AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (7/17): Keller’s report on MJF vs. Will Ospreay, Strickland vs. Okada, Mercedes vs. Willow, Mariah May speaks about attack on Toni Storm last week, TV Time with Jericho

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


JULY 17, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reported earlier today that 2,603 tickets had been distributed so far; arena is set up for 3,249. More tickets have been sold since then. Subscribe to WrestleTix on Patreon for detailed up-to-date information.


PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by PWTorch’s Chris Lansdell to review AEW Dynamite LIVE tonight right after Dynamite. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Dynamite during the show.

Email our post-show at with your comments and questions about Dynamite. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.



-They cut right to MJF’s ring entrance as a camera showed the gathered crowd of around 3,000 for the 250th episode of Dynamite. MJF’s ring entrance promptly began as Excalibur introduced the show.


MJF did a graphic hybrid crotch-chop/jerk-off hand gesture at someone in the crowd when he entered the ring. Schiavone called him a scumbag. Ospreay then made his entrance. Excalibur and Schiavone discussed how MJF felt that Ospreay came in to AEW to steal the spotlight and usurp all the hard work MJF did as champion. He said even that isn’t an excuse for his despicable tactics. The bell rang three minutes into the hour.

Excalibur said MJF is a great wrestler, but a horrible human being. MJF rolled out of the ring and leaped over the ringside barricade. Fans booed. He returned to ringside and tore up a fan sign. MJF entered the ring and strutted and then did a pelvic thrust. Ospreay flipped out of an MJF arm lock and then mocked MJF’s trust and hip gyrations. (How does the sign that says “MJF eats corn the long way” make TV every week. It seems like something you’d see on TV in 1998, not 2024.) Excalibur said MJF was able to defeat Kenny Omega, and Omega is the closest to Omega in terms of his skillset.

At 5:00, MJF grounded Ospreay with an armbar. He yanked on Ospreay’s hair to drive him into the mat. MJF caught Ospreay with a stunner out of nowhere for a two count. Ospreay countered a Heat Seeker, but then MJF landed a leaping cutter for a near fall. Ospreay came back with a springboard flying forearm. Both were down and slow to get up. Ospreay landed a handspring backflip over the top rope onto a standing MJF at ringside. Ospreay leaped off the second rope, but MJF moved. Ospreay landed on his feet and then landed a shooting star press and then a sky twister for a two count in a rapid-fire sequence. Taz said Ospreay makes those moves look easy.

As Ospreay signaled for his Hidden Blade, fans chanted, “This is awesome!” MJF rolled out of the ring. Ospreay slingshot himself at MJF with a forearm to his head. Ospreay grabbed a table from ringside and set it up. Fans chanted, “Tables!” Ospreay chopped MJF’s chest in the corner. They countered each other a few times and it ended with a leaping piledriver by MJF for a two count. Both were down and slow to get up. Graphics hyped upcoming matches and segments.

MJF applied a figure-four. Ospreay eventually grabbed the bottom rope to force a break. Ospreay’s knee gave out as MJF whipped him across the ring. Ospreay collapsed and grabbed his knee. MJF smiled and then chopped Ospreay hard in the chest. He followed by raking his back with his fingernails. Ospreay again went down and massaged his knee. The ref backed MJF away. MJF rightfully pushed past the ref and went back on the attack.

Ospreay fought back, but continued to favor his knee. MJF clipped his leg to regain control. Ospreay eventually stopped the MJF onslaught with a cutter. He crawled over to MJF, but MJF rolled to the floor. Ospreay went for an OsCutter on the ring apron, but MJF moved. Ospreay pointed in pain to his shoulder as they cut to a double-box break. [c/db]

Back from the break, Osprey took over and landed a spinning sitout powerbomb for a near fall. Fans chanted “Fight forever!” as both wrestlers were down and slow to get up. MJF tried to escape into the crowd. Ospreay pursued him. Ospreay held MJF across a hand rail. A little girl moved over, at the encouragement of Ospreay, and punched MJF. Excalibur laughed, but quickly caught himself and said no fans should ever get involved in that way. MJF gave her the ringer. An adult woman next to the girl laughed and thought it was funny. Ospreay grabbed a fan’s t-shirt that said “Kangaroo Kick” on it. Ospreay put MJF’s head in a trash can and lifted him upside down. MJF stumbled back to ringside at 28:00.

Ospreay put MJF on a table and then climbed to the top rope. MJF rolled off the table and rolled back into the ring. They countered each other with various moves and scored two counts. MJF caught Ospreay with a Panama Sunrise. MJF put Ospreay on the table at ringside. MJF climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Ospreay rolled off the table. Schiavone oddly pointed out fans booed when Ospreay moved, noting they just wanted to see someone go through a table. MJF beat up Ospreay at ringside, then told a ringside camera that he’s the best in the world.

Ospreay came back with a leaping cutter at ringside. They continued to battle back and forth. MJF knocked Ospreay off balance on a springboard attempt. Then he knocked Ospreay off the to rope with a clothesline and Ospreay looked like he had a bad landing on his head and neck. MJF scored a two count. The ref checked on Ospreay. MJF then lifted Ospreay fora. tombstone on the ring apron. Ospreay countered, but MJF kicked his way free.

Ospreay then gave MJF a Styles Clash on the ring apron. They tumbled to the floor as fans chanted “Holy shit!” Ospreay scored a two count in the ring. Ospreay favored his left arm and landed a one-arm powerbomb for a near fall at 37:00. With both men down, they cut to a partial double-box break. [c/db]

Excalibur said the ring doc appeared to reset Ospreay’s left shoulders during the break. Ospreay was in control after the break, but MJF countered with a tombstone for a near fall at 41:00. Ospreay backdropped a charging MJF over the top rope to ringside. MJF took over at ringside and then turned his back to Ospreay and pointed at his head and said, “That’s why I’m the smartest wrestler.” Then Ospreay leaped through the ropes and hit MJF from behind with a Hidden Blade.

Back in the ring, Ospreay leaped off the top rope and landed another Hidden Blade for a two count at 44:00. Ospreay delivered a Styles Clash off the second rope. He was slow to make the cover due to his arm. When he made the cover, MJF stopped the count with his arm on the bottom rope. MJF snapped Ospreay’s arm over the top rope and then went for a Heat Seeker. Ospreay’s head didn’t hit the mat as he got caught up in the ropes. MJF put Ospreay on a table and then leaped off the top rope with a flying elbow that landed. Ospreay crashed through the table.

With both men down at ringside, they cut to another double-box break. [c/db]

MJF had Ospreay in an abdominal stretch. MJF held the top rope for leverage. The ref caught it and kicked MJF’s arm. Ospreay scored a series of leverage two counts. MJF caught Ospreay mid-air and powerbombed him onto his own knee for a two count. (That was a hell of a move.) Both were down and slow to get up at 53:00.

Ospreay went for a top rope huracanrana, but MJF landed on his feet. “Amazing!” exclaimed Schiavone. MJF landed a lariat on Ospreay in the corner. He then thrust his crotch in Ospreay’s face before going for a top rope huracanrana. Ospreay landed on his feet. MJF blinked and looked stunned. “This is an all-time,” said Schiavone. “It really is.” Ospreay and MJF exchanged counter moves. MJF gave double-middle fingers to the hard cam. Ospreay hook kicked him in the face from behind. Ospreay then sunset flipped MJF for a two count. They countered each other with multiple one and two counts.


Ospreay went for a springboard OsCutter. MJF kicked him out of mid-air. Ospreay continued his attack and landed a Spanish Fly for a two count. Both were down and slow to get up again. Fans stood and applauded. They battled on the top rope. MJF countered Ospreay and set up a tombstone. Ospreay slipped free and hit an OsCutter and then a Hidden Blade for a near fall. Ospreay went for another Hidden Blade, but MJF saw the big screen and ducked.

Ospreay set up a Tiger Driver at the “one minute remains” announcement was made. Excalibur said he vowed not to use that move again. Ospreay lifted MJF, but then he paused and dropped him. MJF shoved Ospreay into the ref. With the ref down, MJF whacked Ospreay with a loaded fist and then draped his arm across Ospreay’s chest for a three count. The camera showed the Dynamite Diamond Ring at ringside.

WINNER: MJF in 59:58 to capture the International Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: Stellar amazing state of the art match without the slower segments that often pad matches that go an hour. I don’t know if there were any doubters left about how good MJF is, but he silenced the last of any doubters. Ospreay reaffirmed his stature. A great statement match for AEW on the 250th Dynamite.)

-After the match, MJF remained on top of Ospreay and neither moved for a while. Trainers entered and gave both oxygen. A crazed looking MJF looked into the camera and said, “You can thank me later.”

-Arkady Aura interviewed The Acclaimed and Mark Briscoe. Max Caster suggested to Mark Briscoe that they should be his partners in Blood & Guts. Briscoe was enthusiastic, but he said it’s not his call alone. Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana entered the picture. Swerve said he and the Acclaimed have been through a lot and he knows what they’re about. He said there’s no better people to go war with than the people you’ve gone to battle with. He asked if they were ready to get violent. Briscoe yelled that they’re ready for next week.

-Excalibur hyped the All In main event of Swerve vs. Bryan Danielson. Then he hyped Swerve vs. Kazuchika Okada later tonight, a first-ever match-up.

-Big Bill introduced Chris Jericho for a “TV Time” segment. He criticized the crime rate in Little Rock. He said he’s been on almost every Dynamite starting with the first episode. He promised to never miss another Dynamite again until episode 500. “Thanks, guys,” he snidely said. Jericho commented on a replay of him throwing a fireball at Hook and driving Samoa Joe through a wall last week. He said people are getting hurt and it has to stop. He asked who would be crazy enough not to listen to The Learning Tree at this point? As he went on and on, Minoru Suzuki’s music played and he walked out. Suzuki entered the ring. Bryan Keith read a statement that said Suzuki vs. Jericho is booked for next week and Big Bill and Keith are banned from ringside. Suzuki head-butted Jericho.

-The Young Bucks and Okada cut a promo backstage. Nicholas and Matthew talked about winning all the gold and all the power by next week after Blood & Guts. Matthew said the AEW World Title might be vacated after next week’s match. Mercedes Moné walked up to them and they acted chummy. Okada wanted Moné to do her CEO dance. Moné did it. Okada acted like he was about to faint and began sweating profusely. [c]

(2) MERCEDES MONE vs. NYLA ROSE – TBS Title match

At 2:00 Mercedes set up a DDT, but Nyla blocked it and yelled, “Have you lost your mind?” Rose then leaped off the top rope with a knee to the back of Mercedes’s neck as she was balancing over the top rope. That led to a two count. They cut to a double-box break at 3:00. [c/db]

Excalibur noted that Nyla was part of AEW pre-dating Dynamite and it’d mean so much to her to win the TBS Title on this “milestone” event. Mercedes landed a leaping bulldog off the top rope. Mercedes put on a CEO glove and applied a Lock Jaw. Nyla bit her hand. (Good idea.) She shifted to a Statement Maker STF style submission for the tapout win.

WINNER: Mercedes in 9:00 to retain the TBS Title.

-Mercedes yanked a sign away from a ringside fan holding up a sign that said “DMD > CEO.” The masked person pie-faced Mercedes and then revealed she was Britt Baker. Security ran out and separated them quickly. [c]

-Backstage, Jack Perry addressed Darby through a camera. He said he got his attention last week, but all he had to do was ask. He asked if he thought he gave a shit about Brandon Cutler. The camera panned down and Cutler was moaning in pain. Perry threw him around backstage. He walked back to the camera and said, “Come find me tonight and I’ll show you what a real sacrifice looks like.”

-Mariah May made her entrance, dressed up at Toni Storm. Taz and Excalibur at first acted like they thought Storm herself was coming out rather than Mariah to Storm’s music. The announcers speculated on whether it was a long plot by Mariah or a spur of the moment decision to turn on Storm.

She soaked up the moment in a silent arena. Schiavone said, “Okay, speak, bitch.” Taz called Schiavone unprofessional. Schiavone apologized. Excalibur said, “We hear the b-word enough here on Dynamite.” (I didn’t imagine Schiavone would be the one resetting the Bitch-o-Meter tonight!) “Let’s be honest,” she said. “You all saw it coming except for Toni Storm.” She said Storm is so desperate for a spotlight, she didn’t realize she was giving it away.

She said the question shouldn’t be why, but rather what took her so long. “Honestly, I didn’t think it would last this long either.” She said it was so easy and she was having so much fun stringing her along, “I just wanted to see how far it would go.”

She said she decided it’d be better to kill the horse in front of as many people as possible rather than take it out back behind the barn. She said she has been Toni Storm and now she can be so much more. Fans chanted, “We Want Toni!” She said she never loved Storm more than when she was on her knees, bleeding and screaming her name. “That was your greatest performance,” she said. She said her greatest performance will be at All In “because now All Elite Wrestling is all about Mariah.” She dropped to the mat on her back and wriggled and rubbed the canvas.

(Keller’s Analysis: Her cadence was so drawn out, it’s like she was prepared for a two minute speech and had to fill four minutes. I’m not even being critical, because I think it was effective, and largely a miracle she didn’t get “What?!” chants.)

-They cut to a Collision highlight where Christopher Daniels told The Gunns & Juice Robinson that The Bang Bang Gang were being stripped of the Trios Titles due to an injury to Jay White. He said he didn’t like the decision, but he had to make it. He said if they don’t give up the belts, he’d be forced to suspend them and they can’t get an opportunity to win them back. They quickly handed the belts over. the Gunns and Juice closed with a promo aimed at The Patriarchy regarding their match for the now-vacant Trios Titles on Collision this Saturday. [c]


The bell rang 52 minutes into the hour. Okada and Swerve avoided some of each other’s signature spots and then squared off mid-ring in a staredow. Excalibur congratulated Willow Nightingale for winning the CMLL Women’s Title last weekend. Swerve struck a pose after hitting a flying elbow to the back of Okada’s neck. Okada sat up and stared at Swerve, then stood. They exchanged strikes. Okada reverse-whipped Swerve and slammed him to the mat. Swerve rolled to ringside. Okada DDT’d him on the ringside mat. They cut to a double-box break at 3:00. [c/db]

Okada methodically worked over Swerve during the break. Swerve leaped off the ring apron and snapped Okada’s neck over the top rope. He then went on a string of offense in the ring leading to a two count at 8:00.


Okada came back with a top rope elbowdrop. He gave the hard camera a middle finger gesture. Swerve recovered and caught Okada with a flurry of strikes. Okada cut him off with a standing dropkick. Okada avoided a Swerve Stomp and then landed a tombstone. Swerve countered a Rainmaker attempt with a leaping Swerve Stomp. The Young Bucks ran in and attacked Swerve.

WINNER: Swerve via DQ in 12:00.

-The Acclaimed ran out to offset the Bucks. Jack Perry ran out followed by Mark Briscoe. As officials finally separate everyone, Darby’s music played. Perry and the Bucks looked around. Darby was then lowered from the rafters on a cable. He joined in the fight that broke out again.


PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by PWTorch’s Chris Lansdell to review AEW Dynamite LIVE tonight right after Dynamite. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Dynamite during the show.

Email our post-show at with your comments and questions about Dynamite. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.


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