show.

-Cody Rhodes made his entrance. As Rhodes made his entrance, a graphic was shown in the lower third of the screen for his WWE Championship match with Solo Sikoa at Summerslam. Graves asked Wade Barrett what he thought of Rhodes’ chances at Summerslam. Graves cut Barrett off to draw attention to a boxer at ringside.

-Rhodes stood in the center of the ring as the crowd chanted his name. Rhodes then asked the crowd what they wanted to talk about. Rhodes said he wanted to talk about Randy Orton. He said he has the privilege of calling Orton a friend and before that Orton was a mentor. Rhodes said if it wasn’t for Orton he wouldn’t be WWE Champion. Rhodes said he felt guilt when the Bloodline put Orton through a table. He said family isn’t always blood. Rhodes said his song says that “wrestling has more than one royal family”. He said Orton is family and Orton is his brother. Rhodes said that Orton wouldn’t want him to wax poetic. He said instead of that he wants to look into the camera and talk to the man responsible for the attack, Solo Sikoa. Rhodes said he talked to Sikoa before Wrestlemania 39 and Rhodes told Sikoa that Sikoa wasn’t ready. He said that Sikoa paid him back by costing him the title against Roman Reigns. Rhodes said that Sikoa is trying to erase his time as the enforcer and become the Tribal Chief. Rhodes asked Sikoa how it felt that he was still the champion and Sikoa is not.

-Austin Theory and Grayson Waller made their entrance. They stood at the top of the stage. Theory said that Rhodes is spending a lot of time talking about the Bloodline. Theory said that Jacob Fatu attacked him because of Rhodes. Theory mentioned his swollen cheek. Rhodes said that Theory’s cheek was swollen because Waller pushed him into the knee. Waller said the reason Theory got hurt was because of Rhodes. Waller and Theory entered the ring. Rhodes attacked both of them. Rhodes stomped on Waller in the corner but Theory attacked him from behind. Waller tossed Theory out of the ring. Rhodes landed in front of the boxer who handed Rhodes a chair. Rhodes hit the ring and hit Waller with the chair. He landed the Disaster Kick to Theory and knocked him to the outside to join Waller. Rhodes stood tall in the ring with the title.

(McDonald’s Analysis: I thought for a second there that Theory was going to offer to help Rhodes against the Bloodline. It’s strange to insert him here otherwise. I guess this is a way to get to a main event of Rhodes against Theory or Waller for later in the show. The rest of this was fine but nothing newsworthy. Rhodes’ title run has been completely uneventful so far. They finally have him in a meaningful angle and they feel the need to put him in the ring against two guys he can beat up by himself. The Cody Rhodes character was supposed to be vulnerable and relatable. At this point, he’s just another Hogan or Cena who never looks weak and beats up everyone in sight like he’s indestructible. I think it’s a mistake. There’s no suspense to title matches and no heat on the heels when the babyface is booked this way.)

-Carmelo Hayes was in the back getting his hair cut. The barber asked him how he felt. Hayes said there wasn’t going to be any crowd chants. Hayes looked into the camera and said it’s going to be him and Andrade and everyone is going to see who misses first. Hayes said it wouldn’t be him. They showed a graphic for Hayes against Andrade. [c]

-Rhodes was in the back. He bumped into Nick Aldis. Rhodes asked for a match against Theory and Waller. Aldis said that Rhodes needs a tag team partner. Rhodes protested and said he doesn’t need a partner. He said it would send a message to the Bloodline if he beat them by himself. Aldis said it wouldn’t look good to put the champion in a handicap match. Aldis said that Rhodes has until the end of the night to find a partner.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Exactly what I just said. Rhodes is going to try to beat the guys that were Tag Team Champions by himself? And probably succeed? I’m sure he’ll get a partner that he never has to tag in. Or someone he can save.)

-Carmelo Hayes made his entrance.

-Andrade made his entrance. Graves threw to footage from WWE in Mexico last weekend.


The bell rang twenty-one minutes into the hour. Andrade took Hayes down. Andrade ran the ropes and Hayes went over and under. They traded some flips and Hayes rolled up Andrade for a two count. They traded some more holds. Andrade rolled up Hayes for a two count. Hayes countered and got a two count of his own. Hayes landed a forearm. Andrade recovered and landed a big boot. Hayes returned fire with a dropkick. Andrade went for a Spanish Fly off the ropes but Hayes blocked and hit a springboard kick off the ropes. They showed a replay as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Hayes had Andrade in an armbar on the mat. Andrade fought to his feet but Hayes pushed him back down. Andrade got to his feet and Andrade fought him off with a jawbreaker. Hayes ran off the ropes but Andrade took him down with a big clothesline. Hayes punched away at Andrade and Andrade returned with strikes of his own. Andrade delivered to Dragon Legsweeps. Andrade knocked Hayes down in the corner. Andrade motioned to the crowd as they cheered him on. Andrade backed up and charged to hit double knees. Andrade made the cover for a two count. Andrade set up for a suplex but Hayes got free and landed a spin around facebuster. Hayes made the cover for a two count. Hayes lifted Andrade to his feet and took him to the corner. Hayes lifted Andrade to the top rope. Hayes followed Andrade up. Hayes set up for a back suplex but Andrade elbowed him off and to the mat. Andrade went for a moonsault but Hayes moved. Andrade landed on his feet and landed a standing moonsault. Andrade made the cover for a near fall. Andrade went for a back suplex but Hayes landed on his feet. Hayes landed a kick to the leg than a kick to the face followed by a knee. Andrade recovered and caught Hayes with a spinning elbow. Andrade made the cover for a two count. Andrade climbed to the top rope. Andrade came off and Hayes countered with the First 48. Hayes made the cover for a two count. Hayes climbed to the top rope and came off but Andrade moved. Hayes went for the facebuster but Andrade countered into the Message for the win.

WINNER: Andrade in 10:00

(McDonald’s Analysis: Good match. They worked well together. Can we all just admit that there are literally no plans for Hayes? Andrade doesn’t matter at all and doesn’t have anything going on and he beat him clean in the middle of the ring. This company loves protecting people and doing non-finishes and interferences and roll-up’s galore. They didn’t even bother here. Neither one of these guys are portrayed as important, but this is very telling about Hayes’ place on the Smackdown totem pole.)

-Graves and Barrett sat ringside. They threw to a video recap of Nia Jax defeating Michin last week on Smackdown. The video then showed Tiffany Stratton and Jax taking out Bayley and the teased Money in the Bank cash-in from Stratton.

-They showed Jax and Bayley being mic’ed up for an interview after the break. [c]

-Jax and Bayley were on a split-screen. Graves started the interview and Jax cut him off. Jax said that everyone should start feeling sorry for Bayley now. Jax said she’s going to beat Bayley at Summerslam and put her down like an old sick dog. Bayley said Jax hasn’t changed in the ten years they have known each other. Jax said she has changed and Bayley should refer to her as the Queen. Bayley said that Jax knows what she means. Bayley said it’s the same Jax that took Bayley out of her Summerslam match in 2017. Bayley said that it changed her career. Bayley said that Jax didn’t hurt her because she’s good, she hurt her because she’s reckless and clumsy. Jax got upset and said she’s coming for the title and wants to take it from Bayley. Bayley said that if Jax has changed so much, she has too. Bayley said she’s walking out of Summerslam the champion and Jax can’t stop her. Jax asked if the interview was over. Jax ripped the mic off.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Good stuff. Both women shined here but Jax seemed off after the cutting comments from Bayley. That may have been intentional as she played the rattled challenger who was called out on past actions. It also could have been a line that she didn’t know was coming. If it was the first one, it was good acting by Jax.)

-They showed a graphic for Jax against Bayley at Summerslam. Barrett promoted the match.

-Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill were in the back. They bumped into Chelsea Green and Piper Niven in front of Nick Aldis’ office. Green told them to get lost because they’re next. Belair challenged Green to a match tonight to decide who gets to speak to Aldis first.

(McDonald’s Analysis: I like that they’re attempting to give backstory to these matches but this was childish and lame. Why does it matter who talks to Aldis first? This was just written like kids arguing on the playground. It’s fine for Green, but Belair shouldn’t be involved in nonsense like this.)

-Bianca Belair made her entrance with Jade Cargill. They showed a graphic for Belair against Green. Barrett hyped the match for after the break. [c]

-Belair was in the ring with Cargill.

-Chelsea Green made her entrance with Piper Niven.

(2) BIANCA BELAIR (w/ Jade Cargill) vs. CHELSEA GREEN (w/ Piper Niven)

Green yelled at Belair in the ring. Green slapped Belair. Belair returned the favor. Belair landed a German suplex. Belair came off the ropes with a moonsault. Belair went for the KOD but Green got free. Green rolled up Belair for a two count. Belair countered the roll-up and pinned Green for the win.

WINNER: Bianca Belair in 2:00

-The four women stared each other down in the ring. Niven and Green bailed out.

(McDonald’s Analysis: I guess Belair and Cargill get to talk to Aldis first now. Even Green gets protected with a roll-up loss.)

-Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn appeared on the screen. They taunted Belair and Cargill and said they would be on Smackdown next week. They mentioned a rematch and told Belair and Cargill “we’ll see”.

-L.A. Knight was shown in the back making his way to the arena. Barrett promoted his contract signing with Logan Paul for after the break. [c]

-They showed a graphic for Rhodes and a mystery partner against Theory and Waller. Barrett said that Rhodes needs to hurry up and find a partner.

-Nick Aldis was in the ring. He said that Summerslam is right around the corner. He said it is his responsibility to get the contract signed for the United States Championship match. Aldis introduced L.A. Knight.

-L.A. Knight made his entrance. Graves mentioned that Knight has already signed the contract. Knight stood with Aldis in the ring. Aldis then introduced Logan Paul.

-Logan Paul made his entrance.

-Paul entered the ring and stood opposite Knight. Aldis stood between them. Paul looked over his sunglasses at Knight. The crowd chanted for Knight. Paul pointed at the contract in Aldis’ hands. Paul asked why he would give Knight a shot at the U.S. title. Knight said that maybe Paul is right and he should take a walk and they can think about this later. Knight said Paul should reconsider because every time they’ve been face to face Knight has owned Paul. Knight said a year ago he came down here and he gave Paul directions for where he could stick all his Prime. Knight said since then, Paul has become U.S. Champion. Knight said he can’t take that away. Knight said that makes him the man. He said he asked Paul for a shot and Paul said no. Knight said he took matters into his own hands and went to Paul’s house. He said that got him a Money in the Bank Qualifier where he pinned Paul. Knight said that was good but he wants a title shot.


-Paul said that Knight sounds pathetic. He said Knight needs the match against Paul but Paul doesn’t need the match with Knight. Paul said they aren’t the same. Paul said Knight’s entire existence is in the ring. Paul said he’s doing other things and is in the zeitgeist of culture. Paul said he likes Knight’s gimmick. Paul said that for someone who’s existence is defined by what he does in the ring, he hasn’t had a defining moment in twenty years. Paul said Knight is a gym bro pretending to be The Rock. Knight said he’s heard that before and Paul is using old material. Knight called Paul a fraud for pretending to be U.S. Champion. Knight said Paul’s brother is willing to get in the ring with Mike Tyson but Paul doesn’t have the balls to get in the ring with Knight. Knight said balls don’t run in the family. Paul said he would sign the contract and give Knight a shot at glory. Paul said Knight has nothing of value to give him. Paul said he’s going to draw a map for Knight where he can stick his dreams of becoming U.S. Champion. Aldis held back Knight and Paul and prevented them from fighting. The crowd cheered on Knight.

-Paul started to walk away but attacked Knight. Knight fought back and got the advantage. Knight went for a BFT but Paul escaped and rolled to the outside of the ring. Paul talked trash as he backed up the ramp.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Strong segment. I like the chemistry with these two guys and I’m really looking forward to their match. I hope we get two more interactions between them on the shows leading up to Summerslam. Their strength is on the mic so I hope WWE uses that to their advantage to build the match.

-Barrett and Graves were shown ringside. Graves said the match between Paul and Knight is official for Summerslam. Graves threw to a video package on this year’s Women’s Money in the Bank winner Tiffany Stratton.

-Tiffany Stratton made her entrance. Nia Jax followed behind her. Barrett promoted Stratton’s match with Michin for after the break. [c]

(McDonald’s Analysis: I was really hoping we would get a pink and bedazzled briefcase.)

-Knight was in the back. He bumped into Santos Escobar and Elektra Lopez. He congratulated Knight on getting his title shot with Paul. Escobar said that he was in the match with Knight and Paul and didn’t get pinned. Escobar said if it was him and Knight it would have been different. Knight said he’s been there before and it didn’t go that way. Escobar warned Knight about winning the title. Lopez said Knight might get hurt.

-Michin made her entrance.


The bell rang fifteen minutes into the second hour. Stratton took Michin down and posed. Michin rolled up Stratton for a two count. Michin landed a dropkick that knocked Stratton down in the corner. Michin charged and hit a cannonball. She covered Stratton for another two count. Stratton rolled to the outside. Michin chased her. Jax stopped Michin. They argued and Stratton attacked Michin. Stratton delivered an Alabama Slam on Michin on the outside. The ref checked on Michin as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Stratton was in control of Michin and took her down. Stratton hit a springboard splash off the top rope and covered Michin for a two count. Stratton landed a handspring elbow on Michin in the corner. Stratton followed up with a spinebuster and made the cover for a two count. Stratton came off the ropes and flipped into an Alabama Slam attempt. Michin rolled up Stratton a pair of times for two counts. Michin landed a kick and followed with another. Stratton charged Michin and Michin took her down again. Michin hit a tornado DDT and covered Stratton for yet another two count. Stratton countered Michin and sent her into the ropes. Stratton rocked Michin against the ropes and followed up with a running kick. Stratton made the cover for a two count. Stratton took Michin to the corner and set her on the top rope. Michin knocked Stratton back. Michin came off the ropes and took Stratton down and to the outside. Michin ran the ropes but Jax grabbed her foot. Michin charged but Stratton landed a right hand from the apron. Stratton landed a rolling senton and started to the top rope. Bayley appeared and distracted Stratton. Jax went after Bayley but Bayley moved. Bayley hit Stratton with the briefcase. Bayley slammed the briefcase against the announce table. Bayley opened the briefcase and stomped on it. Michin rolled up Stratton for the win.

WINNER: Michin in 8:00

-Bayley tossed the dented briefcase into the ring and celebrated with Michin at ringside.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Oh, that might be how we get the new Tiffy style briefcase. I’m all for that. Stratton is already so good at such a young age. She could be the best female worker in WWE in two to three years.)

-The Bloodline was in a pre-taped segment. Solo Sikoa said that life is good when you’re the Tribal Chief on the Island of Relevancy. He said it’s also busy. Sikoa said there’s a mystery. He said it isn’t about who’s going to be Rhodes partner, it’s about who’s going to disrespect the Bloodline by teaming with Rhodes. He said if someone teams with Rhodes, they’re against the Bloodline. He said everyone saw what they did to Orton last week. Sikoa said everyone should respect the Tribal Chief and acknowledge him. [c]

(McDonald’s Analysis: The dark, sitting around a table thing works for this new version of the Bloodline. It fits the character that they’re trying to get across and Sikoa seems more comfortable in this role. He’s gotten better in front of a live crowd, but this is a great way to break the monotony of him standing in the middle of the ring and delivering a promo every week. Jacob Fatu looks menacing in the back directly behind Sikoa. None of this is done on accident. There was a slight error with the writing of this and Sikoa contradicting himself a little, but the message came across loud and clear. If they would stop running away and get the upper hand more often than not, this group would work even better.)

-There was a video package on last week’s Tag Team Championship match. The video then transitioned to the attack from Jacob Fatu.

-Barrett announced a Tag Team Gauntlet match to determine new number one contenders next week. Barrett and Graves also announced Michin and Bayley against Jax and Stratton for next week.

-Rhodes was in the back. Kevin Owens appeared next to him. Owens said they need to get out there. Owens made his way toward the arena and then made his entrance.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Oh, it’s not someone Cody can bail out, it’s someone he can squash the heels with.)

-Cody Rhodes made his entrance. Graves promoted the tag team match for after the break. [c]

-Austin Theory and Grayson Waller made their entrance.


Rhodes started with Theory. They locked up and Theory grabbed a headlock. Rhodes shot Theory off the ropes and then took him down with a shoulder tackle. Owens tagged in and they double teamed Theory. Owens made the cover for a two count. Owens took Theory down with an elbow and Theory rolled to the outside. Owens knocked over the Prime bottle and tossed Theory back into the ring. Rhodes tagged back in. Rhodes knocked Waller off the apron. Theory attacked Rhodes from behind and then tagged in Waller. Waller held Rhodes down as Theory punched away at him. Waller landed knees to the gut of Rhodes. Rhodes went down. Waller went for a back suplex but Rhodes landed on his feet and sent Waller to the corner. Rhodes tagged in Owens. Owens beat on Waller. Waller rolled to the outside. Owens dropped to the outside and ran around the ring to take down Waller with a clothesline. Owens kept running and took Theory down with a clothesline. Back in the ring, Owens hit Waller with an atomic drop followed by a kick. Waller was down in the corner and Owens hit a cannonball. Owens climbed to the top rope. Theory grabbed Owens but Owens kicked him off. Owens came off with a Swanton Bomb but Waller got his knees up. Theory tagged in and rolled through the ropes to hit a dropkick. Waller tagged back in and hit an elbow drop. Waller knocked Rhodes off the apron and then covered Owens for a two count. [c]

Owens was down in the ring. Theory tagged in Waller. Waller landed an elbow drop and made the cover for a two count. Waller hit Owens again and made another cover for a two count. Waller put Owens in a headlock. Owens fought to his feet. Owens fought off Waller with right hands. Waller hit a series of knees that sent Owens to the corner. Waller kicked at the gut and Owens collapsed in the corner. Owens rolled to the outside. Waller landed a punch. Waller went to the apron and Owens pulled him down. Owens knocked Waller into the ring steps. Owens ran into the ring and tried to tag Rhodes but Waller tackled him. Waller stayed on the attack and took Owens back to the corner. Waller landed shots and put Owens on the top rope. Waller climbed up to join Owens and went for a superplex. Owens punched Waller off. Waller came back up and landed shots. Waller set up for a superplex again. Owens punched away at Waller again. They traded rights on the top turnbuckle. Owens got the better of the exchange and Waller fell to the mat. Owens came off with a Swanton Bomb. Owens tagged in Rhodes. Rhodes came off the ropes and took down Waller and then slammed Theory. Rhodes landed a punch from the mat and then emulated Dusty Rhodes’ punches before a Bionic Elbow. Rhodes knocked Waller off the apron after a blind tag. Rhodes hit a DDT on Theory. Waller hit the ring and hit a facebuster on Rhodes. Waller made the cover for a two count. Waller tagged Theory. Theory lifted Rhodes to his shoulders and Waller went to the second rope. Rhodes got free and pushed Theory into Waller. Waller shoved Theory into a Cody Cutter. Owens hit Waller with the Stunner. Rhodes got Cross Rhodes on Theory and pinned him for the win.

WINNER: Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens in 12:00

-Rhodes and Owens hugged in the ring.

-Solo Sikoa made his entrance with Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa. Rhodes went after Tama and Sikoa. Loa hit the ring and went after Owens. Owens raked his eyes. Rhodes beat up Sikoa at ringside. They set up to put Sikoa through the announce table but Jacob Fatu attacked Owens and Rhodes from behind. Owens fought back but Fatu landed a superkick. Fatu took Owens into the ring and hit him with headbutts. Fatu hit the running butt bump on Owens in the corner. Fatu yelled at Owens and then hit another running butt bump. Fatu hit two more. Sikoa and Tama held Rhodes to watch the attack. Fatu pulled Owens out of the corner and climbed to the top rope. Fatu came off the top and hit Owens with a flying headbutt. Sikoa barked orders at ringside. Tama, Fatu, and Sikoa powerbombed Rhodes through the announce table. Owens crawled over. Tama put a chair around Owens’ neck and sent him into the ring post.

-Fatu held up the Tribal Lai and placed it around the neck of Sikoa. Sikoa stood over Rhodes. The Bloodline posed over the fallen Cody Rhodes.

(McDonald’s Analysis: There we go. I was getting worried the show was going to end with Owens and Rhodes celebrating beating Theory and Waller like they just won the Super Bowl. This was much better. It should be heavy heat on the heels all the way until Summerslam. Rhodes is going to make Sikoa look foolish when he beats him anyway, but you have to do as much as possible to make it seem like Sikoa has some chance of winning. Fatu is a star in the making and he’s making the absolute most of this opportunity. I didn’t see if the Tongans are in the Gauntlet match, but if they are, they should win and win the titles at Summerslam. It will feel hollow when Sikoa loses, but it would be something for this group. The title match has come too soon, but they didn’t have anything else lined up for Rhodes so this is the best logical option at this point. I imagine Owens will be out like Orton and it will seem like Rhodes doesn’t have anyone on his side. This would be the opportunity to bring Roman Reigns back to even the odds. There’s no reason Rhodes has to be involved in that, but something tells me he will be. If they don’t go that route, I imagine we will get Fatu against Owens at Summerslam which would be very interesting given their styles. Regardless of what they do, the Bloodline story remains interesting and mixing the new characters with the old will give us fresh matches throughout the rest of the year. On top of that, Sikoa could be a main event guy and a breath of fresh air into that scene. Fatu could be the same now and when he’s eventually on his own.)


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